Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1250 My Husband Is too Fierce

C1250 My Husband Is too Fierce

"Yuan, why have you been gone for so long?" When Chen Yuan returned home, the lights in the living room had already been extinguished. She was about to go upstairs when she heard Situ Qing's voice from the corner of the sofa.    


Chen Yuan was shocked. She did not think that Situ Qing was still waiting for her. Could Bai Chichi also tolerate his behavior?    


Recently Bai Chichi was very strange and did not seem to be jealous of her. This made Chen Yuan at a loss.    


It was also because of this that she thought of using Meng Rann's feminine charm to attack Bai Chichi.    


However, Situ Qing's voice sounded a little harsh but it made Chen Yuan very happy because it sounded like he was full of concern.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, you haven't gone back to your room to rest yet?" Chen Yuan stopped in her tracks.    


Situ Qing sat on the sofa with a spotlight on his head. It made his face look like it had an outline. The shadow part had a hint of mystery, but it was also very tempting.    


If he waited for her to return every day, it would be such a blissful thing. Chen Yuan sighed in her heart.    


"You still haven't answered my question. " Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan. His hair was very fluffy. He should have gone back to his bedroom to wash up and come down again.    


Chen Yuan smiled and picked up the bag in her hand. She said to Situ Qing, "Because I didn't find a brand that I liked in the nearby supermarket, I unknowingly walked far away. But that's good too. I can run while I'm at it. . . . "    


"Even so, I should have called back. I was worried about you and asked me to wait downstairs. " Situ Qing stood up.    


Chen Yuan's heart ached. Why was it Bai Chichi again? Did she need to pretend to be a good person like this? Perform her kindness in front of Situ Qing?    


I am not going to fall for this!    


"Is that so? I'm sorry, I really didn't do it on purpose, because the autumn night is very cool. So I want to stay a little longer. " Chen Yuan lowered her eyes and felt a little wronged.    


Situ Qing looked at her and said, "You don't need to apologize. You don't need to be like this in the future, or else your family will worry about you. "    


"Yes, Brother-in-law Qing, I understand!"    


"Alright, go upstairs and rest early. " After Situ Qing said that, he casually patted Chen Yuan's shoulder.    


The two of them walked up the stairs side by side. Situ Qing watched Chen Yuan return to her bedroom before turning around and entering his room.    


"Is Chen Yuan back?" Bai Chichi sat at the bedside reading.    


Situ Qing walked over and smiled as he kissed her on the face. "Yeah, I just came back. I said there was no sign of yogurt that she liked in the nearby supermarket. "    


"I remember Chen Yuan liked that kind of fruity yogurt. It was sold in the community store. How could she not find it?" Bai Chichi said in surprise.    


Situ Qing shook his head. "Maybe it happened to be sold out. I am not sure. "    


Bai Chichi still wanted to say something, but Situ Qing reached out and tapped her lips. "Alright, alright. Don't mind so much. It's good that she's back. "    


"That's true. Why should I care so much?" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


"You care about Chen Yuan, and I care about Chen Yuan. We are in the same mood. So the last time I went to disco to bring her back, there was no other reason. " Situ Qing felt that since Bai Chichi reconciled with him, she had become more magnanimous and tolerant.    


"I understand. Don't mention the past anymore! Have you settled the matter of the house?" Bai Chichi had never asked Situ Qing this question in detail.    


Because it involved Qin Xuesong, Bai Chichi was worried that Situ Qing would be unhappy when he said this, but Qin Xuesong had been gone for more than half a month. Presumably, Situ Qing had also calmed down now.    


Situ Qing nodded. "It's done. Qin Xuesong asked his lawyer to finish the paperwork. I just need to sign and transfer money to his account. "    


"I don't know where Snow Song went. " Bai Chichi sighed quietly.    


Situ Qing looked at her and said, "Do you care?"    


"Of course. He was not wrong in the first place. It was just that whatever Dayong said helped randomly!"    


"Wife, let's not talk about this for now, okay? Since Qin Xuesong had already left, it meant that he also had an idea. When the time is right, everything will be revealed!" Situ Qing still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.    


However, Bai Chichi had indeed not mentioned Qin Xuesong recently. Now, it was also because of the house that this man was involved in, so Situ Qing would not act too excessively.    


"Alright, Lu Yaozhi. Ma Li will see the heart of the people in a long time. I think you will still be able to see Xue Song's character clearly in the end. He is really not the same person as before. " Bai Chichi knew that it was not easy for her to change Situ Qing's opinion.    


In short, she believed that Qin Xuesong would not do such a stupid and shameless thing. When the truth was revealed, Situ Qing would be magnanimous.    


She believed in her husband, and also believed in Qin Xuesong, who was childhood sweethearts.    


"Wife, can we sleep?" Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi and took the book from her hands.    


Bai Chichi smiled and obediently hid under the blanket. She asked Situ Qing to help her. It was very soft.    


"Good night, good night!" Situ Qing used his arm as a pillow for Bai Chichi and gently kissed her on the face.    


On one side of the quiet night, Bai Chichi and Situ Qing were sleeping in each other's arms. On the other side, Chen Yuan was tossing and turning.    


Because even though Situ Qing expressed his concern for her just now, he also said that it was Bai Chichi's intention, which made Chen Yuan very unhappy in her heart.    


Why did you not dare to say it directly even if you care about me? Are you afraid that Bai Chichi will be jealous, or do you really not dare to face your own heart?    


Chen Yuan felt that Situ Qing still had some feelings for her. It was just that his sense of responsibility was too strong that he kept denying it.    


Even the kiss that was rejected, Chen Yuan also thought that Situ Qing deliberately avoided it. Not to mention Luo Yi. It was a trap that was set up to make Bai Chichi feel at ease.    


Since you are so serious to me, I will let Meng Rann deal with Bai Chichi. Situ Qing, you don't have to be polite. Enjoy this kind of throwing yourself into my arms. I won't be jealous.    


Chen Yuan thought of Situ Qing, Bai Chichi, Luo Yi and Meng Rann for a while. She only fell asleep after a long time.    


The next morning, Situ Qing brought Chen Yuan to the company as usual.    


"Yuan, help me write down the meeting points. I will be able to use them when the time comes. " Situ Qing instructed Chen Yuan.    


"Okay, CEO. " Chen Yuan nodded and took out a pen and paper to start working seriously.    


Situ Qing liked Chen Yuan's attitude very much. He nodded in satisfaction and went to his own office.    


After Chen Yuan finished writing, she got up and sent the documents to Situ Qing's table.    


"Very good, not bad. Come with me to the meeting later and make a record. " Situ Qing took a look and said to Chen Yuan.    


"Yes. "    


"But Yuan, before the meeting, go to the car and bring some local specialties I brought back from Sichuan. I almost forgot about this. "    


Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing and smiled. "You have been back from Sichuan for many days. Those local specialties have expired, right?"    


"How can that be? They are all sealed in a vacuum! Those are some small gifts from the local government. I want to share them with the shareholders. It is also a token of appreciation from them. " Situ Qing had been busy with work and had many things to do during this period of time, so he hadn't thought of it.    


Because there was a meeting today, he suddenly remembered this matter.    


"Alright, I'll go now. " Chen Yuan knew that Situ Qing had the habit of putting things in the trunk, so she was not surprised.    


However, Chen Yuan did not expect that when she took the local specialties back to the elevator, a person would suddenly appear from the corner and hold her hand.    


"Let me go, who are you!" Chen Yuan screamed, but that person covered her mouth, making her unable to make a sound. The things in her hands also fell to the ground.    


"Don't scream! If you scream again, I won't be polite to you!" The voice sounded familiar, but Chen Yuan could not remember who it was.    


The light in the corner was very weak and Chen Yuan adapted to it for a while before she could clearly see her surroundings. This was the blind spot of the surveillance and it was not easy to be noticed.    


Who could it be? What was he going to do?    


At this time, the person beside Chen Yuan's ear laughed sinisterly and said, "Damned girl, what did you say in front of Situ Qing? He actually said that I am not from the Green Mountain Township, and that my name is also fake!"    


When Chen Yuan heard this, she finally understood that the person who grabbed her was actually Wu Deyong!    


"This is good. After drinking your Ecstasy Soup, Situ Qing fired me. It was not easy for me to have a stable income, but it became empty again! You made me want to go back to the street and do that dangerous pengci again! " Wu Deyong's stinky breath made Chen Yuan almost faint.    


She did not dare to struggle too hard. At this time, there was almost no one in the underground parking lot. The Staff guarding the door was also very far from this elevator.    


It seemed like Wu Deyong had found an opportunity to sneak in. He had worked here for so long and was already very familiar with the environment here.    


To him, this place was very safe, but to Chen Yuan, it was not the same.    


"I came to find you today. There is nothing else. I just want you to compensate me for my loss! Anyway, you are so favoured and can distort black and white. Money should not be a problem to you, right? Situ Qing will definitely give you a lot of benefits!" Wu Deyong was also desperate to jump over a wall. He was going to do whatever it took.    


Chen Yuan could not say anything and could only nod her head vigorously.    


"Do you agree? Hmph, it is also not up to you to agree or not! How about this, I'll let you go, but you're not allowed to shout, or I'll stab you in the waist! " Wu Deyong used the sharp weapon in his hand to slap Chen Yuan's face. It was terrifyingly cold.    


There was no other way. Chen Yuan could only pretend to be afraid and nodded with tears flowing down her face.    


In fact, she was not really afraid of Wu Deyong because this man was just a rogue. He did not dare to really kill people.    


"Alright, I know you don't care about such a small amount of money. You are afraid that I will expose your identity. Then, besides paying me unemployment, you also have to pay me to keep my mouth shut!" He did not expect Wu Deyong to take a mile after taking a mile.    


Maybe it was because he saw Chen Yuan trembling in fear and thought that this woman would easily give in, so he just did not stop and took the opportunity to ask more.    


Other than agreeing, Chen Yuan could only agree.    


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