Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1157 Hubby Is too Fierce 1156

C1157 Hubby Is too Fierce 1156

Bai Chichi sat on the floor-to-ceiling window and read for a while, but her mind was always thinking about Chen Yuan and the lighter, so she did not read much.    


At this time the sky became even darker and there was not a trace of wind in the courtyard. It gave people a very oppressive and uncomfortable feeling and Bai Chichi was a little worried about Situ Qing.    


It was about to rain. She did not know where he was now. She did not know if she had found any clues or if something had happened.    


After thinking for a while, Bai Chichi still gave Situ Qing a call.    


"Qing, where are you?"    


Situ Qing sounded a little tired and a little depressed. He said, "I will be back soon. My wife is sorry. There are no clues about that person for the time being. "    


"It's fine, it's fine. Take it slow! You'd better hurry home. It's going to rain! " Bai Chichi comforted Situ Qing.    


It was true that the bad guy had nothing to do with Bai's mother after her father moved away. It was not easy to find him now.    


Bai Chichi's heart ached for Situ Qing. She was even more worried that he would not be safe driving on rainy days, so she thought that it would be better to let him go home early.    


Situ Qing said, "Okay, wife, don't worry. We will find him eventually!"    


"Yes, I believe you!" Bai Chichi said firmly.    


"Wait for me at home. I will be there soon!" Situ Qing hung up the phone after saying that.    


Bai Chichi looked outside. Raindrops had started to fall. Large drops fell on the floor-to-ceiling window, creating a small splash.    


Not long after, there was only a curtain of water left between heaven and earth. The rainstorm came menacingly and there was quite a lot of water on the road.    


Bai Chichi did not know where Situ Qing had gone, but she anxiously walked in front of the window. Fortunately, she heard his car whistle not long after.    


Bai Chichi walked to the window and saw Situ Qing's car enter the garage. She was about to go downstairs to welcome him when she saw Chen Yuan running out with an umbrella.    


She ran fast! Bai Chichi blamed herself. How could she not think of giving him an umbrella?    


Although she had already returned home, she still had to go through the yard after coming out of the garage. The rain was so heavy that it would definitely get wet!    


It seemed that Chen Yuan must have been waiting at the door for a long time. After hearing the sound of the car, she quickly went out to get an umbrella for Situ Qing.    


Bai Chichi thought regretfully that sometimes she was not attentive enough, but she completely ignored the things Chen Yuan wanted.    


She had to be careful in the future. She could not be so careless anymore. As a wife, she should give her husband the most considerate care.    


However, it would be ridiculous to send an umbrella now. Bai Chichi helplessly shook her head and went downstairs to wait at the door.    


She saw Situ Qing and Chen Yuan walk over from the rain and the two of them shared an umbrella. Although the umbrella was very big, it was not enough to block the two of them.    


The rain poured down like rain. The umbrella seemed very thin. Situ Qing gave most of the umbrella to Chen Yuan. Half of his body was wet.    


"Aiya, the rain is really heavy! Brother-in-law Qing, look at you. Quickly go and change your clothes. Don't catch a cold!" Chen Yuan entered the door and did not look at Bai Chichi. It was as if Situ Qing was the only person in her eyes.    


Situ Qing, on the other hand, said to Bai Chichi while drenched, "Wife, why are you standing at the door? Be careful that the rain will come in and wet you too!"    


"Qing, I'm fine. Quickly go and change your clothes!" Bai Chichi took the briefcase from Situ Qing and held his hand as she walked upstairs.    


Situ Qing went up the stairs and turned to Chen Yuan, "Yuan, thank you. Go and change your clothes too!"    


"Okay, Brother-in-law Qing!" Chen Yuan said with a smile.    


Bai Chichi whispered to Situ Qing, "Sorry, Qing, I should go and give you an umbrella!"    


"Little fool, you still care about this? Even if you want to come, I will not agree. It is such a heavy rain!" Situ Qing's body was dripping with water. He wanted to hug Bai Chichi but held back.    


When they returned to the room, Bai Chichi hurriedly pushed Situ Qing to the bathroom and prepared clothes for him. She then sat at the door and waited for him.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "Wife, why are you like a little maid? Quickly go over and don't wait for me here. "    


"I don't want to, I want to guard you! I want to wait on you to put on your clothes and make up for my mistake of not giving you an umbrella. " Bai Chichi said stubbornly.    


"What mistake? Wife, you are really making a mountain out of a molehill!" Situ Qing laughed out loud.    


Bai Chichi lowered her head and said," Compared to Chen Yuan, I feel that I did not do enough. I do not know how to cook and I am not considerate! "    


"Why do you want to compete with Chen Yuan? I just like your carefree attitude. Don't think too much!" Situ Qing did not want Bai Chichi to wait for a long time, so he quickly finished washing up and walked out.    


Bai Chichi helped him put on the bathrobe and used a dry towel to wipe his hair. It was so gentle that it melted Situ Qing's heart.    


"Hehe, I didn't expect that because of Yuan, I could see that you are different. This is an unexpected gain!" Situ Qing said with a smile.    


Bai Chichi felt a little guilty. She hugged Situ Qing's waist and said, "I will learn how to take care of you in the future. I will not let you give in blindly. "    


"That is enough!" Situ Qing lowered his head and kissed Bai Chichi. The water on his head fell on her shoulder.    


Bai Chichi responded to him. The two kissed passionately and did not care about the water on their bodies. Until Situ Qing reacted, Bai Chichi's shoulder was wet.    


"Wife, go and take a shower now. I will help you put on your clothes!" Situ Qing kissed Bai Chichi's forehead.    


"See, I will make trouble for you!" Bai Chichi smiled.    


Situ Qing shook his head. "I like you looking for trouble! Wait a minute, my wife. I'll go easy on you. "    


After saying that, Situ Qing walked into the bathroom and poured a vat of hot water for Bai Chichi. He also added some golden and silver flower dew.    


Under his careful care, Bai Chichi felt very happy. Then she felt that it was even more necessary to tell Situ Qing about Chen Yuan smoking.    


"Qing, I found a secret about Yuan!" Bai Chichi said to Situ Qing as she played with the bubbles in the water.    


"Oh, what is it?" Situ Qing did not seem to be interested and asked casually.    


Bai Chichi smiled, "Don't you want to know?"    


"Other than your matter, I really don't want to know anything else!" Situ Qing's answer warmed Bai Chichi's heart. She felt very happy.    


She might as well forget about it and not tell him. Anyway, it was not a big deal.    


"Alright then. Since you don't want to know, I won't say anymore!" Bai Chichi nodded and did not continue this topic.    


Situ Qing carefully helped Bai Chichi out of the bathtub and wiped the water off her body before putting on her clothes.    


"Wife, that person is really cunning. He never showed himself. I wonder what kind of background he has!" Situ Qing said while blowing Bai Chichi's hair.    


Bai Chichi looked at him from the mirror. "Foxes always show their tails. I don't believe I can't catch him!"    


"Yes, but I want to find that person quickly. I want to give Dad and Mom an explanation so that you can feel at ease. " Situ Qing said to Bai Chichi lovingly.    


Bai Chichi turned to look at Situ Qing and said, "Qing, as long as you are by my side, I will feel at ease. "    


"You are saying that I can give you a sufficient sense of security?" Situ Qing said with a smile.    


"Of course! Qing, I trust you very much, and I also feel that you are very good to my parents!" Bai Chichi had always felt that this was the reason why Situ Qing was drenched in the rain today, so she was very grateful to him.    


Situ Qing turned off the breeze and hugged Bai Chichi, saying, "This is what I should do. You are my big treasure, and you are still carrying my little baby. If I don't love you, who else can I love?"    


"You really know how to talk. I will reward you with a kiss!" Bai Chichi naughtily pouted. Situ Qing did not hesitate to kiss her.    


After tidying up, Situ Qing said to Bai Chichi, "What did you eat for lunch? Did you eat well when I wasn't at home?"    


"Yes, I was very full! What about you?" Bai Chichi asked.    


" If you are not by my side, whatever you eat will not smell good! " Situ Qing shook his head.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "Really?"    


"It's definitely true!" Situ Qing said seriously.    


After he finished speaking, Situ Qing helped Bai Chichi up from the dressing bench. The two of them walked to the window to look at the rain. It seemed to be a little smaller now, and the trees in the yard looked green and clean.    


Bai Chichi was held in Situ Qing's arms. She leaned against Situ Qing's chest and said happily, "That's good. As long as you are not in the rain, I like to watch the rain!"    


"If you like it, I will accompany you!" Situ Qing tightened his arms.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "Forget it. Now that I am married, I cannot be like this anymore. I have to consider the rice, salt, sauce, and vinegar tea!"    


"There's no need for you to think about such trivial matters. Just leave it to me!" Situ Qing said generously.    


Bai Chichi shook her head. "No, I didn't give you an umbrella just now. Now I have to clean up your wet clothes. Even if I don't need to wash, I have to take down the building and hand it to Nanny Zhang. After the rain stops, I will ask her to send it to the laundry. "    


"Don't worry, let me carry it for a while!" Situ Qing was reluctant to let go of Bai Chichi.    


"No, it will taste good after a long time!" Bai Chichi smiled and broke free. She walked to the bathroom and picked up Situ Qing's wet clothes to check the things in the bag.    


The car keys. There was also a box of water dripping cigarettes and a treasure lighter. Bai Chichi carefully put them away.    


"Wife, I found that you are really good at doing housework now!" Situ Qing walked over to help Bai Chichi.    


He picked up the lighter as he spoke and hit it twice. In the end, it did not light up.    


"Oh no, I got wet. "    


Bai Chichi looked at him and casually said, "Yuan has a lighter over there. "    


"Yuan? Why does she have a lighter?" Situ Qing asked curiously.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "I don't know either. Anyway, I saw a silver lighter in her bookshelf. "    


"Really? What's the use of a lighter for a girl?" Situ Qing frowned.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "This is the secret I want to tell you. I also think it is strange! In the morning, I discovered that there was a cigarette smell in her room. Later, I saw ashes on the windowsill and a lighter fell out of her bookshelf. "    


"You mean Yuan is smoking?" Situ Qing asked in surprise.    


Bai Chichi shook her head. "I don't know. "    


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