Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C951 Hubby Is too Ferocious

C951 Hubby Is too Ferocious

"Yes, Dad. " Situ Qing nodded.    


Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao were already impatient. They looked at Bai Chichi and said, "Aunt, when are we leaving tomorrow?"    


"It's seven o'clock in the morning, so now go back to your rooms and tidy up your homework. It would be best if you can finish it. Otherwise, you will not be able to enjoy yourself when you play. " As a good student, Bai Chichi naturally knew that she would not be able to have a good time if she carried the responsibility and went out.    


"Okay, I'll go right away. " Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao's results were actually very good, so just completing the homework alone was also an easy task.    


"Go on. " Situ Baichuan gave the order, and the two girls got up and went back to their rooms.    


Xin Xiaozi looked at their backs and said, "I am glad that my poor student life has finally passed!"    


"Speaking of which, you used to be Principal Xing's senior disciple, but now you have become a young madam waiting to give birth. He knows how he will feel in the future!" Bai Chichi teased Xin Xiaozi.    


Xin Xiaozi shrugged and said, "What is the matter? No matter who it is, as long as there is a baby in their stomach, they have the right to rest!"    


"Sigh, speaking of which, I am the one who let down the residents of Peian Town. A deputy dean is just a false appointment. " Bai Chichi sighed a little.    


Situ Qing comforted her, "It's fine, my wife. I have been asking around. If there are suitable candidates, I will send them to support the medical treatment of Peian town. You can also keep a video call with the director. "    


"Alright, that's all we can do. " Bai Chichi smiled.    


Situ Baichuan said to them, "Alright, go back to your rooms. I'm tired too. "    


Everyone left and Chen Yuan still helped Nanny Zhang clean up the kitchen. She also pretended to be very happy and chatted and laughed as if she was in a very good mood.    


Bai Chichi and Situ Qing returned to the room and showed him the luggage that they had packed and asked if he had anything else to bring.    


Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi and said, "You were not like this in the past, you little bug!"    


"Now I am a wife. I have to do what a housewife should do!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


Situ Qing whispered into her ear, "Yes. You are very different now. Being tolerant and gentle really makes me look at you in a new light. "    


"You are the same. You used to be a wild beast, but now you are whispering to me. " Bai Chichi patted Situ Qing's face and said.    


Situ Qing looked into her eyes and kissed her slowly. Bai Chichi responded to his tenderness and turned into a clear spring.    


"Treasure, when our baby comes out, I must make up for this year's longing!" Situ Qing controlled his emotions and whispered to Bai Chichi in a serious tone.    


"Haha, I also feel very sorry to see you in such a bad mood. We have just gotten married not long ago. I can't bear to let you suffer like this!" Bai Chichi hugged Situ Qing's head and rubbed his forehead with all her strength, like a kitten.    


Situ Qing took a deep breath and carried Bai Chichi onto the bed, saying, "Alright, now I have mastered the martial arts of Liu Kuai! Go to sleep early. Tomorrow morning, we will depart! "    


"Have you notified them far?" Bai Chichi propped up her upper body and asked.    


Situ Qing walked to the bathroom and said, "Of course. He looks calm on the surface, but he is actually very happy in his heart. That guy!"    


"She hasn't seen Xiaozi for a week. She must miss her very much!" Bai Chichi laid down and said with a smile as she looked at the ceiling.    


Situ Qing answered vaguely. He must be brushing his teeth or something. Bai Chichi made a call to her parents.    


She reminded her daughter to be careful, and her father Bai's mother rushed to talk to Bai Chichi over the phone.    


"I already know. Besides, there is still Qing here. I don't have to be afraid of anything by my side!" Bai Chichi hung up the phone and smiled sweetly.    


The next morning, everyone was waiting in the living room.    


Situ Qing started the car. Everyone sat on it and headed towards the Horseshoe Mountain in the suburbs.    


The weather was very good. The morning sun was still very gentle, illuminating every part of the city. It was full of vitality.    


Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao chattered along the way like a bird that had released its cage. Chen Yuan smiled as she looked out the window. Xin Xiaozi was probably imagining the scene of seeing Situ Yuan and her expression was hazy.    


Bai Chichi's mood was also very good. She looked at Situ Qing. The side profile of the man who was focusing on driving was very perfect.    


"Aunt, Aunt, we are out of the city. Did you see that? Even the trees have become even greener!" Xiao Ying pointed to the window and said to Bai Chichi.    


Sure enough, after walking out of the city, the road became open. The houses on both sides were shorter, but there was a unique style to it.    


The flowers and trees were also thriving in the warm wind in the early summer. All kinds of unknown little flowers were angrily facing the wind.    


"Yeah, the air is also much cleaner!" Bai Chichi smiled and nodded.    


Xiao Tao sighed and said, "I have been staying in the high-rise buildings for a long time and I feel that my brain is not working well. This time I am going to the natural oxygen bar to absorb some natural spiritual energy. This will make my college entrance exam more powerful!"    


"Uncle also means the same. " Situ Qing drove the car. The sun had officially hung in the sky. The clouds were even whiter, and the fields were lush and verdant.    


"Aunt, what is that?" Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao had always been the children who grew up in the city. There were many farming tools in the countryside, and they did not even know the means of transportation. It was very novel.    


Seeing the scenery outside was already the broad world of the countryside. Large plots of fertile land and hard-working people gave people a kind of passionate beauty.    


"Qing, how far is the Horseshoe Mountain we're going to go?" Bai Chichi saw a continuous stretch of mountain peaks appearing in her field of vision from afar.    


Situ Qing looked at the schedule and said, "Soon. We can go up the mountain in about ten minutes. There is a road that leads to Niu Village. "    


"So the place we are going to stay is called Niu Village?" Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao opened their eyes wide and said in unison.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "Yes, Niu Village. What's the problem?"    


"Then we can find Master Wang at the entrance of the village to heat our hair! Hehe! " Xiao Ying smiled slyly.    


Xiao Tao also said, "Yes, you are very smart. Wash your hair, brush your hair, brush your hair, blow your hair, blow your hair, blow your hair!"    


"What are you guys singing about?" Bai Chichi asked curiously. These two children were so happy that they seemed to have forgotten their manners today.    


What kind of strange song was this? It even killed Matt. It was washing, cutting, and blowing again.    


Xiao Tao laughed loudly, causing Bai Chichi to be at a loss. Situ Qing was even more confused.    


Chen Yuan looked at their happy expressions and did not understand, so she looked at this and that.    


Xin Xiaozi shook her head and said, "Xiao Ying, Xiao Tao, your Uncle Qing and Aunt You are old antiques. How could I have heard such a popular song!"    


"Eh, Aunt Yuan, have you heard of it?" Xiao Ying looked at Xin Xiaozi in surprise.    


Xin Xiaozi puckered her lips and said, "Your Aunt Yuan is not as outdated as them. I know all kinds of things that are popular!"    


"Then what does this song mean?" Xiao Tao smiled and wanted to test Xin Xiaozi.    


In the end, when everyone was completely unprepared, Xin Xiaozi suddenly waved her hand and twisted her body to sing loudly, "Baby, your father kept saying that I was useless, so I went to the village entrance to learn how to wash, cut, and blow. . . "    


Oh my god, what is this? It scared Bai Chichi so much that she was stunned.    


"Haha, Aunt Yuan, you're the best. You even know how to sing such a song!" Xiao Ying, Xiao Tao, clapped her hands and laughed until she fell back.    


Xin Xiaozi stretched out her hand and pinched the air, and the song stopped.    


"Do you know now? I know a little about everything!" Xin Xiaozi said proudly.    


Bai Chichi and Situ Qing could only shake their heads speechlessly. But it was also good. With Xin Xiaozi as a living treasure, any kind of journey would be very easy.    


At the foot of the mountain, Situ Qing opened the window and said to everyone, "Now as the altitude rises, the air will also become better and gradually cool. "    


"Yes, I can feel it!" Bai Chichi stuck her head out and took a breath of fresh air with the smell of soil and grass.    


Everyone copied her actions and indeed felt refreshed.    


The road was no longer so flat and there was a slight tremble. Situ Qing tried his best to drive very slowly. The fruit trees on both sides were full of fruits and looked very attractive.    


"Where's the loquat? It's May now. It just so happens that the loquat has matured. It's so beautiful! It's so yellow!" Xiao Ying swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said.    


Because the road up the mountain was a little narrow, and Situ Qing was driving a Mitsubishi cruiser, the body of the cruiser was quite wide. Therefore, the people in the vehicle could reach out their hands to get those loquats.    


"Yeah, uncle, I really want to pick one and taste it!" Xiao Tao also stared at those cute fruit trees and said with endless fascination.    


"No, you can't take a needle or a needle from ordinary people!" Situ Qing was impartial and unbiased, and he mercilessly rejected the requests of the two little girls.    


Xin Xiaozi smiled and said to Bai Chichi, "Your husband will not leave his profession after three sentences. Later, you can give some money to his hometown!"    


"This is the principle. If you don't sue, you will take what is called stealing. Don't you know?" Who would have thought that Situ Qing would come across such a situation without any conditions.    


"Fine, fine, fine. I can't beat you! Where is he now? " Xin Xiaozi rolled her eyes and took out her phone to call Situ Yuan.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said to Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao, "Later when we get off the car, we will find the owner of the fruit tree and ask for their permission to buy more food in the future. "    


Chen Yuan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly pointed to the front and said, "Hey, isn't that Brother-in-law Yuan? It is under that tree!"    


Xin Xiaozi just happened to call Situ Yuan. Everyone saw Situ Yuan reaching into his pocket to touch the phone.    


"Haha, Uncle Yuan must have been waiting for us there a long time ago!" Xiao Ying, Xiao Tao, reached out her head and hands and shouted loudly.    


Xin Xiaozi hung up the phone and watched Situ Yuan run towards their car with a smile.    


"Qing, why are you guys only here now?" Just as she ran to the front of the car, Situ Yuan said to Situ Qing, who was sitting in the driver's seat.    


"Haha, you must be crazy to want to see me!" Xin Xiaozi happily opened the window and winked at Situ Yuan.    


Situ Yuan walked over and looked at Xin Xiaozi and said, "Xiaozi, you must have worked hard in the car, right? Come down, let's walk over!"    


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