Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1066 Hubby Is too Fierce 1065

C1066 Hubby Is too Fierce 1065

"Yuan, you still have to accompany Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao to the exam tomorrow, right?" Xin Xiaozi returned to her room and said to Situ Yuan.    


"Yes, because Qing doesn't have time, it must be me. " Situ Yuan changed into his pajamas and smiled as he walked to Xin Xiaozi's side and said.    


Xin Xiaozi frowned and said, "I think since we are all uncles, we should go alone for a day. This way, the children will feel that everyone cares about them. "    


"You are not the kind of person to be calculative, right, wife?" Situ Yuan said with a smile as he hugged Xin Xiaozi.    


"That won't do. You have to let Qing come out. I need to talk to him!" Xin Xiaozi turned around and said to Situ Yuan.    


"Really? What are we talking about?" Situ Yuan looked at Xin Xiaozi and did not know what was wrong with her. In the morning, she was happily asking him to go and protect Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao.    


Xin Xiaozi pouted and said, "You want him to come out? I just want to ask him why he only wants you to accompany the child and he can not go!"    


"Wife, is this necessary?" Situ Yuan said with a smile.    


"Of course it is. It was not easy for you to come back, but you can't accompany me. I feel uncomfortable!" Xin Xiaozi said stubbornly.    


Situ Yuan could not convince her, so he could only say, "Do you want to talk now?"    


"Of course. Ask him to come over for a while. Otherwise, if he hears it later, he will say that I am being hypocritical again!" Xin Xiaozi pointed at the door and asked Situ Yuan to go and invite Situ Qing immediately.    


Situ Yuan had no choice but to knock on the door of Situ Qing and Bai Chichi's room.    


"Yuan, what's the matter?" Situ Qing opened the door and asked curiously.    


"Come out for a while. I have something to talk to you about. It has something to do with Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao. " Situ Yuan never lied.    


When Bai Chichi heard that it had something to do with the two children, she quickly said to Situ Qing, "You go!"    


"Okay, I will be back in a while. " After Situ Qing said that, he followed Situ Yuan to the corridor.    


"Tell me, what happened to the children?" Situ Qing said.    


Situ Yuan said, embarrassed, "Actually, it wasn't me who looked for you. It was Xiaozi. She wants you to accompany the children for the exam tomorrow. "    


"What's the matter? Didn't we agree that you would go?" Situ Qing did not understand. Didn't they say it was fine? Why did Xin Xiaozi change her mind again?    


Situ Yuan said, "I don't know what she is thinking either. Why don't you go and ask her yourself? I am just here to pass a message. "    


Situ Qing nodded and said, "That wife of yours is really weird. He had an idea later! Alright, I'll go and ask. If she insists on me going, Then I'll go!"    


After saying that, Situ Qing went to Xin Xiaozi's bedroom.    


"Qing, come here. I want to show you something!" Xin Xiaozi saw Situ Qing and said very seriously to him.    


Then she said to Situ Yuan behind her, "Yuan, close the door. I don't want to tell anyone about this!"    


"What do you mean?" Situ Qing did not understand what Xin Xiaozi was trying to do, so he stopped.    


"Come and take a look at this and you will know what I mean!" Xin Xiaozi held her phone and waved at Situ Qing.    


Situ Qing looked at Situ Yuan, who was beside him, but he also looked confused. Didn't she say she wanted to talk about the two children accompanying the exam? What did it have to do with the phone?    


"Hey, hurry up!" Xin Xiaozi said to Situ Qing anxiously.    


Situ Qing had no choice but to walk over. He looked at Xin Xiaozi and asked, "What do you want me to see?"    


"About this, tell me what happened!" Xin Xiaozi took out the photo and pointed at Meng Rann and said to Situ Qing.    


Situ Yuan also came over to take a look when he heard that. He looked at Situ Qing in surprise and said, "Isn't this Meng Rann? What are you guys doing?"    


"This! Why would it be uploaded to the Internet?" Situ Qing took a look and said with a frown.    


Xin Xiaozi said unhappily, "I wanted to ask you, who took this photo? Why would it be sent to WeChat?"    


"This should be taken by Meng Rann, but I don't know how it got posted online. But what you see is different from the actual situation. " Situ Qing told Xin Xiaozi and Situ Yuan about what happened in detail.    


After Xin Xiaozi heard it, she stared at Situ Qing and said, "What you said is true?"    


"Of course. I don't need to lie. Meng Rann and I had lunch together at noon. I just returned the two apple watches she bought to her. " Situ Qing's expression was innocent, but it was also very real.    


"So this is what she posted online? What exactly does she want to do?" Xin Xiaozi bit her lips and thought about Meng Rann's intentions.    


Situ Yuan looked at Situ Qing and said, "Did you not agree to her request?"    


"I am just doing business. There is no need to agree or not to her request. " Situ Qing also felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.    


"Then you can call her and ask her. " Xin Xiaozi handed the phone to Situ Qing.    


"Okay!" Situ Qing also wanted to know what was going on, so he called Meng Rann to ask about the origin of this matter.    


Who knew that Meng Rann would immediately deny it and say that she did not take any photos after she fell. She also did not know why there would be such photos on the Internet.    


"That's strange. Who was the one playing tricks?" Xin Xiaozi asked doubtfully.    


Situ Yuan said, "Since it is just a misunderstanding, then forget it. As long as you don't see it later, it will be fine. "    


"I have to investigate carefully. It's too strange!" Xin Xiaozi felt that there must be something strange.    


Situ Qing shook his head and said, "Maybe it was done by paparazzi from some small magazine. Meng Rann also has connections with the entertainment industry. She was probably being watched!"    


"It's fine if it didn't cause any impact. The more you care about these small magazines, the more excited you are. You can't wait for you to go to court with them. This will satisfy their purpose of creating hype!" Situ Yuan had encountered similar situations in the past. He knew that cold treatment was the best method.    


Xin Xiaozi could only nod and say, "Alright then. Let's forget about this matter. It's a good thing we don't like to go online for free. "    


"Then that's it. I'll go back. Oh right, what about the children's exam tomorrow? " Situ Qing remembered what Situ Yuan had told him before.    


"It's better to leave. I'm just finding an excuse for you to come here. I don't want Bai Chi to know what we are going to say!" Xin Xiaozi said.    


Situ Qing looked at her and nodded. "Alright, we will do as you say. "    


After returning to the room, Bai Chichi asked Situ Qing, "What did Yuan want to talk to you about?"    


"Oh, just about the two girls going abroad. It's fine. You can rest!" Situ Qing casually said a few words, but Bai Chichi did not pay much attention to it.    


This matter was so calm and quiet. Chen Yuan waited for the whole night but did not wait for the result she wanted. This made her fly into a rage out of humiliation.    


"I have been busy for so long that it was all in vain! Xin Xiaozi, why are you able to keep your cool this time?" Chen Yuan lit a cigarette and said to herself.    


But she had no other choice for the time being and could only sulk for a while.    


At this time, Chen Yuan's phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was actually Meng Rann calling. After hesitating for a moment, Chen Yuan pressed the call button.    


"Assistant Chen, did you put the photo I sent you online?" Meng Rann also did not understand, so she wanted to ask Chen Yuan for clarification.    


"No, who said that?" Chen Yuan replied coldly.    


"Really? Then forget it. " Meng Rann had actually guessed that it might be Chen Yuan who did this, but she was too lazy to expose it.    


She still had to get Chen Yuan to help get that contract and there was no need to offend her. Furthermore, that photo did not seem to have spread much.    


Even if it had spread, it would not be too bad for Meng Rann. Perhaps she could even help her a little. The public would say that she had a close relationship with Situ Qing. This was something that Meng Rann was used to.    


"What exactly is the meaning of this, CEO Meng? What are you suspecting about me for?" Chen Yuan was still angry and wanted to find someone to vent her anger on.    


But Meng Rann was not a vegetarian either. She smiled and said," Where did you go? Assistant Chen, I was still thinking about how you were good to me. Why would I suspect you?"    


"That photo was very bad. I deleted it immediately. This has nothing to do with me at all. " Chen Yuan said angrily.    


Meng Rann said, "Yes, it is not good. It is even better if you deleted it! Let's do it this way. In the future, when we have time, let's drink tea together! "    


After saying that, Meng Rann hung up the phone.    


Chen Yuan looked at the phone in a daze and thought, How did Meng Rann know? Could it be that Situ Qing had looked for her?    


This way, Xin Xiaozi must have asked Situ Qing privately. They must have communicated well, so they would not tell Bai Chichi.    


She was so angry that she died. Chen Yuan thought to herself that not only did she not achieve her goal this time, it also made Meng Rann doubt herself. It was really like stealing a chicken and not eating rice.    


Forget it. Since they did not make a fuss about it, she would just treat it as if she accidentally stepped into a quagmire and washed it clean. Just treat it as if nothing had happened.    


Chen Yuan angrily smoked another cigarette and adjusted her thoughts. She decided to get on good terms with Situ Qing to avoid being affected by Xin Xiaozi.    


She decided on her future direction. Only then did Chen Yuan sleep a little apprehensively. After a night of wandering around, she was afraid that Situ Qing would find out something from Meng Rann.    


The next morning, everyone was still very calm. Situ Yuan sent the two children to take the exam, while Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi waited at home for news.    


Chen Yuan followed Situ Qing to work and secretly looked at his expression along the way. It did not seem to be any different and was still the same as usual.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, when you went to return the watch yesterday, did Miss Meng Rann get angry?" Chen Yuan deliberately found something to say.    


"No, she was still very calm. I said I don't want it, so she took it back. " Situ Qing answered casually as he drove.    


Chen Yuan nodded. I've also looked at their company's information. I think so too. It's pretty good. I also like those ideas! "    


"Do you like the design style of Meng Rann and the others?" Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan.    


"Yes, it is very fresh. It is very similar to the primitive scenery I saw in the countryside!" Chen Yuan decided to promote Meng Rann's contract. This way, she would be very grateful to her and would not ask about the photos anymore.    


Situ Qing nodded and said, "Alright then. This theme park plan was suggested by you. You like Meng Rann's style, so we will use their design!"    


"Really, Brother-in-law Qing? You don't have to consider my preference. Just follow the company plan. " Chen Yuan said that, but she looked very surprised.    


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