Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C978 Hubby Is too Fierce 977

C978 Hubby Is too Fierce 977

"Are you listening, heartless?" Situ Qing's deep love confession was not even comparable to a Buddhist leaping over a wall. It really made him speechless.    


"Yes, yes, I know. You are the CEO of a private visit. And then, you think the people are not bad. So you fell in love with a gray-haired girl!" Bai Chichi smiled and drank a mouthful of soup. It was indeed extremely salty and fresh.    


Situ Qing helped Bai Chichi peel a small lobster and carefully put it on the plate to check before putting it in her bowl.    


"What are you doing? It's not like you're from the Quality Inspection General Office!" Bai Chichi swallowed the small lobster in one gulp.    


"I have to take a good look at your food before I let you eat it. " Situ Qing started to peel the second prawn again.    


Bai Chichi pursed her lips and said, "What's the point of looking at it? You have to try it yourself to see if it is poisonous to be sincere!"    


After saying that, Bai Chichi took the prawn from Situ Qing's hand and skillfully grabbed the seventh joint on the prawn shell. She broke it and a white prawn tail appeared in her hand. She conveniently stuffed it into Situ Qing's mouth.    


"Wife, you are really amazing. " Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi in surprise and said.    


"This is all life experience. There is nothing strange about it!" Bai Chichi secretly felt proud and said with a smile. She was so proud that she thanked her for having a foodie friend.    


Situ Qing also returned the favor and served Bai Chichi some soup. The two of them happily experienced happiness in the warm wind in the early summer.    


"Lady Boss, this soup is really delicious!" Bai Chichi held the spoon and gave the cashier a thumbs up.    


"Our shopkeeper is a star chef!" The lady boss said with a smile.    


Bai Chichi lowered her head and whispered to Situ Qing, "Did you see that? This is what it means to have hidden dragons and crouching tigers! If I had known earlier, I would have found a chef as well!"    


"If you like it, I can also cook it. " Situ Qing said without any modesty.    


At this time, there was a disturbance outside the door. Bai Chichi and Situ Qing did not even have time to react when they saw a young man rushing in.    


"Hey, where's the kitchen?" The young man had yellow hair. He was young, but he had yellow hair on his arm. There was also a very shoddy tattoo on his arm.    


Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, the young man stomped his foot and hurriedly ran to the back of the restaurant. The guests and the Lady Boss had yet to come back to their senses.    


"Everyone, be careful. He must have gone to get a knife!" Situ Qing suddenly shouted. Just as everyone was looking at each other in dismay, the young man ran out of the kitchen with a kitchen knife. Behind him was a man wearing an apron and a chef wearing a chef's hat.    


In an instant, the restaurant exploded. Everyone rushed out. Bai Chichi sat near the door and the table was pushed to the side.    


Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi and placed her back against the wall. He spread his arms and protected her between the wall and her body.    


"Stop, you haven't paid yet!" The pregnant lady boss was so anxious that she shouted. The boss was still outside pulling customers. He wanted to come in but was stopped by the crowd.    


"Qing, what happened?" Bai Chichi held her stomach in panic and looked at Situ Qing in fear.    


"It's nothing. It might be a fight outside. " Situ Qing waited until most of the people in the restaurant had run away before he pulled Bai Chichi to the door.    


The boss ran in and said to the Lady Boss, "Just now, a few hooligans were causing trouble outside. Are you alright?"    


"I'm fine, but the customers ran away. I saw Black Three come in and take a knife from our kitchen!" The Lady Boss said while clutching her chest.    


The boss looked at the empty lobby and said helplessly, "Forget it, forget it. As long as the person is fine, it's fine. Money is just an external possession!"    


"What should I do? The boss treats me quite well. Help them!" Bai Chichi looked at Situ Qing and said softly.    


Situ Qing walked to the boss, opened his wallet, and took out a stack of money and handed it to him. "This is our meal money. Consider it my treat tonight!"    


"How can this be? This has nothing to do with you guys!" The boss shook his head and did not want it, but Situ Qing immediately put the money into his pocket.    


"Take it. You treat my wife to soup. We should also thank you. " Situ Qing stopped the boss's hand.    


The lady boss said apologetically, "This, this, we only gave you a bowl of soup. But you have too much money!"    


"It's fine, take it. " Situ Qing said it was fun. He held Bai Chichi's hand and was about to leave.    


"Be careful, the outside is in chaos. Don't bump into it!" The Lady Boss quickly reminded them.    


Situ Qing nodded. He held Bai Chichi's shoulder and walked outside. He saw that the entire street was filled with people running around to watch the show.    


"I think someone has already called the police. You are not in good health. Let's go quickly!" Situ Qing wanted to take Bai Chichi to the parking lot on the street.    


But at this moment, the young man who ran to the kitchen to pick up the knife came back cursing.    


The boss followed Situ Qing and Bai Chichi out. When he saw the young man, he wanted to turn around and go back.    


"Hey, stop!" The yellow-haired man arrogantly walked over and grabbed the boss.    


"What's the matter, Third Master?" The boss seemed to be afraid of Hei San and his voice trembled.    


Hei San had a head full of yellow hair and his hand was holding the boss's kitchen knife.    


"What's the matter? Your kitchen knife is not easy to use, you know?" Hei San took the kitchen knife and patted the boss's face, scaring the boss so much that he kept shrinking back.    


"This, this, our knives are for cutting vegetables, not cutting people. Third Master!" The boss stammered.    


Black Three sneered and grabbed the boss by the collar, "I said it's not useful, but it's not. You know what I mean, huh?"    


"Third Master, a few days ago, some of your little brothers came to my place to eat and drink for free. I didn't say anything!" It seemed like the boss was often bullied by Black Three.    


"Coming to your place to eat is to give you face! Now, San Ye, I feel that your knife is not easy to use. You can use some money to compensate for San Ye's spiritual loss!" Third Master Hei was still young, yet he dared to extort money from others on this street.    


It turns out there's a group of unemployed wanderers around the school who only know how to fight and fight all day long, and when they run out of money, they go to nearby businesses to extort money, and they say they're charging protection fees.    


In the beginning, these merchants still had to call the police. But because Black Three and the others did not extort much money, they could only carry out public security detention.    


However, once they were released, they would start to take revenge on these merchants. They would either put cockroaches in their food or run into other people's lobby to scare their customers, making it difficult for them to do business.    


Thinking of giving up money to avoid disaster, the merchants could only give him some money and tell him not to disturb his business again.    


Today, Black Three had another scuffle with a few hoodlums on the other side of the street. In a moment of desperation, he ran to the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife.    


When the motley crew saw Black Three holding a knife, they even called for help. So they didn't continue to pester him. Instead, they quickly ran away.    


After Black Three chased him to the street corner, he had some crooked thoughts on the way back. He wanted to use the kitchen knife as an excuse to ask for money from the boss.    


"Even if you come to ask for money for three days and two days like this, I can't afford it!" The boss said with a bitter face.    


Although it was not much each time, there would always be one hundred and two hundred yuan. No one would feel comfortable giving it to these little bastards for free.    


"Do you dare to challenge me? Do you believe that I will get someone to give you some laxative in your crayfish? When the time comes, you can just wait for the closing of the door after you investigate the business! " Black Three seemed to have done some research on the business, and it seemed like he was quite good at it.    


"I, I. . . " The boss did not know how to deal with this rascal, but he was unwilling to accept it and could only be anxious.    


"You are Black Three?" Situ Qing pushed Bai Chichi into the store first and stood with the boss' wife. Behind the bar counter. Then he walked over and looked at the boss and Hei San.    


Black Three saw that Situ Qing was tall and sturdy, and when he had a straight face, his thick black eyebrows tangled together. It was quite frightening.    


"It's me. What's wrong?" Black Three could not lose his prestige in front of the boss. Otherwise, how could he eat and drink in the future?    


Situ Qing sneered and said, "Do you know that your current actions are a crime?"    


"Haha, what does this have to do with you? Who are you, in plain clothes?" Hei San mustered his courage and said to Situ Qing.    


Because he was born in the military, Situ Qing's temperament was naturally very resolute. In addition, he was tall and heroic. The moment he appeared, he had already shocked Hei San.    


"You don't need to care who I am. If you know what's good for you, then hurry up and leave!" Situ Qing looked at Hei San coldly, his eyes filled with a murderous aura.    


Hei San's heart was beating like a drum. He didn't know who this master in front of him was.    


"Mind your own business. Otherwise, I will tell you not to walk out of this street!" Hei San stubbornly resisted as he waved the kitchen knife in his hand and clamored.    


The boss also said to Situ Qing, "Customer, please take your wife away. She is pregnant and cannot be frightened!"    


Hei San looked up and saw Bai Chichi looking at Situ Qing worriedly behind the counter. It turned out that he still had his wife with him. This made things easier.    


For someone like Hei San, he did not know the rules of thieves at all. He was just a shameless hooligan.    


It seemed like the big guy in front of him didn't have much of a chance of winning. It was better to catch his wife first. Only then would he be able to find a way out and not lose face.    


While Hei San was calculating, his eyes unconsciously slipped onto Bai Chichi's body. Situ Qing could tell what he was trying to do with her at first glance.    


Idiot, you still want to use your wife to threaten me? I don't even want to see if you can take a step in front of her!    


Black Three suddenly let go of the boss's hand and prepared to rush into the store to catch Bai Chichi. However, he did not expect Situ Qing's reaction to be so fast that it made people shiver.    


Hei San could be seen. Just as he took a step forward, his whole body fell violently to the ground. The kitchen knife in his hand almost cut his own hand. He was so scared that he broke out in cold sweat.    


"Get lost!" Situ Qing squatted down and glared at Black Three.    


What a sharp gaze. Black Three's heart almost jumped out of his chest. He also did not know why he had fallen to the ground for no apparent reason.    


"Good boy, just you wait! Look, Third Master, I'll call someone over!" Third Master Hei got up in a sorry state, and the kitchen knife in his hand fell to the ground.    


At this moment, more and more people gathered around them. Hei San took out his phone as he retreated, and pointed at Situ Qing with one hand. "Don't run if you dare! How dare you touch my head! I really don't want to live anymore! "    


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