Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1018 Hubby Is too Fierce 1017

C1018 Hubby Is too Fierce 1017

"Take a good rest. I still want to go up and see Chen Yuan. She's also very angry with you!" Bai Chichi patted Xin Xiaozi's shoulder and said.    


"Really? Is she angry with me?" Who knew that after Xin Xiaozi heard Bai Chichi's words, she was quite excited and felt that she did not waste her time and energy.    


Bai Chichi looked at her and said, "Your despicable face is completely exposed. Looks like you really want to make Yuan angry!"    


"I just want to marry her out. If she can't get married, then she will get angry. Anyway, just let her leave Situ Qing!" Xin Xiaozi did not hide her motive at all.    


"Okay, okay, okay. I will remember what you said. But you don't have to make any decisions on your own. It is better to discuss everything with me!" Bai Chichi could not do anything to Xin Xiaozi, so she could only speak politely to her.    


"How can I have such good spirit? Let's talk about it again!" Xin Xiaozi leaned on the sofa and waved her hand with a smile.    


Bai Chichi shook her head and walked up the stairs to Chen Yuan's bedroom.    


"Yuan, this is Ms Chichi. Open the door!"    


After a while, Chen Yuan finally opened the door. There were still tears on her face and her eyes were also swollen. She looked at Bai Chichi and smiled but it seemed to be so helpless and miserable which made Bai Chichi's heart ache.    


"Yuan, are you alright?" Bai Chichi walked in and closed the door.    


Chen Yuan nodded and did not say anything.    


Bai Chichi let her sit down and looked at her and said, "Yuan, I have also asked Xiaozi. She has good intentions but she chose the wrong person. Don't be angry. "    


"I am not angry with Ms Xiaozi. I am angry with myself. Why don't I be strong and independent? If that's the case, Ms Xiaozi doesn't need to introduce a boyfriend to me. " Chen Yuan shook her head.    


"What do you mean? You are already very strong and independent!" Bai Chichi comforted Chen Yuan.    


Chen Yuan looked up at her and said, "No, if I am brave enough, I should move out of the Situ Family and live my own life. Don't stick to you like a parasite and give you trouble!"    


"Nonsense! How are you like a parasite? You helped Qing to relieve a lot of burden and pressure. We still need to thank you! " Bai Chichi forgot about her small jealousy before and sincerely said to Chen Yuan.    


"But why does Ms Xiaozi not like me?" Chen Yuan's eyes were filled with confusion and puzzlement.    


That's right. It seemed that Chen Yuan was so obedient and sensible in the Situ Family. When she worked hard and serious, how could Xin Xiaozi not like her?    


"It's not that she doesn't like you. She didn't want to chase you away when she introduced you a boyfriend. She just hoped that you wouldn't be so single. " Bai Chichi comforted Chen Yuan's heart.    


Chen Yuan smiled bitterly and said, "No, when Ms Xiaozi looks at me, she is always a little strange as if I did something wrong. "    


"No no, Xiaozi is just like that. You see, sometimes when she speaks to us, she is also eccentric and likes to hurt people!" Bai Chichi was afraid that Chen Yuan would be sad.    


"En, I know. In the future, I will get along well with Ms Xiaozi. Please tell her that I am very grateful to her for introducing a boyfriend to me. But I don't think I will need to do it in the future. I will pay attention to the suitable person by my side. " Chen Yuan said in a low voice.    


Bai Chichi touched her head and said, "Okay, I will tell her. Xiaozi also felt that the man today. . . "    


"Don't talk about Ms Chichi anymore. That person is quite good. It is because I have no fate with him. " Chen Yuan really did not want to mention that sissy and small-minded person again.    


Bai Chichi nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. Then you should rest well!"    


Walking out of Chen Yuan's room, Bai Chichi sighed. This Xin Xiaozi originally wanted to solve her problem but now it made her feel like she was grinding her heart to persuade others. It also increased a lot of trouble.    


Chen Yuan looked at the closed door and silently turned around to walk to the window. She felt that Xin Xiaozi's attitude towards her was already very obvious. From now on, she might be on guard against her. This way, it would not be so easy to make a move on Bai Chichi.    


What should he do? It seemed like it was time to find someone who could help her to Situ's house.    


For no reason at all, how could there be another person in the house?    


Chen Yuan narrowed her eyes and looked at the thistles outside the window. She had a thought in her heart, and that was to force Xin Xiaozi to accept the extra person in the family.    


As for what kind of person to find, She would have to rely on her own strategy. This person must come in a reasonable and necessary manner.    


Situ Qing was reading in the room. When he saw Bai Chichi come in, he smiled and said, "How is it? Have both of you calmed down?"    


"Have you calmed down? I saw that you were also very angry just now!" Bai Chichi walked over and hugged Situ Qing.    


"I was just a little anxious at the moment. Why would I be angry with a woman? You think too much of your wife!" Situ Qing turned around and hugged Bai Chichi.    


Bai Chichi smiled and went to touch his stubble. She nodded and said, "That's true. If you and Xiaozi get angry, I will also be unhappy. "    


"Alright, I will not bicker with her. It is just that in the future, you should remind her not to make Chen Yuan happy. That would not be good. " Situ Qing kissed Bai Chichi on the corner of her lips.    


"Actually, it is not to make her happy. It's just that. . . " Bai Chichi really wanted to say that she was actually afraid that there was some relationship between Chen Yuan and you, but when the words were about to come out of her mouth, she held it back.    


Situ Qing looked at her and said, "It's just that what?"    


" Nothing much. Maybe Xiaozi is too idle and likes to be a matchmaker! " Bai Chichi took back her words.    


"She will be back by the weekend, so Xiaozi will not be so bored. " Situ Qing only hoped that Xin Xiaozi could take care of her fetus properly and not so many things.    


The next morning, Xin Xiaozi went downstairs and saw Chen Yuan preparing breakfast. She gave a fake smile and said to Chen Yuan, "Yuan, did you sleep well?"    


"Thank you Ms Xiaozi, you are quite good!" Chen Yuan acted as if she did not have the unhappy mood from yesterday and greeted Xin Xiaozi with a smile.    


"Really? That's good. " Xin Xiaozi sat down and Chen Yuan immediately poured a cup of milk for her and placed it in front of her.    


Xin Xiaozi smiled and said, "You cried yesterday and today it was as if nothing happened. You must hate me in your heart right?"    


"How could that be? Ms Xiaozi, I know you are doing this for my own good!" Chen Yuan took the egg bread and placed it in front of Xin Xiaozi. There was also a can of peanut butter.    


Xin Xiaozi looked at her suspiciously and then looked at the bread in her hand. She gently smelled the milk.    


"Ms Xiaozi, what are you doing? Are you afraid that I will harm you?" Chen Yuan giggled as she looked at Xin Xiaozi.    


"How can that be? I just want to see if there is any expiration date!" Xin Xiaozi shrugged her shoulders and hid her embarrassment.    


Chen Yuan turned her back and smiled coldly. A trace of shadow flashed across her eyes.    


Bai Chichi and Situ Qing also went downstairs and saw Chen Yuan and Xin Xiaozi chatting and laughing very harmoniously. They also looked at each other and smiled. They felt that those small conflicts in life had already disappeared.    


"Ms Chichi, Brother-in-law Qing, come and have some porridge. I know you guys like Chinese breakfast. This is specially prepared for you guys. " Chen Yuan brought two bowls of fragrant porridge over and handed it to Bai Chichi and Situ Qing with a smile.    


"Yuan, you wake up so early to prepare breakfast and still have to go to work. Don't you feel that you are not in good spirits?" Bai Chichi drank a mouthful of minced meat cabbage porridge that was cooked fragrant and thick. Chen Yuan must have spent a lot of effort.    


Situ Qing frowned and said, "This way, the company will be busy with two things. Yuan, you have worked too hard!"    


"Then you can give Chen Yuan an extra salary. Even if she got two jobs!" Xin Xiaozi drank a mouthful of milk. She studied pharmacology and was confident that she could tell the difference in taste, so it was normal for her to know about this milk.    


Even if she judged a gentleman's heart with a petty heart, she still had to be careful. Who knew if Chen Yuan would take revenge on him.    


"How can that be? I am just doing what I am doing!" Chen Yuan quickly waved her hand to decline.    


"I also feel that it is not appropriate. Yuan is not our housekeeper. How can we give her the salary of a nanny?! But since she is not a nanny, she cannot always be a nanny! " Bai Chichi shook her head and said.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "If that's the case, we'll just hire another nanny!"    


"Yeah, it should have been like this a long time ago!" Xin Xiaozi clapped her hands in agreement.    


Chen Yuan looked at Bai Chichi and said, "Ms Chichi, actually I have no problem with it. Even if I do these housework, it will not hinder my work!"    


"No no, I have long felt that you have worked too hard. It was just that this had always been overlooked. Since you've said so much today, then go and hire a nanny! " Bai Chichi was a little ashamed and always let Chen Yuan be busy inside and outside.    


Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan, "Don't say anything else. The family was already old and small. There are also two pregnant women. It is very normal to invite one person. Nanny Zhang is also old. "    


"Okay. Who will go to the labor market to recruit people?" Xin Xiaozi also had a small plan in her heart. Originally she felt that she and Chen Yuan could be considered to have formed a grudge. If she were to be on guard all day, wouldn't she tire herself to death?    


Inviting a nanny over would allow her to take care of her own life. She would not need Chen Yuan to interfere anymore. This way, she would be more at ease.    


For example, the milk and bread this morning. Xin Xiaozi was afraid that Chen Yuan would do something to her. After having a nanny, she would not need to prepare anymore.    


"I will go. After I am done with my work in a while, I can go over. " Chen Yuan saw that her plan was about to succeed and was very happy in her heart.    


That's right. Wasn't the family just lacking a nanny? Then invite one over. No one would have any objections. At that time, this nanny could also become his tool to deal with Xin Xiaozi in the future.    


This was the plan in Chen Yuan's heart.    


"There is no need. Bai Chi and I will go. Don't you still have work to do! " Xin Xiaozi immediately spoke.    


She did not want Chen Yuan to choose a nanny. Who knew what she was up to.    


"Alright then. Then I will have to trouble Ms Xiaozi and Ms Chichi. " Chen Yuan smiled and nodded but in her heart, she was already smiling like a blooming flower. Xin Xiaozi, you are a frightened bird. You do not have any mental fortitude and still want to fight with me!    


"Alright, then it's decided. Quickly eat, and then we will move separately. " Situ Qing said as he drank the porridge.    


Bai Chichi looked at Chen Yuan and smiled. She could finally relax a little in this house and not be so tired.    


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