Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1195 Hubby Is too Fierce 1194

C1195 Hubby Is too Fierce 1194

"Yuan, are you scared?" Situ Qing could not bear to see Chen Yuan trembling.    


Chen Yuan's tears kept flowing down, making her chest wet.    


Because it was a low-cut dress, Situ Qing could not help her wipe it, so he took off his coat and wrapped it around Chen Yuan.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, I'm sorry. " Chen Yuan sobbed and said.    


"Don't apologize to me. It's good that you are fine. " Situ Qing saw Chen Yuan speak and started the car.    


Chen Yuan hid in the front passenger seat. Her face was red. She was crying and talking to herself.    


Situ Qing listened carefully. It turned out that she had been saying softly that she was sorry. It was all my fault.    


Seeing Chen Yuan's eyes still not clear, Situ Qing knew that she must have drunk a lot of wine tonight. Just now, she was just frightened by the scene of the fight. When she returned home later, she still had to get Nanny Zhang to prepare some hangover soup for her.    


Because Chen Yuan's current appearance was blaming herself, Situ Qing did not want to scold her anymore. Instead, he quietly drove the car.    


When the red light was on, Chen Yuan suddenly sat up and hugged Situ Qing's right hand. She said in surprise, "Brother-in-law Qing, why is your hand bleeding?"    


Situ Qing looked down. Sure enough, his joints were all broken and dark red blood was slowly seeping out.    


It must have been because he had used too much force to hit Tattooed Man just now, and the handle had been broken. At that time, he hadn't felt it, but now he saw it.    


"I'm fine, it's just a superficial wound. " Situ Qing helped Chen Yuan up and made her sit back down again. He also tied her seatbelt.    


Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing's hand and murmured, "This is all for me. Brother-in-law Qing, how should I thank you?"    


"You loving yourself is the greatest comfort to me!" Situ Qing was still a little angry in his heart. He felt that Chen Yuan was self-deprecating.    


Looking at her dressing, her makeup was like that of a panda. When those frivolous men saw her, how could they not have evil intentions in the future?    


But speaking of which, if it was not for his indifference towards Chen Yuan, she would not have gone to the bar's disco to get drunk like this.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, do you think I am a frivolous woman? Don't think of me like that, I am not!" Chen Yuan explained anxiously.    


Situ Qing shook his head. "I don't think so of you. You are drunk. Don't talk and sit down to rest!"    


"No, you must be looking down on me. Otherwise, why would you let me cherish myself? Brother-in-law Qing, do you know why I went to the disco and why I went to drink with those stinky men? Because of you, you treated me so coldly. I want to regain some of my dignity as a woman!" Chen Yuan expressed the dissatisfaction in her heart through the alcohol.    


Actually, strictly speaking, she should be using the alcohol as a pretext to pretend to be pitiful and aggrieved in front of Situ Qing.    


Situ Qing's heart ached. He had always thought that Chen Yuan was a cute, kind, and honest girl, but now she had been forced to be like this by him.    


"Yuan, don't talk. " Situ Qing did not want Chen Yuan to say things like having a good impression of him again.    


"No, I have to say, it's all because of you. It's all because you never took me seriously. I feel inferior and painful. I hope to get your recognition!" Chen Yuan's face was covered with snot and tears. She randomly used Situ Qing's sleeve to wipe her face and said with tears in her eyes.    


Situ Qing knew that Chen Yuan was drunk. At this moment, she did not listen to his words. So he just did not say anything.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, I know I shouldn't have feelings for you, but I can't control myself! Do you know what is the most unbearable thing in the world? One is itch. The other is love, How can I win your love? " Chen Yuan waved her hands and gestured in the air.    


Situ Qing gritted his teeth and stared at the road in front of him.    


Chen Yuan cried and shook her head. "You told me that it was impossible for us. I also understand, so I don't dare to express anything to you anymore! But! "    


Speaking up to this point, Chen Yuan suddenly raised her voice and almost jumped up from her seat. Situ Qing was shocked and quickly reached out his right hand to hold her down.    


"But why are you so cold to me? Is it not good for you to be like before? I dare not have extravagant hopes, I only want you to be the same as before!" Chen Yuan's voice was filled with tears, and then she screamed at the top of her lungs.    


"Yuan, calm down. I have always treated you like my own sister. I have not changed because of your confession to me. " Situ Qing could only comfort her when he saw her crazy look.    


"I can't calm down! You love Ms Chichi. I know that. I know how good your relationship is, but can't you share a little bit with me? Not even a tenth, no, not even a hundredth?" Chen Yuan grabbed Situ Qing's arm and begged.    


Situ Qing took a deep breath. "Yuan, love cannot be shared. What I can give you is only sibling love. "    


"Ha, ha, ha, sibling! Your surname is Situ, and my surname is Chen. How did we become sibling?" Chen Yuan laughed wildly, her tears flying everywhere.    


Situ Qing glanced at her, but did not dare to express anything to her. What if she misunderstood again?    


"Qing, stop the car!" Chen Yuan cried and held Situ Qing's hand.    


"Yuan, listen to me. I'll be home soon!" Situ Qing did not know what she was going to do, so he frowned and said.    


"Stop the car. I am going to throw up!" Chen Yuan covered her mouth and wanted to open the window in panic.    


Situ Qing quickly parked the car by the side of the road and got out of the car to open the door on Chen Yuan's side. He helped her get out of the car.    


Chen Yuan squatted on the green belt and vomited. Situ Qing did not mind at all. He gently patted her on the back and went to the car to get tissues and mineral water to clean her mouth and rinse her mouth.    


"Cough, cough, cough!" Chen Yuan's face was red and she could not breathe.    


After she finally calmed down, Situ Qing helped her to get back into the car. However, he did not let her sit in the passenger seat. Instead, he placed her in the backseat of the car.    


"Yuan, lie down. Bear with it a little longer. "    


Chen Yuan weakly covered her face and nodded.    


Situ Qing started the car again, but not long after he drove out, he heard Chen Yuan sobbing from the back seat.    


"I'm so embarrassed. I'm so disgusted when I throw up in front of you like this!"    


Situ Qing found it funny. He looked at the rearview mirror and said, "Don't think too much. Didn't I look worse when I was dragged out of the mudslide by you?"    


"Brother-in-law Qing, I think in my life, The most painful are those days, and the happiest are those days! I have lost all my family members, and the happiest thing is. . . Only the two of us were relying on each other in that shaky house!" Chen Yuan began to sigh again. Situ Qing heard it and felt sour in his heart.    


"Later I figured it out. It's not scary to lose family, because I still have you! Brother-in-law Qing, don't leave me!" Chen Yuan got excited again as she spoke. She got up from the back seat, leaned on Situ Qing's back, and said to his ear.    


"I won't. I won't leave you. Unless you get married in the future and have a man worth entrusting your life to, I will be at ease. " Situ Qing had nowhere to hide from her.    


Situ Qing had always thought that Chen Yuan was steady and shy. Today, she was behaving abnormally because of the effects of alcohol.    


Even if she vomited, But the composition of the blood could still make a lady go crazy.    


"Okay, I will go and find a good man. This way, you and Ms Chichi can live a happy life and won't be disturbed by me!" Chen Yuan said while dancing with joy.    


Afraid that she would fall, Situ Qing stopped the car again and put Chen Yuan on the passenger seat.    


In just half an hour of driving, it took a long time.    


"Yuan, we will be home in a few minutes. Be good, don't move around. " Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan.    


"I am good. I have always been good. Am I right?" Chen Yuan kept her face close to Situ Qing's face.    


Situ Qing pushed her away. "Yuan, sit properly. "    


"Brother-in-law Qing, I don't want to sit in the car anymore. Can you carry me back? Sitting in the car is so boring!" Chen Yuan refused to compromise and slammed the window hard.    


It was already late at night. Situ Qing did not want Chen Yuan to continue messing around. Otherwise, it would make the neighbors uneasy.    


"Yuan, I can carry you back, but don't make any noise. "    


"Okay, I won't make any noise, I won't make any noise!" Chen Yuan put her index finger on her lips and laughed.    


Situ Qing sighed in his heart. He parked the car and let Chen Yuan get out of the car. He bent down and carried her on his back.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, your back is so wide and warm!" Chen Yuan held Situ Qing's neck with her hands and pressed her face against his back. She whispered in her sleep.    


Situ Qing did not say anything. He just wanted to send Chen Yuan home as soon as possible and then drive the car back to the garage.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, I feel so happy. Today, those men in the disco still want to take advantage of me. Do they really think I am easy to bully? Hmph. I have the best man in the world by my side. No one can bully me!" Chen Yuan became excited again. She twisted and turned, and her chest kept rubbing against Situ Qing's back.    


This made Situ Qing feel very awkward. But facing a drunk person, what else could he do? It seemed even more unwise to get into a fight with her.    


Because if Chen Yuan was unhappy and screamed out her true feelings, Situ Qing would feel even more embarrassed.    


Therefore, he could only bear with it. Anyway, the house was not far away.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, I will definitely not give you any more trouble in the future. Don't worry. I will hide in the corner and bless you and Ms Chichi. I hope that you can have a healthy and smart baby and live a happy life like a prince and a princess!" Chen Yuan said and started to cry again. Tears fell on Situ Qing's neck.    


"Alright Yuan, we are home. Don't talk anymore. " Situ Qing pushed open the door of the yard and carried Chen Yuan on the small path in the garden.    


"Shh, don't talk. Shh, be good!" Chen Yuan laughed as she cried. In the quiet night, it seemed very sudden.    


Bai Chichi had no way to sleep. She laid on the bed and waited for Situ Qing to come back, but she did not hear the sound of the car. Instead, she heard Chen Yuan's strange words.    


What was going on? Bai Chichi got up and walked to the window. She saw Situ Qing carrying Chen Yuan back and the two of them stuck closely together.    


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