Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1013 Hubby Is too Fierce 1012

C1013 Hubby Is too Fierce 1012

"Yuan is so sensible. The man you want to marry in the future will be very happy!" Xin Xiaozi said to Chen Yuan while drinking water.    


"Since we have to choose to be together, then we must find the right person. Otherwise, how can we be happy?" Chen Yuan said with a smile.    


Xin Xiaozi looked at her and said, "Eh, previously when we talked about this topic, you were shy and answered it. Why are you so generous today?"    


"I am also in my twenties. It is normal for me to talk about marriage. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Besides, you're not outsiders. So, you can stop hiding! " Chen Yuan said very frankly.    


Situ Qing helped Bai Chichi cool the chicken egg soup while asking her how she felt today with concern, as if she could not see anyone else at all.    


But Bai Chichi was still earnestly listening to Xin Xiaozi and Chen Yuan's words. She was still very nervous about what kind of harm Xin Xiaozi would cause Chen Yuan's heart.    


"Yes yes yes. Speaking of this, Chen Yuan, what kind of attitude do you have towards Luo Yi?" Xin Xiaozi simply took the opportunity to bring up the topic of Chen Yuan's love.    


Bai Chichi whispered to Situ Qing, "Yes, you are with Chen Yuan every day. Did she have anything to do with Luo Yi? Active or not?"    


"Wife, I have been taking care of so many things recently. Now I only care about you other than work!" Situ Qing carefully took the soup and put the tender egg soup into Bai Chichi's mouth.    


"Well, it depends on fate!" Chen Yuan said softly.    


Xin Xiaozi chased after him and asked. "Then do you think you have fate with Luo Yi? His conditions are so good. Many girls in the city like that type of man!"    


"Ms Xiaozi, I am not a girl in the city. I do not care about the conditions!" Chen Yuan looked at Xin Xiaozi and said lightly.    


Xin Xiaozi was not willing to give up and said, "Then what do you want? Is it a man like Qing who has a successful career, mature, and handsome?"    


When Bai Chichi heard Xin Xiaozi's words, she became a little aggressive and quickly said with a smile, "Many people like a man like Qing, right?"    


"Yes, Ms Xiaozi. Many girls in the company like President Situ. Of course, it also includes Brother-in-law Yuan!" Chen Yuan said to Xin Xiaozi with a smile.    


Situ Qing also looked back at Xin Xiaozi and said, "When he was far away in the company, basically all the female employees were interested in him. There was one time when Luo Quanan was gossiping and said that those women were secretly chosen. Every year, they were the best diamond king!"    


"Ms Xiaozi, since that's the case, I think you should be more nervous. Watch Brother-in-law Yuan well!" Chen Yuan said to Xin Xiaozi with concern.    


Bai Chichi smiled and looked at Xin Xiaozi, "You speak ill of him from day to night and still do not admit that you have picked up a treasure. Now you know!"    


"Okay, okay, okay. We are talking about Chen Yuan's attitude towards Luo Yi. Why are you talking about distance?" Xin Xiaozi said somewhat angrily.    


After Situ Qing fed Bai Chichi the chicken egg soup piece by piece, he stood up and said while holding the bowl, "That's enough. My darling wife is full. Now you guys can talk slowly. I need to go upstairs to sort out the information. "    


"Brother-in-law Qing, let me do it!" Chen Yuan quickly walked over and said.    


Xin Xiaozi looked at her back and pretended to imitate her oral style, but Bai Chichi just happened to look over and Xin Xiaozi instantly took back her strange appearance.    


"You have also been tired for the entire day. Talk to the two older sisters and I can also go and see my father!" Situ Qing said as he walked upstairs.    


Xin Xiaozi sat down beside Bai Chichi and looked at Chen Yuan and said, Xin Xiaozi, sit next to Bai Chichi. " Could it be that you are born to work? It is not enough to follow for a day and you still want to follow?"    


" I'm Brother-in-law Qing's assistant. I can't watch him work alone. " Yes, Brother-in-law Qing said.    


Bai Chichi nodded and said, "I'm an assistant in the company. You don't have to be so nervous when you go home. You should rest too. It's time to eat later!"    


"Ms Chichi, I'm not tired. I'll go and prepare dinner for Nanny Zhang now!" As Chen Yuan spoke, she walked to the kitchen.    


Xin Xiaozi looked at Bai Chichi and said, "You see, when I asked her about her relationship with Luo Yi, this girl immediately left. Is she not satisfied?"    


"Not satisfied is also normal. Which girl doesn't have a standard in her heart? Or perhaps Luo Yi is not Chen Yuan's standard!" Bai Chichi felt that this matter was possible on anyone. Those famous celebrities who were the center of attention, did not keep spreading the news of divorce.    


Luo Yi might not be good enough in Chen Yuan's eyes, but she was embarrassed to reject it because it was Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi's good intentions.    


"Alright then, I will find another one for her!" Xin Xiaozi nodded and a spark flashed in her eyes.    


Bai Chichi looked at her and frowned, "What are you doing again?"    


"Find a satisfactory young man for Chen Yuan!" Xin Xiaozi clapped her hands and said to Bai Chichi with a smile.    


Bai Chichi looked in the direction of the kitchen and said to Xin Xiaozi, "I know that you have always misunderstood Yuan. You must not make things difficult for her!"    


"How could that be? I will definitely find a boyfriend for her properly so that she won't be so lonely. " Xin Xiaozi said to Bai Chichi with a sincere expression.    


"Don't bully me. Chen Yuan is very clear. Before Bai Chichi could finish, Xin Xiaozi took over her words, "Savior!" Aiyo, I know, I know. That's why I care about her so much!"    


" It's good that you know. I'm warning you, if you bully Chen Yuan, you will never help you! Yuan is cute and pitiful. You really don't have any sympathy!" Bai Chichi pulled Xin Xiaozi's arm.    


Xin Xiaozi covered her arm and looked at Bai Chichi in an exaggerated manner," Am I like this in your eyes? It was a waste for me to be friends with you for so many years!"    


"Haha, I know. You're not, I was just joking! " Bai Chichi hugged Xin Xiaozi and comforted her by touching her arm.    


Xin Xiaozi leaned on Bai Chichi's shoulder and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She must make Chen Yuan leave in anger!    


Just now, not only did Chen Yuan not avoid saying that she had a good impression of Situ Qing, she even dragged Situ Yuan into it. It seemed that her skills were very good!    


Just wait and see. Xin Xiaozi will tell her in her heart.    


After dinner, Xin Xiaozi also did not let Chen Yuan go back to her room. She pulled her to the garden to take a walk.    


"Ms Xiaozi, I still have some things to do!" Chen Yuan looked at Xin Xiaozi with a bit of difficulty.    


"I only want you to accompany me. I will not delay you for long!" Xin Xiaozi said with a smile.    


Chen Yuan could only nod her head and say, "Alright then. I will accompany you in the courtyard for a walk!"    


Bai Chichi was somewhat worried and wanted to follow but Situ Qing pulled her and said, "Forget it. It is rare that Xiaozi would want to chat with Yuan. What are you going to do?"    


"I am afraid Xiaozi will be impolite!" Bai Chichi saw that the two of them were about to leave and said worriedly.    


Situ Qing smiled and patted her on the head. "Wife, aren't you a little too exaggerated? Chen Yuan is not a child who needs your protection. Don't forget, she dug me out from the mudslide!"    


" I don't doubt her strength, but you know Xiaozi. Sometimes, when she speaks, she does not consider other people's feelings! " Bai Chichi still felt that it was inappropriate.    


Situ Qing said, "Didn't you say that Xiaozi is going to introduce a boyfriend to Chen Yuan? Or is she going to ask what her standards are? If you go, Yuan might not be willing to say it out loud because she was shy. Of course, these words are easier to say with fewer people. "    


"That's true. " Bai Chichi nodded.    


"Okay, let's go. I'll give you a massage when we get back to the room!" Situ Qing held Bai Chichi's shoulder and led her upstairs.    


Bai Chichi looked back at the door three times. Situ Qing smiled and said, "If you want to monitor them, you should go back to the room. You can see clearly from the window. "    


"Yes!" Bai Chichi patted her forehead and smiled. Then she willingly followed Situ Qing back to the room.    


As soon as they entered the room, Bai Chichi walked to the window. Situ Qing helplessly put his hands on his waist and looked at her. He said, "Wife, I think you care too much about Chen Yuan! Xiaozi and her personality are just incompatible. What is there to worry about!"    


Actually, Situ Qing did not know that Xin Xiaozi had been worried about the relationship between him and Chen Yuan. Bai Chichi did not want to escalate the conflict and also did not want Situ Qing to be dissatisfied with Xin Xiaozi, so she had never mentioned this matter.    


Situ Qing thought that Xin Xiaozi only had some inharmonious lifestyle and way of living with Chen Yuan, who was born in the countryside.    


"Xiaozi can easily offend people when she speaks. It doesn't matter if I am her good friend, but Chen Yuan has always been a little afraid of her. " Bai Chichi opened the curtains and saw Xin Xiaozi and Chen Yuan walking side by side under the thorn locust tree in the garden. It seemed to be quite normal.    


"Look, what's the problem? Xiaozi only had a bad temper. Maybe she was really concerned about Chen Yuan and wanted to introduce a boyfriend to her! " Situ Qing walked to Bai Chichi's side, glanced down and said to Bai Chichi.    


Bai Chichi thought, if you knew that Xiaozi was always suspecting what would happen between you and Chen Yuan, I would see if you would still be so calm!    


Chen Yuan and Xin Xiaozi could be seen walking and stopping. Xin Xiaozi patted Chen Yuan's shoulder and said something with a smile on her face.    


"Look, you are still smiling. We must have a good conversation!" Situ Qing walked to the bathroom and put down the bath water. He walked over and said to Bai Chichi.    


"It looks like it!" Bai Chichi felt a little relieved in her heart. She saw Chen Yuan also nodding to Xin Xiaozi.    


Situ Qing carried Bai Chichi and said, "Come, follow me to the bathroom. Today I also put some perfume for you to enjoy!"    


"Wait, after they return to the room, I will go take a shower!" Bai Chichi pulled the curtains and refused to leave. She stared at the movement below.    


Situ Qing looked really anxious. He stretched out his head and shouted at Chen Yuan and Xin Xiaozi below, "How long more do you two want to talk? My wife is not willing to take a bath!"    


Bai Chichi was angered to death by him and wanted to cover his mouth. Unfortunately, her hands were too short and she could not reach it. She could only smile awkwardly and apologetically at Chen Yuan and Xin Xiaozi who had already looked over.    


"Go, go, go. We have finished discussing the matter!" Xin Xiaozi waved her hand and said.    


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