Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C928 Hubby Is too Fierce 927

C928 Hubby Is too Fierce 927

"I knew he would have such a reaction!" Situ Yuan said to Bai Chichi with a smile. He grabbed Situ Qing's arm and stopped him from doing anything dangerous.    


Situ Qing carefully put Bai Chichi down. He hugged her shoulder and looked left and right. He was smiling so hard that he could not close his mouth.    


"Big Palm, congratulations!" At this time, a woman's voice came from behind them.    


Bai Chichi looked back and saw a young woman wearing a set of tattered clothing standing by the side with a simple smile on her face.    


"This is?" A trace of confusion flashed across Bai Chichi's eyes as she softly asked Situ Qing.    


"Oh, right, right. Come, come. Let me introduce you all!" Situ Qing waved his hand, and the young woman obediently walked over.    


Situ Qing pulled Bai Chichi and said, "Wife, this is my savior! I was carried by the mudslide and rushed to the village at the foot of the mountain. She was the one who pulled me out of the mud and took care of me for two days and two nights!"    


Bai Chichi and Situ Yuan quickly reached out their hands to the young woman and shook her hands with gratitude.    


"Thank you so much. If it wasn't for you, I really wouldn't know what to do in the future!" Bai Chichi said with tears in her eyes.    


" What's the big deal? Isn't there a relationship between the army and the people? Besides, the big palm only encountered danger because it helped us disaster victims!" The young woman said generously.    


Situ Yuan had always been a little serious. He spoke with a serious tone in the army. He looked at the girl who saved Big Brother's life and said seriously, "We are from the same village. Thanks to you, I thank you on behalf of our family!"    


"Who is this? Oh, he looks like a big palm. You must be brothers. Don't say that, how can I bear it! " The young woman looked at Situ Yuan's face, which was carved from the same mold as Situ Qing's, and said humbly.    


Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi's shoulder and said to her with a smile, "Look, I was so carried away by your pregnancy! This girl is called Chen Yuan. In the future, you can call her Yuan!"    


"Okay, Yuan. Is your family well from this earthquake?" Bai Chichi was simply grateful to this girl in front of her and actually did not know how to repay her.    


After hearing this, Situ Qing and Chen Yuan's faces darkened. In the end, Chen Yuan forced a smile and said, "In this disaster. I am the only survivor in our family. "    


"I am sorry, I. . . " Bai Chichi wanted to give herself a slap. Wasn't this sprinkling salt on other people's wounds?    


Chen Yuan took a deep breath and said firmly, "It's fine. It is a natural and man-made disaster. We are all mortals. Although we do not have the strength to change what has already happened, we still have to continue on our path in the future!"    


"Yes, very well said! Yuan, this is my wife, Bai Chichi. This is my twin brother, Situ Yuan. From now on, you will treat us as family!" Situ Qing gave Chen Yuan an encouraging look.    


Situ Yuan looked into Chen Yuan's eyes and said curiously, "Yuan. Why do I feel like you look familiar?"    


"No way. I have never left this small place. Brother Palm, how could you have seen me?" Chen Yuan said with a smile. She reached out and combed a strand of hair by her ear.    


Bai Chichi looked at Chen Yuan and then looked at Situ Yuan and said, "Maybe it is because we are fated that we have a good meeting!"    


Situ Yuan frowned and observed Chen Yuan for a while. He suddenly realized something and said, "I told you. Qing, don't you think Yuan's eyes seem to be delayed?"    


"Really? Now that you mention it, I think so too!" Bai Chichi also nodded and said.    


"Madam is beautiful and quiet. It is a compliment to say that I am like you!" Chen Yuan's eyes were indeed very similar to Bai Chichi's. They were both big eyes and double eyelids. Even the arc of her smile was almost the same.    


"You are too polite. You are much more beautiful than me!" Bai Chichi said from the bottom of her heart.    


"Both are good looking! That's right. Little idiot, far away. Yuan's family is no longer here. I plan to bring her back to our house and arrange a job for her in the company. " Situ Qing held Bai Chichi gently with one hand and pointed at Chen Yuan with the other.    


"Very good. In the future, everyone will take care of each other and I want to repay Yuan well!" Bai Chichi said without hesitation. Her heart was filled with gratitude towards Chen Yuan and she could not think of anything else.    


Situ Yuan nodded and said, "Yes. Leaving this sad place and starting over again, it is also very good for the psychological recovery after the disaster. "    


"Thank you, Brother Palm and Madam, for being so reasonable. I also didn't agree at the beginning. I was afraid of disturbing your family, so I'm sorry!" Chen Yuan said shyly.    


"You call me an outsider like that. It seems that you are younger than me. Why don't you call me Elder Sister from now on?" Bai Chichi quickly walked over and held Chen Yuan's hand as she said.    


Chen Yuan said shyly, "I am just a country girl, how can I dare to climb higher! The fact that the big palm is willing to take me in is already very touching to me!"    


"Don't say that. I owe you a big favor now. No matter what, you saved our family's life. This kind of kindness is worth us doing anything for you!" Bai Chichi's heart ached. This Chen Yuan was so honest and kind from the outside to the inside. It was really rare.    


"Haha, alright, alright. Just treat it as if we have another sister!" Situ Qing reached out and patted Chen Yuan's shoulder with all his strength.    


Bai Chichi looked up at the face that appeared in her mind all the time. Her eyes were a little moist. These few days of nightmarish experience made her feel as if she had been separated from her life the moment she saw Situ Qing.    


"Come, wife, tell me. When did our son quietly live in your womb?" Situ Yuan kissed Bai Chichi's head hard.    


"Who said it must be a son? Can't it be a daughter?" Bai Chichi pretended to glare at him unhappily, but her hands could not help wrapping around Situ Qing's waist.    


Chen Yuan kept smiling as she looked at these few people in front of her, but her mind was constantly calculating her future plans.    


"Big Palm brother-in-law, big sister, congratulations! I think that no matter if it is a son or daughter, they will be a beautiful and smart baby!" Chen Yuan's face was full of sincerity.    


Situ Qing laughed and said, "Good, good, well said! If it was a daughter, it would be best if she looked like a mother, but with this brain, she still had to look like me!"    


Seeing his happy look, Situ Yuan could not help but remind him. "Hey, Qing. Why don't we tell the old man that we're safe first? "    


"Aiya, it's all because of you that I forgot such an important matter!" Bai Chichi heard this and quickly let go of Situ Qing's waist. She took out her phone and called the Situ Family.    


Hearing that Situ Qing was safe and sound, Situ Baichuan and Xin Xiaozi could be said to have mixed feelings. This kind of feeling of losing something and getting it back was probably only experienced by those who had experienced it.    


Situ Baichuan said a few words to Situ Qing over the phone. Although it was short, one could still hear the gratification and feeling.    


Xin Xiaozi was crying tears of joy. She and Bai Chichi were pregnant at about the same time. It was as if there was fate in the world. Of course, she felt the same way about Bai Chichi's feelings.    


If the child was still in the womb and there was no father, how pitiful would it be!    


"Alright, Dad, we will buy the train ticket back now. Don't worry, everything is going smoothly!" Situ Yuan said as he walked towards the ticket sales hall.    


Situ Qing looked at his back and smiled. "This matter is finally settled. After the earthquake, there will be more professionals to deal with it. We can go home without worry. "    


Bai Chichi looked at him and said, "If you go home like this, you will definitely shock Dad! Taking advantage of the distance to buy a train ticket, you should go to the station toilet and change your clothes!"    


"But where do I find suitable clothes now?" Situ Qing lowered his head and looked at the skirt on his body. He could not help but laugh.    


He thought about how he, a soldier, was wearing a thin long skirt. This collision was just too strong.    


"When Yuan brought me here, he thought that perhaps it would take a lot of time to find you, so he brought a set of clothes to change into. Here, this isn't it!" Bai Chichi took out a set of clothes from Situ Yuan's backpack.    


Situ Qing smiled and took the clothes, then said to Chen Yuan, "Yuan, I will find a place to change my clothes. Help me look after your sister. Don't let anyone touch her and hit her to scare her!"    


"Okay, okay. I will take good care of my sister. Big Palm brother-in-law, don't worry! " Chen Yuan quickly replied and walked to Bai Chichi's side and intimately held onto her arm.    


Bai Chichi looked at Situ Qing and reproachfully said," Quickly go. I am not a glass person, how can I be so delicate!"    


Situ Qing rubbed his head and said with a silly smile, "I'm just worried about you and the child!"    


After Situ Qing left, Chen Yuan said to Bai Chichi with envy, "Sister, your relationship with Big Palm brother-in-law is really good!"    


"We also have times to quarrel! But Yuan, do you have a lover?" After saying this, Bai Chichi could not help but stick out her tongue. Oh no, why would she touch other people's sore spots. Just now Chen Yuan had said that her entire family had been killed.    


Seeing that Chen Yuan did not speak, Bai Chichi said apologetically, "I am sorry. I am a person who is a little insensitive. But Yuan, you must believe that we will treat you as family in the future!"    


"En, I believe that Big Palm brother-in-law and Big Sister are good people! From now on, I am sure that the two of you are the same. This is my fortune from my previous life!" Chen Yuan held onto Bai Chichi's hand with tears in her eyes.    


At this moment, Situ Yuan came out of the ticket sales hall with a few tickets. He saw Bai Chichi and Chen Yuan standing at the door and waved at them.    


"Ok, the tickets have been bought. Yuan, follow us back now. A new life will definitely make you forget the suffering you have suffered!" Bai Chichi patted the back of Chen Yuan's hand.    


The corner of Chen Yuan's mouth revealed a meaningful smile. She nodded and said," Yes, everything is about to start anew! "    


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