Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C976 Hubby Is too Fierce 975

C976 Hubby Is too Fierce 975

Bai Chichi looked at the back of the figure and felt a sense of familiarity in her heart. She wanted to chase after him to see who it was but was held back by a hand.    


"Wife, movie tickets. " Situ Qing held two tickets in his other hand and waved them in front of Bai Chichi.    


"Did you buy it? I want to change some money to buy a bottle of water!" Bai Chichi took the two tickets and said to Situ Qing with a smile.    


"I have change. Just you wait. What water do you want to drink?" Situ Qing took out his wallet and walked towards the vending machine.    


Bai Chichi casually said a bottle of mineral water and then turned around to look at the door. However, that figure had already disappeared into the crowd.    


Who could he be? This back view made Bai Chichi somewhat troubled. It was very familiar but also somewhat unfamiliar, so she was not sure.    


Bai Chichi looked at the door of the movie theater and frowned slightly. She felt that her memory had also deteriorated. Some questions were clearly in front of her, but they were just a step away.    


"Wife, I'll give you water!" Situ Qing walked over and handed Bai Chichi a bottle of water, but she did not reach out to take it.    


Situ Qing followed Bai Chichi's line of sight but did not find anything unusual. He rubbed Bai Chichi's hair strangely and said, "What are you looking at?"    


Bai Chichi looked at Situ Qing as if she had woken up from a dream. She shook her head and said, "No, I'm not looking at anything. "    


"Are you lying to me? Your eyes are clearly looking at something. Tell me, what secrets are you hiding from me?" Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi's shoulder and looked at her carefully.    


"No, maybe I was wrong. I felt that there was a familiar back just now, but I couldn't remember it. It disappeared with me. " Bai Chichi had no choice but to answer honestly.    


Situ Qing nodded and said, "I see. Do you want me to help you chase him out and take a look?"    


"Forget it. I think my eyes are just playing tricks on me!" Bai Chichi herself felt that she had seen wrongly. Why would she let Situ Qing make this trip?    


"Alright, let's go in. The movie is about to start. " Situ Qing did not think too much about it. He held Bai Chichi's waist and walked to the screening room.    


Although Bai Chichi said she would let it go, there was always a small question in her heart that made her feel uneasy.    


Situ Qing brought Bai Chichi to a seat and sat down. He turned around and saw that she was distracted. She was holding a bottle of mineral water and putting it into her mouth, but the bottle cap was not opened.    


"Wife, you look a little silly like this. Do you want to check it out or not?" Situ Qing could see that Bai Chichi's expression was a little strange.    


"I was just a little stubborn during this period of time. Didn't you hear? I gave birth to a baby and was stupid for three years!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


Situ Qing frowned and looked at her. He said, "Maybe it really is someone you know. If you must know, I can ask the Staff in the movie theater to show you the surveillance camera at the door. "    


"How can you mobilize so many people? I'm just having a fever! Alright, I promise I won't think about it anymore. Let's watch a movie and watch a movie! " Bai Chichi quickly waved her hand and shook her head.    


Situ Qing looked at her worriedly and held her hand. In his big palm, the lights in the screening hall went out and the big screen in front of him began to show advertisements.    


"Qing, I was watching the director's previous scene in Peian Town! But it was funny, at that time. . . "Bai Chichi did not finish speaking, and Situ Qing stared at her. His eyes seemed to be full of vigor as the screen flickered.    


"What are you doing?" Bai Chichi was shocked.    


Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi and said, "Are you watching a movie in Peian Town? With whom? Hurry up and tell me, is it with that You Yuze kid? "    


"What? Yuze was still studying outside, so I went with my colleagues in the hospital to take a look!" Bai Chichi saw Situ Qing's jealous look and couldn't help but laugh.    


"Really?" Situ Qing looked at her as if he believed her.    


"Of course it's true! When Yuze came back, you went to Peian Town as well. When would I have time to watch a movie? " Bai Chichi could not help but laugh.    


Situ Qing thought about it and realized that it was indeed like this. Bai Chichi had a problem with her eyes later on. She probably would not secretly go with You Yuze to watch a movie.    


"Okay, I will believe you for the time being!" Situ Qing nodded.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "You are like this. I was originally talking about movies, but you actually pulled it to the side. Tell me, between the two of us, who is like a woman?"    


"Do you believe that I will teach you a lesson in front of everyone? You actually dare to say that I, Situ Qing, am like a woman?" Situ Qing said fiercely in Bai Chichi's ear.    


"Who asked you to get jealous so easily?" Bai Chichi smiled and avoided him.    


At this time, the movie officially started. Bai Chichi pushed Situ Qing's dark face away and focused on watching the movie.    


The director did not disappoint Bai Chichi. There were still many highlights in the movie. Bai Chichi's smile was very low, so she could not close her mouth.    


Situ Qing was much more serious than her. Sometimes he felt that Bai Chichi was really too naive and did not find it funny at all. She could also laugh until tears flowed out.    


"Wife, you are so supportive!" Situ Qing whispered in Bai Chichi's ear.    


"Shh," Bai Chichi put her finger to her mouth and did not let Situ Qing speak.    


Seeing her serious look, Situ Qing could only helplessly shake his head and continue watching this movie that he felt was a little boring.    


Usually, Situ Qing did not really appreciate this kind of pure and funny movie. He liked films that were more profound and even a little obscure.    


If he was watching television, Situ Qing also liked the exploration channel. He liked outdoor or military things.    


Bai Chichi was very similar to him in this aspect, except that she had some interest in military affairs.    


Now that Bai Chichi was pregnant and liked the relaxed and happy films, Situ Qing did not hesitate to accompany her even though he could not smile as brightly as Bai Chichi.    


The two people who originally had nothing to do with each other would definitely have different personalities. How to complement each other was the most important.    


The path of husband and wife was to accommodate and accommodate each other. Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi's smiling face, but his heart was full of philosophical thinking.    


"Look, look, this place really shows the genius of the director. It's so funny!" Bai Chichi pointed at the screen and nudged Situ Qing.    


"Yes, yes, it's so funny!" No matter what, as long as you laugh, my heart will be very happy.    


So what if the movie is boring? Being by your side will make up for all the flaws.    


Very quickly, an hour and a half passed. The lights lit up. Bai Chichi held her stomach in satisfaction and said to Situ Qing, "That's good. My stomach hurts from laughing!"    


"My baby does not want to have a concussion because of you. Laughing like this, fool!" Situ Qing supported Bai Chichi and stood up.    


"Can you say something nice, Chief Situ?" Bai Chichi poked Situ Qing's nose and said reproachfully.    


Situ Qing smiled and nodded. "Alright, alright. As long as you are happy. "    


"That's weird. I realized that you didn't laugh at such a funny movie. You don't even have a sense of humor!" Bai Chichi shook her head and said.    


"I really don't have a sense of humor. Otherwise, why would I be so loyal to you?" Situ Qing brought Bai Chichi outside.    


Bai Chichi looked up at him and said, "What do you mean? I don't understand. "    


"That is to say, I am very serious about our relationship. I don't have any funny or funny feelings. " Situ Qing and Bai Chichi had already walked to the hall of the movie theater.    


"So it is like this? Alright, I will believe you for the time being!" Bai Chichi felt that what Situ Qing said was a little far-fetched, but she could not find a place to refute it.    


"Wife, do you feel hungry now?" Situ Qing held the car keys and looked at Bai Chichi.    


"Yes, a little bit!" Bai Chichi rubbed her belly.    


Although she had already eaten dinner, she did not stay at home like before. She felt a little hungry after going out for a while.    


"What do you want to eat?" Situ Qing thought that he had to go to the army tomorrow, so he wanted Bai Chichi to be happy every minute.    


Satisfying the desire of the mouth and stomach was the simplest and most basic.    


"I suddenly want to eat crayfish, but you must not!" Bai Chichi hugged Situ Qing's arm and acted like a spoiled child.    


This was the lobby of the movie theater, and there were many people coming and going. Bai Chichi just stuck her head on Situ Qing's body and rubbed his shoulder.    


"Wife, you are totally different from before. You dare to mess around in any occasion!" Situ Qing fondly grabbed Bai Chichi's hair.    


"What does it matter? I am a pregnant woman. Besides, you are me, Hubby, not someone else!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


Situ Qing could not help being pestered by her. He nodded and said, "Okay, let's go. Where do you want to eat?"    


"Wow, my husband is so nice! I want to eat the lobster overlord on the street outside our medical college!" Bai Chichi was extremely happy.    


"Dream on, how could I let you eat the crayfish!" Situ Qing shook his head.    


"Then why are you asking me?" Bai Chichi instantly became unhappy.    


Situ Qing looked at her and said, "I'm asking you where you want to find something to eat, not to eat crayfish!"    


"Then what should I eat?" Bai Chichi had been feeling a little hungry recently. Maybe her early reaction was about to pass.    


"Go to the place you like, but I will order whatever you want to eat. " Situ Qing held Bai Chichi's shoulder and walked towards the parking lot.    


Bai Chichi thought for a while and said, "Okay, that's fine too. We should go to the snack street outside the school. "    


"Okay, then let's go to the snack street. " Situ Qing opened the car door and settled Bai Chichi down. Then he jumped into the driver's seat.    


The car headed towards the snack street. Bai Chichi looked at the night view outside the window. She did not know what was going on, but the figure in her mind appeared again.    


"Wife, are you hot? Do you want to turn on the air conditioner? Or you can lower the window a little. The air will be better. " Situ Qing had always been thinking about Bai Chichi. This made Bai Chichi feel very warm and touched in her heart.    


"Alright, you just drive seriously. I am your wife. I will not be so restrained to outsiders!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


Situ Qing looked at her from the rearview mirror and said, "I have not read enough, wife! This is called being as respectful as a guest raising a table and eyebrows together, do you understand? "    


"You understand, you understand, you understand everything!"    


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