Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1296 Hubby Is too Fierce 1295

C1296 Hubby Is too Fierce 1295

Chen Yuan's tears slowly flowed down.    


"What are you crying for? I'm just asking you a few questions. " Situ Qing saw Chen Yuan crying and felt that she might really not know.    


However, Chen Yuan turned her face away and looked out the window, quietly sobbing.    


Situ Qing did not say anything else and the two of them went to the company in silence.    


After getting off the car, Chen Yuan followed Situ Qing to the elevator. She wiped her face clean and removed her heavy makeup.    


At the moment, Chen Yuan looked very pitiful because her face was a little pale and there were dark circles under her eyes.    


Situ Qing looked at her and shook his head slightly.    


After coming to the office floor, Chen Yuan put down her bag and went to the bathroom.    


Situ Qing entered the office and felt a little apologetic in his heart, because Chen Yuan looked really innocent.    


Could it be that he made a mistake?    


Situ Qing thought that Meng Rann's appearance was actually not very important. As long as he maintained vigilance at all times, presumably she would not be able to do anything.    


At this moment, Situ Qing did not think that Chen Yuan and Meng Rann joined hands to deal with Bai Chichi. He thought that Meng Rann was simply trying to get close to him because of business matters.    


So when he saw Chen Yuan's sad look, he thought that he should forget about it. He did not need to investigate the reason too much.    


However, Chen Yuan did not know what Situ Qing was thinking. She wholeheartedly thought that if she was exposed this time, there would be a huge hidden danger.    


What should she do? Chen Yuan was frowning in the dressing room. She was always worried that Situ Qing would suspect her. The so-called suspicion of a ghoul was actually the despicable thoughts in Chen Yuan's heart that tortured her.    


"No, I have to make him believe that Meng Rann's appearance has nothing to do with me. " Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and made up her mind.    


But if she only wanted to make use of this matter to explain, it would only get darker and darker and she would have to find another way.    


Looking at herself in the mirror, her face was haggard and her eyes were dim. Chen Yuan once again threw all the blame onto Bai Chichi.    


It was all her. If it wasn't for her, why would she be so scheming to cause trouble? If it wasn't for her, why would I have such an ugly expression?    


The more she thought about it, the more hateful she became. Chen Yuan's hands were tightly clenched together, and even her joints turned white.    


Taking a deep breath, Chen Yuan brewed her emotions for a while. Until two lines of clear tears hung on her face. After her eyes were red, she walked out.    


When she returned to the office and saw that Situ Qing did not move, Chen Yuan went to the tea room to make a cup of coffee and then knocked on the door.    


"Come in. " Situ Qing's voice was the same as before.    


Chen Yuan took a deep breath and gently pushed the door open.    


"CEO Qing, your coffee. "    


Situ Qing looked up. Chen Yuan looked like she had just cried and her eyelids were swollen.    


"Why are you still sad? My tone is so heavy. " Situ Qing did not expect Chen Yuan to have such a big reaction.    


He thought she went to the dressing room to make up her makeup. Now it seemed that Chen Yuan did not put on makeup, and there were faint traces of tears on her face.    


"No. " Chen Yuan lowered her head, feeling wronged, and reached out to wipe her eyes.    


Situ Qing looked at her. "Since you are not, then don't cry. This is not a big deal. Don't take it to heart. "    


"Director Qing, you're my superior, and you're the one who brought me into the industry. I'm really grateful to you. " Chen Yuan suddenly used honorifics, which surprised Situ Qing.    


When Chen Yuan was in the company, she had always regarded herself as an employee of Situ Group. She had never relied on her relationship with Situ Qing and his wife to bully others.    


Therefore, she was very respectful to Situ Qing in front of others. Her words of respect were also hanging at the tip of her tongue. But when there were only two people alone, she would not be so serious and reserved.    


Today, when Situ Qing was drinking coffee, Chen Yuan suddenly said honorifics, which Situ Qing was not used to.    


However, he knew that Chen Yuan must have something to say after she did that.    


"What's wrong? Why do you say that?"    


Chen Yuan sniffled and said, "I still remember that during the earthquake, CEO Qing and I spent so many difficult times together. If it wasn't for your encouragement and support, my will might have collapsed a long time ago. "    


"Why did you bring up the past?" Situ Qing felt that Chen Yuan's mood was not right. He put down the coffee and said to her.    


Chen Yuan whispered, "At that time, we trusted each other. That was why we became friends, right?"    


"Don't we trust each other now?" Situ Qing did not know whether to laugh or cry.    


Chen Yuan seemed to take her words too seriously. What did she want to do in the end?    


"No, that's not it. " Chen Yuan raised her head stubbornly, her small chin facing Situ Qing.    


Situ Qing leaned back in the chair. "Oh? Why do you think so?"    


"From the moment you asked me Miss Meng Rann, I knew that something was changing our relationship. "    


"Yuan, I have already said that it does not matter if you tell Meng Rann or not. It does not matter whether it was intentional or not. She will not affect me. " Situ Qing patiently explained.    


If it was not Chen Yuan but another employee, he would not want to say another word. Why would he bother with a person who twisted his meaning?    


However, it was Chen Yuan. Situ Qing had a trace of guilt in his heart because this girl liked him.    


Furthermore, Situ Qing thought that for a pure and simple village girl like Chen Yuan, rejecting her was already very hurtful to her. Furthermore, she had always seen him and Bai Chichi having an extraordinary relationship. The hidden pain in her heart should be very torturous.    


There was also another very important reason. That was that Chen Yuan was conscientious in the company and had never missed out on anything.    


In terms of public and private, Situ Qing did not want to criticize Chen Yuan.    


Previously, Wu Deyong's matter had already made Situ Qing feel that Chen Yuan was innocent and pitiful. Now, she should be protected and comforted.    


That was why Situ Qing kept saying that he did not have any intention of blaming her.    


"Director Qing, if you really think that way, you will not come back to ask me!" Chen Yuan was very determined.    


Situ Qing was a little annoyed. He frowned and said, "Then what do you want?"    


"If I can't get your trust as your personal assistant, I might as well not stay with you anymore!" Chen Yuan said as her eyes reddened.    


"Not keeping you?"    


Chen Yuan nodded. " Yes, CEO Qing. If I can't make the leader believe in my character, then it means that I didn't do well enough. "    


"Don't you feel that you're irresponsible when you speak?" Situ Qing suppressed the anger in his heart.    


"I don't think so. I have also proposed to resign before, but you didn't approve it. This time, I would like to ask you to fire me. " The more Chen Yuan spoke, the sadder she became. Tears fell down like beads with broken strings.    


Situ Qing's face was not good anymore. If it was in the army, he would not allow his female soldiers to say such willful words.    


But now, they were not in the army. The person they were facing was not his own soldier, so he could not use too strict standards to ask her to do so.    


Seeing that Situ Qing did not speak, Chen Yuan cried and said, "Brother-in-law Qing, it's all my fault. I know if it wasn't my fault, you wouldn't have specially come to ask me about Miss Meng Rann's situation. But I also don't know which segment had a problem. "    


She changed the way she addressed him, which indicated that she was gradually losing control of her emotions.    


Situ Qing could no longer keep silent. He tried his best to use a calm tone to say to Chen Yuan, "Yuan, you are still calling me Brother-in-law Qing. Then listen to me. Don't let your thoughts run wild and go to work. "    


"Brother-in-law Qing, I don't want to leave you either. I want to leave Situ Group, but how can I stay here? You don't believe me anymore, and you still think that I have betrayed your whereabouts to someone I don't like. Do you know how much of a blow this is to me? "    


" I'll say it again. It's you who thinks too much. " Situ Qing saw Chen Yuan crying like this and did not want to continue this topic with her.    


However, Chen Yuan did not stop crying. She cried with tears as she recounted her grievances.    


"If Ms Chichi suspects me, I will not say anything! Because women are always a little petty. When she sees me with you, she will always be with you. It is very normal to have a little jealousy in my heart. I don't mind at all. "    


Chen Yuan wiped away her tears. " But this time it was not Ms Chichi. It was you, Brother-in-law Qing! When the earthquake happened, I rescued you and encouraged and cared for each other. I would never have thought that you would suspect me one day. "    


"Yuan, can you stop crying? Listen to me. " Situ Qing stood up and took a tissue and handed it to Chen Yuan.    


Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and took the tissue. She wiped her face randomly and still stood in front of Situ Qing's desk.    


That kind of state was exactly the same as before a hero died.    


It seemed that she had really reached the limit of patience. Otherwise, she would not have dug out so many things to explain her standpoint.    


Situ Qing said, "Regarding Meng Rann's matter, I am only asking you. Why would I blame you for doubting you?"    


"Brother-in-law Qing, actually, if you fire me, I can also find a place to stay in other places, because I have learned a lot from you. "    


"Why are you still talking about this?" Situ Qing raised his voice again.    


Chen Yuan could not hold back her tears anymore. She looked at Situ Qing with teary eyes and said, "If it were not for you, I would still be a country girl. I do not know anything! I really want to thank you for bringing me out and recognizing so many new things! "    


"Since that's the case, you should stay by my side and continue to grow. Why are you firing me?"    


Chen Yuan shook her head and said, "No, it is different from before now. I know that my existence is a kind of trouble for you. "    


"What is this saying!" Situ Qing could not stand it. Why did a woman stop having fun when she cried?    


"Because Ms Chichi doesn't want to accept me anymore. I can see it! Although I'm not smart, I'm not stupid either!" Chen Yuan cried like a person crying.    


Situ Qing smiled bitterly and said, "This has nothing to do with delaying. "    


"But Brother-in-law Qing, you mind Miss Meng Rann's appearance. Isn't it because Ms Chichi is angry and jealous?" Chen Yuan deliberately asked.    


Situ Qing shook his head and said, "Of course not. "    


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