Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C958 Hubby Is too Fierce 1957

C958 Hubby Is too Fierce 1957

Situ Qing quickly took off his clothes and pants and twisted them together, but he didn't let Situ Qing go down. Instead, he let Situ Qing pull the temporary safety rope and slowly slide down the cave.    


Fortunately, the cave wasn't as deep as they had imagined. It was probably because of the shadows of the trees outside that it gave people the illusion.    


Situ Qing was very tall, so he quickly stepped on the ground. He let go of the rope and reached out his hand to touch a person.    


"Yuan, is that you?" Situ Qing squatted down, but the light was very dark, so he could not see clearly. He touched the person's hair and his eyes got used to it. He saw Chen Yuan clearly, but she seemed to have lost consciousness.    


"Qing, have you found it?" Situ Yuan looked down from the cave entrance.    


Situ Qing grabbed Chen Yuan's arm and helped her stand up. The cave was also very narrow. The two of them were standing very close to each other.    


Situ Qing did not have time to think about it. He held Chen Yuan in his arms and felt relieved after feeling her breathing.    


"I found her. She fainted. I tied her waist up. Take your time to pull her up!" Chen Yuan's body was weak. Situ Qing took a lot of effort to tie her up. Then Situ Yuan dragged her out of the cave bit by bit.    


Chen Yuan did not seem to have any major external injuries. It was just that her forehead and arms were scratched by thorns and there were some traces of blood.    


Situ Yuan laid Chen Yuan flat on the ground and then pulled Situ Qing out of the cave.    


"How is she? What is her condition?" Situ Qing jumped in front of Chen Yuan as soon as he came out and carefully examined her.    


"There are no external injuries. Maybe she fainted from shock. " Situ Yuan squatted down and the two brothers carried Chen Yuan to the stream.    


"Wipe her forehead and see if she can wake up!" Situ Qing dipped his clothes in water and placed it on Chen Yuan's forehead.    


Situ Yuan looked at him and said, "Is there any stone in the cave?"    


"No, the walls are all mud. I think the villagers dug a trap to catch some small animals. It's only about three meters deep. " Situ Qing shook his head and said.    


"That's good. I didn't touch my head. I don't know when it fell down or was frozen. " Situ Yuan said with a sigh of relief.    


Situ Qing wiped Chen Yuan's face clean. There were no big wounds. He saw Chen Yuan holding a bottle tightly in her hand.    


"She really came to catch fish, this silly girl!" Situ Qing picked up the bottle and pulled it. There were more than ten small rock fish inside.    


"Look at her hand, there is also a small flashlight. It seems like she was prepared, but she did not expect there to be a trap there. " Situ Yuan opened Chen Yuan's other hand and saw a small flashlight. It was broken and did not light up.    


Situ Qing patted Chen Yuan's face and said anxiously, "Yuan, wake up, wake up!"    


"Pinch her in the middle!" Situ Yuan also implemented some emergency treatment plans for Chen Yuan. The two of them worked for a long time before they saw Chen Yuan's eyes move.    


"Yuan, how are you? Wake up!" Situ Qing carefully shook Chen Yuan's shoulder and helped her sit up and lean on himself.    


Chen Yuan's body moved and her eyelids blinked a few times before she finally opened her eyes.    


"Brother-in-law? I, you guys, where is this place?" Chen Yuan's eyes were confused, as if she had not figured out the current situation.    


"Silly girl, you ran out to catch the fish alone, and in the end, you fell into someone else's trap!" Situ Qing saw that Chen Yuan finally woke up and was very happy in his heart.    


"Really? I, I just remembered that my feet were empty and I fell down. I didn't know anything after that. " Chen Yuan slowly turned her neck to look at her surroundings.    


Situ Yuan said to Chen Yuan, "You should never do such a stupid thing again. Is it worth it for a few fish?"    


"Yes, yes. Where are my fish? Ms Chichi will have morning vomiting at 10 o'clock. I want to send her back to make soup!" Chen Yuan woke up from a dream and anxiously raised her hands.    


" Here, here, look. Everything is fine! " Situ Qing showed the bottle to Chen Yuan. Only then did she relax and "weakly" pull the corner of her mouth and squeeze out a smile.    


Situ Yuan shook his head and said, "Yuan, you really worried us to death. Why didn't you greet us? If you were my soldier, I would have harshly criticized you. "    


"Brother-in-law Yuan, I was wrong. I made you anxious!" Chen Yuan lowered her head in shame. This action made Situ Yuan feel that he could not bear to scold her anymore.    


"Alright, alright. It's good that she is fine. Let's go back. If we knew that you took such a risk for her, we would not know how worried we would be. " Situ Qing supported Chen Yuan and let her slowly stand up.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, don't tell Ms Chichi that I fell into the cave. " Chen Yuan was still thinking about Bai Chichi's feelings at this time. Even Situ Yuan felt touched.    


"Even if I don't say it, she can tell. Okay, you should exercise first and see if your bones are hurt!" Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan.    


Chen Yuan tried to stretch her arms and squatted again. She shook her head and said, "It's okay. I'm not hurt. I just fell a little dizzy, but I'm better now. "    


"It's a blessing in misfortune. If that cave was a little deeper, or if there were stones at the bottom, it would be troublesome!" Situ Yuan saw that Chen Yuan was fine, so he supported her and asked her to wash the sand off her body with water.    


"Clean, quickly put on your clothes, or else what would you look like?" Situ Qing heard Situ Yuan's reminder, and only then did he realize that he had used his pants to tie Chen Yuan's pants into ropes to save her. He suddenly felt a little awkward and quickly put on his pants.    


Chen Yuan covered her mouth and laughed. She saw that she was especially pure and cute next to the small stream in the forest in the morning.    


"Stop laughing. It was all for this little fish. Let's go so that they won't worry. " Situ Qing coughed and said.    


So the two of them supported Chen Yuan and went back to the village with great difficulty.    


"Unfortunately, we only caught this little in one night. If we caught more, Ms Chichi would not vomit again after eating. This was what Auntie Niu said. " Chen Yuan held the bottle in her hand and shook her head and sighed.    


"Enough, enough. You almost lost your life because of this small amount of fish! If we hadn't gone in time, how would you have climbed up!? " Situ Qing felt scared just thinking about it.    


However, Chen Yuan smiled mischievously and said, "I'm not worried. I have two sisters who care about me and two brave brother-in-law. They will definitely save me!"    


In Chen Yuan's heart, she had already written the script. She deliberately closed the door and also deliberately left those footprints. It was to let Brother Situ discover that she had disappeared and give them some clues.    


It was indeed not easy to catch these fish. Chen Yuan also put in a lot of effort. But these were all necessary. Otherwise, how could she perfectly act out this scene?    


It was just that the cave was something she did not expect. Initially, Chen Yuan only wanted to pretend to faint by the stream after dawn, but now she had such an outstanding prop. This made her secretly happy.    


She threw a small stone. Chen Yuan knew that the cave was not deep and her life would not be in danger if she fell down, so she slid down along the thorns.    


If Brother Situ was calm enough, he would have discovered these clues. It was just that the two of them never thought that Chen Yuan was doing this on purpose. So they didn't even have the thought of investigating and researching.    


All of this was to obtain Bai Chichi's trust and Situ Qing's good impression. Chen Yuan was not the kind of idiot who went straight to the point. Her mind was calm. Moreover, she had many skills that had been honed by life. This had increased the weight of her path of revenge.    


Now, it was even better. Situ Yuan had also personally participated in this rescue. He would definitely oppose Xin Xiaozi's suspicion and stand on her side.    


In this way, Chen Yuan's meat-making scheme was very worthwhile. At the same time, she had taken care of so many people. It could be said to be counted in one fell swoop!    


According to their understanding of the Situ brothers, they would definitely not easily give up on searching for her. Chen Yuan was not worried that she would not be able to come out.    


Step by step, they set out towards their goal. This was also a kind of exciting experience. So even though Chen Yuan had many scratches on her body, she felt very satisfied in her heart.    


"You are not allowed to take risks like this. There is always a possibility of anything happening. " Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan seriously and said.    


"Okay, I will not do it again in the future. " Chen Yuan nodded obediently.    


It was already two hours after they returned to Uncle Niu's house. The courtyard was in an uproar because Auntie Niu really did not know how to lie. She revealed the news of Chen Yuan's disappearance and made Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi as anxious as ants on a hot pan.    


Fortunately, they came back in time. Otherwise, according to Xin Xiaozi's personality, she would have immediately followed them out to find people.    


"Damned girl, where did you run off to?! You want to scare me to death!" When she saw Chen Yuan, Xin Xiaozi angrily rushed over.    


"Ms Xiaozi, I, I. . . " Chen Yuan blushed and wanted to explain, but Situ Yuan glared at Xin Xiaozi and pulled her away.    


"Wife, don't scold Yuan like that. She did it for your own good. She took the risk to catch fish all night on the mountain. " Situ Yuan said to Xin Xiaozi.    


Xin Xiaozi looked at Situ Yuan doubtfully and said, "Really?"    


"Of course it's true. If it wasn't for Qing and me going in time, Yuan would still be trapped in a cave. " Situ Yuan shook his head.    


When Bai Chichi heard his words, her eyes were filled with tears. She walked in front of Chen Yuan and held her hand and said, "Yuan, you are too stupid. How dangerous!"    


"It's fine, Ms Chichi. You see, I caught these few and will immediately go to the kitchen to make soup for you to drink. You will not be so uncomfortable today!" Chen Yuan's face revealed a simple and simple smile as she showed the bottle to Bai Chichi.    


Auntie Niu smiled as she walked over and said, "It is good that you are back. I am so worried! Miss Yuan is really kind-hearted and is even more considerate than her biological sisters!"    


"Don't say that about Auntie Niu. This is what I should do. " Chen Yuan lowered her head and blushed. She took the fish and ran to the kitchen.    


Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi and said, "Don't cry, don't cry. I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would cry. In the end, you are still like this. "    


"I didn't cry. I just felt that Yuan was really too good to me!" Bai Chichi wiped the tears from her face and said.    


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