Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1232 Hubby Is too Fierce 1231

C1232 Hubby Is too Fierce 1231

"I wonder if Chen Yuan and Luo Yi are having fun right now!" Bai Chichi could only silently sigh in her heart. Things were completely different from what she had imagined.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "We are having fun. Look at these photos. They were all photos of them when they were in Europe. Yuan's smile was quite brilliant!"    


"What? Where?" Bai Chichi was very surprised.    


Situ Qing took out his phone and said, "She sent it to me. Every one of them is very interesting! This is Yuan's first time going abroad. Her excitement is also expressed with words!"    


Sure enough, in Situ Qing's phone, Chen Yuan sent him many photos. Some of them were sent by her alone, and some were with Luo Yi.    


There were all kinds of backgrounds, but Chen Yuan's smile was just as beautiful and moving.    


"I was wondering why she didn't even call back. It turns out that she contacted you privately!" Bai Chichi said unhappily.    


No wonder. Ever since Chen Yuan went to Europe, she didn't have any interactions with Bai Chichi at all, but she had been talking to Situ Qing on WeChat every day.    


She was doing this on purpose!    


Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi and said, "No way. I thought she sent the same photo to your phone too!"    


"Why did she send it to me? I'm not in her heart!" Bai Chichi pouted and returned the phone to Situ Qing.    


"Wife, don't be jealous. Maybe Yuan thinks that you don't play with your phone much after you're pregnant. Listen to the content of her conversation with me. It's very healthy!" Situ Qing quickly explained and even wanted to pass the conversation with Chen Yuan to Bai Chichi.    


"I don't want to listen!"    


"Don't be like this. Listen, it's really normal. " Situ Qing also did not expect Chen Yuan to never call home. He showed the photos in the phone to Bai Chichi, but this unintentional action hurt Bai Chichi.    


"What does she mean by doing this?" Bai Chichi was really a little jealous. She always felt that Chen Yuan and Situ Qing were too close.    


"It's not interesting, really. " Situ Qing did not care about Bai Chichi's objections and played the phone records.    


It was indeed normal. They were all reporting on where they went today. Did they have a good time? Did they encounter something new?    


But even so, Bai Chichi felt that Chen Yuan's actions made her very angry.    


"Did you hear that? Wife, can you not use colored glasses to look at Chen Yuan? She knew that some of her ideas were unrealistic and she was also working hard to correct them. Otherwise, she wouldn't have agreed to Luo Yi's invitation so easily. " Situ Qing was worried that Bai Chichi's mood would be affected because of this, so he kept explaining to her.    


However, the more he did this, the more upset Bai Chichi felt.    


Why did you speak up for Chen Yuan?    


When investigating Green Mountain Township, he did not have any doubts about Chen Yuan, but firmly believed that Wu Deyong was the person who lied.    


From Bai Chichi's perspective, Wu Deyong did not seem to be as bad as what Situ Qing said, because Bai Chichi hoped that what he said was true.    


Actually, this was also very contradictory. Bai Chichi wanted Situ Qing to see Chen Yuan's true face, but she was also afraid that Chen Yuan would do this for a purpose. No matter what, it was worrying.    


Now Chen Yuan deliberately avoided others and contacted Situ Qing alone, making Bai Chichi even more uncomfortable.    


"Alright, alright. I believe what you said, alright?" Bai Chichi impatiently pushed Situ Qing's hand away from the phone.    


"You seem to have a different mind from what you said, my wife!" Situ Qing did not force Bai Chichi, but he still felt that she was a little petty.    


This was the difference between men and women.    


"If she likes to do this, I don't care! In any case, whether she plays well or not has nothing to do with me!"    


"Aren't you angry? If she gets along well with Luo Yi, she will leave our life and enter the arms of the Luo Family. How can it have nothing to do with you? " Situ Qing deliberately said this to make Bai Chichi happy.    


Bai Chichi looked at him and said, "You know what I think?"    


"Of course. You are my wife. I have to stand by your side and see everything around me with your eyes. "    


"What you say is even better than what you sing!" After Bai Chichi heard Situ Qing's words, she was still very happy in her heart.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "Are you not angry anymore? It's all my fault. Why would I let you see the photos when I have nothing to do? But after Chen Yuan comes back, I still have to talk to her properly and tell her not to blindly help others in the future. "    


It sounded like. . . Situ Qing did not have any intention of blaming Chen Yuan at all. Instead, there was some praise in his voice.    


"She is really kind. Even if she is not from the same hometown, she still says she is from the same hometown!" Bai Chichi smiled lightly.    


"Isn't that so? She caused me to lead a wolf into the house. " Situ Qing smiled and supported Bai Chichi to stand up.    


Bai Chichi stretched her legs and said, "I think I have digested most of it. Let's go back to the room to rest. "    


"Okay, I will listen to you. Oh right, your legs did not cramp again, right?" Situ Qing nervously looked at Bai Chichi's leg.    


"It still happens occasionally, but I have experience. Before it stiffen, I will quickly rub it with my hand as if you made it that day. " Bai Chichi lightly knocked on the sides of her thighs.    


Now her stomach was big and the burden was also much heavier. Every day, she felt some soreness in her waist and back. Pregnant was a very difficult thing to do.    


"It's good that I'm back. With me around, you don't have to worry about anything!" Situ Qing said to Bai Chichi with a heartache.    


How could he not worry? Just the matter of Chen Yuan sending Situ Qing a photo made Bai Chichi feel very uncomfortable.    


"Are you going to work tomorrow?" Bai Chichi suddenly thought of something. It was the important news that Wu Deyong had said on the phone.    


If she had lunch with Situ Qing tomorrow, she would be able to see Wu Deyong. She had to ask him what he had found.    


If he was really like what Situ Qing had said, a rogue and a swindler, he would be able to raise his vigilance.    


But what if what he said was true?    


After all, Bai Chichi still wanted to hear what both parties said.    


"You want me to go?" Situ Qing and Bai Chichi walked into the house.    


"Of course. The baby is going to be born. Don't you want to earn milk money?" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


Situ Qing shook his head in amusement. "Do you think my money is not enough for the baby to eat milk powder? Besides, Wife, you are also a doctor. You know the benefits of breast milk! "    


" Disgusting, I was just joking! " Bai Chichi lowered her head shyly.    


"I knew you were sensible and healthy. You will definitely think about our baby!" Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi's shoulder in satisfaction, but his eyes inadvertently glanced at her chest.    


Bai Chichi said sensitive, "Why are you peeking at me?"    


"Sorry, I can't help it. " Situ Qing smiled.    


"Don't look. You are harassing me, you know?" Bai Chichi held Situ Qing's head and shifted his gaze to the side.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "I am not peeking. When we go back to the room later, I will look openly. This is my right. "    


"Then I want to see you too!" After Bai Chichi said this fiercely, she felt that something was not right.    


"Yes, yes, yes. Just look. I will not object!" Situ Qing was very happy. This silly wife thought that she had the upper hand!    


"Don't talk about this. If you go to work tomorrow, I still want to have lunch with you at noon in my Bai Chichi's private room!" Bai Chichi blushed and quickly diverted Situ Qing's attention.    


Situ Qing looked at her and said, "Of course I welcome you, but do you feel tired?"    




"I'm back today. You must be so happy that you can't sleep. If you don't rest well, you won't be energetic tomorrow! " Situ Qing said domineeringly.    


Bai Chichi snorted. "Hmph, you overestimate yourself. Why should I be so happy that I can't sleep?"    


"Wife, if it wasn't for the baby's feelings, I would really want you!" Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi and whispered into her ear.    


That familiar feeling suddenly came back. Bai Chichi was caught off guard and her heart fiercely moved.    


"You also want to. Right?" Situ Qing stroked a strand of Bai Chichi's hair gently and passionately.    


"Do you really think that our separation is better than marriage? Don't think about it anymore. Obediently support me back to bathe and change my clothes. After that, you can serve me well and don't have any other thoughts! " Bai Chichi suppressed the waves in her heart and said seriously.    


Situ Qing said helplessly, "Yes, I will obey. "    


Actually, Bai Chichi also really wanted to have a good time with Situ Qing. After all, the two of them were currently playing the zither and singing, and they were very sweet and loving.    


However, she was still a little worried about the baby in her womb, so she resolutely refused Situ Qing.    


"I have to go for an examination in two days. When the time comes, I will ask the doctor and see if there is any danger!" Bai Chichi's words made Situ Qing very happy.    


Of course, it did not mean that he could enjoy the pleasure of the fish and water. Situ Qing felt that Bai Chichi was willing to make plans for him. It was a very wonderful feeling.    


"This is what you said. You are not allowed to go back on your word!" Situ Qing kissed Bai Chichi's earlobe, which made Bai Chichi's heart beat wildly.    


"If you perform well, I will. . . "    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "Of course, just watch. "    


The two of them chatted and laughed together. They felt that time passed a little too quickly.    


"Then let's agree. I will still go to the company to look for you at noon tomorrow. " Bai Chichi finally did not forget her plan.    


Situ Qing nodded. I can't ask for more! What do you want to eat? "    


"There's no need for special preparations. Otherwise, they'll say that I'm being hypocritical. Just do whatever you want!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


Originally, the main point of eating was not to look for Wu Deyong.    


As for what to eat, it really did not matter. Being able to spend a beautiful lunch with Situ Qing was also very happy.    


"I've never seen a lady boss like you who keeps such a low profile!" Situ Qing pinched Bai Chichi's face. He loved and pitied her.    


"Don't tell me you like me being flamboyant?" Bai Chichi was joking.    


Situ Qing shook his head and said, "No, I'm just worried that you will feel wronged!"    


"I am not wronged. Being able to be with you, I am already very grateful to the heavens for their love for me!" Bai Chichi's clear eyes made Situ Qing's heart melt.    


"Little idiot, I should be the one saying this!"    


The moon outside the window secretly hid behind the clouds. She should be smiling too.    


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