Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1069 Hubby Is too Fierce 1068

C1069 Hubby Is too Fierce 1068

After washing her hands, she patted her face with her wet hands. Bai Chichi calmed herself down and did not want to be a petty woman.    


"Bai Chichi, didn't you always trust Chen Yuan and Qing? You cannot doubt them just because of some rumors!"    


Bai Chichi said to herself in the mirror.    


Then, she smiled and tidied her hair. She said, "Chen Yuan is outstanding, but you are not bad either! Don't belittle yourself. You are worthy of Situ Qing. You have to be confident and not be fooled by rumors! "    


She looked at her face, which was still so bright and beautiful. Her long hair was as black as the clouds, and her figure did not become bloated because of pregnancy. Her entire person was still full of charm.    


"Mm, now walk out with your head held high and chest puffed out. Don't be sneaky anymore! You are Situ Qing's wife, and you are his proper wife!" Bai Chichi said as she forcefully pulled open the door of the toilet and walked out.    


This time, Bai Chichi was no longer as frightened as before. She openly walked towards the elevator and arrived at Situ Qing's office floor.    


Along the way, the employees saw Bai Chichi. Her return rate was very high.    


Not only because of her unfamiliar face, but also because of her outstanding temperament. She was elegant and beautiful. When she walked, she was naturally calm, like a lotus flower that was fresh and refreshing.    


From the whispers of the crowd, Bai Chichi heard something like:    


"Who is this? So beautiful!"    


"Yeah, yeah, she's an oxygen beauty!"    


"This temperament, she's really not an ordinary person!"    


Such words gave Bai Chichi sufficient confidence. She revealed a faint smile on her face, appearing as extraordinary as a gust of wind.    


When she came to Situ Qing's office, she saw Chen Yuan's glass compartment outside was clean and tidy. Every small part was neatly arranged, but Chen Yuan's people were not inside.    


Bai Chichi walked over and thought to herself, Could it be that they got off work?    


She pushed Situ Qing's office door again and it was also locked. It seemed that they really went out for lunch.    


At this time, the phrase "I will never leave my wife" appeared in Bai Chichi's mind again. She frowned and said to herself, "You are here again! Chen Yuan was Qing's assistant and it was Chen Yuan's duty to be by his side all the time. This was a very normal thing! "    


After thinking for a while, Bai Chichi went straight to the employee restaurant. Her appearance made everyone who was eating stop what they were doing and all of them looked at her and whispered to each other.    


Bai Chichi stood at the door and looked inside. The employees inside were holding plates. There were a few of them at the table, but she did not see Situ Qing.    


At this time, a very enthusiastic looking young man walked over and said to Bai Chichi, "Beauty, are you looking for someone?"    


Bai Chichi looked at him and nodded with a smile.    


A few young men also walked over. Their eyes were enthusiastic and attentive.    


"Who are you looking for? Why don't you sit down and eat something first?"    


"Sit here. It's very clean here!"    


Bai Chichi shook her head and said," No need. The person I am looking for is not here. "    


"Tell me, who are you looking for? I am familiar with the entire company!" The enthusiastic young man patted his chest.    


"Well, I am looking for Situ Qing. " Bai Chichi thought for a while. In order to not let these young men continue to be enthusiastic, she could only tell the truth.    


"President Situ? May I ask if you are his?" The enthusiastic young man was a little surprised, but the young man's curiosity was very high. He could not help but ask Bai Chichi.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "I am his wife. "    


"Ah, so you are the wife of the CEO! Please wait! " The enthusiastic young man quickly ran to the side of an older middle-aged man and said something to him. He then pointed at Bai Chichi.    


Bai Chichi stood beside the young men and smiled generously and appropriately. She chatted with them about the dishes in the restaurant.    


It seemed that Bai Chichi was just like the wives of the leaders on television when they visited the people. She looked so kind and friendly.    


The middle-aged employee walked over and said to Bai Chichi, "Hello, the CEO isn't here for dinner. I'll bring you there!"    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "Okay, thank you!"    


"You're welcome!" The middle-aged employee brought Bai Chichi to the highest floor of the company building. It was the place where the higher-ups were having their meals.    


"The CEO is inside. Do you need me to inform her?" The middle-aged employee was very polite and polite. Bai Chichi had a very good impression of him.    


"Oh, no need. Thank you! I'm sorry for disturbing your meal!" Bai Chichi said a little sheepishly.    


As Madam of President, she did not even know about the company's restaurant. Was she being too negligent?    


The middle-aged employee bowed slightly and took his leave.    


Bai Chichi thought to herself, it seems that the employees under Qing were not bad. It was normal for those girls to gossip behind their backs.    


Which company did not have such people? If they were to suspect Qing and Chen Yuan because of their words, it would be too hasty.    


Bai Chichi calmed herself down and walked towards the restaurant. This place was different from the employee restaurant she saw before. It was quiet, just like a western restaurant with elegant style.    


She didn't know what kind of expression he would have when he saw her in the future. Would he be surprised? Or would he blame her for not reporting him?    


Bai Chichi could not help but feel nervous. She walked to the door and saw that there were a few tables and chairs inside. There was a clean and tidy plaid and there was even a vase inside. It was blue in color and did not allow one to forget oneself.    


There was a light piano music flowing in the restaurant. The faint fragrance of flowers mixed with the fragrance of food made people drool.    


Unconsciously, Bai Chichi's stomach also began to growl. She smiled and gently touched her belly and softly said, "Baby, don't be anxious. We are about to meet dad. Let him treat you to the best food here!"    


There were not many people in the restaurant. They must have already finished eating and left.    


Bai Chichi walked in and saw Situ Qing sitting by the window with his back facing her.    


Chen Yuan sat opposite of Situ Qing and was talking to him with a smile.    


They were really eating together!    


However, Bai Chichi had once told Situ Qing about this when they were at home.    


At that time, Situ Qing had told Bai Chichi that Chen Yuan would always go to an ordinary employee restaurant to eat and then go to the higher ups to order food for him and send it to the office.    


When Bai Chichi heard this, she felt that Chen Yuan running around the two places was quite tiring, so she said to her that she should also go to the higher ups' restaurant to eat and then bring it back for Situ Qing. It would also be more convenient.    


But Chen Yuan very humbly said that she was just an assistant and it was not appropriate to go to the higher level restaurant to eat.    


Bai Chichi persuaded for a long time before Chen Yuan finally agreed. Only when Situ Qing personally went to eat would she follow him to the high class restaurant.    


If she did not go with Situ Qing, she would consciously go to the normal employee restaurant and would not make herself special.    


At that time, Bai Chichi was still very touched. She felt that Chen Yuan was very self-disciplined and would not rely on her relationship with Situ Qing to be arrogant and aloof.    


Now, seeing them talking and laughing like a couple with her own eyes, Bai Chichi felt a little stifled in her heart.    


Situ Qing did not see Bai Chichi. He waved his hand as if he was in a good mood and was telling Chen Yuan something.    


Chen Yuan smiled sweetly and nodded from time to time.    


Looking at them and the atmosphere of the restaurant, Bai Chichi even felt that she was simply disturbing them by walking over.    


Just as Bai Chichi was hesitating, Chen Yuan suddenly took a small piece of steak from the plate and placed it on Situ Qing's plate. Situ Qing did not even think about it and put his fork into his mouth.    


Chen Yuan then took Situ Qing's plate over and personally cut the steak for him before handing it back to him.    


Situ Qing seemed to have long gotten used to being carefully taken care of by her. He didn't even say thank you before he ate it naturally.    


After eating a few mouthfuls, Chen Yuan sent another bowl of brilliant red borscht to him.    


Situ Qing picked up the spoon and drank a few mouthfuls of the soup. It was probably because the corner of his mouth was stained with soup. Chen Yuan quickly handed him a tissue.    


Bai Chichi looked at everything in front of her and felt that Chen Yuan's actions were a little too intimate. No matter what, Situ Qing was still an adult. Furthermore, he was from an independent and courageous military background. It was not to the extent that he would be served by Chen Yuan like a person who could not take care of himself.    


Of course, Bai Chichi also knew that Situ Qing treated Chen Yuan like his own sister. But no matter how good a brother and sister were, they would not be so intimate with each other.    


Standing there in a daze, Bai Chichi's figure happened to be behind a tall green gold tree. Moreover, Chen Yuan's line of sight was blocked by Situ Qing's head, so she did not notice her.    


The restaurant was within the company, so it was not as crowded as ordinary restaurants. After a while, a Staff cleaning the dining table saw her.    


"Miss, do you want to eat? Sorry, we don't treat outsiders here!" The Staff in the restaurant said to Bai Chichi.    


"Oh, I'm not here to eat. I'm looking for someone. " Bai Chichi blushed as if her secret whereabouts had been exposed.    


She had come to find Situ Qing openly, but when she saw the intimate interaction between him and Chen Yuan, it made Bai Chichi look like a peeping tom.    


Chen Yuan heard the sound over here and stood up to see Bai Chichi. She quickly walked over with a smile and said, "Ms Chichi, why are you here?"    


"I am here to find Qing. " Bai Chichi pointed at Situ Qing.    


Situ Qing had already walked over at this time. He hugged Bai Chichi's shoulder and said, "Wife, what do you want from me?"    


Chen Yuan let the Staff in the restaurant leave. Then she warmly pulled Bai Chichi's hand and brought her to the table before.    


"Wife, you haven't eaten yet right? What do you want to eat? I will ask them to make it for you immediately!" Situ Qing settled Bai Chichi on the chair that he had just sat on.    


Bai Chichi shook her head. "I did not eat. I wanted to ask you to eat with me, but I did not expect you all to have eaten. "    


"I just finished eating too. It's fine, I will accompany you to eat more!" Situ Qing smiled and said to Bai Chichi.    


Chen Yuan very sensibly said, "Ms Chichi, I still have to go to work! Just give Brother-in-law Qing a chance and let him serve you well!"    


After saying that, she happily waved goodbye to Bai Chichi and left the restaurant with a smile.    


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