Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1028 Hubby Is too Fierce 1027

C1028 Hubby Is too Fierce 1027

"Honey, I'm back!" Situ Qing rushed home after he was done with his work. He saw Bai Chichi learning to do pregnant yoga with the TV in an elegant cotton shirt. She waved her arms elegantly and followed the rhythm of her breathing.    


Situ Qing put down his briefcase and walked over to hug Bai Chichi. However, he was stopped by a look from Bai Chichi.    


"Don't mess around. I'll be right there. "    


So Situ Qing could only retreat to the side and admire Bai Chichi's movements. He felt that her long dress fluttered in the wind, and she was very beautiful and celestial.    


Only after Bai Chichi finished her yoga and breathed in her last breath did Situ Qing dare to step forward and hug her.    


"Wife, you smell good. "    


"Not at all. After you left in the morning, I went to the garden to water the flowers. I came back to do yoga with sweat all over my body. " Bai Chichi wiped the sweat off her neck and said.    


Situ Qing took a deep breath and said, "Didn't you say that beautiful women are drenched in sweat? I think that's right. "    


"How could it be? No matter how beautiful a person is, it won't smell good!" Bai Chichi smiled and avoided him. She took a towel and wiped her sweat.    


"You smell good. Where do you want to go today? I will accompany you!" Situ Qing saw that Bai Chichi's hair was already drenched in sweat. He went to put the bath water for her very reluctantly.    


"I don't want to go anywhere. The weather is getting hotter and hotter!" Bai Chichi soaked in the water and enjoyed the massage Situ Qing gave her.    


"That's good too. Look at Yuan and Xiaozi hiding in the room and not coming out. We are as good as them!" Situ Qing said with a smile.    


Situ Qing and Bai Chichi spent the whole weekend at home, listening to music and watching movies. Time passed very quickly.    


"Ms Chichi, why aren't you going out to play? I see Brother-in-law Yuan is back too. Don't you guys always have activities?" Chen Yuan was still asking when she was eating.    


Situ Yuan said to her, "As long as the person is right, it will be the same wherever he is!"    


In the blink of an eye, it was time to leave. Xin Xiaozi hugged Situ Yuan and was unwilling to let him go, but there was nothing she could do.    


"Xiaozi, I will be back soon. Be good at home and watch the baby!" Situ Yuan kissed and said goodbye to Xin Xiaozi before leaving.    


Chen Yuan looked at all this coldly and felt that it was really ironic. Situ Yuan still did not know that his good wife had implicated the child because of her meddling in other people's business.    


"It's time to start work again. Yuan, is there any problem with your feet?" Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan when he was driving.    


"I am fine, Brother-in-law Qing!" Chen Yuan replied with a smile.    


"That's good. I have a lot of things to do today. Your condition is very important!" Situ Qing said seriously.    


Chen Yuan agreed. She looked at the scenery outside the window and thought of a big problem.    


It turned out that during the weekend, Situ Qing and the others were very close to each other. Chen Yuan was not idle either. She found a Private Detective and asked him to follow Bai Chichi.    


"As long as she goes out, she must remember all the details. I want to know who she met, what she did, and even what water she drank!" Chen Yuan said gloomily.    


Private Detective looked at her and thought that it was her original husband investigating Mo. But as a professional, of course he would not ask.    


The time started from Monday, so before Chen Yuan went to work, she specifically called Private Detective to confirm today's work.    


Not long after Chen Yuan and Situ Qing went out, Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi left for the quasi mom class. The entire morning was very normal, and at noon, the two of them also returned home to eat and rest. There was nothing different.    


"Ms Chichi, what interesting places are you having lessons today?" Chen Yuan deliberately spoke to Bai Chichi during dinner.    


"It is just some knowledge about pregnant women. In the future, when you need it, I will teach it to you!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


A day passed just like that. Chen Yuan was a little anxious and did not know when Bai Chichi and Qin Xuesong would meet again.    


The next day, on the third day, Bai Chichi still did not have any movements. Every day, she went out to school and then went home. Other than going shopping with Xin Xiaozi to buy some things for children, she did not see anyone other than her family.    


What was going on? Did Qin Xuesong come to find Bai Chichi or not? Why was he so calm?    


Logically speaking, after not seeing her for so many years, she would be anxious to go on a date with her old lover no matter what. But Bai Chichi and Qin Xuesong were so strange. Chen Yuan felt very puzzled.    


If they met, they could reveal it to Situ Qing. At that time, he would definitely have a conflict with Bai Chichi and only then would he have the opportunity to destroy them.    


Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and fiercely smoked in the darkness. She smoked until her heart and lungs felt like they were about to use Bai Chichi's name to call Qin Xuesong and ask him out.    


"Why don't I just use Bai Chichi's phone to send a message to Qin Xuesong. Forget it, it's not good, it's very easy to give myself away!"    


Chen Yuan pressed the cigarette butt into the cylinder. She thought of many plans but all of them were rejected by her. Finally, she said to herself, "A little patience will lead to chaos. It's better to wait for them to go out on a date. Only then will it be more convincing. "    


Fortunately, Chen Yuan received good news from Private Detective the next day.    


It turned out that after class ended that day, Bai Chichi received a call from Qin Xuesong. He said on the phone that he had something to talk to Bai Chichi about.    


"What's wrong?" Bai Chichi asked.    


Qin Xuesong smiled and said, "I remember you used to like teddy bears, right?"    


"Yes, I have always liked them. I want one more when I go to school!" Bai Chichi was very happy when she heard about teddy bears.    


"Yes, Bai Chichi said. At that time, I was also very poor. I always wanted to give you one but didn't have the money to buy it. " Qin Xuesong sighed and said.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "Yes, I remember you said you would give me a teddy bear as a birthday present for a few years, but you never realized it!"    


"So I have always felt sorry for you in my heart, but now I have a chance!" Qin Xuesong sounded a little excited.    


Bai Chichi asked in confusion, "What do you mean? You want to give it to me?"    


"I'm not giving it to you. I'm inviting you to see the teddy bear exhibition. When the time comes, we'll buy whichever one you want!" Qin Xuesong thought about how Bai Chichi had been unable to move away when she saw the teddy bear in the window in the past. He felt his heart ache.    


In the past, she had no conditions, but now it was different. This teddy bear exhibition was a global tour. Not only would all the teddy bears appear, but there would also be limited edition ones. It was very attractive.    


When Bai Chichi heard this news, she was naturally very happy. She had always been very fond of that furry little cutie.    


"Where is the exhibition?" Bai Chichi asked in surprise.    


"It is at the Provincial Exhibition. I have already bought the tickets. Are you willing to go?" Qin Xuesong asked carefully. He really hoped that Bai Chichi would agree to his invitation.    


"Okay, I will go, I will go! I don't have much information. I didn't know that the Maltese would come to us. Otherwise, I would definitely buy a ticket to see it!" Bai Chichi nodded her head repeatedly.    


Qin Xuesong heaved a sigh of relief. Every day, he wanted to ask Bai Chichi out, but he didn't dare.    


If he called her out for no reason, it would cause her to misunderstand and even affect her life.    


So Qin Xuesong had been holding it in. Ever since he drank tea and chatted with Bai Chichi in the small courtyard, he felt that he missed her even more than when he was far away from Bai Chichi.    


The tour exhibition of the teddy bear this time was actually hosted by Qin Xuesong. He knew that Bai Chichi liked the teddy bear so much. If there were no accidents, she would definitely be interested.    


As expected, the heavens did not disappoint those who were determined. Qin Xuesong was very happy. He wanted to sing, dance, and have a drink.    


"I will come and pick you up right away!" Qin Xuesong said impatiently, but he continued, "If it is convenient for you. "    


"Today?" Bai Chichi was a little surprised.    


Qin Xuesong smiled and said, "Yes, that's why I called you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have disturbed you so easily. "    


"You don't have to be so polite. If you want to ask me out, then ask me out!" Bai Chichi's straightforward attitude surprised Qin Xuesong a little.    


"Okay, I will pick you up. Let's go have lunch first and then go see the teddy bear you like!" Qin Xuesong looked at his watch. Bai Chichi probably hadn't eaten yet.    


Bai Chichi nodded and said, "Okay. I will tell Xiaozi. But let me pay for the meal. You can treat me to a Maltese. Only then will it be fair!"    


"As long as you are willing, it is fine. " Of course, Qin Xuesong would not oppose Bai Chichi's opinion.    


"Alright, I will find a restaurant. You can come over!" After Bai Chichi hung up the phone, she told Xin Xiaozi.    


"You guys want to go on a date?" Xin Xiaozi smiled slyly.    


Bai Chichi pinched Xin Xiaozi's face and said, "Nonsense you. We are just going to take a look at the teddy bear exhibition!"    


"Alright, alright. I also know that you like that little thing!" Xin Xiaozi begged for mercy.    


"I'm not going home to eat. Take me to the restaurant you took me to last time. I'll treat Qin Xuesong to a meal there, so I don't owe him any favors. " Bai Chichi let go of Xin Xiaozi.    


Xin Xiaozi said as she drove, "Okay, I will go home alone. I will not disturb your date! If they ask, I'll tell them that you went to see your parents!"    


"Xin Xiaozi, I'm not going on a date!" Bai Chichi hit Xin Xiaozi's arm.    


After coming to the restaurant, Bai Chichi sent Qin Xuesong an address and Xin Xiaozi went home.    


Of course, Private Detective saw all of this. He immediately informed Chen Yuan and told her that Bai Chichi was there. She was eating with a man.    


"It must be Qin Xuesong!" Chen Yuan put down the phone and was very happy.    


Chen Yuan originally wanted to tell Situ Qing, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was inappropriate. This way, Situ Qing would definitely notice that she was investigating Bai Chichi.    


How should she explain it at that time?    


If she was smart, she could not let Situ Qing directly get the news from her. Chen Yuan bit the tip of her pen and thought.    


How could she indirectly inform Situ Qing without exposing herself? She had to find a middle person.    


The person who could go in and out of Situ Qing's office now was Luo Yi, because he often helped his father Luo Huian ask Situ Qing some questions. Situ Qing also wanted to nurture him, and it was very good for him.    


"Luo Yi, I knew you could help me!" Chen Yuan smiled. She felt that she could not be too hasty. She should let Private Detective follow Bai Chichi for a while more and then act after the evidence was conclusive.    


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