Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1162 Hubby Is too Ferocious

C1162 Hubby Is too Ferocious

After saying that, Situ Qing stood up and walked to the bathroom.    


Hearing the sound of water, Bai Chichi felt very unpleasant in her heart. It seemed like Situ Qing was really dissatisfied with her.    


But after thinking about it for a while, she felt that something was wrong. Bai Chichi frowned and bit the nail on her right hand as she seriously thought about it.    


She wanted to comb it properly. After Situ Qing left the house in the morning, Chen Yuan went back to the second floor and disappeared from her sight.    


At that time, he was in the yard. Chen Yuan should be able to see from the window that if she really wanted to learn how to smoke, then she would be able to.    


But why was it that he only smelled the smoke when he returned to the corridor after more than an hour?    


Since Chen Yuan could see the scene in the yard from the second floor window, then she also knew that she had returned to the house at that time.    


Furthermore, when she was on the first floor, he had called her a few times. If he did not want others to see her smoke, then he should have dispersed the smoke in time to eliminate the traces.    


But why did he have to wait until he went upstairs? That smoke was at a very rich time. As long as there was no problem with his nose, he could easily smell it.    


Perhaps Chen Yuan had already started her plan from that moment on. She deliberately wanted him to knock on the door of her room and then send the smell to him.    


The more Bai Chichi thought about it, the angrier she got. It must be like this. As for closing the window later on, it seemed very normal at that time but now that she thought about it, it was also very strange.    


Chen Yuan had always not allowed others to go to her room. This time, not only did she let herself in, she also helped her close the window. And that piece of ash was on the windowsill.    


This was also an obvious clue, and it was deliberately made for her to discover it.    


Following Chen Yuan to clean up the bookcases in front of him and drop a lighter, this meant that she deliberately made him suspicious.    


All of this was just a foreshadowing. The exciting part should be the time to settle this matter.    


How could Chen Yuan easily open the door and take a clear look at the tobacco and wine?    


Previously, she had always been secretive and pretended to be flustered, but later on, she did not hold back at all and told the whole story?    


After Bai Chichi sorted out her thoughts, she completely understood Chen Yuan's intentions.    


Now, she could be considered to have achieved her goal. Situ Qing did not doubt her words at all. He even felt pity and guilt.    


Unfortunately, Situ Qing did not listen to her. He did not doubt Chen Yuan at all.    


Bai Chichi sighed helplessly. Of course she knew Situ Qing. As long as he said no more, he would not mention it again.    


Forget it. Since Chen Yuan had already achieved this step, there would not be any result even if she continued to pester her. Instead, it would cause Qing to feel disgusted.    


Chen Yuan, you are really very smart. You are guiding the two of us step by step! Bai Chichi had a feeling of being fooled, which made her very angry.    


However, from another perspective, Situ Qing was still very emotional. When he mentioned Chen Yuan saving his life so calmly, it meant that he was sincerely grateful to Chen Yuan in his heart and hoped to repay this kindness.    


Furthermore, after hearing Chen Yuan's words, Situ Qing also did not agree with her to cater to the client. This also proved that he was just.    


Bai Chichi thought about it and also felt comforted.    


No matter what, at least it showed that Situ Qing was a good man who repaid kindness with a drop of water, and he also protected women with a gentlemanly demeanor.    


Alright. Since my Hubby is so good, I will definitely not let go of him, and let Chen Yuan easily take advantage of our love.    


Bai Chichi made up her mind to let Situ Qing see Chen Yuan's true face and not let her plot succeed.    


"Wife, I have finished washing. I have prepared water for you. Come here!" Situ Qing stood at the bathroom door and waved at Bai Chichi.    


Bai Chichi heard his words and understood his intention to take the initiative to ask for peace.    


So Bai Chichi obediently walked in front of him and listened to him pull up her long hair and take off her clothes.    


"Wife, is the water temperature suitable?" Situ Qing felt that his tone just now was a bit too stiff, so he gently said to Bai Chichi.    


Bai Chichi nodded her head. "Very good. Now that I have a baby, I can't wash it too high. It's perfect for you to adjust it!"    


Situ Qing squatted beside the bathtub and used the bubble ball to wipe Bai Chichi's shoulder. "Wife, baby's. How long is the premature delivery?"    


"It's still early. It's only halfway through!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


Situ Qing reached his hand into Bai Chichi's stomach and gently said, "Little darling, you must be obedient in the future. It's very hard for mother to carry you! "    


"She will be obedient. Our child will definitely be very obedient!" Bai Chichi held Situ Qing's hand and the two of them looked at each other and smiled.    


Chen Yuan did not think that this storm that she had created with her own hands would be easily resolved in front of Bai Chichi and Situ Qing's love.    


Not only that, Bai Chichi also learned an important lesson from this matter. Without sufficient evidence, she could not act rashly. Otherwise, she would be bitten by the other party and put herself in a passive situation.    


That night, Chen Yuan did not hear her hopeful voice. She thought that Situ Qing and Bai Chichi would have an argument but it was a pity that it was always calm.    


What was going on? The look when Situ Qing left indicated that he was somewhat dissatisfied with Bai Chichi. Moreover, Bai Chichi had complained to him this time. She must wait for Situ Qing to go back and claim credit. This way, they could ignite the fuse, but why did it seem like nothing had happened?    


Chen Yuan paced back and forth anxiously in the room, but even if she walked out of the marathon, it would be of no use.    


How could she have known that Bai Chichi was already lying in Situ Qing's arms and listening to his sleep story!    


"Wife, do you think it's good for the baby to listen to such a story?" Situ Qing went to the bookstore and carefully selected a lot of children's books.    


Some of the books were bought after he went to ask the parenting expert.    


"I think it's not bad. It's just that the books you bought seem to be of a higher age. Go and buy some younger children's books. " Bai Chichi was not the least bit careless when it came to raising children's personalities.    


"I also think so. How can a young child understand so many great principles!" Situ Qing himself flipped through fairy tales and read with relish.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said to him, "You bought this for yourself to read, right? Qing, your intelligence is only at this level! "    


Situ Qing put down the book and looked at Bai Chichi and said, "Wife, don't say that. We are husband and wife. We were carefully selected from the vast sea of people. You belittling me is belittling yourself, understand?"    


"So that's how it is! That's right, if you are a retard. Then wouldn't I be even more stupid if I chose you?" Bai Chichi thought about it and felt that it made sense.    


Situ Qing hugged her and said, "This child is worth teaching!"    


"Alright, in the future, we can flatter each other. This way, we will be the most successful husband and wife!" Bai Chichi laughed happily.    


Situ Qing lovingly kissed her on the tip of her nose and said, "You even learned to infer three things. It seems that I did not pick the wrong person!"    


"It started just like that? Okay, let me think, what advantages do you have? Yes, your greatest good point is that you have a good eye and chose me to be your wife! " Bai Chichi said complacently.    


"You are boasting, not praising me!" Situ Qing kissed Bai Chichi's lips again and shook his head.    


The two of them laid on the bed and took out all the good adjectives that they could think of and gave them to each other without holding anything back.    


"Wife, I found that this method is very good. We don't even need to spend a penny, but it can raise our overall level to an unprecedented level!" Situ Qing said with a smile.    


Bai Chichi nodded and said, "Yes, and in order to make each other improve, we need to work hard to learn and strive to have a new word appear every day!"    


"Looks like there are still benefits after marriage. It can actually raise the level of education!" At this moment, Situ Qing's eyes were looking at it. His heart was only filled with Bai Chichi. He had forgotten all the unhappiness from before.    


The next morning, Situ Qing helped Bai Chichi downstairs to eat breakfast. The two of them were still chatting and laughing.    


"Yuan, you woke up really early!" Bai Chichi saw Chen Yuan cooking eggs and millet congee in the kitchen and said with a smile.    


Actually she knew that Chen Yuan definitely could not sleep and was anxious to see her results so she went downstairs to wait.    


"Yes, Ms Chichi! Did Brother-in-law Qing convey my apology to you last night?" Chen Yuan deliberately said.    


Situ Qing waved his hand. "That's enough, Yuan. This matter has already passed. "    


"Alright, but let me listen to Ms Chichi's words. Otherwise, my heart will always be very perturbed. " Chen Yuan nodded.    


There was no other choice but to say, "Yuan, there is no need for you to express your apology. Don't mention this matter anymore. "    


"You are not willing to forgive me?" Chen Yuan said with grievance.    


Bai Chichi looked at her acting and felt that it was very funny in her heart. She said, "No, of course I have to forgive you because you are thinking about the company! Not only do I not blame you, I also have to praise you properly!"    


"That's great, Ms Chichi. I am worried that you will be angry and disappointed! Because your eyes were like a torch, I could not hide from your eyes. You also told Brother-in-law Qing in time to stop me from falling into depravity!" Chen Yuan looked at Bai Chichi with a sarcastic gaze.    


Bai Chichi shrugged and said, "Not really. What I did not expect was that when I saw a lighter, you were so nervous. But when I asked, you said it all!"    


"I think that since you smelled the smoke, saw the ashes, and found a lighter, it would be foolish of me to hide it. Since I made a mistake, of course I have to admit it and correct it!" Chen Yuan said seriously and bravely.    


Bai Chichi frowned, "What ashes? I did not see it!"    


Chen Yuan was shocked. Yes. It seemed that Situ Qing also did not mention about the ashes on the window. Could it be that when Bai Chichi closed the window, the ashes had already been blown away?    


"Oh, then, let's do it this way. Anyway, I was wrong, Ms Chichi. It's really good that you don't mind!" Chen Yuan was a little vexed and quickly turned around and went to the kitchen.    


Bai Chichi thought, from what you just said, I am even more certain that those so-called clues were deliberately left behind by you.    


However, seeing that Situ Qing did not speak, Bai Chichi smiled and did not continue to dig deeper.    


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