Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1315 Hubby Is too Fierce 1314

C1315 Hubby Is too Fierce 1314

Bai Chichi sighed, "It is a long story. I am not sure who she is, but there are many things that are not right. "    


"What is wrong? Tell me quickly. Did something that you cannot solve happen when I left?" When Xin Xiaozi heard this news, she felt that it had greatly exceeded her expectations.    


Why was it that in just a few short months, not only did Bai Chichi's relationship with Chen Yuan change, even Chen Yuan's background became unclear?    


"There was a period of time ago when Qing picked up a person on the street. He said that he was from Green Mountain Township and was also a disaster victim. "    


"So he is from Chen Yuan's hometown?"    


"Yes, he said so, but I saw that Chen Yuan did not know him at all and later proved it. " Bai Chichi nodded.    


Xin Xiaozi looked at her, "Is he lying or Chen Yuan?"    


"Qing had sent people to Green Mountain Township to investigate and said that there was no such person. This point was very strange because at the beginning, Chen Yuan did not deny it at all. Perhaps at that time, she still had some scruples. "    


"Really? This was too bizarre. What happened after that?"    


"Later on, it became even more ridiculous. After that person was expelled, he even kidnapped Chen Yuan. But before that, he said some puzzling things to me. "    


"What is it?" Xin Xiaozi was confused.    


Bai Chichi had told her about the ticket that Wu Deyong had told her. She had said it at that time with a nose and eyes. It did not sound like she was making things up.    


Bai Chichi could not help but believe Situ Qing. Furthermore, Wu Deyong was also in jail, so this matter was temporarily put aside.    


"Speaking of which, it's really puzzling. What exactly is going on? Should we go to Green Mountain Township and investigate it ourselves?" Xin Xiaozi usually liked to watch reasoning films. Now that Chen Yuan had some suspicious points, she was really eager to find out the truth.    


But Bai Chichi patted her stomach and said, "Do you think my current appearance is suitable to go to such a faraway place to investigate? Forget it. It is just a stranger's words. It is fine if I think about it. "    


"How can I forget about it? If what he said is true. . . Chen Yuan is too scheming. If you think about it carefully, you will be afraid! "    


"You are exaggerating. What is there to be afraid of?"    


Xin Xiaozi poked Bai Chichi's forehead. "You are too careless. If that was really the case, what was Chen Yuan's goal? Why would she do that? Do you want to take Situ Qing away from you, or do you want more things?"    


"Enough, enough. Once you mention something like this, you get excited! It's not like we're really shooting a movie. We don't have so many goals! " Bai Chichi did not want Xin Xiaozi to participate because she was also afraid that Chen Yuan might have something hidden behind her.    


If Xin Xiaozi was implicated, then it would be terrible.    


"Then what do you plan to do? Are you going to just ignore it like this?" Xin Xiaozi was not like Bai Chichi. She liked to be serious about everything and the more complicated it was, the more interesting it was.    


Moreover, this was related to Bai Chichi's happiness and Xin Xiaozi felt that it was her duty to do so.    


Helpless, Bai Chichi nodded her head and said, "Yes, I feel that it is better not to care about it for the time being. If Chen Yuan really has a problem, sooner or later she will give herself away. "    


"I think you are afraid of Situ Qing, right? To be honest, he really protected Chen Yuan. You are so generous. Can you see it? "    


Bai Chichi said faintly," Why can't I see it? I believe that he only has me in his heart, so I must firmly stand on his side. "    


"Don't you also have the same thoughts in your heart? Isn't he the only one? I think he seems to mind Qin Xuesong quite a bit. In that case, your realm is much higher than his! " Xin Xiaozi said with a smile.    


"Because Snow Pine did do a lot of bad things previously. You also know that person Qing. It is very difficult to increase it again after the impression is lowered. " Bai Chichi knew that Situ Qing loved her too much, which was why she was prejudiced against Qin Xuesong.    


Besides, Dayong's explanation made things worse. Situ Qing hated those who did little things the most. He was a gentleman to begin with.    


"That's true, but has Qin Xuesong been looking for you recently?" Xin Xiaozi asked casually at this point.    


Bai Chichi shook her head. "No, but I met him once on the street. "    


"Ah? When did this happen?"    


"It was when I told you about the danger of buying the glutinous rice cake. It was still Xuesong who saved me, but I didn't tell him about it. " Bai Chichi once again explained the situation to Xin Xiaozi in detail.    


After Xin Xiaozi heard it, she asked doubtfully, "You mean, you did not see him for a long time before this?"    


"Sigh, he also left because of me. " Bai Chichi still did not want to believe that Dayong had been instructed by Qin Xuesong to destroy her parents' home.    


Unable to resist Xin Xiaozi's questioning, Bai Chichi told her everything about the verbal agreement between Qin Xuesong and Situ Qing.    


"Ah? There is such a thing! Then did that Dayong really do what Qin Xuesong told him to do to hurt your parents? " Xin Xiaozi had experienced it with Bai Chichi at that time, so when she heard it, she was filled with righteous indignation.    


Bai Chichi shook her head. "No, I don't think so. It was just that Qing was angry at that time. Xue Song was afraid that he would argue with me about this matter, so he simply left. "    


"After he left, he suddenly appeared at the critical moment when you were in danger? Bai Chichi, you are really too naive! I saw that Qin Xuesong did not really leave. He must be secretly protecting you!" Xin Xiaozi sighed and said.    


Bai Chichi looked at her in shock, "No way!"    


"Only you are so naive! Qin Xuesong has changed. I believe he doesn't need to use despicable means to achieve his goal. Anyway, you are married to Situ Qing and still have a baby. Qin Xuesong just doesn't want you to be hurt, so he used the excuse of wanting to leave. In fact, he is by your side. "    


"Is what you said true?" Bai Chichi really did not think about this.    


Xin Xiaozi said with certainty, "It is really the people who are at the scene who are blinded by the onlookers who are able to see clearly! I think it must be like this. Back then, Qin Xuesong felt guilty towards you. Now, he wants to pay you back! "    


" It would be great if you could understand that. He was always afraid of Qin Xuesong. He still has the same bad character as before. It will have a negative impact on my life. "    


"Both men are right. They both want to be good to you! However, from their point of view, it's normal for them to hate each other. " Xin Xiaozi's analysis was very logical.    


Bai Chichi thought for a while and said with a smile, "What virtue and ability do I have to be able to have so much care and concern in one body!"    


"So Chen Yuan hates you to death! Compared to you, can her mind be balanced?" Xin Xiaozi hit the nail on the head.    


"Why did it have to do with Chen Yuan again?"    


Xin Xiaozi looked as if she had failed to meet her expectations. "What should I say about you? Chen Yuan deliberately approached Situ Qing, wasn't she scheming against you? Because you are in the middle of this matter, you can't think of that much. "    


" Whether what you said makes sense or not, I am not sure yet. " Bai Chichi did not think that Chen Yuan was jealous of everything that she had. She thought that Chen Yuan purely wanted to be with Situ Qing.    


"How can I not be sure? Chen Yuan must have lost her mind and wanted to deal with you. You are still so stupid that you cannot see clearly. "    


Bai Chichi shook her head and said, "No, she just likes to be clear. There is no need to have any other hatred towards me!"    


"That might not be the case. You have already said that her identity is a mystery. Now I feel that Chen Yuan seems to have come to our house with some kind of purpose!"    


"She said she came to clear her troubles in the earthquake. Later, she worked with us every day and developed feelings for us every day. " Bai Chichi did not think as far as Xin Xiaozi could.    


Xin Xiaozi was like a detective as she stretched out a finger and waved it in front of Bai Chichi. She said, "No, no, no! Definitely not! If that was really the case, then what you said about her hiding her identity is not true!"    




"Of course, if she was lying to Situ Qing from the beginning, then how could she have been in love with him for so long in the future? "    


"I'm confused when you say that. What's going on?"    


Seeing Bai Chichi's big blinking eyes, Xin Xiaozi sighed and said, "Sigh, you are really pitiful when I am not by your side! You still do not know that you have been bullied!"    


"I think I am quite powerful. Now Chen Yuan doesn't dare to provoke me in front of me anymore. I will fight back!" Bai Chichi did not want to be seen as a weak and fragile little woman who would be at the mercy of others.    


Xin Xiaozi smiled and said," Do you think this is enough? You have to take the initiative. Why would you wait for others to step on your nose and face?"    


"But I can't do it!" Bai Chichi's face was bitter.    


She was indeed not the type to take the initiative to attack. Being able to resist Chen Yuan's repeated attacks was already a huge improvement.    


"If you can't do it, then let me help you!" Xin Xiaozi's righteousness was like the clouds as she hugged Bai Chichi's shoulder and shook it vigorously.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "It is really good that you are back. I have people to discuss everything. Previously, I was alone, but I was not able to do it. "    


"It's also my fault. In order to escape reality, I ran so far away, causing you to suffer so much at home alone!" Xin Xiaozi was indeed a rare good friend. When she thought of Chen Yuan bullying Bai Chichi, she got angry.    


"Why do you say that? It's right for you to go out to relax. Otherwise, how could you have such vigorous fighting strength?" Bai Chichi knew that Xin Xiaozi was not trying to escape reality but to go out and regain her confidence.    


Because Xin Xiaozi had always blamed herself and felt that the departure of the baby was caused by her carelessness. Thus, she was filled with resentment towards herself.    


It was this kind of resentment that caused her to look at herself very, very detestable.    


But after this trip, she thought it through again. She threw away all the pain and came back in a relaxed manner.    


This was a good thing!    


"Alright, no matter what, no matter what happens now, I will stay by your side and help you solve your problems!" Xin Xiaozi said righteously.    


Bai Chichi nodded. "Okay, but I don't have any thoughts for now. You should rest for a while!"    


Actually, she had a lot of questions that needed to be solved, but she did not want Xin Xiaozi to be implicated.    


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