Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1034 Hubby Is too Fierce 1033

C1034 Hubby Is too Fierce 1033

"I will do what I say. Don't worry. " Although Bai Chichi felt that Situ Qing's words sounded a little strange, she was still thinking about Chen Yuan in her heart, so she did not pay too much attention to it.    


Situ Qing nodded. "Okay, I hope you can take my words to heart. "    


"I also hope you will listen to me. Eat well and sleep earnestly, and not run out to exercise in the middle of the night. " Bai Chichi was also a little angry.    


"You also know that you are going to exercise. It is just a matter of time. It is not going out to wander around, right?" Situ Qing was also angry.    


Bai Chichi looked at him and wanted to say something. She endured it and did not say anything.    


Chen Yuan came out of the kitchen and cooked another two eggs for Situ Qing. She also fried a piece of ham for Bai Chichi and let her eat it in the toast.    


Seeing her enthusiastic look, Bai Chichi did not want to continue arguing with Situ Qing over this topic of exercise. She quietly finished breakfast.    


Situ Qing didn't say anything. He ate while reading the news on his phone. The atmosphere between the two of them became a little strange.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao should be up soon. Didn't you ask me to buy some kiwi for them to make fresh fruit juice? Can you help me get some in the storage room?" Chen Yuan was busy preparing breakfast.    


"Okay. " Situ Qing agreed and immediately got up.    


Seeing him walk out, Bai Chichi asked Chen Yuan, "Why is the kiwi not in the fridge but in the storage room?"    


"Oh, it was raw when I bought it. It was a little hard, but it was soft and sweet when I put it in!" Chen Yuan smiled and said to Bai Chichi.    


"Do you know where to put it?" Bai Chichi felt that Situ Qing did not know these small matters in the butler in the past.    


Chen Yuan nodded. "I know. After I bought it, it was Brother-in-law Qing who helped me bring it into the storage room!"    


Bai Chichi felt bitter in her heart. Situ Qing and Chen Yuan were really a good pair of partners. They worked, lived, and even trained in sports.    


However, no matter how jealous she was, Bai Chichi had nowhere to vent her emotions because what Chen Yuan said was right in front of her eyes. She did not hide anything at all.    


On the contrary, she was the one who kept delaying the meeting with Qin Xuesong and did not tell Situ Qing about it.    


At this time, Situ Qing came back from the storage room with a few kiwi peaches. He passed them to Chen Yuan and then looked at the news about him. He did not seem to have anything to say to Bai Chichi.    


"Qing, I, you. . . Bai Chichi wanted to say something but stopped when she saw that Situ Qing was not listening to her.    


Chen Yuan, on the other hand, said to Situ Qing as she used the juicer, "Brother-in-law Qing, Ms Chichi is talking to you!"    


"Really? What is it?" Situ Qing put down his phone and looked at Bai Chichi.    


Bai Chichi saw Chen Yuan's interested look and could only shake her head and say, "Forget it. It's fine. You can watch the news. "    


The corner of Situ Qing's mouth moved. He was originally looking forward to Bai Chichi saying it, but he did not expect that it would be swallowed back by her.    


So Situ Qing was also very disappointed. He grabbed his phone and continued to look. He let Chen Yuan pour him a cup of coffee. Very soon, Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao also came to eat breakfast. Nanny Zhang and Mammy Ju were also busy. Everyone was chattering, and Bai Chichi was even more unable to find a chance.    


Both of them had some feelings towards each other in their hearts, so when Situ Qing went out in the morning, he did not even say anything to Bai Chichi.    


This also made Bai Chichi unhappy in her heart. She kept feeling that it was not normal for him and Chen Yuan to run out early in the morning.    


Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi went to the quasi mother class together. Along the way, Xin Xiaozi also asked Bai Chichi about Situ Qing and Chen Yuan, making Bai Chichi's heart feel even more uncomfortable.    


Chen Yuan also did not miss the opportunity to say some words that made Situ Qing unhappy, and her resentment towards Bai Chichi was also increasing.    


Bai Chichi did not go to Qin Xuesong's appointment these two days. She also did not want to provoke Situ Qing to say that she always went out.    


Bai Chichi was still thinking of waiting at home for Situ Qing to come home every day so that his mood could be better or his appetite could be restored a little.    


Situ Qing had seen all of these things, but he hoped that Bai Chichi would take the initiative to talk about Qin Xuesong.    


However, Bai Chichi did not. This made Situ Qing's anger burn more and more. He even felt that Bai Chichi did not go out these two days to hide her whereabouts.    


Because Situ Qing felt that his words had also reminded Bai Chichi of something. She must have realized something, so she was so obedient.    


It seemed that she still wanted to meet Qin Xuesong without him knowing. This made Situ Qing feel a dull pain in his heart, as if he had been hit repeatedly by an iron hammer.    


It seemed like it was time to tell her clearly. Otherwise, she would really think that I, Situ Qing, am a fool!    


On Monday morning, Situ Yuan wanted to return to the army. Xin Xiaozi was arguing that she wanted to go with him. Situ Yuan could not convince her, so he had to leave early in the morning with Xin Xiaozi.    


Bai Chichi sent the two to the door and watched their car drive away before slowly coming back. She saw Situ Qing in his bedroom, putting on clothes and preparing to go to work.    


"The weather is very hot today. Don't wear that shirt. Wear the linen I bought for you!" Bai Chichi saw Situ Qing in a suit and shoes and was worried that he would be hot.    


However, Situ Qing said coldly, "It won't be hot for me. I feel cold in my heart. "    


"What's wrong? You don't feel well?" Bai Chichi did not understand what he said. She quickly walked over and wanted to touch Situ Qing's heart.    


Situ Qing dodged Bai Chichi's hand in a flash and said as he tied his tie, "Don't touch me. How can you understand the problem of the heart?"    


"I am a doctor. I know more about medicine than ordinary people," Bai Chichi said. Bai Chichi thought Situ Qing was joking with her. She smiled and grabbed his arm.    


"Don't worry about it. Let go of me quickly!" Who knew that Situ Qing's tone did not sound like he was joking. He seemed very impatient.    


Bai Chichi looked at him in surprise and said, "What's wrong with you? What did I do wrong to make you unhappy?"    


"How could that be? You are always right. " Situ Qing said with a sneer. This time, anyone could hear his sarcasm.    


Bai Chichi was a little angry. Why did he come to pick a fight so early in the morning?    


Xin Xiaozi originally left with Situ Yuan, and Bai Chichi was still happy for her. But in the blink of an eye, she was ridiculed and ridiculed by Situ Qing, and her mood fell to the bottom.    


"Qing, you have been acting weird these two days. What's wrong with you?" Bai Chichi frowned and looked at Situ Qing.    


"I'm being sarcastic? Why didn't you say you were doing it in public?" Situ Qing pulled the tie in his hand and threw it onto the bed.    


Bai Chichi was provoked by his words and tears could not help but flow out of her eyes. She trembled and did not believe her ears.    


"Why did you say that about me? When did I betray you?"    


Situ Qing sneered and said, "You still don't know? You hid it well, Bai Chichi. I really underestimated you!"    


"What are you talking about?" Bai Chichi also raised her voice.    


"What am I talking about? You don't know what I am talking about? Let me ask you, on the surface, you promised me to obediently raise my child at home, but did you do it? " Situ Qing simply took off his suit and thought that he might as well take this opportunity to explain things clearly to everyone.    


"I am raising my child at home!" Bai Chichi said, feeling wronged. Other than going to the exhibition and giving a speech, she indeed did not go out much.    


Situ Qing sneered and said, "I am really going to laugh from anger! You always sneak out in the afternoon when I am not home, and you still say you are home?"    


Hearing his words, Bai Chichi understood that it was possible that Situ Qing knew about her meeting with Qin Xuesong from somewhere.    


"Yes, I did indeed go out before. " Bai Chichi nodded and admitted it. She had wanted to say it since the beginning anyway. Since it had already come to this, it was a good time to say it clearly.    


"Yes, of course you have been out. Otherwise, where did you get this limited edition teddy bear from?" Situ Qing pointed at the bear with its eyes wide open.    


Bai Chichi picked up the little bear and said, "Yes, this little bear was given to me by someone else, but I don't think there is anything wrong with it. "    


"You casually accept other people's things, this is still called nothing wrong?" Situ Qing felt that Bai Chichi's attitude was really extremely careless.    


"It's just a small gift. I always wanted it. " Bai Chichi said with tears in her eyes.    


Situ Qing said angrily, "If you want it, I won't buy it for you. What do you mean? Are you saying in front of others that I don't care about you and don't know what you want?"    


"I don't have it! Qing, I've always wanted to tell you. . . But look at your temper. How can I open my mouth? " Bai Chichi sobbed.    


"Tell me what? Tell me that Qin Xuesong is back. The two of you have a good time meeting each other. Let's go to the teddy bear exhibition together. Let's listen to an ophthalmology lecture together. Let's eat spicy and sour hoofbeats together. This way, I will celebrate with you? " Situ Qing was so angry that his eyes turned red.    


Bai Chichi looked at him in surprise and said, "How do you know this? Are you following me?"    


"How would I know? Bai Chichi, don't think you can hide anything from me!" Situ Qing felt his heart ache. Every time Bai Chichi said something, his heart would be cut.    


" Since you already knew, why didn't you tell me? Why did you do this? " Bai Chichi was also very angry. He knew but didn't tell her. This was because he didn't believe her.    


"Why am I like this? Bai Chichi, are you mistaken? Who is the one who went out to find my first love behind my back? Could it be me!"    


"What nonsense are you talking about? I am just a normal friend meeting! How could you say something so dirty!? " Bai Chichi felt that she was the one who was kept in the dark.    


It turned out that he already knew and was still following her. Wasn't it obvious that he did not trust her?    


Then, what should he say when he was so close to Chen Yuan?    


Don't do what you don't want to do to others. Situ Qing, even you can't sit upright and not sit upright. Why should you blame others?    


Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi. She did not even have the heart to repent. She was still quibbling!    


"What kind of friend are you? How did he treat you back then?! Bai Chichi, you are too foolish and naive!" Situ Qing shook his head.    


" From now on, you are not allowed to meet him again! " Without waiting for Bai Chichi to speak, Situ Qing said in a domineering manner.    


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