Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C815 Hubby Is too Fierce 814

C815 Hubby Is too Fierce 814

"You can't go, you have to stay here tonight. I didn't think that the commotion your family caused would be so great that it would disturb my father-in-law and mother-in-law's rest. I can see that your bed isn't able to withstand my torment. If it breaks, they'll be frightened. "    


"You!" Bai Chichi was so angry that she gritted her teeth. However, she found that he had already pressed down on her body.    


"If you had stayed here obediently, I would not have touched you. Now, you are trying to abandon your husband in the middle of the night and return to your mother's home. I must punish you. " After saying that, she lowered her head and kissed her lips again.    


Bai Chichi was afraid that she would be immersed in his kiss, afraid of him, and feel that she was not the master of life and would not feel safe.    


She desperately shook her head to resist his kiss, but he was very overbearing, making her unable to even breathe.    


Despicable! Shameless! He was simply a bastard. She hated him so much that she wanted to bite him, but he always nimbly dodged her.    


Feeling her reaction, he became even more hot-blooded. He left her lips and looked at her deeply and gently.    


Dangerous! Too dangerous!    


Although he was asking for her opinion, she knew that if she provoked him, he would definitely force her.    


At this time, protecting herself was the best option. Fortunately, she was not completely muddle-headed and could still think.    


"Situ Qing, I'm not leaving. Can't I not leave? I will stay here for the night. Don't be like this. I'm so tired and painful. "    


Her brows were deeply furrowed, and since he had forcefully broken it tonight, the pain was unavoidable.    


There were still many days left in the future. He couldn't act fast and let such a weak girl hurt him.    


"I can tolerate it, but you must promise me that you will convince your parents to agree to our marriage with me tomorrow. "    


"I promise you!" She bit her lip.    


No way, why did it change so quickly?    


"Don't play any tricks on me, or else you'll have to pay the price. " His face fell down from the window curtain, and his expression immediately became serious.    


If you don't play tricks, then I'll marry you. I don't have any freedom at all.    


I just don't want to be taken over by you. If you don't want to, then don't.    


I promise you, I'm forced to do this, and I'm not a man of deception. You can't say that I don't keep my word.    


While thinking this in her heart, Bai Chichi tried her best to make herself smile.    


"What tricks do I play? You know. I have always said that my mother wanted me to keep my first time until the wedding night because she was conservative. She always told me, Women have to do it again and again, and you always. . . So even though I hate you, I still have to marry you, or else who can I marry? Everyone will despise me for being impure. "    


She stared at his face, not sure whether he believed her words or not. She felt that what he said was very sincere. He should have believed her.    


"I'm really happy to hear you say that. Since you want to marry me, then tell me everything you know. Tell me why you went to sell wine this time. "    


Bai Chichi's little brain spun. If she wanted to gain his trust, wouldn't it have to be true and false? Anyway, Qin Xuesong's matter was not a secret. He could guess it too. She might as well say it.    


"Promise me you won't make things difficult for him"    


"Speak. "    


"He owes a loan shark for gambling, and one of his fingers has been cut off. If I don't help him pay off his gambling debts, his fingers will be cut off one by one. I had no choice but to sell wine. "    


It was indeed that useless thing. It was really too shameless. For the sake of his own matter, he let a woman go out and almost sold her body. A scum like him shouldn't have lived in this world. Situ Qing really wished he could crush him.    


"You said you wouldn't make things difficult for him. " His expression was somewhat sinister and Bai Chichi couldn't help but feel a little afraid.    


"I will not make things difficult for him. Just how much money did he owe? You can pay him back just by selling wine?"    


" He owes 100,000 yuan. I was going to pay you back for the tutor money you gave me last time. I transferred it to him because he owes me a loan shark. Actually, he still owes me 90,000 yuan. The other party promised to make him pay monthly. . . "    


Monthly. . . How could he be so kind-hearted as to use a loan to cheat Qin Xuesong and Bai Chichi, but not him?    


"Tell me the details. "    


Bai Chichi told Situ Qing how Qin Xuesong came to her house to ask for money, including how he lost the money.    


"I know. I will help you pay what he owes. Remember, you have been very kind to him. You cannot say anything to him or have any contact with him in the future. "    


"Okay. " She obediently agreed.    


"You go to sleep first, I'll go take a shower, it'll be done soon. "    


"Okay. " She agreed again. Situ Qing smiled faintly. Bai Chichi could not understand his profound smile.    


After leaving the room, He called a person.    


"Go and find out who Qin Xuesong has been in contact with recently. Also, find out who framed him for lending a loan and who chopped off his finger as soon as possible. "    


No matter how rich he is. . . He won't return the money, he'll find out who's behind it.    


At the same time, Jiang Tingting and those useless people were having goosebumps. Ah Biao had been scolded badly by her.    


"Who asked you to cause trouble in June Snow? Can't you wait for her to come out before making a move? Well, it's better to steal the chicken than to eat the rice. Do you know who took her away?"    


" Her surname seems to be Situ. " Ah Biao said in a low voice.    




Damn it, this damned woman actually took Mr Qing away.    


A vixen! B * tch! She clenched her fist tightly, looked at Ah Biao, and said fiercely.    


"In the future, as long as you see her appear alone, catch her and make a round! I don't believe that she will always have someone to protect her!"    


"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Ah Biao repeatedly agreed.    


Just as he finished speaking, Ah Biao's phone rang. He looked at Jiang Tingting and waved impatiently.    




"Brother Biao, someone is investigating who caused Qin Xuesong to die. Look at this. . . "    


Ah Biao covered the microphone and quickly asked Jiang Tingting for instructions.    


Jiang Tingting secretly cried out in her heart, Oh no, this must be Mr Qing's suspicion.    


No way! Qin Xuesong could not be kept alive.    


"Give Qin Xuesong to me. . . "    


"Understood, I'll kill him. "    


"No!" Jiang Tingting thought for a while. If it was a murder case, Mr Qing might investigate it thoroughly. It was not the best plan.    


"How about this? You come out and find Qin Xuesong tonight. Tell him that Boss was arrested. Let him take this opportunity to escape. Otherwise, Boss will suspect that he was the one who reported it. If he comes out, he will kill him. He was so afraid of death, he would definitely escape immediately. Give him some more money to pay for the road fare. If he asks why you're so good, just say that the boss stole your woman. You hate him in your heart, understand?"    


"You're so smart, you think so thoroughly. I understand now, I'll do it right away. " Ah Biao's praise made Jiang Tingting's gloomy face finally have a proud smile. She arrogantly raised the corner of her lips.    


Of course she was smart. How could that stupid woman beat her? Even if there were ten of her, she would not be her match.    


"Wait, after sending that Qin guy away, all of you go out and hide. Be careful, if anyone leaks the news, I will take his life!"    


Mr Qing hoped that he only suspected Qin Xuesong. He never expected that she would never let him find out that she was the one who ordered him to do this.    


. . .    


Bai Chichi took advantage of the great opportunity when Situ Qing was bathing and quietly left his room. She walked to the bathroom door with light steps.    


She had to hear if he was really taking a shower. When he stabbed her naked body, it was the easiest for her to escape. At that time, he would not dare to chase her outside naked.    


Step by step, she approached the bathroom door. Hearing the sound of water inside, she was secretly glad.    


Fortunately, she was smart enough to trick him tonight. It would be good when she returned home.    


She instinctively knew that he wouldn't mess around in front of her parents. So once she got home, it was safe.    


She turned around and lifted her foot gently. Before she landed, she suddenly heard the bathroom door open. Before she could react, a strong arm had already carried her in.    


"I told you, you have to pay the price for playing tricks. I'm waiting for you here. " She looked and saw that this bastard didn't have a single strand of hair on his body, but there wasn't a single drop of water on his body.    


He was evil and sinister. When had she ever met him because she had never respected him?    


But it was really strange. Since he did not take a shower, why did he take off all his clothes and pants?    


Glancing at his figure, her face quickly turned red. He was too muscular. Even if a woman saw him, she would still. . .    


Although it was sex, she could not think about messy things right now.    


She had to convince him to let her go.    


No matter how much she hated him in her heart, she still had to smile. She looked at him like a Mona Lisa.    


"Classmate Qing, what are you talking about? I don't understand. I just came to see you. Don't take a shower and faint or something. "    


Little brat, what conspiracy do you want to play with him? If she wants to play, he will accompany her.    


"Why are you so concerned about me?"    


"Of course, of course. Hehe, I am going to marry you, how can I not care about you?" Bai Chichi gave a fake smile and showed a fake face.    


"Are you really going to marry me? Why do I keep feeling that you are still unwilling?"    


"What's the matter? You're such a good man. Do you know how many girls dream of you? If I don't hurry, others will beat me to it. So, I have to marry you as soon as possible. "    


" Oh, then I won't be polite. "    


"You. . . What are you doing?" Bai Chichi was so scared that her face turned pale. She was lying to him and did not want to be serious.    


If she used the price of losing her chastity to make him believe that she would not run away, then it would be too much of a loss.    


"What do you think? My dear, don't you think it's perfectly natural for Hubby to do such a thing to his wife?"    


She instinctively used both hands to stop him. She was not as fast as him at all.    


"You. . . Don't come over, don't come over!"    


Bai Chichi stepped back and retreated again. With a "putong," the door was slammed shut. At the same time, he was approaching her.    


"So you like it this way. " He smiled evilly and pressed her against the door.    




"I told you that if you play tricks, you have to pay the price. "    


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