Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1192 Hubby Is too Fierce 1191

C1192 Hubby Is too Fierce 1191

Situ Qing drove the car with a straight face. Bai Chichi looked out the window without saying a word. The narrow space in the car was filled with resentment.    


Situ Qing could not understand why the truth was right in front of him, but Bai Chichi refused to believe him. Instead, she blindly protected Qin Xuesong.    


What did this mean? Could it be that in her heart. . . Could he not be as good as that hooligan Qin Xuesong?    


Bai Chichi had forgotten all the things that happened in the past? It was precisely because they had grown up together and Qin Xuesong was her first love that she could not forget about him. Because of him, she quarreled with him and went berserk on the streets!    


According to Situ Qing's temper, he could just walk away and ignore Bai Chichi's seemingly foolish actions.    


However, he did not because he deeply loved this stubborn little woman. He knew that her personality was stubborn and could not be abandoned.    


But the more she behaved like this, the angrier Situ Qing became.    


Bai Chichi also felt the same in her heart. She felt that for Situ Qing, she had already lost a bit of relationship with Qin Xuesong that surpassed friendship. She was just treating him as a friend now, but Situ Qing had always been against Qin Xuesong. This made Bai Chichi very disappointed. She thought that Situ Qing should be an indomitable man. He shouldn't stick to small details, let alone just hearing a side of the story to convict Qin Xuesong.    


Because of their love for each other, there was a rift between the two of them. Because of their loyalty to each other, there was not a single flaw that was allowed.    


Therefore, in their current state, they were not willing to lower their heads first. They were like two angry quails, ready to fight.    


"Sit down, there's a pit in front. " Although Situ Qing was still angry, he still carefully protected Bai Chichi.    


Bai Chichi felt a little bumpy following his words.    


"Why don't you go around!"    


"There's no way!" Situ Qing replied coldly.    


Bai Chichi shook her head and said, "If you know there is no way, you have to drive there. Why are you so stubborn?"    


"Because this is the only way home. My goal is to go home. If I can't avoid it, I will barge in!" Situ Qing said angrily.    


"Then stop. I will walk back by myself!" Bai Chichi was still angry, so her tone was not good.    


Situ Qing ignored her and drove straight back to his garage.    


After parking the car, Situ Qing opened the lock and walked to the front passenger seat to open the door. He wanted to help Bai Chichi get out of the car.    


However, Bai Chichi shook his hand off and got down by herself, walking towards the path in the garden.    


"Are you that anxious?" Situ Qing shouted at Bai Chichi's back.    


Bai Chichi did not say anything. She walked on the path in a hurry. Situ Qing could only follow her quickly.    


"What else do you want?" Situ Qing did not want Bai Chichi to bring this kind of negative emotions back home. He held Bai Chichi's hand.    


"I don't want to do anything. I will go back to my room to take a shower and sleep. Didn't you say that? " Bai Chichi still wanted to struggle.    


Situ Qing hugged her and said in a low voice, "Don't argue. Do you want your family to know that you are arguing with me?"    


"I am not arguing with you. You are being unreasonable!" Bai Chichi also felt wronged.    


Situ Qing shook his head. "One day, you will understand that everything you did today was wrong. You shouldn't not believe me!"    


"I just want to find out the truth!" Bai Chichi still insisted on her opinion.    


Situ Qing looked into her eyes. "The truth is everything I told you. Now, let's go in together. Don't be like a hedgehog anymore. . . "    


"Are you afraid that I will vent my anger on Chen Yuan? Don't worry, I won't!" Bai Chichi said sarcastically to Situ Qing.    


"You are making trouble for no reason!" When Situ Qing heard this, he immediately let go of Bai Chichi's hand and no longer accommodated her.    


Bai Chichi was stunned for a moment and walked to the living room without looking back.    


After entering the door, Bai Chichi felt that the house was very quiet. She thought that Chen Yuan had already returned to her room and did not mind and went to the dining room to get a bottle of water to drink.    


Situ Qing followed her and took the water from her hands. "You don't want to drink ice. "    


"None of your business!"    


Situ Qing said loudly, "Nanny Zhang, get me a cup of hot water!"    


Nanny Zhang walked out of the kitchen and looked at Bai Chichi. She said, "After a while, I prepared cold water for you. It's in that small kettle. "    


"Okay. Thank you, Nanny Zhang. " No matter how unhappy Bai Chichi was, she would not show any disrespect to Nanny Zhang.    


Nanny Zhang poured a glass of water for Bai Chichi and then asked Situ Qing, "Are you guys having dinner at your parents' house?"    


"Yes. " Situ Qing took Bai Chichi's bottle of ice water and drank a big mouthful.    


Nanny Zhang looked at the two of them and seemed to see that something was not right. She pulled Situ Qing and softly said, "Qing, are you and I alright?"    


"No, why?" Situ Qing shook his head.    


"It's nothing. It's just that she is pregnant now. If there's anything, just let her have it! " Nanny Zhang was experienced and had watched Situ Qing grow up, so she spoke to him in the tone of an elder.    


"I will. " Situ Qing also respected Nanny Zhang.    


Bai Chichi heard their conversation and felt wronged in her heart. How could he let her go? He was still so fierce just now.    


"That's good. When you go out to eat, you should be happy!" Nanny Zhang smiled and nodded.    


Bai Chichi said to Nanny Zhang, "We are very happy! Nanny Zhang, what did you eat for dinner at home?"    


"It was just a simple meal. The old chief has never been particular and Yuan also did not eat at home. " Nanny Zhang replied.    


Situ Qing frowned. "Why isn't Yuan eating at home?"    


"I don't know. I saw that she was in a bad mood and her expression wasn't good either. I asked her where she went and who she went with, but she didn't say anything. " Nanny Zhang shook her head.    


Situ Qing thought of what Chen Yuan had said when they got off work. He was a little puzzled. Could it be that his attitude made her feel bad?    


Recently, he had indeed been concerned about her. It was not enough. Moreover, she had feelings and was not able to guide her in time. Could this be the reason why she did not want to eat?    


"Is that so? Where would this girl run to?" Situ Qing said to himself.    


"I told her that you have to tell me where you want to go so that I can talk to Qing He for a long time. Yuan just said that she went out for a walk. I don't want to ask too much. " Nanny Zhang was also very helpless.    


Bai Chichi looked at Situ Qing and saw the worry on his face. She felt very uncomfortable in her heart.    


"Chen Yuan is already so big. Does she have to report to everyone wherever she goes? This is also not realistic. "    


Situ Qing looked at her. "It is not good to say anything when a girl carries her emotions out. What if something happens?"    


"What can happen? She has even experienced earthquakes. I don't think there's anything that can make her feel scared. " Bai Chichi was not happy to begin with. Now that she saw how much Situ Qing cared about Chen Yuan, she naturally felt jealous.    


Nanny Zhang saw Bai Chichi's mood and quickly smiled and said to Situ Qing, "You are right. Chen Yuan is already so old and she is usually a cautious child. She should know her limits!"    


"It is because she is usually careful. That is why today she did not say anything and ran out. That is why it is worrying!" Situ Qing was a little irritated.    


Perhaps it was because of what he said when he got off work that Chen Yuan had some misunderstanding in her heart. She felt that this house could not accommodate her.    


Thinking about it like this, Situ Qing was really worried that Chen Yuan would do something stupid.    


Even though Chen Yuan was usually very obedient and sensible, sometimes she was also very stubborn. Like last time when she learned how to smoke and drink, she also learned how to smoke and drink. It was a very bad example.    


Chen Yuan was originally an orphan in an earthquake. Now, she did not have anyone to rely on. The only thing that could comfort her was this family.    


Because of Bai Chichi, Situ Qing felt that he deliberately did not get close to Chen Yuan. Perhaps it would cause her to have the misconception that he was a hindrance to this family and cause her to have a bad idea. That would be troublesome.    


"Nanny Zhang, what time is it when Yuan went out?" Situ Qing looked at the time.    


"It was about six or seven o'clock. I was preparing dinner at that time. She helped me get rice and cook before leaving!" Nanny Zhang thought about it.    


"It is past eleven o'clock now. I should have finished all my meals. " Situ Qing said in a low voice.    


Bai Chichi looked at him and said, "Nanny Zhang did not say that she was in a bad mood. After she finished eating, she will definitely want to go somewhere before coming back. "    


"Why would she go alone? What if she met a bad person?" Situ Qing said loudly to Bai Chichi.    


"Qing, don't talk like that. We still don't know where Chen Yuan will go. " Nanny Zhang quickly stopped Situ Qing.    


The fire in Bai Chichi's heart kept rising. It was not that I made Chen Yuan unhappy, nor did I let her go out alone. Why are you angry at me?    


Oh right, it must be because you were still unhappy about Qin Xuesong's matter in the car just now, so now you are using it as an excuse.    


The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. Bai Chichi said to Situ Qing, "Since you are so worried, won't you give her a call?"    


"Yes, yes, yes. You will know after making a phone call. " Nanny Zhang was afraid that Bai Chichi and Situ Qing would become unhappy because of this matter, so she urged.    


Situ Qing took out his phone and made a call. He heard the ringtone from inside, but no one answered.    


"Can't I get through?" Nanny Zhang asked.    


Situ Qing shook his head. "I got through. I didn't pick up. "    


"What's going on? Did you not hear me when you put your phone to the side?" Nanny Zhang frowned and guessed the reason.    


Bai Chichi looked at Situ Qing coldly and did not say anything. Situ Qing called several times but no one answered.    


"What is Yuan doing?" Situ Qing was more and more worried.    


"We will fight later. I am sure we did not hear it. " Nanny Zhang pulled Bai Chichi and Situ Qing to the living room and sat down.    


Bai Chichi looked at Situ Qing's uneasy look and was very disappointed.    


You were so aggressive towards Qin Xuesong just now, but now Chen Yuan just didn't answer the phone and you are sitting on pins and needles like this. Isn't it a little too obvious?    


If you can care about Chen Yuan so openly, why can't I defend Qin Xuesong a little?    


Don't do what you don't want to do. Situ Qing, you are so overbearing and unreasonable!    


"What's going on? Where did she go?" Situ Qing said angrily while holding the phone.    


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