Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1021 Hubby Is too Fierce 1020

C1021 Hubby Is too Fierce 1020

"Bai Chi, look, the vegetable bun Mammy Ju specially made for me! The skin is thin and the stuffing is big, fresh and delicious!" Xin Xiaozi said to Bai Chichi while holding a steaming hot bun on the breakfast table.    


"It smells so good! Mammy Ju, don't spoil our taste. It will become very tricky in the future! " Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


Mammy Ju carried a large plate of stir-fried noodles over. The golden noodles were filled with the smell of stir-fried meat and it made people drool.    


"Eat more. When a pregnant woman eats alone, she needs to feed two people!" Mammy Ju put down the stir-fried noodles and gave a bowl of broth to Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi, saying that it was the original soup to eat.    


Situ Qing and Chen Yuan also ate until their stomachs were full and felt that their entire bodies became full of energy.    


With this nanny, it was really easy to worry. Chen Yuan and Situ Qing went out to work and Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi also came to the classroom to listen.    


They still did not see Wang Yifang and heard Liu Xingxing say that she had already returned to her hometown to be taken care of by her parents. Kan Yong had already broken up with that little third brother and had even knelt down with Wang Yifang to write a guarantee or something.    


"This man is really despicable! You see, when you are by your side, you do not cherish it. If you make a mistake, you will come and kowtow to apologize!" Xin Xiaozi said disdainfully.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "This is also a good ending. I am afraid that Mo will not let go. Wang Yifang is too pitiful!"    


"Forget it. She has already left. It is useless for us to say so much. " Liu Xingxing shook her head and said.    


Without Wang Yifang chattering in the classroom, it seemed to be much quieter. Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi were ready to go home after listening to the lesson.    


When they arrived at the hall on the first floor, Xin Xiaozi went to get the car first and Bai Chichi stood at the door waiting for her. The sun was very high outside and it was so bright that people could not even open their eyes.    


It was going to be midsummer soon and Bai Chichi would think of that famous song, Summer Fruit.    


Maybe I should give up and get closer to you. I will not see you again. Only then will you remember me. The accumulation of time, the fruits of summer, the fragrance of loneliness in your memories.    


This song was the favorite when Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi went to sing in the past. It liked the melody and lyrics.    


"Hey, come up!" Xin Xiaozi drove the car to the door and Bai Chichi took out her sunglasses from her bag and put them on before sitting in the passenger seat.    


"Let's go back now. Anyway, it was hot outside. Besides, I'm very willing to go home and eat Mammy Ju's food right now! " Xin Xiaozi stepped on the accelerator.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "It seems that to deal with a woman who does not like to go home, it also needs to be tied to her stomach!"    


"It's the same. This is the experience of the older generation. It is absolutely a famous saying!" Xin Xiaozi wanted to drool when she thought of the dishes that Mammy Ju prepared.    


Bai Chichi thought that Situ Qing also did not eat much of the food that she made and felt a little guilty.    


"Both of us do not know how to cook well. The poor Qing He Yuan can only rely on the caregiver's craftsmanship to keep their stomachs!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


"Why do you say that? The good caregiver was also found by us, right? This also indirectly means that we are letting their stomachs enjoy!" Xin Xiaozi always had some crooked logic, making Bai Chichi speechless.    


The car drove towards the house of Situ Family and when they passed by a small alley, Bai Chichi remembered that there was a very beautiful courtyard here and there were a few vats of lotus flowers inside which were very elegant and beautiful.    


"Xiaozi, do you remember this courtyard?" When they passed by the green bricks and green tiles, Bai Chichi pointed to the depths of the alley.    


"Of course I remember. At that time, we were climbing over the wall to see the lotus flowers. We were almost killed by that bad-tempered old uncle with a brick!" Xin Xiaozi thought of the past and could not help but laugh.    


At that time, she was so naive. She heard from her classmates that there was a stubborn old man living in a courtyard house alone in this alley. He even raised a few vats of lotus flowers. He actually dared to sneak over in the middle of the night to admire the wall.    


Moreover, after being discovered by the old man, he had been treated as a gentleman and had almost alarmed the police. Fortunately, he ran away quickly.    


"Why don't we stop the car and go down to take a look. If the old uncle is still around, he will be very old. I don't think he will use his head to smash us again!" Bai Chichi's heart itched when she thought of those white and red lotus flowers.    


Xin Xiaozi stepped on the brakes and parked the car at the alley entrance. She looked at Bai Chichi and said, "I am doing this for you! Last time, you regretted not seeing it clearly for a long time. This time we will go during the day and talk to that old man properly. We will leave after taking a look! "    


"Of course, of course. If he doesn't object, I'll take a few photos!" Bai Chichi said happily.    


Xin Xiaozi shook her head and looked at her. "Since you like flowers so much, why don't you go and learn gardening and ophthalmology?"    


"With a pair of good eyes, you can better appreciate these beautiful flowers!" Bai Chichi felt that those who loved beauty would naturally want clear eyes. It was very correct for her to choose ophthalmology.    


The two of them got out of the car and slowly walked towards the depths of the alley. This alley had a very long history, so the moss on the limestone road and the climbing tigers on both sides of the wall made people feel very cool and comfortable. It was as if the heat outside was blocked.    


"What if that old uncle passes away? Will it become a haunted house?" Xin Xiaozi deliberately scared the timid Bai Chichi.    


"No way. Even if it is a lonely old man, he will stay behind. Such a good yard should be properly protected by the country. Why would it become a haunted house?" Bai Chichi shook her head in disbelief.    


Very quickly, they arrived at the entrance of the courtyard house. There was a wooden door in the courtyard. It was ancient and was currently covered.    


"Do you really want to go in? I'm a little afraid of that old uncle. He has a bad temper!" Xin Xiaozi stuck out her tongue and said.    


Bai Chichi nodded her head. We have all come here, of course we have to go in! Look, the door is open. There must be someone inside. "    


After saying that, Bai Chichi walked forward and lifted the copper ring on the door and lightly knocked it a few times, making a somewhat dull sound.    


"There is a concept, right? The door ring provokes copper green!" Bai Chichi felt that she was in the depths of this alley, and she had the illusion that time and space were flowing backward.    


If she was wearing a qipao at this time, with her hair combed into the most popular bun in the '30s', She walked over slowly, and when the door opened, A young man wearing a long robe and a hat was smiling at him inside the door. It was such a beautiful scene.    


As he was lost in his thoughts, he heard a creak. The door of the courtyard slowly opened and a young man stood inside.    


With just a glance at this person, Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi were so shocked that their mouths were wide open and they were stunned to the point of being unable to move.    


"After a long time, you came?" That man did not have the surprised expression of Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi. He smiled slightly as if he had been waiting for their arrival here all along.    


"Qin, Qin Xuesong! Why are you here?" Xin Xiaozi reacted a little faster than Bai Chichi and finally called out this person's name, but her voice became so loud that even she could not hear it. It was simply unexpected to the extreme.    


That's right, this person was precisely Qin Xuesong, Bai Chichi's first love.    


The current Qin Xuesong was completely different from the exiled gambler from six years ago. At that time, he fled in a panic. He was neither human nor ghost and he was in dire straits. Now, he was wearing linen clothes and his hair was very long. He tied a ponytail behind his head and looked like an artist. He also had a good temperament.    


However, he had lost a lot of weight.    


"It's me. I'm late. I'm back!" Qin Xuesong did not even look at Xin Xiaozi. It was as if Bai Chichi was the only person in his eyes.    


"You, you, when did you come back? Why did you appear here?" Bai Chichi finally came back to her senses and asked stutteringly.    


Qin Xuesong smiled and said, "Come in. Sit down and listen to me slowly. "    


Xin Xiaozi pulled Bai Chichi's hand and dragged her forward a few steps. They walked past the simple and unadorned threshold and came to the courtyard.    


This courtyard house was well preserved. The house inside had carved doors and windows and there were a few birdcages hanging on the vermillion pillar.    


The few large water vats in the courtyard were very eye-catching. The lotus flowers inside were blooming at the perfect time, and the Han Dan Spitting Pistil caused a few small dragonflies to dance on the surface of the water.    


Qin Xuesong led Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi to a rattan coffee table and made them sit on a rattan chair. He then poured two cups of flower tea and placed it in front of them.    


Bai Chichi almost lost her words when she saw Qin Xuesong, because she really did not expect to meet him here.    


If he was on the street, or at home, he would not be so surprised, but what did the courtyard in the depths of the alley have to do with him? What about that old man?    


Luckily Xin Xiaozi was more nervous. She took a sip of tea and said to Qin Xuesong, "Quick, tell me. Why are you here? Didn't you run away? When did you come back?"    


When he heard her mention the word escape, Qin Xuesong couldn't help but laugh. "Xiaozi, you are still so impatient!"    


"Oh, don't worry about me. Hurry up and say it! Didn't you owe a huge debt and run away to the ends of the world? Where did you get rich? Look at you acting like a dog now. You seem to be doing quite well! " Xin Xiaozi's stomach full of questions rushed out of her mouth.    


Bai Chichi just looked at Qin Xuesong foolishly and could not say anything.    


"After a while, you can have a sip of tea. " Qin Xuesong looked at Bai Chichi and said to her with a smile. His face was full of care.    


Time was merciless after all. Qin Xuesong's face looked more ancient, but he looked much more charming than when he was young.    


"Hurry up and tell me! I have a bad temper!" Xin Xiaozi saw Qin Xuesong's slow and unhurried manner, and wished she could give him a punch.    


Bai Chichi picked up the cup and the fragrance of flowers lingered. She looked at Qin Xuesong and said to him with difficulty. One sentence, "You, have you paid off all your debts?"    


Hearing her words, Xin Xiaozi almost fell off the chair. How long had it been? Bai Chichi's thoughts were still stuck at six years ago?    


"It has been a long time. Don't worry. I don't have any debts now and I even quit gambling. I have been reborn!" Qin Xuesong said with a smile.    


"Can the two of you pay attention to me?" Xin Xiaozi pointed at her nose and said to Qin Xuesong and Bai Chichi.    


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