Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1020 Hubby Is too Fierce 1019

C1020 Hubby Is too Fierce 1019

Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi waited at the entrance of the labor market for a while. Sure enough, they saw Mammy Ju carrying a big bag over with a smile on her face.    


"The two of you have waited for a long time. This is all I have!" Mammy Ju's simple luggage was neatly packed.    


Xin Xiaozi nodded and said, "Okay, I will go and drive now. "    


Leading Mammy Ju, Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi returned home. First, they went to see Situ Baichuan. He was quite satisfied with this nanny.    


"Mammy Ju, this is Nanny Zhang, the housekeeper of our house. If there is anything, ask her!" Xin Xiaozi brought Mammy Ju to the kitchen.    


"Hello Nanny Zhang. I have just arrived. Please take care of me in the future!" Mammy Ju had a pretty good face and always had a happy expression on her face.    


This kind of appearance was very likable, so Nanny Zhang also smiled and accepted this new colleague.    


Bai Chichi knew that there was a nanny in Situ Family who specially served Jiang Meilian. Ever since she passed away, that nanny also resigned, so there was a room that could be used by Mammy Ju.    


"Xiaozi, let us let Mammy Ju live in the previous housekeeper room. It is very close to your bedroom. If you have anything to do at night, you can call her. " Bai Chichi thought very carefully. Since Chen Yuan could help her, Then this Mammy Ju would take good care of FEMALE.    


Xin Xiaozi nodded her head and smiled as she said to Bai Chichi, "Previously you were still suspicious of her but now you have arranged a good place for her!"    


"What do you know? If you use people you do not doubt, you do not need to doubt people. Since you have already invited her over, of course you have to treat her well!" Bai Chichi looked at Xin Xiaozi and said.    


"Okay, then I will bring her over. " Xin Xiaozi said as she brought Mammy Ju towards the housekeeper's room.    


Because the facilities in this room were very complete and Nanny Zhang was also frequently cleaning, it was very convenient for Mammy Ju to settle down.    


"Alright, it will be hard on you from now on. Mammy Ju, Xiaozi's appetite was not bad after getting pregnant. If you have any signature dishes, show us your skills at noon today!" Bai Chichi looked at Xin Xiaozi and said with a smile.    


Mammy Ju agreed and went into the kitchen. She washed her hands and made a few dishes before inviting everyone to taste them.    


It was indeed a good cooking skill. Xin Xiaozi felt that it was especially suited to her appetite and was overjoyed that she found a suitable nanny.    


From now on, she did not need to eat the food that Chen Yuan prepared. This way, she would not need to owe her a favor and she could also eat at ease.    


"Well done. Mammy Ju, help me tidy up my room in the afternoon!" Xin Xiaozi said happily.    


When Mammy Ju was cleaning up, Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi were chatting by the side. When they saw Mammy Ju very efficiently and swiftly put Xin Xiaozi's messy room into neat and tidy, in short, when Mammy Ju was doing housework, there was no place for people to be picky.    


After this day of inspection, Bai Chichi no longer had any objections towards Mammy Ju. As a housekeeping staff, Mammy Ju was completely qualified.    


With this salary, it was even more of a high cost-effective ratio. Xin Xiaozi really wanted to immediately raise Mammy Ju's salary.    


When it was time to get off work, Situ Qing and Chen Yuan also came back. When they saw Mammy Ju, they felt that it was luck for such a person to come to the house to help.    


"Wife, where are you going to invite Mammy Ju? She looks good!" Situ Qing said to Bai Chichi.    


"She's at the labor market. We met her as soon as we arrived. It's really fate!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


"That's true. Let's get along well in the future. This way, Yuan won't need to be so tired and you guys can also get better care. " Situ Qing was very happy.    


During dinner, Mammy Ju's cooking skills were praised by everyone once again. The picky Xin Xiaozi was the one who cheered the most.    


Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao also ate happily. Mammy Ju knew that they were about to take the college entrance exam, so she cooked some nutritious and delicious food. Moreover, it was especially good for their brains.    


This new housekeeper was very popular and Xin Xiaozi proudly said that it was her credit. Bai Chichi looked at her and felt very happy.    


"Mammy Ju, this is your first time coming to our house today. After cleaning up, you should rest early!" Bai Chichi said to Mammy Ju before going upstairs.    


"Okay, I will drag the floor of the living room again!" Mammy Ju had not been idle ever since she entered the house. She cleaned the entire house.    


After Situ Qing and Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi went upstairs, Chen Yuan took a glass of fruit juice and walked to Mammy Ju's side. She said, "I have worked for a day. Let's add some vitamins!"    


"Okay, thank you, Yuan!" Mammy Ju had followed everyone to call Chen Yuan by her nickname and sounded very friendly.    


Chen Yuan smiled and said, "What are you thanking me for? After you come, I will be much more relaxed and need a helper at home. "    


"Yes, not only at home, but you also need a helper!" Mammy Ju smiled softly and the expression on her face was very mysterious.    


Chen Yuan was shocked and looked at Mammy Ju and said, "What do you mean by this?"    


"Don't worry. I came to this house to help you. They will not know!" Mammy Ju's words sounded a little messy but Chen Yuan nodded as if she understood everything.    


Chen Yuan pulled Mammy Ju to the kitchen and looked around. Nanny Zhang had already finished her work and returned to her room.    


Mammy Ju looked at Chen Yuan with a smile and said, "Don't be so nervous. Everyone is going upstairs now. No one can hear what we are saying. "    


"You have to be careful in everything. How did you attract their attention?" Chen Yuan checked and found that no one was nearby.    


"Since I have already come in, Chen Yuan said. That means I can do it. " Mammy Ju still had a bright smile on her face.    


Chen Yuan walked to her side and said, "You must be careful not to give yourself away!"    


"What? You are still worried about Master Xiao's arrangement?" Mammy Ju felt as if she had been humiliated and finally stopped laughing.    


"How could that be? Of course I know Master Xiao has good taste. It is just that there are too many people in this family. We must be careful!" Chen Yuan quickly shook her head and said.    


The signature smile on Mammy Ju's face appeared again. She looked at Chen Yuan and said, "As long as you do not panic, I will help you!"    


"Alright. Now I want you to help me deal with Xin Xiaozi. She is too troublesome and is always on guard against me. " When Chen Yuan mentioned Xin Xiaozi, her eyes revealed a killing intent.    


Mammy Ju nodded her head. "I can already tell. Even though that Xin Xiaozi was a little fierce, she did not have much of a heart. Dealing with her was also very simple. "    


"What do you want to do?" Chen Yuan frowned. Mammy Ju was also a little too confident. Xin Xiaozi had been making things difficult for her and now she was openly provoking her.    


"Let her be more concerned about her own matters and mind her own business!" Mammy Ju's smile looked so kind but her tone was cold and had a chill that could push one's heart.    


Chen Yuan shook her head and said, "She does not think that Bai Chichi's matter is just a matter of meddling in other people's business. Sometimes I feel that her concern for Bai Chichi exceeds her concern for herself. "    


"Is that so? She is now a pregnant woman. Do you think that she is now a pregnant woman? What do you think she should care about the most for a pregnant woman?" Mammy Ju looked at Chen Yuan and said.    


Chen Yuan thought about it and looked at Mammy Ju in realization. "You mean to say, the child in her womb?"    


"Yes. It was not easy for her to be a mother but something happened to the child. If she still had the heart to care about Bai Chichi, Then I'll give in to her!" The smile on Mammy Ju's face made people shiver.    


"You want her child to be in trouble?" Chen Yuan was shocked.    


Mammy Ju looked at her and said, "Then what do you think should be done? Other than this, I can't think of anything else that can hit her in one blow. She will never have the energy and mood to care about other people's matters!"    


"However, killing a child is still somewhat cruel!" Chen Yuan only wanted to target Bai Chichi. Xin Xiaozi was just a stumbling block and making her lose her child was a bit too much.    


Mammy Ju sneered and said, "If you even have to sympathize with her for such a small matter, then your own plan will not be realized!"    


Such a serious matter but it was so casual in Mammy Ju's mouth, Chen Yuan felt a chill on her back.    


"But, but. . . " Chen Yuan looked at this smiling tiger like Mammy Ju and knew why Master Xiao would send her over.    


Because Mammy Ju was ruthless enough.    


"Don't be 'but'. If you are not willing to cooperate with me, I will leave immediately! This way, you will not be able to deal with Bai Chichi anymore. And you can't justify Master Xiao either! Do you know what the consequences of offending Master Xiao are?" Mammy Ju looked coldly at Chen Yuan.    


Chen Yuan thought for a while and had no choice but to nod her head and say, "Alright, I will cooperate. It is just that after Xin Xiaozi loses her child, don't bother about her anymore and let her go!"    


"Rubbish. What am I here for? As long as Xin Xiaozi does not interfere with Bai Chichi's matters, she is an unimportant person!" Mammy Ju leisurely swung the tow in her hand as she spoke. It was as if she was on vacation.    


Chen Yuan could only smile and say, "Yes, I will say more! Then when are you going to do it?"    


"You don't need to care about that. I will give you a hint at that time!" After Mammy Ju said that, she took the trailer and went out. The rest were left behind. Chen Yuan stood by the sink alone in a daze.    


It seemed that Xin Xiaozi would suffer the most painful blow in her life! But I absolutely cannot sympathize with her. If I sympathize with others, how can I avenge my mother?    


Chen Yuan, your purpose of coming to this house is to sow discord between Situ Qing and Bai Chichi, so that she would rather die than live to comfort her mother's soul in heaven.    


And now, Xin Xiaozi, who was on the path of revenge, could only be mercilessly uprooted. This was also what she got for herself and was not worth being sad for.    


As for that child, he could only apologize. In the next life, be reincarnated properly. Don't find another meddlesome mother!    


When Chen Yuan walked out of the kitchen, her face had already recovered her composure. She looked at Mammy Ju who was still busy and said, "After you are done, you should rest early. It has been hard on you!"    


"Sure, Miss Yuan! You should also go to sleep early. You still have to go to work tomorrow!" Mammy Ju said with a smile but her hands did not stop. She dragged the floor of the living room until it was shiny and spotless.    


This was really a one in a million good nanny. Xin Xiaozi who invited her must have thought this way!    


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