Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C847 Hubby Is too Fierce 846

C847 Hubby Is too Fierce 846

Unexpectedly, Situ Qing snatched the bowl of cold powder and said, "Is the cold powder so delicious? I've never tried it before. Let me try it. " After saying that, he also sucked a few times like she did.    




Bai Chichi almost fainted powerlessly. When she looked at him again, a bowl of cold noodles was already dead. Only a little bit of soup was left.    


"You are too much. Situ Qing, do you know what grace is?" She took the bowl back and even the last bit of soup was not spared. She drank it all in her mouth.    


Situ Qing smiled evilly and said slowly, "According to my observation, 80% of the soup you drank at the end was my water. "    


"Ah! Situ Qing, you are so disgusting!" Bai Chichi exclaimed. She really regretted her actions being too fast.    


She placed the bowls heavily on the bedside table, clenched her fists, and was about to settle the score with him.    


He stretched out his hand and wrapped it around her slender waist. Immediately after, she was wrapped into his thick embrace face to face.    


"Baby, what's so disgusting about eating my saliva? Have you eaten enough? " He softly finished his romantic words. In her violent heartbeat, he once again lowered his head and kissed her little lips tightly.    


Finally, there were only the two of them left. The door had been locked by him. This time, they could be fine.    


After the peace and quiet, Situ Qing turned around, afraid that Bai Chichi would be tired.    


This small movement made her feel that she cared. If she did not care, he would have been afraid of her.    


"You big bastard, what should I do with you?" Bai Chichi whispered to him as if she was talking to herself.    


"You are the bastard. You little bastard. I should have said that to you. " He kissed the tip of her nose lovingly.    


"I don't know how other husbands treat their wives either. I'll learn slowly. You have to be mindful. " He did not withdraw his thick and strong body. He stayed inside her body and chatted with her just like that.    


"Why don't I be mindful of myself? I have nothing to do with anyone. Only you are special. "    


"Of course, I'm the only one who's special. Who else do you want to be special with? That Fei guy is not a good person. He's interested in you. You have to be careful in the future, understand? " As Situ Qing spoke, his expression became serious again.    


"I'm going to get up. I hate you calling me friend. I'm so gentlemanly. I stayed at the Fei's last night. He didn't even come to my room once. " Bai Chichi explained halfway. Seeing that he still didn't believe her, he was a little impatient. She waved her hand and said angrily, "Forget it. I won't tell you anymore. People like you don't know what a gentleman is. "    


"A gentleman is a wolf with patience. A man has no reason to treat a woman well for no reason. " He insisted on this point. Even if she was unhappy, he still had to say it.    


"She didn't even say that she likes me. She only helped me because she's my friend!" While Bai Chichi argued with reason, she also propped up her arms and wanted to get up from his body.    


"Why didn't he tell you that he was Fei Shifan, Master Fei's grandson? Don't you think it's strange?" Situ Qing's question made Bai Chichi silent for a while. This was a bit strange.    


Since they were friends, there was no need to hide his identity. She was not the kind of person who would look at people with colored glasses.    


"You are just too naive, not knowing the dangers of society. Let me tell you, Many aristocratic children have strange hobbies, especially like to cheat girls. I've heard this kind of thing a lot. I've also seen it a lot. You're right, you're my wife. I won't harm you. If it's something I want you to do, then do it, don't let you do it. . . There must be a reason, I'm doing it for your sake. Do you know? " Situ Qing's tone softened a little, but the nature of his preaching did not change.    


What? It was like a parent admonishing a child.    


He was much older than her, so it was not to the extent that he only treated her as a child. He looked down on her too much. How could she not even have the basic ability to recognize him?    


He didn't want to think about it anymore. In any case, he didn't want to marry this narcissist.    


I'm so tired. I should lie down on my broad chest for a while. What's the point of thinking so much? My brain cells have been wasted for nothing.    


Bai Chichi laid down obediently again. Her small head leaned against his firm chest. He reached out his hand to touch her hair and sighed, "Bringing you along is more tiring than bringing a ball. "    


F * ck! This was her feeling, okay? It was probably easier to teach a large group of children in kindergarten than to communicate with him. Relying on some social experience, they always looked down on others and thought that everything was right.    


She just didn't want to lower herself to his level and let him say it himself.    


"Did you fall asleep?" He lightly patted her forehead.    


"No. "    


"Then why aren't you saying anything?" He wasn't used to her silence.    


"Don't you find my words annoying?"    


"I'll allow you to say it now. Tell me what you're thinking right now. Tell me. "    


What the heck, he's a split person, right? She's not talking right, not talking is still wrong.    


"You allow me to say it, but I still don't want to say it. Alright, I'm going to get up. I'm exhausted from lying on your body. It's not flat at all, and my flesh is in a panic. "    


"I haven't said that I'm tired from the pressure. Do you think I'm tired from lying on my stomach? Why is this girl so hard to serve? Be careful, I'll teach you a lesson! "    


"I'm afraid of you. I'm not tired. I'm not tired at all. I feel like I'm sleeping on the softest and most comfortable mattress on your body. Ah, Not on cotton candy, but from the body to the heart, it's very happy. Alright? Situ Qing. Can I go down now? " While he wasn't paying attention, she got up with a swoosh.    


"I forgot to give you a cushion. Come over here and lie down for a while longer. " He also sat up and put the pillow under her waist.    


She was tired anyway, so she just put it on and put it on her waist to sleep. It was still comfortable.    


This night, the two of them were very calm. They did not bicker, nor did they quarrel.    


Situ Qing let Bai Chichi read him professional books. After she finished reading, he discussed some medical matters with her.    


The next morning, he exercised as usual and pulled Bai Chichi along.    


After breakfast, he went to work. He still instructed Bai Chichi not to bring the children out like before.    


"If you don't take them out, don't worry about going to work. "    


The last time he took them out, they encountered so many problems caused by Fei Shifan. Bai Chichi naturally did not want to take them out.    


Who knew that in the afternoon, Xiao Ying suddenly said that her stomach hurt and Bai Chichi asked if she had diarrhea or not. She said that she did not and after a while, Xiao Tao also shouted that her stomach was in pain.    


She was a little anxious and called Situ Qing but he did not answer.    


In a rush, she could only take the two children out and go to the nearest hospital.    


The doctor's diagnosis result was that they were about to have an early period of menstruation. He asked Bai Chichi to go back and stew some red sugar.    


Actually, Bai Chichi also had this guess. When she asked them if there was blood, they also said that there was no blood, so they could only go to the hospital to do a checkup before making a conclusion.    


After leaving the hospital, they found a quiet corner and Bai Chichi gave them physiological hygiene.    


"Don't be afraid. These are all very normal, do you know?" When she heard the soft words, as well as the professional explanation on the anatomy of the human body, she quickly convinced the children.    


"Aunt, so we've grown up, right?" Xiao Ying asked in surprise.    


"Yes. This is a sign of maturity, so there is no need to panic. Every woman has to face it. "    


"That's great! We've grown up! " Xiao Tao also said happily. Not long after, both of their stomachs did not hurt that much anymore.    


"Let's go home, Aunt!"    


"Okay, let's go back and stew some red sugar for you guys. Let's go to the supermarket and buy a packet of red sugar first. " Bai Chichi led the two of them towards the nearest supermarket. Along the way, they were still childish and would run around for a while whenever they saw something.    


While they were standing outside a shop looking at a pair of toy dolls, Bai Chichi suddenly saw an old lady crossing the street.    


"Dangerous!" It was unknown whether it was because the old lady's eyesight was not good or her hearing was not good. The car that was quickly approaching her kept honking and she turned a deaf ear.    


At that moment, Bai Chichi rushed forward and pulled the old man.    


The car whizzed past her and the old man's side and she let out a long sigh of relief.    


"mother-in-law, you have to be careful when crossing the road in the future. "    


"I can't hear you!" The old man waved his hand. Bai Chichi's guess was right. She really could not hear him.    


She supported the old man and waited for the red light to send him across the road for a while before she hurriedly turned around to look for the two girls.    


They usually stayed at a certain place for a long time. She thought that they were still at the same place. Who knew that when she rushed over, she discovered that. . . The child was gone.    


"Xiao Ying, Xiao Tao!" She shouted with all her might, but no one answered her.    


She was frightened and quickly looked around. When she saw people, she asked if she saw a pair of twins.    


"I think they went over there. Someone is chasing them. "    


"What?" Bai Chichi felt her scalp go numb. Situ Qing had told her not to bring them out as she was afraid of danger.    


What should she do?    


She called Situ Qing again and he finally answered.    


"Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao are missing on the street. Help me find her!" She almost cried out.    


The Situ Family was so rich and powerful, they were afraid that they would be kidnapped. If they were really kidnapped, she wouldn't be able to pay them back even if she died.    


"Which street?" Situ Qing asked.    


"The Emerald Flower Street in front of our house. "    


"Got it!" He replied.    


"Situ Qing, I'm afraid. Do you think Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao will be kidnapped?" Bai Chichi had already searched the surroundings but there was no trace of them. There were even people who said that they were being chased. At this moment, she was really at a loss of what to do, and her mind was in a complete mess.    


"Don't worry, nothing will happen. I will be right there!"    


Situ Qing's low and short words had succeeded in soothing her. Although he was also very anxious, he knew that the more anxious he was, the more chaotic it would be.    


Bai Chichi forced herself to calm down and continued to look around. A few minutes after she put down the phone, she saw two police cars driving over. Several police officers got out of the cars and cooperated with her to search.    


They had been missing for less than an hour and were not qualified to call the police. Even if it was enough, there would not be so many policemen coming to help.    


Through this matter, Bai Chichi knew that Situ Qing was not an ordinary person. But at this time, she did not have the mood to think about how much pressure it would be to stay by this kind of person's side.    


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