Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1044 Hubby Is too Fierce 1043

C1044 Hubby Is too Fierce 1043

Situ Qing looked at Meng Rann's company's proposal and felt that she had potential for cooperation. Apart from personal issues, Meng Rann's workability was very good.    


Therefore, Situ Qing felt that he should have a good talk with Meng Rann when he had time and discuss the theme park's garden landscape.    


Because the objective was to care for the children who stayed behind, Situ Qing hoped to let the children feel a fairytale atmosphere.    


This way, the garden planning was very important. How to create a dreamlike forest world required the extraordinary imagination of the designer.    


Situ Qing asked Chen Yuan to find out all the projects that Meng Rann's company had done in the past and carefully observe and guess them one by one.    


"President, it is lunch time. Do you want to go to the restaurant or do you want me to bring it back for you?" Chen Yuan walked into Situ Qing's office.    


Situ Qing looked up and saw it was indeed noon. He said to Chen Yuan, "How about this, let's go out and eat. "    


"Why?" Chen Yuan did not understand. There were many restaurants in the company and the taste was not bad.    


There were no clients today, so why did he go out for a meal?    


Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment and said in realization, "Brother-in-law Qing, you are going to find Ms Chichi to eat together, right?"    


"Who said it was just the two of us. " Situ Qing said as he packed the documents on the table and stood up to pick up his coat.    


Chen Yuan said in surprise, "Just the two of us? What's the need for that? I'm not going, I'm not going. The food of the employees in the company is quite good! "    


"Yuan, you don't have to save money for me. The benefits you bring me are not something money can buy! So, I'll treat you to a good meal today. Don't stand on ceremony!" After Situ Qing finished speaking, he did not care about Chen Yuan's objections and brought her downstairs.    


Chen Yuan had no choice but to follow behind Situ Qing and timidly said, "Brother-in-law Qing, did I make a mistake and you can't criticize me in the company?"    


"Silly girl, I'll treat you to a meal and you still treat it as a Hongmen Banquet? Don't worry, I just want to go out with you to eat something delicious!" Situ Qing patted Chen Yuan's shoulder.    


"But I didn't make any contributions. I don't deserve any rewards!" He didn't expect Chen Yuan to be so stubborn.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "Alright. Actually, I want to tell you something. I hope you can give me some suggestions. "    


"Is that so? That makes sense!" Chen Yuan also smiled.    


"Then, are you happy to have my meal?" Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan and shook his head.    


It seemed that it was quite troublesome to treat Chen Yuan to a meal. He had to give her a proper reason.    


That was good too. This was also a principle.    


Chen Yuan nodded. "Yes, as long as you have something to do with me, I will agree to accompany you to dinner. After all, it has something to do with me!"    


Situ Qing said very appreciatively to Chen Yuan, "Very good, you have a good personality! I just like your temper! "    


Pure, but she had her own conviction. Chen Yuan's personality was not something an ordinary girl could have.    


If Chen Yuan treated Situ Qing like this, she would have even more standards for men who had ulterior motives towards her.    


Therefore, Situ Qing was very assured about Chen Yuan's private life.    


"Don't praise me anymore. What do you want to eat?" Chen Yuan said to Situ Qing with a smile.    


"Let's just eat steak. Is that okay?" Situ Qing wanted to find a quiet place to talk to Chen Yuan.    


Chen Yuan nodded. "Okay, let's eat steak. "    


In Chen Yuan's heart, she could roughly guess what Situ Qing wanted to say to her. It must have something to do with Bai Chichi.    


Situ Qing and Chen Yuan went to a famous steak shop and found a corner. It was very quiet there, with only soothing music flowing around. It was a good place to talk.    


"Yuan, what do you want to eat?" Situ Qing took the menu and asked Chen Yuan.    


Chen Yuan said shyly, "How would I know about this? Just help me order whatever you want!"    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "You should come to this kind of place to eat more. Maybe the company will let you see customers alone in the future. You should know some western food rules. "    


In fact, not only was Chen Yuan very familiar with this kind of place, she also knew the western food and beverage rules like the back of her hand. She just did not want Situ Qing to see that she was not that village girl who had not seen the world.    


"Okay. Brother-in-law Qing, teach me. I will study hard. " Chen Yuan said shyly.    


Situ Qing said, "Forget about today. I will teach you when I have time. Now I will help you order food. "    


Very quickly, the waiter brought the dishes they ordered. After drinking some red wine, Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan and said, "Yuan, I think you also saw that there were some problems between Ms Chichi and me during this period of time. "    


"Yes, a little. " Chen Yuan nodded.    


"I want to tell you everything that happened. You can judge and see who is the one who made the mistake. " Situ Qing had been extremely aggrieved these few days. He wanted to find someone to tell him about the bitterness in his heart.    


Chen Yuan did not say anything. She quietly looked at Situ Qing.    


This kind of attitude was very good. He was a smart and sensible person to listen to.    


Situ Qing told Chen Yuan about Bai Chichi and Qin Xuesong meeting, and also told her about the bad deeds of Qin Xuesong in the past.    


"Yuan, do you think it's wrong for me to stop delaying the meeting with Qin Xuesong?" Situ Qing actually started to have some contradictions in his heart at this moment.    


Bai Chichi and Qin Xuesong did not do anything that crossed the line when they met. At most, they just went to see the exhibition, ate some snacks, and chatted.    


Was he a little too nervous?    


Situ Qing urgently needed Chen Yuan to give him an answer.    


Chen Yuan shook her head and said, "No, you are not wrong. "    


"Really?" Situ Qing asking this meant that he did not have confidence in himself. Chen Yuan immediately knew what he was thinking.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, I think you just care too much about Ms Chichi and don't want her to be hurt!" Chen Yuan looked into Situ Qing's eyes and said what she wanted to say to him.    


"Yes, I do think so. " Situ Qing heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed like he was not alone. Some people agreed with him.    


Chen Yuan thought for a while and said, "I don't know that Qin Xuesong, but from your description, I know that he is a person with a bad character. "    


Situ Qing nodded. "When he was with her for a long time, he brought her fear. However, she actually forgot about it after a long time. "    


This sentence made Situ Qing's heart ache. Bai Chichi. Aren't you too naive? Or do you trust others too easily?    


Chen Yuan said to Situ Qing, "Brother-in-law Qing, after this period of contact, I know Ms Chichi is a person who values relationships very much. She might have been deceived by Qin Xuesong. "    


"She values relationships and must have a sense of propriety. How can she be with a person with a bad record? What relationship is there to talk about with someone who has a miserable past!? " Situ Qing was a little angry.    


Chen Yuan's goal was to make Situ Qing feel that she was not wrong at all. That was why she intentionally or unintentionally stimulated Situ Qing's nerves, but did not reveal any traces.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, don't be angry. I think you are really a good man. You can do whatever you want to protect the person you love!" Chen Yuan was being sincere. Situ Qing was touched.    


Without saying anything, Situ Qing picked up the glass and drank the wine inside.    


Chen Yuan looked at him without batting an eyelid and waited for him to calm down before saying, "Ms Chichi now has your baby, so she should be more careful when dealing with things. Qin Xuesong had used her kindness in the past to make her repay the gambling debts. Now I don't know what kind of schemes and plots she has!"    


" That's right. I was careless too. I didn't notice that this person had returned to our side. If I hadn't met him when I went to buy hoofbeats that day, I would still be in the dark. " Situ Qing thought that everything was the will of the heavens, but he didn't know that it was all planned by Chen Yuan.    


"That's why the heavens are watching. Brother-in-law Qing, your care for Ms Chichi touched the heavens, so I specifically came to remind you!" Chen Yuan said so much that her tears were about to come out.    


Situ Qing asked the waiter to pour him another glass of wine. He touched Chen Yuan's glass and said, "Yuan, I have been in a bad mood these few days. Today I finally heard a few words that made my heart feel better. Thank you!"    


"Brother-in-law Qing, you are too polite. You are willing to tell me the depression in your heart. This is my honor. It is my duty to help you share some of the burden!" Chen Yuan also raised her glass and drank a mouthful of wine.    


Situ Qing looked at her and smiled. He said, "If I was half as sensible as you, I would not be so angry!"    


"Don't say that. Ms Chichi was only deceived for a moment. I think she will slowly understand!" Chen Yuan pretended to be shy.    


"No, she just doesn't understand. That's why she quarreled with me. She protested that I won't allow her to see Qin Xuesong. She even ran back to her parents!" Situ Qing's anger rose again.    


Especially since Bai Chichi actually followed him yesterday.    


Chen Yuan laughed in her heart. They did not know that she was the one who pierced the needle and thread and even came to talk to her.    


"Is that so? I thought Ms Chichi missed her parents! So she was just getting angry with you?" Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing in surprise.    


"Of course I am. He doesn't distinguish between friend and foe. This little idiot is really stupid!" Situ Qing was full of anger as he spoke.    


"If that is the case, then it is Ms Chichi's fault. If she was just confused for a moment, it would be fine, but if she did this, wouldn't it become more and more stiff?" Chen Yuan fanned the flames.    


Situ Qing simply spat out all the unhappiness in his heart. "That's not all. Last night, she was still staring at me. She used Meng Rann to talk about things. "    


"No wonder you asked me if I told Ms Chichi about the meeting between you and Meng Rann! So that's how it is!" Chen Yuan widened her eyes and looked at Situ Qing with a shocked expression.    


Situ Qing shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Yes, I never would have thought that she would become such a narrow-minded and ungrateful person. "    


"Brother-in-law Qing, previously I thought Ms Chichi only thought that you were restricting her personal freedom. Now I think that she is indeed a little too narrow-minded. " Chen Yuan did not miss the opportunity to give Bai Chichi some bad medicine.    


Situ Qing sighed.    


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