Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1037 Hubby Is too Fierce 1036

C1037 Hubby Is too Fierce 1036

Bai Chichi looked at Xin Xiaozi, hoping that she could come up with an idea for herself. Her mind was in a mess right now, and she didn't know what to do to not anger Situ Qing and ignore Qin Xuesong.    


"Bai Chi, you have a clear conscience, right?" Xin Xiaozi thought for a while and said to Bai Chichi.    


Bai Chichi nodded her head vigorously. Of course she was innocent and did not have any intention of betraying Situ Qing.    


"Of course I am! I thought that Qing would believe me no matter what. It seems like I was wrong this time!"    


Xin Xiaozi took a deep breath and said, "Alright, since you are honest in your heart, then don't easily admit your mistake. "    


"I am not wrong in the first place. That is why I quarreled with him. " Bai Chichi felt that having a good friend who was willing to believe her made her feel much better.    


Xin Xiaozi said, "Both of you are still angry, so I think it is better to calm down for now and think about it clearly before talking about it. "    


"But the two of us are in the same house every day. He is so cold, and I am also cold. The atmosphere is too bad, so oppressive!" Bai Chichi felt depressed when she thought about how the two of them did not communicate with each other at night.    


Xin Xiaozi looked at Bai Chichi and said with heartache, "You are a pregnant woman and he did not even give you some. This is too heartless!"    


"I also do not know why he would be so angry! I think he must be suspicious of me to be like this. " Bai Chichi sighed.    


"That's enough. I think it's not a good idea for the two of you to sully each other in the same room. Why don't you go back to your parents' place for two days and leave some space for everyone to think about the benefits of each other. What do you think?" Xin Xiaozi looked at Bai Chichi and said.    


Bai Chichi thought for a while and nodded, "That's good too. Anyway, I have not seen my parents for a long time. If I go back and stay for two days, perhaps I will think it through. "    


"Then let's go. I'll drive you there. " Xin Xiaozi also did not take a shower and helped Bai Chichi get a few clothes before bringing her to the hotel where her father, Bai's mother, stayed temporarily.    


When Bai Chichi saw her parents, she naturally did not dare to tell them that she came because she quarreled with Situ Qing. She only said that she missed her father and mother and stayed for two days before going back.    


The white father Bai's mother did not think too much about it. She felt that it was normal for her daughter to be in a family relationship. Moreover, they also knew that Situ Qing had been very busy recently.    


Maybe it was because his son-in-law did not have much time with his daughter, so he let his daughter think about going to his parents' side to act spoiled. The old couple happily let Bai Chichi stay.    


When Situ Qing returned home, he saw that Bai Chichi was not around and Xin Xiaozi was talking to him in a strange manner. The anger in his heart became even greater.    


"Where did she go?" Situ Qing thought that Bai Chichi was deliberately going against him and went to find Qin Xuesong.    


Xin Xiaozi sneered and said, "Don't think that people are so dirty. Bai Chi only felt that there was no warmth here, so he went home to find his parents!"    


"She felt that there was no warmth? What a good excuse!" Situ Qing was furious when he saw that Bai Chichi not only did not admit her mistake, but also ran back to her mother's house.    


Xin Xiaozi nodded. "Yeah, who asked Hubby to treat her like this!"    


Situ Qing heard Xin Xiaozi's words and turned around to go upstairs with an ashen face. He thought Bai Chichi must have said a lot of bad things about him in front of Xin Xiaozi, which was why Xin Xiaozi was so sarcastic and sarcastic.    


Bai Chichi, you are really a stubborn little bastard! I didn't let you see Qin Xuesong because I was afraid that you would be deceived. How could you not understand?    


If you want to leave, then leave. You didn't even greet me. What do you think I, Hubby, am?    


The more Situ Qing thought about it, the angrier he became. He felt that Bai Chichi was unreasonable. Moreover, she actually ran away. Wasn't this avoiding the problem?    


Alright, it's good that you left. Let your brain calm down. Think about who is really doing this for your own good!    


With this in mind, Situ Qing also sulked and did not call Bai Chichi, letting her have space to think.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, I heard from Ms Xiaozi that Ms Chichi went back to see her parents. Aren't you going to pick her up?" On the way to work, Chen Yuan asked Situ Qing.    


Situ Qing shook his head and said, "I don't need to pick her up. She will naturally come back when she wants to. "    


"But she is pregnant. It is not good to do this. " Chen Yuan pretended to be very worried.    


Situ Qing said, "She is with her parents. She can be taken care of very well. There should be no problem. "    


"Alright, Mother Bai must be very happy to see her daughter!" Chen Yuan saw that Situ Qing's face was very ugly and even deliberately said that.    


"Yes, reuniting with the family is a joy of heaven. She likes it this way!" Situ Qing's heart was sour. Did Bai Chichi really feel that there was no warmth in Situ Family?    


Chen Yuan still wanted to say something but was interrupted by Situ Qing. "Yuan, last time you said that Meng Rann wanted to ask me out for a meal. How did you deal with it?"    


When she heard his words, Chen Yuan was very happy. The opportunity had finally come. It seemed that the heavens did not let down those who were determined!    


"You said that we will not meet for the time being. That's why I told her that our CEO has been very busy these few days. We'll meet again another day. " Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing and said.    


"Very good. Then contact her today and tell her that I'm free. Let her find a place to meet at night!" Situ Qing said as he drove.    


Chen Yuan took out her tablet for work and flipped it. She pretended to be in a difficult position and said, "But Brother-in-law Qing, your schedule says that you have an appointment tonight!"    


"Cancel anyone you want. I will see Meng Rann!" Situ Qing said coldly.    


Chen Yuan was overjoyed. It seemed that Bai Chichi's return to her mother's house had really provoked Situ Qing. He actually agreed to Meng Rann's invitation.    


Situ Qing, who had not wavered for such a long time, had today, for the first time in his life, rejected the invitation of a construction company's boss. He changed his opinion of Meng Rann at the last minute. It could be seen that he must be very angry in his heart. Moreover, he was still fighting with Bai Chichi!    


Great, you guys can continue like this. There will be even more beautiful scenes to play next. Bai Chichi, you are really stupid to push your husband to another woman's side!    


"Okay, but Brother-in-law Qing, the original date tonight is very important. Look at the other party and us! Ok," Brother-in-law Qing said.    


"Are you the one who makes the decision, or am I the one who makes the decision?" Situ Qing pushed the tablet away and said coldly.    


Chen Yuan was stunned. Although Situ Qing's attitude was so bad, she was very happy in her heart. She felt that this was the effect that she wanted.    


"Sorry, Brother-in-law Qing!" Chen Yuan lowered her head and apologized.    


Situ Qing had always been polite to Chen Yuan, but now he put on the airs of a CEO. He must have been extremely angry.    


Probably because he felt that his tone was too harsh, Situ Qing took a look at him. Chen Yuan said, "No, it's my fault. Yuan, don't mind. "    


"How could that be? Brother-in-law Qing, you seem to be in a bad mood. I think it's better to let Ms Chichi come back!" Chen Yuan added oil to the fire. She knew that Situ Qing could not hear Bai Chichi's name now.    


Sure enough, Situ Qing's face was like frost. After a while, he said, "I might have read the documents late last night and my head hurt a little. "    


"Then I'll go and buy you medicine when I get to the company later!" Chen Yuan knew when it should be appropriate to stop, so she said very obediently.    


Situ Qing nodded and went straight to the company.    


When he reached the office, Situ Qing instructed Chen Yuan to immediately contact Meng Rann's company and then he started working.    


Chen Yuan agreed and dialed Meng Rann's assistant's number, "Good news. Please inform Miss Meng Rann that our CEO has agreed to have dinner with her. "    


"Really? That's great! I will tell Miss Meng Rann immediately. I believe she will be very happy too. " Meng Rann's assistant naturally agreed immediately. This was the thing that he was most worried about during this period of time. Because of this problem, Meng Rann had said countless times that his public relations ability was low and almost wanted to fire him.    


Chen Yuan proudly said, "You also know that it is very difficult for our CEO to get an appointment. Please let Miss Meng Rann cherish this opportunity. "    


"I know, thank you!" Meng Rann's assistant's tone was very pleasant.    


Chen Yuan nodded. "This time, the CEO was willing to agree. I also spent a lot of time and effort to persuade him to reject tonight's date. "    


"I know, I know, I know what to do, thank you!" Meng Rann's assistant thought that Chen Yuan was hinting something and quickly replied.    


"What do you know? What I mean is that tonight's opportunity was not easy to get. Miss Meng Rann should understand. " Chen Yuan hung up the phone after saying that.    


She did not want Meng Rann to give her any benefits. She just wanted to let her understand that Chen Yuan was also a very important person by Situ Qing's side.    


This was also very important to Chen Yuan's future plans. She wanted to pave a flat road for herself so that it would be convenient for her future actions.    


After this matter was settled, Chen Yuan called the construction company's boss, who was going to meet Situ Qing tonight, and asked him to reschedule.    


Chen Yuan picked up the call to Situ Qing's office insider. "President, everything has been arranged. Miss Meng Rann's assistant said that she will contact me after the time and place have been set. "    


"Okay, okay. " Situ Qing agreed.    


Situ Qing was going to talk to the boss of the construction company today, but he changed his mind at the last minute because of Bai Chichi.    


If Bai Chichi did not run back to her mother's house by herself, Situ Qing would not suddenly want to see Meng Rann.    


Since Bai Chichi secretly went to see Qin Xuesong and stubbornly thought that she was right, Situ Qing thought. Then I will also go and see the beautiful CEO that people speak of, and see what you will think!    


With a trace of fighting spirit, Situ Qing suddenly thought of going to the appointment. He hoped that Bai Chichi could understand the resentment and sadness in his heart.    


But Situ Qing was still very rational. He saw Meng Rann. Other than getting angry with Bai Chichi, he also got angry with her. There was another reason, which was that he originally wanted to meet this beautiful CEO, but he only arranged the time at this sensitive time.    


If Bai Chichi was willing to admit her mistake, then Situ Qing would also tell her that seeing Meng Rann was just a matter of business and could let Bai Chichi not be angry and jealous.    


But if she insisted on believing that she was right, Situ Qing felt that he might as well let her have some jealousy.    


This way, it might be of some help to their relationship.    


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