Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C818 My Husband Is too Fierce

C818 My Husband Is too Fierce

"Uncle, I'll hire a driver for the two of you. It's convenient for someone to carry things for you. I don't have to worry about that. " Situ Qing had already thought of all these in advance.    


Not only that, he also wanted to ask someone to train the two elders in the blind language so that they could read the newspapers independently in the future. If they could not stay idle, he would also ask a friend to introduce the job of a tuner to his father-in-law. He had heard of them playing Erhu. His father-in-law and mother-in-law had a very good sense of humor.    


However, he still kept these things in his heart for the time being. He was afraid that if he spoke too much, they would feel that he was not trustworthy.    


Eh? Situ Qing's idea was really good. He bought a car for his parents and gave them a driver. This way, they could go wherever they wanted.    


That's not right. This matter should be done by her, and it wouldn't be Situ Qing's turn.    


Thanks to his inspiration, this would be another goal for her in the future.    


"Nothing. " Father Bai stubbornly insisted.    


He knew in his heart that he absolutely could not let others look down on money. He felt that they were selling women for glory.    


What they wanted was to have a full meal, and a place to sleep at night was enough.    


"That, old man, if we marry our daughter like this, they will say that our daughters are worthless. "    


Father Bai pondered for a moment and felt that what Bai's mother said made some sense.    


"Then tell me, how much should we ask for?" He asked Bai's mother back.    


Bai Chichi was sweating profusely. Was she going to be sold as cabbages? She was still discussing the price.    


"Stop! Stop! Dad, Mom! Didn't I tell you guys last night that I don't want to have a boyfriend for the time being? I don't want to get married either. I want to be single, I want freedom. . . I have my own dreams, I have to work hard. Didn't you all agree? Let's end today's joke here, don't say anymore. Situ Qing, You can leave, I don't agree to getting married. In this era, it's not like I can make arrangements. Even if my parents are willing, it's useless. Or you can marry them. "    


Her daughter was still objecting. Why was she so stupid? Bai's mother thought in her heart, What are you fighting for? Just based on the fact that you don't have money at home, it doesn't matter. After graduating, it is impossible to get into a better hospital. How many years will it take to get into a bad hospital before you can make a name for yourself? When the time comes, you'll be old and yellow. It's not like you're a virgin. Who wants you?    


Situ Qing did not take her objection seriously at all. As long as her parents agreed and she liked him, he would definitely hold the wedding.    


"Uncle, about the betrothal, why don't you two discuss it again? I will come back tomorrow to hear a reply. As for what else you need to prepare, tell me tomorrow as well. I'll ask my father to come over tomorrow to propose marriage. We'll have a kiss dinner. "    


Situ Qing completely ignored Bai Chichi's attitude. He had finally pissed her off.    


She put her hands on her waist and looked at him angrily.    


"Situ Qing, your ears are blocked? I said it very clearly. I don't. . . "    


" Uncle and auntie, I think she's still very shy after so long. I want to talk to her in the room, is that okay? "    


"Yes, yes, yes. You can go in and talk. Her father and I will go and buy some vegetables. You can have lunch here at noon. " Bai's mother was enthusiastic about it and Father Bai did not raise any objections.    


"Uncle and auntie, your eyes are not convenient. Just wait for us here for a while. I will finish talking with her as soon as possible and then I will go with her to buy vegetables. "    


"Then you must eat here. "    


"Definitely. If you don't want me to stay, I'll also be freeloading here. "    


"What food are you eating? If you want to eat, you can eat with him, and I will. . . Situ Qing, You bastard, let go of my hand. You're hurting me. "    


Bai Chichi's words were only treated as flirting by her parents. Perhaps she did not want to get married so soon. However, she was already someone else's woman. As her parents, they had to help Situ Qing marry her.    


She had always liked him. She believed that after getting married, she would be grateful for their current decision.    


Situ Qing dragged Bai Chichi into the inner room. She was still rambling on and on about rejecting him and telling him to leave as soon as possible.    


Looking at her pink lips opening and closing, he completely did not have the mood to care about what she was saying.    


He took a step forward and immediately pushed her against the door. His kiss was like a storm pressing down on her.    


"Wu. . . " Bai Chichi called out and hurriedly stopped talking.    


If her parents knew what they were doing inside, wouldn't they be even more anxious to marry her out?    


She couldn't shout, bite him, Yes, bite him.    


It had only been one night, and he had missed her so much.    


Maybe it was because he had just become a man. . . The two times they had been together were too little. Now, he wanted to take every minute and every second.    


With her, he would do it with her in the dark, constantly doing it.    


This bastard little girl, let's see if she still dares to say that she won't marry him.    


What did he talk about? He didn't plan to talk about anything with her. If he wanted to talk, he would use his body to talk.    


He wanted to let her understand that her body liked to be bullied by him. He wanted to make her powerless, so she could only agree.    


Bastard Situ Qing, why is he so vulgar? Her parents were still in the living room, so his hand reached into her breast from the collar of her skirt.    


Bai Chichi was so angry that she lifted a foot and stepped on his foot, but he dodged her by landing on the ground.    


In her mind, she suddenly thought of the female body protection technique that she had attended in her first year physical education class. Without thinking, she lifted her leg and slammed it into his crotch.    


If this bastard bullies her, she wants him to never bully her again.    


Thinking about it so fiercely, He was her benefactor. No matter what, she couldn't be too heartless. When her legs were raised to his knees, she had already lost 80% of her strength.    


Situ Qing gently put his legs together and tightly clamped her legs between his thighs.    


"You damn girl, you want to kill me? He broke her leg. You'll regret it. You'll be a widow for the rest of your life. " Situ Qing let go of her small mouth and whispered into her ear while breathing heavily.    


"What nonsense are you talking about? Stop talking nonsense!" Bai Chichi was so angry that she clenched her teeth and called out. After she called out, she was afraid that her parents would be worried, so she could only lower her voice.    


"Let go of my legs, let go of me, don't be like this. My parents are outside the door, don't let them hear me. "    


"Are you afraid? If you're afraid, don't make a sound. " He smiled evilly and continued with the movements of his hands. "Hmm. . . " She involuntarily snorted and hurriedly bit her lips.    


"You bastard, you dare to mess around, I. . . "    


"I'll mess around, how about you?" Situ Qing cast a sidelong glance at her disapprovingly.    


Bai Chichi was about to go crazy from being bullied by him. She could not resist and could not say no to him. She could not even shout loudly.    


"Do you agree to marry me?" He asked softly beside her ear. The hot breath stirred the fragile nerves by her ear. Her spirit trembled and the words on her body explained everything.    


"I don't agree!" She gritted her teeth and said stubbornly.    


"What about this?"    


"You're vulgar! Shameless! Even if you do this, I won't. . . " She lowered her voice to the lowest possible volume and spoke halfway. He, he, what is this bastard doing?    


. . .    


In Fei Shifan's apartment, he held a cup of coffee and leaned against the armchair to enjoy it quietly. Hee Jin stood in front of him and reported the results of his investigation today.    


Last night, when Fei Shifan rushed to June Snow like a teenager in his first love, Hee Jin told him that Bai Chichi had left.    


What surprised him even more was that Bai Chichi had left. What he said was, he said that Bai Chichi said that she was her lover.    


"Married?" Fei Shifan frowned and muttered to himself. Although he had only met Bai Chichi twice, he felt that she did not seem like a married woman.    


Putting aside her pure appearance, she really looked very childish. If she was a woman, she would be more mature. Otherwise, how could she stand in front of her in-laws?    


"You said that person looked very imposing?" He asked Hee Jin again.    


"Yes, I think he is even more imposing than Master Fei. He does not look like an ordinary person. "    


"Check who he is. If he has the face to nod his head, you should know him, and ordinary people would not dare to cause trouble in June Snow. " Fei Shifan said lightly.    


He hoped that Bai Chichi was not married. In all these years, he had never seen a woman who could make him so photographic.    


It did not feel easy to wait, especially for someone like him who pursued his first impression of perfection. He understood how difficult it was to miss this opportunity and find someone like this again.    


Moreover, old man Fei's body was no longer as good as before. His greatest concern was that he could find a good woman to quickly marry and give birth to the child.    


"Mr Fann, we found out that the man who took her away was Situ Qing. " He said very cautiously and tried to keep his tone normal.    


"Situ Family? Hehe, interesting. "    


"What's the point? She seems to be his lover. " Hee Jin said. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to offend the people of Situ Family.    


In the entire Luocheng, Master Fei's halo could cover everything. It was the Situ Family alone. It wasn't something that the local and local powers could touch.    


Even if they fought to a draw with all their might, it was not worth it to fight for a woman.    


"Ah Jin, you don't really need to use the word 'like'. Yes, yes, yes, no. Do you think that I won't dare to touch the people of the Situ Family? Besides, she isn't even a member of the Situ Family. " He said with certainty.    


"How do you know?" She was indeed not. Hee Jin was not a vegetarian either. How could he not find out about this?    


Although it was not the case, Situ Qing's jealous attitude meant that he was determined to get this woman.    


"Do you really think I'm an idiot? Situ Qing's woman would go to a bar to sell wine?" Fei Shifan raised the corner of his mouth.    


"Mr Fann, Ah Jin wouldn't dare. Master Fei had saved Ah Jin's life before. He told me that in the future, I will be willing to give up my life for you. I don't want to tell you everything. I just feel that the woman's beauty is ordinary and not very clever. Is it necessary to do it for her. . . "    


Fei Shifan waved his hand.    


"No need to say anymore. I know what I'm doing. You just have to tell me where her home is and where she usually lives. "    


" Yes! " Hee Jin had no choice but to tell Fei Shifan everything he found out in detail.    


If Mr Fann insisted on that woman, he would try his best to satisfy him.    


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