Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C930 Hubby Is too Fierce 929

C930 Hubby Is too Fierce 929

"Uncle Qing! Uncle Yuan! Aunt Yao, Aunt Zi! " Just as she got out of the car, Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao ran out of the house.    


" Alright, alright. The two of you ran into the stomachs of the two of you! " Situ Qing immediately blocked in front of the two girls.    


Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao puckered their lips and said, "Uncle is too petty. Aren't we rushing to welcome you? You are still not allowed to touch Aunt!"    


"Both of your Aunt have a little darling in her womb. Now, the two of them are the great contributors to our family. We need to be careful and pay attention to them at all times!" Situ Qing said with a smile as he hugged his niece.    


Xiao Ying looked up at Situ Qing and said, "Uncle, it is so good that you are fine. Our whole family is scared!"    


"Yes, Uncle. I cried countless times. It was not until Aunt called that we slept peacefully!" Xiao Tao also said obediently.    


"Good, good child. No wonder uncle loves you the most! Let's go. Let's go see Grandpa now and let him rest assured!" Situ Qing smiled happily and strode into the house.    


Situ Baichuan wasn't the only one who came back with this group of people. All the servants in the house, as well as Wen Ruo and Fei Shifan, who had been waiting here for a long time, were also very excited.    


"Very good, very good. It's a great thing that we can come back safely!" Situ Baichuan looked at his two sons. His wrinkles were filled with love.    


"We were scared to death. Qing, you must punish yourself by drinking three cups of wine to atone for your crimes!" Xin Xiaozi poured three big glasses of wine for Situ Qing and placed them in front of him.    


Situ Baichuan also smiled and nodded, "These few glasses of wine must be drunk, and also celebrate the delay in getting pregnant with Xiaozi!"    


Other than Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi, the whole family drank some wine. Even Wen Ruo drank a cup of warm white wine.    


Apart from paying attention to the details of Situ Qing's accident, there was also another topic of discussion, of course, Chen Yuan, who had saved Situ Qing's life.    


"Yuan, how many people were left in your village at that time?" Xin Xiaozi was somewhat tongue-tied and asked as she picked up a chicken for Chen Yuan.    


Bai Chichi secretly kicked her under the table and gave Xin Xiaozi a look to stop asking about the casualties in the village.    


Chen Yuan seemed to be able to face it with determination. She narrated in detail the situation when the earthquake came and it made everyone sigh.    


"You really never left that small county?" Xin Xiaozi's character was like this. She was very curious about this woman whom she had never met before.    


Not only did Chen Yuan save Situ Qing, but she was also about to enter everyone's life. How could she be at ease if she did not understand the sequence of events?    


Unlike Bai Chichi who was full of gratitude towards Chen Yuan, Xin Xiaozi felt that a young woman would have to follow Situ Qing from now on and had some concerns.    


"Yes, I just finished high school in the county and did not study anymore. My family is poor and cannot afford it. " Chen Yuan's words made everyone feel a little sad.    


Xin Xiaozi frowned and said, "If that is the case, what can you do in the Qing company? Their place is filled with talents!"    


Bai Chichi anxiously looked at this straightforward good friend and was really worried that she would accidentally hurt Chen Yuan.    


Luckily Wen Ruo tried to smooth things over and said, "I think that the way I look at people is not wrong. Yuan looks very energetic and her reception should be not bad!"    


"I will start from a small matter and study seriously!" Chen Yuan bit her lips and said with some inferiority.    


Situ Qing looked at her and said, "Hey, Xiaozi, you don't know. Yuan may have graduated from high school, but I heard her talking and saw that she does things very quickly. With time, she will definitely help me!"    


"That's good, that's good!" Xin Xiaozi also did not want to be aggressive in front of everyone. After all, she was Situ Qing's saviour.    


This meal finally made the guests happy. Chen Yuan was also very modest and did not take credit for her pride. Instead, she was careful and gained everyone's favorable impression.    


After sending the guests away, Bai Chichi let Nanny Zhang prepare a guest room for Chen Yuan and led her to the room.    


"Elder Sister, your house is really good. I have seen such a house on TV before!" Chen Yuan sighed as she walked around the room. She had an intoxicated look on her face.    


"You are welcome. This will be your home from now on. This room will be yours! If you need anything, just tell me or Nanny Zhang. Don't treat yourself as an outsider! " Bai Chichi sat on the sofa by the window and looked at Chen Yuan.    


"En, alright. Older sister, I am so lucky to be able to meet your family!" Chen Yuan walked over and held Bai Chichi's hand and said.    


"It is our luck to meet you!" Bai Chichi smiled and patted the back of her hand.    


Chen Yuan's eyes slowly covered with a layer of tears. She sobbed and said, "If my parents were still alive, how happy would they be if they knew that I could live in such a house!"    


"I think that since you are so kind and innocent, your parents must be very kind people. They will definitely go to heaven!" Bai Chichi's eyes also became moist.    


Chen Yuan looked at Bai Chichi and said, "Older sister, your life is much different from my life. But you actually do not dislike me. What should I do to repay you?"    


"Little fool, I should be the one to repay you! Quickly stop saying such silly words and rest early! " Bai Chichi gently touched Chen Yuan's head, like a real older sister who was gentle and loving.    


After Bai Chichi left, Chen Yuan went back to the window and looked at the thistle tree outside the courtyard. The desolate look on her face slowly became austere.    


Because of the era, the house had a solemn feeling. The flowers and plants in the courtyard swayed with the wind and the climbing tigers on the walls were green and glistening.    


Chen Yuan's face was covered by the tall and big thistle, and it looked very strange in the dark. It was a huge contrast compared to when they were eating in the hall.    


"Bai Chichi, you are really an idiot! Do you think that I deliberately approached Situ Qing to save him?" Chen Yuan whispered the words in her heart slowly, word by word.    


This time in the disaster area, Chen Yuan actually followed Situ Qing's troops and did not follow the locals as she said.    


Parents and family deaths were all fake. They were all stories that Chen Yuan had fabricated. The goal was obviously to confuse Situ Qing and Bai Chichi.    


A long time ago, Chen Yuan started to pay attention to Situ Qing. She carefully followed him to collect information and received guidance from others. She knew that Situ Qing was going to the disaster area to rescue them. She felt that the opportunity had finally come to her.    


When Situ Yuan and Situ Qing's troops were heading to the disaster area, Chen Yuan also secretly followed the volunteers.    


The rescue mission was arduous and dangerous. Chen Yuan also wore a large face mask like all the volunteers and shuttled through the ruins and ruins, but her eyes never left Situ Qing and Situ Yuan.    


When Situ Qing went to deal with the mudslide, Chen Yuan stood not far away and paid close attention to his actions.    


Heaven followed people's wishes. Situ Qing really encountered the mudslide. His entire body was wrapped in mud as he slid down the mountain. Chen Yuan crazily followed him down.    


The falling mountain rocks, the sharp branches of the plants, the loud rumbling sound, the people who were running in panic did not have the determination to stop Chen Yuan.    


Along the way, she stumbled, cut through all the obstacles, and crawled all the way until Chen Yuan finally arrived at the foot of the mountain before the mudslide hit.    


She knew that this was her only chance. If she did not save Situ Qing, she would not be able to get close to Bai Chichi.    


Situ Yuan still didn't know that something had happened to Situ Qing. Chen Yuan wanted to find Situ Qing before he did. This was a moment where every second counted.    


Fortunately, when Chen Yuan rolled to the foot of the mountain, the villagers were busy helping her. Chen Yuan quickly mixed in.    


When she was searching for Situ Qing in the mud, Chen Yuan acted like a loving volunteer. She kept digging up large lumps of sticky mud with her hands and put them aside. She dug again and again until her fingernails were bleeding.    


"Situ Qing, don't die! You are my decisive chess piece. Keep your life and let my revenge be fiercer!" Chen Yuan was digging the soil in her heart as she prayed in her heart.    


The villagers obviously did not know what the purpose of this young woman was. They thought that she was a hot-blooded volunteer and praised her actions.    


Fortunately, not long after, Chen Yuan found traces of Situ Qing. She threw herself in front of Situ Qing, who had been burned beyond recognition by the mud, and wiped away the stains on his shoulder. She was so excited that tears rolled down her face.    


"Finally, I finally found you!" Chen Yuan cried and dragged Situ Qing. He was buried in the mud. Fortunately, his nose was not sealed when he rolled down and saved his life.    


The villagers helped Chen Yuan carry Situ Qing back to the village, which was almost destroyed by the earthquake. They used water to clean the dirt off his body.    


"Thank you so much, everyone!" Chen Yuan was so grateful that she shed tears. The villagers thought Situ Qing was her family or lover. They all sighed about the deep feelings of this girl.    


With everyone's help, Chen Yuan found a brick house that could barely shelter herself from the wind and rain. She waited by Situ Qing's side day and night to take care of him.    


Situ Qing, who had a high fever due to the landslide, did not have any ability to move at all. Chen Yuan found supplies and medicine to help him recover his fever and feed him porridge. Finally, it was time for Situ Qing to wake up.    


"Who are you?" Situ Qing opened his eyes in a daze and saw a slim figure.    


Chen Yuan smiled and said to him, "I am a villager in this village. I dug you out of the mudslide!"    


"Is that so? Where am I now? Where is the rescue team?" Situ Qing's head hurt badly. He wanted to sit up, but his whole body was powerless.    


"Don't move. You are injured and have a high fever! I just gave you medicine. You can lie down for a while!" Chen Yuan gently pressed Situ Qing's body down and covered him with a clean thin blanket.    


When Situ Qing woke up again, Chen Yuan cooked a bowl of soft noodles for him and carefully fed him.    


Situ Qing's constitution was already good, and with Chen Yuan's care, he quickly stood up.    


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