Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1234 Hubby Is too Fierce 1233

C1234 Hubby Is too Fierce 1233

Bai Chichi looked at Wu Deyong, not knowing how much of what he said was true and how much was false.    


If the result of Situ Qing's investigation was true, then everything Wu Deyong said was nonsense. Even the most basic conditions did not exist. How could there be any karma?    


However, Bai Chichi felt that he was telling the truth. If he was really just making up stories, then it did not seem to be true.    


It was precisely because it did not sound reliable that Bai Chichi felt that what he said might not be all fabricated.    


If Wu Deyong said something that was especially true and solid, Bai Chichi might think that he might have racked his brains to come up with it after he had sorted out his logic.    


However, hearing the story of Zhang Xiaogang and Liu Sanjin had somewhat moved Bai Chichi.    


"What can I do to make you give it to me?" Bai Chichi knew that Wu Deyong would not be a gentleman. He would not really tell her about kindness and morality.    


"Madam of President, you can take a look first. If you think it is valuable, we can talk about the rest of the things. What do you think?"    


This time, Wu Deyong seemed to be very reasonable and generous.    


Bai Chichi could not help but laugh, "You would be so kind? I feel that every word you say needs to be paid accordingly. "    


"I may have some bad moral values, but I also have principles. Madam of President, this train ticket is worthless to me, but it is different to you. I will not extort you. Don't worry!" Wu Deyong patted his chest and said generously.    


"Okay, let me take a look. " Bai Chichi stretched out her hand.    


Wu Deyong took a step back and hid in a corner. He secretly took out a small yellow train ticket and handed it to Bai Chichi.    


His actions made Bai Chichi inexplicably nervous. When she took it and saw it, Bai Chichi was a little stunned.    


"Yu Beibei? Whose name is this?"    


The train ticket had been in name for several years and the name on the train ticket was not Chen Yuan at all.    


But judging from the time, it was indeed two days before the earthquake.    


The train ticket was from Kunming to Green Mountain Township and Bai Chichi was even more confused as to what this train ticket had to do with Chen Yuan.    


"I don't know either. But since it is in Miss Yuan's bag, then it must have something to do with her!" Wu Deyong shook his head.    


Bai Chichi looked again and said to Wu Deyong, "This ticket seems to have nothing to do with the things I want to investigate, right?"    


"Why not? Since Miss Yuan is lying, perhaps her name is also fake. This ticket is the proof of her identity!" Wu Deyong became anxious. If Bai Chichi did not want this ticket, wouldn't he have wasted his time?    


This sentence woke Bai Chichi up from her dream. Bai Chichi's mind was filled with thoughts. It was as if she had been knocked on the head.    


That's right, could it be that Chen Yuan's name was really just a codename?    


"How is it, Madam? Do you think what I said makes sense?" Seeing Bai Chichi's reaction, Wu Deyong blinked his eyes and said with anticipation.    


Bai Chichi shook her head. "I don't know. If it is really like this, things will be complicated!"    


"It's not complicated either. The identity and name of the assistant by the CEO's side are all fake. Isn't it very easy to understand?"    


"Let me think about it before giving you an answer!" Bai Chichi was a little confused. She felt that the whole thing had gone beyond her imagination.    


Was Wu Deyong fake, or was Chen Yuan fake?    


"Okay. I am not forcing Madam of President to give me the price immediately. You can think about it!" Wu Deyong was afraid that Bai Chichi would interrupt the transaction with him in a panic, so he could not immediately discuss the payment.    


Anyway, there was still a lot of time.    


"En, I will go and find President Situ first. Go and do your work!" Bai Chichi's heart was in a mess. When she saw the elevator coming, she quickly walked in.    


The elevator door slowly closed. Wu Deyong's face also became more and more strange and blurry. Bai Chichi could not help but break out in cold sweat.    


She did not know how she got to Situ Qing's office floor. Bai Chichi rubbed her temple and felt a headache.    


Situ Qing said that Wu Deyong had stolen someone else's ID. And he wasn't from Green Mountain Township either. If that was the case, why would he make Chen Yuan go to the Green Mountain Township so clear? Even saying that she lost her bag at the train station was very vivid?    


If what Wu Deyong said was true, then would Yu Beibei be Chen Yuan's original name?    


She was in Kunming's car. Could it be that she was from Kunming?    


What exactly was going on? Bai Chichi's brain was not enough. She felt as if she had fallen into a cold cave.    


Should she tell Situ Qing about this? With his judgment, decision-making ability, and the resources in his hands, the truth might be revealed very soon.    


But he already had a preconceived view of Wu Deyong. Could he believe this man's words?    


And because of Bai Chichi's actions, would Situ Qing be dissatisfied?    


Bai Chichi really lost her stance. She also could not find a suitable person to discuss with, so she felt very helpless.    


"Wife, you are here!" Situ Qing still stood at the entrance of the elevator and waited. When he saw Bai Chichi, he smiled and pulled her out of the elevator.    


"Yes. " Bai Chichi's face was not very good. She looked a little pale.    


Situ Qing looked at her nervously. "What's wrong? Did the baby bully you again when you were alone?"    


"No, I'm just a little depressed. " Bai Chichi forced a smile.    


Situ Qing touched her forehead and said, "No fever. Weren't you fine in the morning? Why do I suddenly feel stuffy?"    


" I don't know. Maybe the air in the underground parking lot isn't good. " Bai Chichi wanted to cover it up. She could not say what Wu Deyong just said.    


Situ Qing nodded and said, "That's true. It's my fault for not thinking about it. In the future, don't go to the parking lot. Ask the driver to place you at the front door. I'll go down and pick you up. "    


"Okay. " Bai Chichi suddenly did not want to see Wu Deyong anymore because she felt that this person and Chen Yuan were very scary.    


It was better to avoid him for a while. Bai Chichi needed to organize her thoughts before she could decide what to do next.    


"Let's go to the garden on the top floor to take a breath of fresh air, okay? The greenery there is very good!" Situ Qing helped Bai Chichi up the elevator and went straight to the sky garden on the top floor.    


This was the most human-like design in Situ Group. The employees did not have to walk out of the building to enjoy the small bridge and the flowing water. Birds sang and the fragrance of flowers filled the air.    


It was this top garden that made Situ Qing realize Meng Rann's extraordinary qualities, which was why he had more business contacts.    


This garden was built by Meng Rann's company. It was unanimously praised by the employees of Situ Group. They all felt that it was practical and dreamlike.    


"I didn't expect to see this top floor. There is such a paradise on the top floor. Ah!" It was also Bai Chichi's first time here. When she saw the exquisite flowers and plants, she could not help but give a thumbs up from the bottom of her heart.    


"If I said that this place was designed by Meng Rann, would you still feel good?" Situ Qing did not want to hide anything.    


Bai Chichi nodded and said, "I still think it is good! I have always treated things differently from others. Why should I deny this kind of rare beauty just because Meng Rann designed it?"    


"You are generous. You are worthy of being Situ Qing's wife!"    


"Meng Rann is really amazing. She is beautiful and talented, and she can control such a large garden design company!" Bai Chichi admired as she walked.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "Other than these, she knows how to make use of her own advantages. That is why Meng Rann is unique in the business world where there are many men. She enjoyed the favorable conditions and was like a fish in water. "    


"She is also Chen Yuan's idol, right?" Bai Chichi had heard from Situ Qing that Chen Yuan smoked and drank because she wanted to have something in common with Meng Rann.    


"Yuan that lass is too stupid. She is so innocent. How can she be compared to Meng Rann who has seen countless people? Furthermore, her character and style of conduct are different. Even if she learned the basics, she would not be able to learn the essence!" Situ Qing smiled and shook his head.    


Bai Chichi looked at him and narrowed her eyes as she said, "Are you praising Meng Rann or Chen Yuan?"    


"No, I am just making an objective comment! No matter if it is Meng Rann or Chen Yuan, they cannot compare to you!"    


"Me? I am not as beautiful and smart as Meng Rann and I also do not have Chen Yuan who is willing to do it. Only then will they be of help to your business. " Bai Chichi was a little depressed.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "Silly. It is because they are helpful to my business. That's why they are only my business partners! You are different, you are my soul mate! "    


" You're touching me! " Bai Chichi sniffled and pretended to cry.    


Situ Qing hugged her shoulder and said, "I never lie to you. You know it very well! After a long time, I only have you in my heart. No matter what your strengths and weaknesses are, I love you! "    


"Please, I still have to eat later!" Bai Chichi was so happy that she could not close her mouth, but she deliberately pushed Situ Qing away.    


Fortunately, with this man by her side, everything would not be a problem.    


Because of this, Bai Chichi felt that she should share some of Situ Qing's worries and block those pink storms for him.    


Meng Rann and Chen Yuan should not be the stumbling blocks for Bai Chichi and Situ Qing's relationship. No matter what they did, Bai Chichi decided to rub her eyes and not be fooled.    


"Are you feeling better? If you feel comfortable, let's go downstairs. Otherwise, you will have a headache after the cold wind blows. " Situ Qing said very thoughtfully.    


Bai Chichi nodded. "Okay. "    


"Good boy! Follow me. " Situ Qing brought Bai Chichi to a mountain resort. It turned out that there was an elevator behind the waterfall.    


"How ingenious!" Bai Chichi said in surprise.    


Situ Qing nodded. "I also think this design is very good! Putting aside Meng Rann's character, her own ability is really not bad!"    


"As long as you can control it, what effect does her character have on you?" Bai Chichi naughtily pinched Situ Qing's nose.    


"You are right. Wife, you have been acting like a philosophy master recently. " Situ Qing was very happy. He kissed Bai Chichi's head hard.    


Yes, as long as there was no problem between us, what others did would be futile.    


"Qing, I saw Wu Deyong just now. " Bai Chichi wanted to remind Situ Qing.    


"Why did you see him? When Yuan comes back, I will let them face each other face to face and then ask him to leave!"    


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