Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C943 Hubby Is too Fierce 942

C943 Hubby Is too Fierce 942

"It's a nice day, honey. Do you want me to take you out for a walk?" Early in the morning, Situ Qing opened the curtains and looked at the sunlight outside. He said to Bai Chichi.    


"I feel a little dizzy. I don't know if it was caused by pregnancy. Forget it!" Bai Chichi sat on the bed with a bitter face.    


Situ Qing walked to her side and touched her forehead. "I'm an old man and this is my first time being a father. I really don't have much experience. Can I take you to the hospital to take a look?"    


"No need. I just want to rest for a while! You have so many things to do in your company. You should go to work. Don't worry about me. " Bai Chichi squeezed out a smile to make Situ Qing feel relieved, but he refused to leave.    


Bai Chichi looked at the man in front of her. That handsome face with round wheels was somewhat anxious at this moment. It seemed that he was more mature and charming than before.    


Oh no, don't be tempted. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if the heavenly lightning hooked the earth fire!    


"You're leaving. There's no use looking at me, right? Aiya, I. . . Before Bai Chichi finished speaking, she covered her mouth and hurriedly jumped down to the toilet.    


Situ Qing was shocked and followed behind Bai Chichi. Before he even walked over, he saw Bai Chichi holding the toilet bowl and vomiting.    


She threw up without looking back and reached out a hand to stop Situ Qing from getting close.    


"Wife, what happened to you? Are you alright?" Situ Qing quickly rushed over, ignoring Bai Chichi's waving gesture. He was very nervous.    


However, Bai Chichi held the toilet bowl and vomited until she was dizzy. She did not vomit out anything. It was just a series of dry vomiting that made her face red.    


"Wife, what do you think? Let's go to the hospital right away, okay?" Situ Qing was a tough man, but when he saw his wife in such pain, he was at a loss for what to do.    


Bai Chichi shook her head and could not say anything. She only managed to calm down after she vomited until the bitter water in her stomach came out.    


Leaning against the toilet bowl, Bai Chichi wiped her mouth awkwardly. Her hair was messy like a ghost as she looked at Situ Qing.    


"Idiot, you have suffered!" Situ Qing patted Bai Chichi's back. He wished he could personally go and help her endure this torture.    


Bai Chichi smiled weakly. She held Situ Qing's hand and wanted to stand up, but she felt weak and weak all over.    


"This is premature pregnancy?" Situ Qing carried Bai Chichi and sent her back to the bed. He poured another cup of water for her to drink and watched her drink it bit by bit.    


Bai Chichi nodded and said, "Yes, I want to follow the rise of the HCG. I will definitely suffer for the next few dozen days!"    


"Weren't you fine yesterday? Why did you come so quickly?" Situ Qing widened his eyes and did not understand.    


"These things happen without any warning. They come as they come! Don't be like this. It makes me feel uneasy! " Bai Chichi frowned. She was originally quite strong, but if Situ Qing panicked, she would also be affected.    


Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi and said, "It is not easy to be a woman. Wife, how should I make it up to you?"    


"Silly, isn't this for our child? Alright, alright. I'm fine now. It'll be fine after vomiting. Go to work! " After Bai Chichi listlessly said those words, she fell on her back and put it on. It was as if all the bones in her body had been removed.    


Situ Qing bent down and kissed Bai Chichi's face, saying, "I'm not going to work anymore. In the future, I will accompany you every day!"    


"No way. Aren't you going to earn money to raise children? Alright, you're being so wishy-washy. Let's go quickly! " Bai Chichi pushed Situ Qing away.    


Seeing her firm attitude, Situ Qing could only stand up and say, "Are you really alright? I think it's better to go to the hospital and ask the doctor!"    


"I'm a doctor myself, there's no need! Classmate Qing, this is called morning vomiting, it's just for a while in the morning! " Bai Chichi now felt that there was really no problem after she vomited. Other than not having much strength, she did not have any other adverse reactions.    


"You want me to go to work?" Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi reluctantly. He really wanted to let go of everything around him and be with his wife wholeheartedly.    


Although Bai Chichi liked Situ Qing to be by her side in her heart, she had to let him do what she should do. She had always been a very reasonable woman.    


"Stop being long-winded! If you don't leave, I will hit you!" Bai Chichi sat up after saying that and held the pillow as if she wanted to throw it at Situ Qing.    


Situ Qing grabbed the pillow and leaned over to hold Bai Chichi. He looked into her eyes and said, "Hit me. If it can make you feel less pain, you can beat me to death!"    


"Hurry up and leave. I'm going to be disgusted by your words!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


Situ Qing held her in his arms and brushed away the messy hair by her ear. He gently kissed Bai Chichi's forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose and lips.    


The air was filled with an alluring and sweet atmosphere. Bai Chichi's mouth was blocked and her big eyes were slowly closed. She responded to Situ Qing's enthusiasm.    


Gradually, Situ Qing's big hands could not help but climb up the hill in front of Bai Chichi's chest. He felt that soft and comfortable feeling, and his adrenaline was soaring.    


The two of them kissed. A warm current rushed through Bai Chichi's abdomen, and this feeling woke her up.    


"Let go of me, let go of me. You hooligan, you have come to seduce me again!" Bai Chichi used a huge amount of control to suppress the raging fire and struggled to push Situ Qing away.    


Situ Qing's face was red, and his eyes were shining with desire. His body also changed.    


Seeing Situ Qing like this, Bai Chichi secretly pointed at him and said, "Look, look, are you embarrassed?"    


"I'm not embarrassed. What's there to be shy about in front of my own wife?" Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi. She was now wearing pajamas and her hair was loose. She had a kind of lazy and shy beauty.    


It's over. What should I do?    


This was just the beginning. Situ Qing felt like his head was going to explode if he had to endure for so many days.    


"You're not shy. I'm shy! Hurry up and leave. I'm begging you!" Bai Chichi put her hands together and made a pleading gesture. Her small mouth was pitifully pouting, and her eyes were like the purest deer.    


This was really pitiful. Situ Qing took out his firmest will to suppress his anger.    


"Wife, what do you want me to do?" Situ Qing said while gnashing his teeth in anger.    


Bai Chichi looked at him and her chest rose and fell slightly. Just like what Xin Xiaozi said, her cup size really increased by one yard in a short period of time.    


"Don't look at me like that again, otherwise I will throw up again!" Bai Chichi joked as she pulled the blanket over her chest.    


It was fine if she did not do this, but if she did it, she would cover it up even more. It made Situ Qing really want to rush over and throw her down.    


However, no matter what, Bai Chichi really couldn't touch her now. Otherwise, where would she put the baby's safety?    


No parents could only care about their own feelings and hurt their future treasure. Therefore, Situ Qing could only roar and no longer look at Bai Chichi.    


"I really am leaving!" After saying that, Situ Qing walked towards the door.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said behind him, "Boss, you should change your clothes before going out! Let's see what you look like now! "    


Situ Qing lowered his head and looked. He was wearing a pair of four-horned shorts. He was wearing a linen t-shirt. Moreover, there was still the remnants of his impulsive strength supporting that place.    


"You got me killed!" Situ Qing turned around and returned to the front of the bed. After changing his clothes, he looked at Bai Chichi and did not want to move his feet anymore.    


But just as Bai Chichi wanted to make fun of him, a new round of nausea hit her fiercely. She did not even have the time to put on her shoes and just crouched by the bed and retched.    


Situ Qing didn't care about anything else. He lightly patted Bai Chichi's back and used his other hand to support her shoulder.    


"Wife, wife, throw up. It will be comfortable after you throw up!" Situ Qing did not care about Bai Chichi's current state. He only hoped that Bai Chichi would recover quickly.    


"I, I, wow. . . " Bai Chichi wanted to say something, but she could not resist the terrifying disgusting feeling. She struggled in vain.    


Situ Qing saw that it was not possible. He quickly picked Bai Chichi up and wanted to go to the hospital.    


Bai Chichi vomited until tears came out. It was not easy for her to open her mouth to speak. "Don't, don't be agitated. This is normal!"    


"Normal my a * s. Why didn't I hear that pregnancy requires vomiting to be so inhumane?" Situ Qing did not care about Bai Chichi and carried her to the living room.    


Chen Yuan had already finished making breakfast for Nanny Zhang and was about to go upstairs to call Situ Qing and the others over for dinner. She was shocked when she saw the situation.    


"What happened to Ms Chichi?"    


Chen Yuan quickly ran over and helped Situ Qing to support Bai Chichi and let her sit on the sofa.    


"I'm fine. If you don't believe me, ask Nanny Zhang!" Bai Chichi could finally catch her breath. She pulled on her nightdress and glared at Situ Qing.    


It was fine as long as he stuck it out in the bedroom. He had to make such a big fuss.    


"What do you mean it's nothing, Nanny Zhang? She vomited so much that she even had the gall to say it was nothing! Yuan, I'll go and drive. You watch her!" Situ Qing instructed and prepared to go to the garage.    


" Qing! " Bai Chichi wanted to pull Situ Qing back. She was a doctor and knew what it was like when she was pregnant. Going to the hospital like this was a little too much of a fuss.    


Situ Qing said without turning his head, "I have to go and take a look. I really can't stand seeing you suffer like this!"    


"I don't want to go. Why don't I ask Xiaozi to accompany me to find Lao Xu later? He must have a way!" Even though Bai Chichi studied western medicine, As a quasi-mother, she still thought of using medicine to relieve pain in the early stages of pregnancy.    


If it wasn't for Situ Qing being so nervous, Bai Chichi would have wanted to endure for a while. But he insisted on taking her to the hospital, so she might as well ask Lao Xu to give her some solutions.    


Besides, he had cured Wen Ruo's serious illness, so there was no need to doubt his medical skills.    


Situ Qing only stopped when he heard this.    


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