Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C971 Husband Is too Fierce 970

C971 Husband Is too Fierce 970

Chen Yuan walked out of Situ Qing's office with a gloomy smile on her face. It was just a month-long bonus. What was so great about it?    


Bai Chichi, I am so pitiful in front of your husband. If I make him sympathize with me, would I be afraid that he will not slowly fall in love with me?    


Chen Yuan was right, because Situ Qing also had a lot of anger in his heart. He felt that Chen Yuan was really too weak sometimes. How could she forget her duty just because she cared about Xin Xiaozi's feelings?    


When she should say no, she should say no. This was a matter of principle.    


For Situ Qing, bringing his own employees to fight was like leading troops to war. He should always prioritize discipline at all times.    


Situ Qing had always engraved this kind of soldier's style in his heart. He would not easily compromise if he did not allow others to violate it without permission. Even Bai Chichi had to abide by this principle.    


Chen Yuan's actions today seemed to be her dereliction of duty, but it would not be fair if she was only blamed for it.    


After all, Chen Yuan had grown up in the countryside and had never officially entered the workplace. Some small mistakes could be forgiven.    


But Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi were not. Both of them had received high education. How could they casually order others to do some unimportant things?    


It seemed like he had to go back and have a good talk with Bai Chichi to make her pay attention and not let Xin Xiaozi do whatever she wanted.    


After they got off work, Situ Qing took Chen Yuan home. On the way, Chen Yuan carefully looked at Situ Qing's face and said, "Brother-in-law Qing, when you see Ms Xiaozi and Ms Chichi later, don't mention this matter again. It's all my fault. " Chen Yuan did not dare to speak loudly, afraid that Situ Qing would get angry.    


"It's not all your fault. " Situ Qing drove the car and said while looking straight ahead.    


Chen Yuan bit her lips and said, "Even if it is like this, I do not want to cause you to be unhappy with Ms Xiaozi or Ms Chichi. "    


"Yuan, you are too kind. But sometimes, being a person does not just rely on kindness to take care of everything!" Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan and said.    


Chen Yuan nodded her head. I will not be like this in the future. But this time it was me who did not do well that caused the misunderstanding. "    


"Your fault, you reflect on it yourself, I'll point out their fault" Situ Qing did not think that peace could make things better in the future.    


"But I do not want Ms Chichi to be unhappy. " Chen Yuan begged Situ Qing.    


"She won't. She is a reasonable person. " Situ Qing was in a bad mood. He did not think that unconditional acceptance was the right thing to do.    


Chen Yuan nodded and said, "But this is a small matter after all. Why do you need to know who is right and who is wrong?"    


"I know what to do. " After Situ Qing said that, he did not look at Chen Yuan anymore and drove straight home. The two of them were silent along the way.    


Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi did not return to Situ Family for dinner. They only returned home at almost 8. 30 PM.    


"Xiaozi, when you see Chen Yuan later, don't show others your face. Don't mention things that are already in the past!" Bai Chichi reminded Xin Xiaozi. She was worried that her bad temper would make Chen Yuan very embarrassed.    


"That's enough. Am I such a petty person? Let me tell you. After eating, I went to the streets and watched a movie. My depression was swept away!" Xin Xiaozi carried big and small bags in her hands as if she had already forgotten about her unhappiness.    


"Shopping and the like are the least stressful!" Bai Chichi smiled and helped her take the things back to her bedroom. Then she went back to her room and saw Situ Qing reading.    


"Qing, have you already eaten dinner? I brought you a serving of Lotus Leaf Duck. It's very delicious. Come and try it!" Bai Chichi walked over with a smile.    


"I have already eaten. I am not hungry. " Situ Qing put down the book and put the Lotus Leaf Duck on the coffee table.    


Bai Chichi sat beside him and looked at his face. She said, I am not hungry. " Are you still angry?"    


"I'm not angry. Where did you go?" Situ Qing carried Bai Chichi into his arms and sat down.    


"Xiaozi and I went shopping to eat. We even watched a movie!" Bai Chichi thought that the matter was over and said happily.    


Situ Qing nodded. "That's good. I know that there are some emotional fluctuations after you are pregnant. It is also good to go out and relieve it. "    


This rough man was also so meticulous. Bai Chichi smiled and hugged Situ Qing's neck.    


"Let me tell you, we attended a training class for future mothers today. In the future, I will go to class every day!" Bai Chichi leaned against Situ Qing's head and said.    


"Really? Is it because of that class that Chen Yuan came back to get the things?" Situ Qing asked.    


Bai Chichi looked at him and said, "That's right. At that time, the receptionist sister at the front desk said that she wanted to get the pregnancy certificate, so we asked Yuan to come back and help to get it. "    


"There is nothing wrong with you doing this. But she was at work at that time. After receiving your call, she left without caring about anything else. That's not right. " Situ Qing held Bai Chichi's hand and said.    


"Don't blame her. It is my fault. " Bai Chichi's face was hot and she was a little embarrassed.    


Situ Qing looked at her and said, "You are my wife. Sometimes you should be more sensible than others. Why would you do such a thing?"    


"Others? Who is it, Xiaozi?" Bai Chichi was stunned. She looked at Situ Qing's face and did not seem to be joking.    


"Xin Xiaozi has always been doing her own thing. She does things that need to be considered. You should remind her. " Situ Qing said seriously.    


Bai Chichi thought he was just casually talking to her. She did not expect his expression to be so ugly. She jumped up from his arms, "Are you protecting me or blaming me? It is not fair for you to say Xiaozi like this!"    


"I am not protecting anyone and I will not deliberately target anyone. I am speaking based on facts. Xiaozi's actions are indeed wrong. " Situ Qing did not have a smile on his face the whole time. He looked a little scared.    


Bai Chichi frowned and said, "But I feel that you are doing this to target her. I was also present at that time. Chen Yuan really said that she was fine and that was why she helped us go home to get the information. Xiaozi repeatedly confirmed it. "    


Situ Qing shook his head and said, "Don't you know that Chen Yuan is very afraid of Xin Xiaozi? Chen Yuan has always felt inferior in front of the two of you. Especially after seeing Xin Xiaozi, she always felt that her expression was embarrassed. "    


" You mean to say that Yuan originally had something to do, but because she was afraid of Xiaozi, she left her job under no circumstances? " Bai Chichi looked at Situ Qing and felt that it was very absurd for him to say Xin Xiaozi in such a one-sided manner.    


"It was originally like that. " Situ Qing nodded without hesitation.    


Bai Chichi's anger rose. She pointed at Situ Qing and said, "This is prejudice! Xiaozi was not that kind of person. She only had a more open-minded personality. Why would she show off in front of Chen Yuan? "    


" Now we do not discuss what kind of person Xin Xiaozi is. I just want you to be more careful in the future and not let her bully Chen Yuan. " Situ Qing stood up and looked at Bai Chichi and said.    


But Bai Chichi could not calm down now. She also knew that Chen Yuan suffered today but she could not bear to push all the responsibility onto Xin Xiaozi.    


"I thought that you were a very fair person but you actually could not calm down to examine a matter. According to what you said, Xiaozi should bear all the mistakes?" Bai Chichi's voice was clearly raised.    


Situ Qing put his hand on Bai Chichi's shoulder and said, "Wife, calm down. I didn't mean that. "    


"Then what do you mean?"    


"Everyone is in the wrong, but you cannot side with Xiaozi. She did give Chen Yuan some pressure. " Situ Qing felt that what he said was the truth.    


"I also gave her pressure. Why didn't you say anything about me?" Bai Chichi opened Situ Qing's hand.    


" Chen Yuan respects you very much and likes you. She is very relaxed when she is with you, so I will not distort the truth. " Situ Qing was not willing to change his opinion.    


Bai Chichi was really angry this time. She stared at Situ Qing and said, "I do not protect Xiaozi and also do not side with Chen Yuan, but you are different. You are a big, stubborn bastard who breaks right from wrong!"    


"Wife, I always thought that you are reasonable. " Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi and tried to speak as gently as possible.    


"I am not reasonable! I don't want to talk to you anymore!" Bai Chichi sat in front of the dressing table and grabbed a comb to comb her hair.    


Situ Qing walked behind her and hugged Bai Chichi's shoulder from behind. He looked at her in the mirror and said, "Don't ignore me. I will go crazy!"    


"Go away!"    


Situ Qing looked at the angry little face and thought, Could it be that she would really be so angry with me over such a small matter?    


This girl was very stubborn in the past. Now, she didn't care that she was pregnant because of Xin Xiaozi and was still so angry.    


Forget it, Situ Qing smiled and said, "Consider it my fault, okay? If you are angry now, the baby will also feel it!"    


"You were wrong? It was your fault in the first place! Baby, your dad is a big idiot. Don't bother with him in the future! " Bai Chichi lowered her head and said to her stomach.    


Situ Qing hugged her and laughed, "Okay, I am a big idiot. You two can bully me in the future!"    


"You admit it? That's more like it!" Bai Chichi finally smiled.    


Situ Qing squatted down and said to Bai Chichi, "It's good that you smile. I don't dare to make you angry now. You and the baby are two different people. I'm alone, and I'm at a disadvantage in terms of numbers!"    


"You really want to become enemies with us mother and son?" Bai Chichi used a comb to pat Situ Qing's head.    


"Fine, fine, fine. I was wrong again!" Situ Qing reached out his hand to grab the comb and hugged Bai Chichi to prevent her from escaping.    


"Let go of me. I need to go to the bathroom!" Bai Chichi twisted and turned like a slippery loach.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go with you!"    


"I don't want it!" Bai Chichi pushed him away and walked to the bathroom as she pointed at him, not letting him come over.    


"If you push me like this now, when your stomach is big, you won't be able to stand up even if I don't help you! You won't plan for the future at all!" Situ Qing said loudly to Bai Chichi.    


"Humph, even if my stomach is so big that I can't stand up, I will still ask Xiaozi to help me!" Bai Chichi stuck out her head.    


Situ Qing shook his head speechlessly and said, "When your stomach is so big that you can't stand up, isn't she the same?"    


"That's right, why did I forget about this!" Bai Chichi patted her head and laughed.    


"So you are an idiot. "    


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