Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C758 Hubby Is too Fierce 757

C758 Hubby Is too Fierce 757

That night, he changed his identity with Situ Yuan without hesitation. One stayed at work, and the other went back to Situ Feng's Family.    


After Bai Chichi finished cooking the green bean soup, she called Qin Xuesong and told him to prepare food for him to eat at home.    


She waited until seven o'clock in the evening before she heard his footsteps. She was so hungry that her stomach was growling.    


She went to the door and opened it for him. She saw Qin Xuesong's face was red and his body was filled with the smell of alcohol.    


"Why are you drinking? Didn't we agree to go home and eat? I even made your favorite steamed pork. "    


" Didn't you come back to eat? Darling, look at this. What is this? " As he spoke, he staggered and took out a blue rose from behind him.    


"After a long time, my love for you has been devoted to you for the rest of my life. " He looked at her with a dazed look in his eyes.    


He drank on purpose. He wanted to take advantage of the alcohol to occupy her.    


He thought too much. He had been thinking about it for so many years. He couldn't bear it any longer!    


"Look at you, what kind of wine are you drinking? Come in quickly, I'll heat up a glass of milk for you to dissolve the wine. " Bai Chichi did not take the flower from his hand. She was more concerned about his body.    


"I am not drunk. Don't you like this rose? Look at how bright this color is. " His face was filled with smiles as he once again raised the flower in front of her. This time, he hurriedly received it.    


"I like it. Of course I like it. Quickly come in and lie down for a while. " Holding the flower, he supported his arm and pulled him into the door.    


The brand new home made Qin Xuesong's eyes light up. The dishes on the table emitted a fragrance, and everything looked so warm.    


This wasn't the first time that he had a home. As long as she came, his home would look like a home. She had always regarded herself as the mistress of the house.    


Once she got married, she would definitely be a good wife and a good mother.    


According to his parents, such a good woman must be firmly taken down. Only then would the cooked duck be unable to fly.    


"Have you eaten?" Qin Xuesong asked her. He glanced at the dishes on the table as if they had never been moved.    


"Not yet. I was waiting for you. "    


"Little fool! Eat by yourself if you're hungry!" He affectionately called her and kissed her on the cheek at the same time.    


"Don't worry about me. Lie down for a while. I'll get you a cup of hot milk. You should get better earlier so I can go back to school. "    


" Okay, my head really hurts. " Qin Xuesong laid down and waited for her milk.    


After drinking a cup of hot milk, he advised her to eat and said that he wanted to sleep for a while.    


Bai Chichi was worried about him and filled a bowl with rice. She randomly picked up some vegetables and sat beside his bed, waiting for him to eat.    


Qin Xuesong closed his eyes and his breathing gradually became uniform. She guessed that he had fallen asleep.    


While eating, she observed his sleeping face. There was a faint bruise near the corner of his mouth. It must have been the last time he had been beaten up by those guys. Thinking back to that scene, he couldn't help but feel a little heartache for him.    


After eating, Bai Chichi washed the bowl and put the leftovers into the fridge. She then sat beside his bed and waited for a while.    


When she took out her phone to look at the time, she found that Hsing Jian had called her and quickly called her back.    


"Director Xing? Is there something you need from me? Sorry, I just saw it. "    


" It's nothing. Didn't you say you wanted to treat me to sour and spicy food? I happen to be free tonight. " In the afternoon, Hsing Jian made two calls to her. She did not answer, so he was a little nervous.    


He kept feeling that his concern for her wasn't entirely due to the concern of a teacher and student, but rather, it seemed like there was a vague relationship between a man and a woman.    


Because she did not answer the phone openly, all sorts of guesses arose in his heart. Did she hate him? Did she think that he was very wretched and so on and so forth?    


This sort of thought had tormented him for a few hours. Now that he heard that her tone was normal, he felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders.    


"Have you eaten now?"    


"Not yet. I was busy just now. "    


She looked at Qin Xuesong, who was sleeping soundly. He was probably fine, so she said enthusiastically, "I'll treat you now. "    




"Urgh. . . Hurry up and get me a trash can. " Qin Xuesong, who was "sleeping," suddenly crawled to the bedside and retched on the carpet.    


The phone was still ringing. Hsing Jian heard it clearly from the other side.    


"I'm sorry, Director Xing. Please wait a moment. " Bai Chichi put her phone on the bed and ran to the living room to put the trash can under his head. She gently patted his back with one hand.    


"Are you better? Snow Song, are you better?"    


"Urgh. . . " Qin Xuesong kept retching towards the rubbish bin. He looked to be in extreme pain. He hurriedly patted Bai Chichi's back repeatedly.    


After pretending to vomit for a while, he breathed heavily and lied back down in pain.    


"After a long time, I still feel terrible. If you have something to do, leave first. Don't worry about me. " He understood Bai Chi's kindness too well. In a situation like this, she would definitely not leave.    


"How can that be?" Her reaction was just as he had expected.    


She picked up the phone and apologized to Hsing Jian first. "Sorry, on my side. . . "    


"I heard you. It's okay. You can work another day. " Hsing Jian's voice was still gentle. He did not seem angry at all.    


He only showed disappointment after hanging up the phone.    


Sitting in front of his desk, he gently knocked on the table, thinking that the man on the other side of the phone was her boyfriend. It seemed that the relationship between the two was not ordinary intimacy.    


Bai Chichi ran forward and ran back to take care of Qin Xuesong. Every time she saw that he was about to sleep and wanted to leave, she found that his condition was not good and she was worried.    


"Let's go to school. The school will be closed when it's late. " After Qin Xuesong retched, he advised her again. She could only comfort him with a smile.    


"I'm not going. I'll take care of you here tonight. "    


It was not that she had never spent the night with him. Nothing had ever happened. She trusted him.    


"Aren't you afraid that I'll take the opportunity to eat you? Haven't you heard of alcohol disorder? " Qin Xuesong asked her with a laugh.    


"You won't. " Her firm tone and pure affection made him a little reluctant to make a move.    


"Lie on the bed and chat with me. Recently, we have been spending too little time together. "    


"Un!" Bai Chichi took off her shoes, climbed onto the bed, and laid down beside him.    


The two of them laid side by side on the bed, looking at the ceiling.    


"After a long time, do you love me?"    


"Silly, of course. "    


"Why can't I feel it?"    


"Because it's too natural. I love you, just like how I love my parents. It will never change. "    


"Really?" He propped up his body with some excitement and stared at her porcelain doll-like face as he asked uncertainly.    


"Is there a need to ask? Am I not good to you?"    


"Good, very good. " He gently kissed her cheek. The familiar scent made her feel at ease.    


What he said was right. It had been a long time since they had such a good conversation.    


Sometimes, she felt that they had long surpassed the relationship between a man and a woman. They were like my old wife. Even if they hadn't known each other for a long time, they would never be strangers.    


Qin Xuesong's question tonight still made her realize that perhaps he felt uneasy and needed to confirm this relationship.    


She loved him. So she would do her best to make him feel happiness and warmth.    


"Will you marry me?" He looked down at her with a serious and serious expression.    


"Of course, didn't we already agree?"    


"I only want to hear one word: yes"    


"Yes!" She put away her smiling face and seriously responded to him.    


"Will it definitely not change?" He drank too much, that's why he was like this. She had to be patient.    


"Of course, idiot, unless you don't want me. "    


"I want you! Of course I want you! After a long time, I love you! " Qin Xuesong kissed her forehead and slowly slid down to her nose.    


He had heard that in order to get rid of a woman, he had to start with something that was not too sensitive.    


"I love you too, Xuesong. "    


Her voice was so sweet, and her aura was also so beautiful. Qin Xuesong had already confirmed her love, so there was no need to wait any longer.    


She felt a little resistance in her heart. She reached out her little hand to push him, but he grabbed her with one hand and pressed her lips against hers. "We are boyfriend and girlfriend. Can't we just kiss each other?"    


He was sad, and so was she. She tried her best to relax and smile at him.    


"Sure, why not?"    


It was too obvious. His intentions were too obvious.    


"Snow Pine, let me go!"    


"Be good, relax!"    


"No way! Really no way!"    


"You are my woman, why can't I? I definitely have to! Tonight, I will make you truly my woman! "    


Her resistance angered him. After doing so much paving, with so much tenderness and effort, she still had to resist. It would be better to use the most direct method. . .    


Even if he used force, with her soft-hearted personality, she would definitely not sue him.    


When Qin Xuesong thought of this, he went even more overboard.    


"Don't! Don't!! Snow Song, are you crazy? Let go of me! " She shook her head with all her might, trying to pull her hands out of his hands.    


"Yes, I am crazy, I am crazy"    


"Don't! Please, don't be like this, I am afraid. "    


He ignored her words. He only knew that he had longed for her for a long time. He couldn't wait any longer. He had to have her immediately.    


She kept twisting and swaying, trying to stop him from violating her. Her hair had been scattered by her, and he didn't stop either.    


"Please, don't do this. Snow Song, don't be like this, count it as me begging you. " Her throat was already hoarse from the screaming, and her stamina was also gradually depleting. And he seemed to still have an endless amount of strength left.    


Her messy hair, her begging expression had completely ignited the evilest side in his heart.    


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