Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1158 Hubby Is too Fierce 1157

C1158 Hubby Is too Fierce 1157

"But what you said proves one thing: Yuan is smoking!" Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi.    


Bai Chichi said, "No, I just feel strange and suspect that she is smoking! After all, I didn't see it with my own eyes, so I can't be sure. "    


"Wife, you know I don't like girls smoking. " Situ Qing looked into Bai Chichi's eyes and said.    


Bai Chichi felt a little uncomfortable when he looked at her. "You mean I know you don't like girls smoking, so I deliberately framed Chen Yuan in front of you?"    


"I didn't say that. " Situ Qing shook his head.    


"But that's what you mean, right? I'm just talking to you, and I'm not insisting on her smoking. Why are you looking at me like that? " Bai Chichi's good mood was ruined in an instant.    


Just now, the two of them were still so intimate. Now, because of this small matter, she felt a little awkward. Bai Chichi really regretted it.    


"You said that this is a secret. That means that you have already suspected her. " Situ Qing felt that Bai Chichi must have seen Chen Yuan giving him an umbrella and thought that he had some thoughts about Chen Yuan, so he wanted to make Chen Yuan's performance seem less perfect.    


"I am suspicious, but I am not sure. " Bai Chichi was also a little unhappy. Why did Situ Qing show her face when he talked about Chen Yuan?    


"Alright, alright. Wife, I will go and ask Chen Yuan in person. If she smokes, I will advise her to quit. Don't be angry!" Situ Qing saw the unhappiness on Bai Chichi's face and also felt that his tone was a bit heavy.    


Bai Chichi nodded. "Alright. If she can honestly admit it, I won't say anything. If she doesn't admit it, then forget it. "    


"I know you're not the kind of person to fuss about it. My attitude just now was not good, so I apologize to you!" Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi.    


"Yes, I know. " Bai Chichi nodded.    


After putting away the wet clothes, Situ Qing held Bai Chichi's hand and personally sent her downstairs. He handed the clothes to Nanny Zhang.    


"Now you don't feel any guilt, do you? Wife, I have to praise you properly!" Situ Qing said with a smile.    


" Don't praise me, you have to whip me! " Bai Chichi looked up like a diligent child and said.    


Nanny Zhang put the wet clothes into the bag and smiled at Bai Chichi, "After a long time, you are now a pregnant woman. Even if you lie down and eat, you can do nothing!"    


"Haha, Nanny Zhang, I am not a landlord in the old society. Why should I lie down and eat!" Bai Chichi was amused and laughed.    


"Anyway, I have already told Qing not to let you do anything in the future, especially carrying heavy things. This is a taboo, do you understand?" Nanny Zhang reminded Bai Chichi very seriously.    


"Okay, I understand! Nanny Zhang, if you spoil me like this, I will become a fat woman in the future, and I will become lazier and lazier!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


Situ Qing hugged her and said," It's fine. Even if you are lazy and greedy, and you are a big fat man who weighs three hundred kilograms, I will still love you! "    


As she spoke, Chen Yuan came down from upstairs. When Situ Qing saw her, he smiled and said, "Yuan, you are not wet, right?"    


"No, Brother-in-law Qing, you are too polite. You gave me the entire umbrella. Why would I get wet?" Chen Yuan walked to Situ Qing's side.    


"Of course it is best if you do not have it. Otherwise, I will feel very uneasy!" Bai Chichi said.    


Chen Yuan asked curiously, "Ms Chichi, I am umbrella for Brother-in-law Qing, not for you. Why do you feel uneasy?"    


"Because I was a step too late. You went to give me, Hubby, an umbrella and got wet. As my wife, of course, I am uneasy!" Bai Chichi said.    


"You are so polite. Why should we divide ourselves?" Chen Yuan shook her head.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "Of course we need to split up. This is not something else, but my Hubby!"    


"Alright, wife, I am not an item! Yuan, in any case, thank you!" Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan.    


" It's fine. The lotus root soup I stewed in the afternoon is still not enough to taste good. It will definitely taste better at night! " Chen Yuan said as she walked to the kitchen to serve the soup.    


Nanny Zhang looked at Chen Yuan and said, "Yuan's craftsmanship is really good. If this child gets married in the future, he will definitely be a good wife!"    


"Yes, I have already said this before!" Situ Qing said with a smile and then comforted Bai Chichi. "Of course, my wife is also not bad!"    


The heavy rain came and went quickly. After a while, there was only the sound of water dripping from the leaves in the courtyard.    


"Qing, come and take a look!" Bai Chichi walked to the door and excitedly said to Situ Qing.    


"What's wrong?" Situ Qing was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. He was shocked when he heard Bai Chichi's surprised voice.    


Bai Chichi pointed to the sky and said, "Look, rainbow! How many years has it been since I saw such a complete rainbow!"    


Situ Qing took a look and sure enough, after the heavy rain had passed, the sun appeared in the sky again. The water droplets in the air were reflected by the sunlight and turned into a beautiful rainbow, hanging in the sky with an enchanting beauty.    


"It's true. I haven't seen such a rainbow in a long time!" Situ Qing was also very happy in his heart. Being able to see the beautiful scenery that he had not seen for a long time was very exciting.    


"Take a photo for me!" Bai Chichi said to Situ Qing with her phone.    


Situ Qing took a selfie with Bai Chichi. It was very effective. The two of them smiled brightly.    


"But we can't take a picture of the baby like this!" Bai Chichi said with some regret.    


"It's simple. We can just ask Yuan to do it!" Situ Qing shouted towards the kitchen.    


Chen Yuan walked out wearing an apron and saw the rainbow in the sky. She immediately had a smile on her face.    


"Wow, the rainbow is so beautiful!"    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "Yeah, Yuan, help me take a picture with him. If you want to see the rainbow, you need to see his belly!"    


"I don't know if I can take a good picture of such a high requirement. I am not Leo!" Chen Yuan's high interest was dispelled by Situ Qing's words.    


Bai Chichi said, "It doesn't matter. It is just a memento. You can do whatever you want!"    


Chen Yuan nodded and walked over to take the phone to let Bai Chichi and Situ Qing make a pose. Then she squatted down slightly and took a few photos.    


"Not bad, Yuan, your craftsmanship!" Bai Chichi looked at the photos and felt that the angle of the photos was very good.    


Situ Qing also smiled and said, "Really. Yuan, you are versatile. There are really many strengths waiting for us to discover!"    


"How would I know how to take pictures? It was just a casual shot!" Chen Yuan finished speaking and looked at the rainbow in the sky before returning to the kitchen.    


Bai Chichi and Situ Qing saw that the rainbow gradually disappeared before they reluctantly lowered their heads.    


"My cervical vertebra must have gotten very good exercise. Listen, cracking sounds!" Bai Chichi smiled and turned her neck.    


"Wife, you like Rainbow so much?" Situ Qing saw Bai Chichi's satisfied smile and felt very happy in his heart.    


Bai Chichi nodded. "Yes, I have liked rainbows since I was young. Every time I can see rainbows, I feel very lucky. Because I can see colors! "    


"After a long time, are you regretting that your parents can't see it?" Situ Qing felt that Bai Chichi's words were a little sad.    


"Yes. When my mother was not blind, she knew everything about color. Dad never had any concept of color. " Bai Chichi shook her head.    


"Wife, this is also something that can't be helped. " Situ Qing knew that with his current medical standards, he definitely would not be able to help his in-laws regain clarity.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "I understand, so I cherish every opportunity to see Rainbow, because I am appreciating it for my parents!"    


"That's right!" Situ Qing held Bai Chichi's hand and pulled her into his embrace.    


At this time, Chen Yuan was also thinking about her own thoughts by the stove. She was also a person who liked Rainbow and liked it very much.    


When she was young, her parents often quarreled and the house was not peaceful for a few days. Every time rainbows appeared in the rainstorm, Chen Yuan would feel that there were still beautiful things in the world.    


She ran to a small stone bridge near her home and looked at the rainbow. Her eyes were filled with tears. She felt that only at this moment would she feel a sense of peace in her heart.    


Red, orange, yellow, blue and purple. Every color was so beautiful, just like the lollipop in the hands of the girl next door.    


Sometimes, his father would come out to find Chen Yuan, and then hold her hand to bring her back to that messy house.    


But only at this time would Chen Yuan feel that her father loved her. He wouldn't express it, but he would buy a seven-colored lollipop for Chen Yuan.    


The quarrel between her father and mother was like a merciless rainstorm. After that, his father's apology would be a precious rainbow.    


After both her parents died, Chen Yuan would feel very sad every time she saw the rainbow. But just now, she had to pretend to be happy.    


Bai Chichi, this is all your fault! Because of you, I can't even bear to look at the rainbow that I like anymore. It is all because of you that I will never have a father and mother again!    


But what made Chen Yuan the most angry was that she actually had the same hobby as Bai Chichi in many aspects. This might be a genetic problem and there was no way to change it.    


Whenever that happened, Chen Yuan would deliberately avoid it. She hated that she had the same blood relation with Bai Chichi.    


But the daughter of the same father, no matter how different the environment was, there would always be similarities in their bones.    


Chen Yuan looked at the lotus roots rolling in the pot and was also very irritated. She really wanted to grab a handful of salt and put it in so that the pot of soup would be ruined.    


But it was no good. She still had to endure.    


"Qing, the rainbow is really beautiful. In the future, we can install a small fountain in the yard. If there is a sun, we can see the rainbow all the time!" Bai Chichi held Situ Qing's arm and went back to the living room.    


Her words were so piercing to Chen Yuan's ears.    


No, I don't want to see the rainbow. What a painful memory! Chen Yuan screamed in her heart.    


"Sure. As long as you like it, you can do anything you want!" Situ Qing's pampering reply made Chen Yuan even crazier.    


Everyone in the world pampers you and loves you. As for me, I can only hide in a dark corner and silently heal my wounds.    


Bai Chichi, I will not let you be so happy! Chen Yuan fiercely turned off the fire and turned on the tap to wash her hands. She did not want to hear Bai Chichi and Situ Qing's conversation.    


Another rainstorm washed away everything!    


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