Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C931 Hubby Is too Fierce 930

C931 Hubby Is too Fierce 930

"Qing, come and see me. I have long white hair!" Bai Chichi stood in front of the bathroom mirror and held a comb in terror.    


Situ Qing quickly stepped in. He carefully held Bai Chichi's head and looked left and right. He shook his head and said, "It's bad, bad, bad. Wife, you are really old. You have a lot of white hair!"    


"Really? Really? Where is it?" Bai Chichi put down the comb and stretched out her hands to grab the hair on her head. She pulled the hair in front of her eyes to check.    


"Hehe, I was just teasing you. It's not that exaggerated. It's just one or two strands!" Situ Qing smiled as he picked out the white strand of hair and sent it in front of Bai Chichi.    


Bai Chichi said dejectedly, "You see, I told you there was! Sigh, it's all your fault. If it wasn't because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to sleep these two days, why would I have long white hair? "    


"Okay, okay, okay. It's all my fault! It's all my fault! Baby, how do you want me to compensate you?" Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi and rested his angular chin on top of her head. He felt a little itchy.    


"I didn't think of it for the time being, but you have to remember. This is what you owe me!" Bai Chichi held Situ Qing's waist with both hands and buried her face into his chest.    


The beating of his heartbeat was so strong. Bai Chichi took a deep breath and closed her eyes. It was such a happy thing to be able to hear his heartbeat and feel his body temperature.    


Situ Qing smiled evilly and said, "Actually, I also want to make it up to you, but you don't want me to touch you!"    


"What are you thinking about now?! Little darling, you have to remember that your father is such an indecent person!" Bai Chichi raised her head and punched Situ Qing's chest with a red face.    


Her face looked so gentle and cute under the light of the bathroom. Situ Qing could not help but kiss her face again and again. He slowly touched her small lips.    


"Don't, don't, don't. You are not a gentleman. I am not a virgin now. It will not be fun if I go down! " Bai Chichi reached out her hand to block Situ Qing's mouth.    


Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi with deep affection and said, "Okay. I will bear with it for our child! Then what should I do now? How about letting me serve you, Empress Dowager, to bathe and change your clothes?"    


"Good, but Little Qing Zi, this Empress Dowager's figure is so exquisite and exquisite. Can you hold it in?" Bai Chichi deliberately and flirtatiously reached out a finger and hooked it in front of Situ Qing, and even gave him a flirtatious wink.    


Situ Qing gritted his teeth and said hatefully, "Little idiot, you don't need to care about making me angry. Watch how I deal with you in the future!"    


"Hehe, alright, I won't flirt with you anymore. Hurry up and get out. I'll let you serve me when I can't take a shower by myself. " Bai Chichi smiled sweetly and pushed Situ Qing, who was gnashing his teeth in anger, out.    


Hearing the splashing sound of water in the bathroom, Situ Qing drew Bai Chichi's beautiful body in his mind. He held it in so much that his nose was about to bleed.    


In order to divert his attention, Situ Qing took off his shirt and bent down to do push-ups. His well-built body was very masculine and beautiful.    


"Brother-in-law, sister, are you guys asleep?" Someone suddenly knocked on the door. Situ Qing heard Chen Yuan's voice and quickly stood up.    


He opened the door to take a look. Chen Yuan stood at the door shyly. She held her hands together and said, "I'm sorry, brother-in-law. Did I disturb you?"    


"No, no, your sister is taking a bath! What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Situ Qing asked. Situ Qing was topless, and there were beads of sweat on his bronze-colored skin. He looked very sexy.    


"I want to tell elder sister that she just got pregnant. The first three months are very important. I heard from the elders in my hometown that there are some things that can't be eaten. That's not it, I wrote it down. Please give it to her!" Chen Yuan turned her head and did not look at Situ Qing. She just quickly stuffed a piece of paper into his hands. She turned around and left.    


Situ Qing looked at her back and smiled as he opened the paper. As expected, there were many names of food written on it. Crabs, horse teeth, and so on.    


After closing the door, Bai Chichi came out of the bathroom. She was wearing a nightdress and her hair was wet and draping over her shoulders.    


"Who is it?" Bai Chichi used a towel to wipe her hair.    


Situ Qing walked to her side with a smile and handed the note to her. "This Yuan is really considerate. Take a look. She told you to pay attention to your diet. Don't eat these things. "    


"Yuan is really a considerate and kind girl. It's a pity that fate is full of ups and downs. Sigh!" Bai Chichi looked at the note and sighed.    


Situ Qing took out a gust of wind from the dressing table drawer to help Bai Chichi blow her hair. He smiled and said, "I forgot to tell her. You are a doctor, so naturally you know more about science than her!"    


"You mean she is showing off in front of an expert? You cannot say such words in front of her. She is kind, and she even sent a piece of paper over so late at night!" Bai Chichi rolled her eyes at Situ Qing.    


"Do you think I don't know what to do? To be honest, my wife, you really don't mind me bringing Chen Yuan to our house, do you?" Situ Qing fiddled with Bai Chichi's hair. He was afraid that she would catch a cold and that there would be radiation in the wind. He just wanted to quickly dry her hair.    


"Do you think I am the kind of person who gets jealous randomly? Classmate Qing, you have really underestimated the mother of your child!" Bai Chichi turned around and said discontentedly.    


" I knew you were wise and righteous, and you had a good heart! Other than torturing this poor child of mine, His father, you are good to everyone!" Situ Qing blew Bai Chichi's hair dry and kissed her gently on the shoulder.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "I did not torture you. It was clearly you who tortured me! This is also because I have a good temper. If it was Xin Xiaozi, I would have done you a long time ago!"    


"What should I do? Say, if you were her, what would you do to me? Are you going to kill me or sleep with me? " Situ Qing had a series of question marks, and his handsome face almost touched Bai Chichi's face.    


"You have thick skin, I can't do you! But to be honest, what kind of work do you want Chen Yuan to do at the company?" Bai Chichi laughed as she dodged Situ Qing's attack.    


Situ Qing carried Bai Chichi and gently placed her on the bed. He stared into her eyes and said, "Let's not talk about this for now, okay? It's not just you these few days. My hair has also become much whiter. Wife, I miss you so much!"    


"The day you left, I already knew that I was pregnant. I originally wanted to tell you, but you left in such a hurry because of your mission. I dare not mess up your morale. That was close. Fortunately, God sent you back to me safely. " Bai Chichi held Situ Qing's face. She said seriously.    


"Yeah, it can be seen that our baby is a smart child. He was the one who brought me good luck!" Situ Qing put his ear on Bai Chichi's belly again.    


"In the future, when he gives birth, you must tell him this!" Bai Chichi touched Situ Qing's short hair, which was tied up, and said.    


The two of them hugged each other sweetly as they talked about yearning, pain, joy, and expectations for the baby. They slowly fell asleep.    


The next morning, Situ Qing quietly got up from the bed. He wanted to personally make breakfast for Bai Chichi.    


It was as if they had parted ways for the past few days. Situ Qing decided that he would definitely cherish every moment of his time with Bai Chichi in the future. He would protect her, love her, and give her the warmest care.    


Looking at Bai Chichi, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, Situ Qing could not help but reveal a knowing smile. This kind of morning was really too good!    


Every day when he woke up, he would see that the person beside his pillow was his most beloved woman. To be able to make a breakfast of love for her and use a kiss to wake her up was simply a fairy tale.    


But when Situ Qing walked to the kitchen, he saw that Chen Yuan was already busy there and was talking to Nanny Zhang from time to time.    


"Yuan, why are you up so early?" Situ Qing walked over curiously and saw Chen Yuan kneading the dough.    


"It's not early for us country bumpkins, brother-in-law! I know that my appetite was bad when I was just pregnant, so I wanted to make something sour and appetizing for Ms Chichi and Ms Xiaozi!" Chen Yuan's hands were still covered with flour.    


Situ Qing said very apologetically, "We have already accepted your intentions, but how can I be embarrassed to ask you to work so hard?"    


"Brother-in-law, Ms Chichi already told me not to treat myself as an outsider. Aren't you treating me like an outsider by being so polite?" Chen Yuan swiftly kneaded the dough in her hand into a dough. Then, she pulled the dough piece by piece into the boiled pickled vegetable soup.    


Nanny Zhang also smiled and said to Situ Qing, "Qing, this child is really too diligent! He followed me to the market early in the morning to buy vegetables and even swept the courtyard with his hands!"    


"Yuan, you should know your limits. Don't work too hard. "    


"Brother-in-law, my sour noodle soup will be ready soon. Do me a favor and call Uncle Situ, Ms Chichi. And Brother Yuan. Sister Ms Xiaozi, Xiao Ying, Xiao Tao, come out and eat!" Chen Yuan smiled very brightly.    


Situ Qing could only turn around and treat his father. The brothers, husband, niece, and Bai Chichi came over to eat breakfast that was supposed to be his favorite.    


At the dining table, everyone was full of praise for Chen Yuan's cooking skills. Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao, the two children, were not stingy and said a lot of nice words.    


Xin Xiaozi drank the soup while teaching Situ Yuan a lesson, "Look, Qing Du knows to go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. You are still sleeping on the bed!"    


"Didn't he also not make it?" Situ Yuan smiled magnanimously and got up to give Xin Xiaozi another bowl of soup.    


"But he is thoughtful. You just don't love your wife as much as he does!" Xin Xiaozi took the bowl unceremoniously. It seemed that her appetite was not bad.    


Chen Yuan stood at the dining table and watched them eat with a smile. Situ Baichuan also liked this simple and honest girl. He invited her to sit down and eat together.    


"No need, Uncle Situ. I'll eat after you guys finish eating!" Chen Yuan waved her hand and said shyly.    


"Silly child, we're all family. What's there to be polite about?" Chen Yuan could not decline Situ Baichuan's words. Furthermore, everyone was greeting her, so she obediently sat down.    


However, when everyone finished eating, Chen Yuan was the first to stand up and swiftly clean up the bowls and chopsticks. She took them to the kitchen to wash them clean.    


"This child really is. It was clearly our Situ Family who owed her, but now it makes her feel like she is here to repay a debt of gratitude!" Xin Xiaozi wiped her mouth.    


"In the future, we have to treat her better!" Bai Chichi looked at the kitchen and said.    


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