Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C933 Hubby Is too Fierce 932

C933 Hubby Is too Fierce 932

"Great, the baby grows up in his belly. Let's celebrate!" Xin Xiaozi was in a good mood after she left the hospital.    


"How do we celebrate? Now that you two are in a special period of time, you are not suitable to go to many places!" Situ Yuan did not want to take the risk. He decided to seriously discuss it with Xin Xiaozi for the sake of the child. He could not continue to spoil her.    


Xin Xiaozi thought about it and said, "Why don't we go to the concert? Not only is it elegant, but it can also give birth to children!"    


"Wife, have you changed your gender?" Situ Yuan was overjoyed. It was rare that Xin Xiaozi did not mess around. It seemed that the child's restriction on her was more powerful.    


"What? Just now, I saw a piece of news in the corridor of the hospital saying that Jiushi will have a concert in Luocheng. Both of us like his music very much. Of course, we have to go and support him!" Xin Xiaozi put her arm around Bai Chichi's arm and said.    


Situ Yuan and Situ Qing looked at each other and smiled. "Alright, we also like Jiushi Rang. Let's go to the concert then!"    


When they came to the lovely music hall in the city center, they unexpectedly ran into Fei Shifan and Wenruo. Everyone was happy and enjoyed a music banquet.    


"Do you have any plans?" Walking out of the music hall, Fei Shifan held Wen Ruo's waist and asked the couple.    


Bai Chichi thought for a moment and said, "There are no plans. Today is the day we come out for an inspection. We came to listen to the concert because of a sudden idea. "    


"Then why don't we go and eat? I know a new Italian restaurant is not bad!" Fei Shifan suggested.    


Xin Xiaozi hugged Situ Yuan's arm and said with a smile, "If you did not say it, I would not have felt it. I am so hungry right now!"    


"Wife, why didn't you say so earlier? It would be terrible if our North Nose was starved to death!" Situ Yuan was very nervous.    


"Why didn't you say that you would starve me to death? You big bad guy!" Xin Xiaozi said fiercely to Situ Yuan. She also ate his tofu and grabbed his broad pectoral muscles.    


Situ Yuan said awkwardly, "Luckily we are not wearing military uniforms. Otherwise, what would we look like if we were seen?"    


"Alright, alright. You two! Since Young Master Fei said so, then give him the face to eat Italian food. But I still have to ask Wen Ruo's opinion. " Situ Qing looked at Wen Ruo and asked.    


Wen Ruo nodded gently. Under the contrast of Fei Shifan's tall figure, she was as delicate as a little bird.    


"Okay, let's go now!" Fei Shifan and Situ Qing went to drive the car, leaving Situ Yuan to be the escort for a while.    


This Italian restaurant was originally Fei Shifan's property. The chefs and waitresses that were invited were real Italian people. They were very good-looking and attracted Xin Xiaozi's praise.    


"The taste is not bad, right? Our ingredients are fresh imported from Italy every day. It is the best for pregnant women!" Fei Shifan said as he made food for Wen Ruo.    


"You really are a king selling melons! But Wen Ruo, your body looks much better now. I think Young Master Fei must have spent a lot of time on you to recuperate!" Xin Xiaozi cut a small piece of steak and said to Wen Ruo with a smile.    


"En, I feel much better now!" Wen Ruo's face looked very red and she also became a little fatter.    


Bai Chichi now was like all the women who had just become mothers. She hoped that all her friends would experience happiness like her, so she also said to Wen Ruo and Fei Shifan, "Since that is the case, you guys should also consider having a child! I know that Master Fei has been waiting for a long time to have a grandchild!"    


"Okay. We will go back and ask Mr. Xu today to see if Wen Ruo's body is suitable for pregnancy. " Of course Fei Shifan was very happy. He looked at Wen Ruo lovingly and said.    


Wen Ruo was a little shy and nodded with a red face. Everyone could not help but feel happy for her rebirth.    


"Oh, right. The two of you have just gotten pregnant and experienced such things. Then have you told your parents the good news? " Wen Ruo suddenly remembered that Situ Qing's fake death had disrupted the rhythm of her life.    


Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi looked at each other and smiled. Sure enough, during this period of time, she had cried and laughed until she forgot to inform her parents.    


"Why don't we make a call together? Let's see whose parents will be more agitated!" Xin Xiaozi was the one who liked to create surprises and scares the most.    


Bai Chichi's face was filled with joy. Of course, she could imagine what kind of reaction her parents would have when they found out about this huge piece of good news.    


She had been looking forward to this for so many years. Her father, Bai's mother, would definitely shed tears of joy.    


"Hello, mom. Guess if there are any changes in me recently?" Xin Xiaozi impatiently dialed the home number.    


"What's wrong with you? Don't scare Mom and say that you are divorced!" It seemed that Xin's mother was already used to her daughter's nonsensical style.    


Xin Xiaozi sighed and said," Hope that I am better, my biological mother! Tell my father. He's going to be a grandfather!"    


Situ Yuan grinned as he looked at Xin Xiaozi. He loved her straightforward personality.    


There was silence on the other end of the phone. Xin Xiaozi gave a few phone calls and finally heard Xin's mother's choking voice, "Good, good, good!"    


"Okay! Then you and my dad will spend two days together. Come and visit me. Also, bring me some delicious food from my hometown! " Xin Xiaozi still did not forget her own mouth.    


After hanging up the phone, Situ Yuan looked at Xin Xiaozi and said, "Wife, I will be going back to the army soon. With your parents coming to see you, I am much more at ease!"    


"You know how to shirk responsibility!" Xin Xiaozi looked at her man and was actually very reluctant to part with him.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "Why don't I go and you stay to accompany your wife?"    


"Come on, I'm not that clingy. It's better for you to stay by her side!" Xin Xiaozi knew that Bai Chichi and Situ Qing had gone through so many hardships together. She was confident that she could defeat Situ Yuan. That was why she was so confident.    


Fei Shifan and Wen Ruo looked at them with a smile. They were a couple who did not talk much, but their hearts were connected.    


"Alright. It's your turn!" Xin Xiaozi pushed Bai Chichi.    


Bai Chichi was a little hesitant at this moment. She did not know what to say to let her father and mother know this good news and not to be too excited.    


Looking at her, Situ Qing waved his hand. "Alright. I'll do it!"    


After saying that, Situ Qing picked up the phone in his hand and dialed Father Bai's phone. "Father, it's me. Situ Qing, is Mother by your side?"    


"Ah, it's Qing. Are you alright?" When Father Bai called Qing, Situ Qing almost cried. This was the new form of address Father Bai had given him after his marriage with Bai Chichi. In an instant, he had shortened the distance between them by a lot.    


"I'm fine. I didn't call for anything else. It's just that you and Mom shouldn't get too excited after hearing it!" Situ Qing's words made everyone present roll their eyes. No matter who heard this opening statement, they would be nervous.    


As expected, Father Bai's tone changed. "What is it? It's not that we have been waiting for something, right?"    


"Yeah, it's just that we have been waiting for a long time!" Situ Qing gasped for breath, scaring the white father so much that his phone almost fell to the ground.    


"Dad, dad, don't be afraid. It's a good thing. A good thing!" Luckily, Situ Qing added in time. Otherwise, his father would have been scared out of his wits.    


"Qing, what happened after so long?" Bai's mother had already received the phone. Her voice sounded a little shaky.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "It's like this. She was pregnant after so long!"    


Hearing his words, the white father Bai's mother finally let out a long sigh of relief. However, Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi fiercely stared at Situ Qing and were angered to death by him.    


"Is it true? This is great, Qing. You tell us to delay. We will come and see her tomorrow!" Bai's mother was so happy that she could not stop laughing.    


"Okay. I will send a car to pick you up. It is not safe to sit in the car for so long. Otherwise, we will come back to tell you the good news!" Situ Qing was very happy. He was half a son now.    


"Good, good. Oh, Qing, you did not tell anyone about this, did you?" Bai's mother suddenly said with a mysterious look on her face.    


Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi and asked in confusion, "No, what's the problem?"    


"Silly child, you can't casually tell people that you are pregnant for the first three months. Your Ladyship will be unhappy if you give birth!" When Bai's mother heard that her daughter was pregnant, she immediately became superstitious.    


Bai Chichi, who was sitting by the side, heard it. She took Situ Qing's phone and said with a smile, "Mom, I am a doctor myself. How can I believe these things!"    


"I would rather believe it than not, my daughter! Alright, you stay at home and don't run around. Your dad and I will leave tomorrow!" Bai's mother cheerfully reminded him a few more times before hanging up the phone.    


Bai Chichi looked at Situ Qing and said, "My mother is very happy. She has always been strong and brave, but when faced with Lil Bei, she is at a loss. "    


"Who isn't? Only when raising a child can one know the graciousness of parents!" Situ Qing said with a sigh.    


In Brother Situ's heart, he was thinking about his mother. If she was still alive, how happy would she be when she heard that he was about to become his grandmother?    


Thinking of this, Situ Qing felt that it was best to bring Bai Chichi's parents to his side. After all, the living conditions in that small place could not compare to that of a big city.    


Previously, because Bai Chichi insisted, she left the two elders in Peian Town. Now that she used the child as an excuse, Bai Chichi should not have anything to say.    


"Yuan, you see Xiaozi's parents are coming too. The delayed parents are coming too. We don't have enough space to live at home!" Situ Qing wanted to discuss with Situ Yuan whether he should buy two houses in the same neighborhood to settle two pairs of parents.    


Situ Yuan nodded and said, "That's right. Why don't we buy two adjacent houses. Usually, two pairs of parents will live there, but after a long time with Xiaozi, they treat that place as their parent's home. It's not bad to go back when you want to go back, so that you won't feel bored staying in the Situ Family all day long. "    


"Haha, sure enough, it's my twin brother. Let's go together!" Then before you return to the army, we will immediately start this matter. " Situ Qing said with a smile.    


Fei Shifan also said, "Regarding real estate, I can give you some suggestions. For environmental protection, it's best to buy a well-equipped, mature neighborhood. "    


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