Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C948 Hubby Is too Ferocious 947

C948 Hubby Is too Ferocious 947

"Hey, Situ Qing!" Bai Chichi growled in dissatisfaction and dragged Situ Qing out of the door of the beef restaurant. The little girl behind him was still taking pictures with her phone.    


Xin Xiaozi opened the car door and Bai Chichi pushed Situ Qing in. She also sat beside him and looked at him fiercely.    


"What's wrong, wife? Why are you staring at me like this?" Situ Qing said with a smile. He liked to see Bai Chichi occasionally getting angry.    


Actually, it was not that she was angry. Bai Chichi just felt a little sour in her heart. Situ Qing was not serious at all. Why would he interact with little girls?    


"You still want to ask me? Why do you want to wave at them?" Bai Chichi interrogated Situ Qing. She narrowed her eyes and furrowed her brows. She had a very cute expression on her face.    


Xin Xiaozi started the car and looked at Situ Qing through the rearview mirror. She said, "Handsome uncle, I'll send you back to the company now. Hurry up and apologize to your wife during this period of time!"    


"Why should I apologize? What did I do wrong?" Situ Qing pretended to be confused and looked innocent.    


Bai Chichi looked into his eyes and said, "Humph, you just saw those young and beautiful girls, right? They actually smiled in front of me!"    


"Isn't it good for me to smile? Didn't you often say that I always look fierce with a straight face?" Situ Qing really enjoyed the time of teasing his wife.    


Bai Chichi said anxiously, "I don't smile at them. You only have to smile at me!"    


Hearing her words, Situ Qing reached out and touched Bai Chichi's forehead and said, "Wife, you are not sick, right? Why do you suddenly care about them so much? My expression came? "    


Xin Xiaozi interrupted. "Don't you know that pregnant women's temperament will change drastically? It's your fault for flirting with a little girl! "    


Situ Qing spread his hands and shook his head. "What do you mean by flirting? They are young and light, so you can't treat them with evil intentions. "    


"Alright, you are getting more and more impudent. You are not like a cold-faced chief, an iron-blooded soldier!" Bai Chichi pointed at Situ Qing's nose and said.    


Her current appearance was really exciting. Situ Qing was afraid when he thought about how she had vomited so badly in the morning.    


Bai Chichi was like that when she was a young girl. Situ Qing wanted to let her maintain that state for a while, so he frowned and said, "Wife, don't you know? A lolita who doesn't like an uncle is not a good lolita. Aren't uncles who don't like lolis good uncles? "    


"Ahh ~ ~ ~ Why are you so annoying!" Bai Chichi pouted and reached out her hand to pinch Situ Qing's arm.    


Xin Xiaozi smiled and said, "Enough, Situ Qing. Your wife is carrying your son now. Stop it!"    


Situ Qing then hugged Bai Chichi and said, "That's enough, that's enough. I'm teasing you! To me, you are the cutest little loli in the world. However, when people say that I am like Gu Tianle and Wu Yanzu, I should also be polite and thank them. "    


Bai Chichi laughed and said, "Come on, you. How can you look like that handsome guy? He is just a big guy with black hair!"    


"If you say that again, believe it or not, I will punish you on the spot!" Situ Qing fiercely kissed Bai Chichi's face.    


Xin Xiaozi helplessly shook her head and said, "I give in to you two. You don't even know how to avoid flirting. Alright, Situ Qing. I have already sent you back to the company. Bai Chi and I will go home first. "    


"Alright, be careful on the road. " Situ Qing still had a lot of things to do in the afternoon, so he reluctantly got out of the car.    


Bai Chichi stuck her head out of the window and said, "By the way, don't tell Yuan that we are going to celebrate her birthday. When the time comes, give her an unexpected surprise!"    


"Got it, don't worry. " Situ Qing watched Xin Xiaozi's car gradually leave before he turned around and walked into Aichi Building.    


When he returned to the CEO's floor, Situ Qing saw Chen Yuan sitting in the glass compartment, typing some documents on the computer.    


"CEO, you're back?" Chen Yuan looked up and saw Situ Qing. She quickly stood up and said.    


Situ Qing nodded and said, "Go ahead. I will call you in if anything happens. "    


"Okay!" Chen Yuan sat down and continued typing. Situ Qing pushed open the door and walked in. He needed to settle everything by Friday before he could play with his family.    


Chen Yuan saw that Situ Qing's office door was closed and her eyes returned to the computer screen. She was now sorting out some of Situ Qing's words and information.    


However, Chen Yuan, who was typing, had a cold look on her face that sent chills down one's spine. She saw the memos left by Situ Qing's former assistant.    


"Situ Qing, you are really good to Bai Chichi. You took so much time to see her!" Chen Yuan looked at the files with the heart-shaped pattern on them. It recorded what Situ Qing had done for Bai Chichi.    


"But how long can the relationship between the two of you last? Situ Qing, Bai Chichi is just dragging you down. Only then can I let your business be like a fish in water. I will make you unable to leave me!" Chen Yuan cast all kinds of curses on Bai Chichi in her heart.    


After the earthquake, the ID number Chen Yuan and Situ Yuan had reported was fabricated by her. Because of the loss of personnel information in the disaster area and the fact that they wanted to buy a plane ticket, Situ Yuan told the local government to get it done as soon as possible. That was why Chen Yuan got the ID card smoothly.    


However, the information on the ID card was fake. Chen Yuan's birthday had passed and her age had changed by a few years.    


To Chen Yuan, a birthday was not a day worth celebrating. She had always felt that it was a mistake for her to be born.    


People said that the child was innocent because they could not choose their parents. Everything was not up to them to decide.    


Chen Yuan deeply understood the meaning of this sentence. She thought that she was just a bet made by her mother to keep her father.    


At that time, if not for her birth, her father would have left her mother to find her happiness.    


So in a sense, Chen Yuan was also the cause of that tragedy. Sometimes, she felt that she was an inauspicious thing.    


However, when her mother passed away, Chen Yuan only knew that the root of all this was much more far-reaching than she had imagined.    


She stared at the door of Situ Qing's office and the corner of her mouth was tightly shut. The terrifying scene in her mind hit her nerves and made her feel that the air was thin and she could not breathe.    


At this time, the manager of the Finance Department called. Chen Yuan came back to her senses. She picked up the phone and said with a warm and polite tone, "Hello, Office of President. "    


"Chen Yuan, please help me pick up the CEO's insider. " The manager of the Finance Department was very polite to this new CEO's assistant.    


"Please wait a moment. " Chen Yuan pressed a button and heard the phone ringing in Situ Qing's office.    


The current work was child's play for Chen Yuan. There was no room for her to display her talent.    


However, there was no rush. Everything would slowly move towards the goal she wanted.    


Boss Wang was a big and rough man. His appearance gave Chen Yuan a chance to show off her abilities. Furthermore, Chen Yuan grasped it very well and let everyone in the company see her abilities.    


So now, the attitude of the various department leaders who called her changed because they knew that the CEO had a reason to appoint this young girl as an assistant.    


"Yuan, come in for a while. " Situ Qing's voice sounded from the receiver.    


Chen Yuan tidied her hair and walked into Situ Qing's office slowly. She stood in front of the large office desk.    


"President. "    


"The accounts of the Finance Department are out. Boss Wang did do a lot of things. Fortunately, you exposed him. Look. " Situ Qing pointed at his computer screen.    


Chen Yuan stood there without moving. She looked at Situ Qing and said, "President, I can't read this kind of information. "    


"It's fine. Take a look. It will help you in the future. " Situ Qing actually knew what the duty of an assistant was, but it was indeed Chen Yuan's credit this time. That was why he did it.    


Actually, he also wanted to promote Chen Yuan so that she could have some opportunities to learn.    


Chen Yuan then moved closer to the computer screen and looked at the data. Then she stood up and said, "Boss Wang is really bold, such a large sum of money!"    


"I will take out a portion of this money as your bonus. " Situ Qing pointed at the number.    


"What's the use of me asking for so much money? Now that I'm staying at the CEO's house, I don't need to worry about the cost of my food and drink. It's already good enough. " Chen Yuan's eyes dimmed. She said softly, "To be able to take me in and treat me so well, it is not worth mentioning for me to do such a small thing. "    


"Why did you say such words again? You will be a member of our family from now on. There is no need to be so polite between family members. " Situ Qing was touched by Chen Yuan's simplicity.    


She was not greedy, proud, and brave. This girl had many good points. Situ Qing felt that he had a good eye for her.    


"When you work for your family, you can't talk about money, right?" Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing and said sincerely.    


Situ Qing choked on her words. What should he do?    


"Alright, you can leave now. "    


Chen Yuan took two steps and looked back at Situ Qing. She said, "Ms Chichi treats me as well as her own sister. Her parents have worked hard for their entire lives. If you want me to receive this bonus, ask the president to save it in their account for me as a token of my respect to them!"    


Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan and was speechless. This girl was too kind. She had suffered so much and could still think of others at all times. It was really rare.    


"President, I'm going out to work. " Chen Yuan turned around and left. Situ Qing looked at her back and felt a little sour in his heart.    


Maybe it was because he had lost his parents that Chen Yuan wanted Bai Chichi's parents to live a better life.    


Situ Qing did not know what kind of expression Chen Yuan had when she walked out of the office.    


What was this money? Situ Qing, Bai Chichi, What I have lost is not something that money can make up for.    


Since it has come to this, I will push the boat along with the current and show you how noble my character is.    


Chen Yuan smiled coldly.    


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