Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C874 Hubby Is too Fierce 873

C874 Hubby Is too Fierce 873

He had nothing better to do anyway, so he agreed.    


Old Director Ye only said that he was sent by his superiors. His arrival was warmly welcomed by all the medical staff.    


This was an expert that couldn't even be invited. He was on a national inspection tour, just like a Golden Bodhisattva. From then on, their Puluo County People's Hospital's reputation would be different.    


Bai Chichi had long heard of Director Ye's name. He was a famous ophthalmologist throughout the country. It was a blessing that he suddenly came here in her previous life.    


No matter how hard it was, she had to worship him and me.    


Director Ye was very kind to everyone except Bai Chichi.    


What was the reason?    


After he came, he found out that both parties had asked him to take care of this girl.    


As an expert, he was unwilling to come here for a woman.    


However, Master Fei had saved his life when he was young. He had to repay his kindness. Also, Situ Qing's relationship with him was even more oppressive. If he couldn't think of it, his children wouldn't be willing to come.    


"Director Ye, I want to worship you and me. My biggest wish is to become an eye specialist and cure more people's eye diseases. " Bai Chichi pleaded earnestly in Director Ye's temporary office.    


Director Ye looked at her unhappily and frowned slightly.    


"I don't want to take in disciples. " He said coldly.    


"Director Ye, I sincerely want to learn from you. I see that you are so kind to everyone, so patient to patients, and admire your character. Can you consider it? Please consider it. "    


" Sincerely want to acknowledge me as your master? " Director Ye asked expressionlessly.    


"Yes!" Bai Chichi nodded heavily.    


"Don't worry, I am not using my name. I will not tell others that I am your student. I will not use your name to deceive others. I just want to learn my skills. "    


Director Ye looked Bai Chichi up and down again. Her sincere attitude made him slightly moved, but the expression on his face did not change.    


"It's fine if you want to learn from me. You have to listen to my arrangement. You have to see which patient you want to see. You can't have any questions. "    


Bai Chichi nodded repeatedly and then he slowly said, "Okay! You can learn from me from today on. "    


"That's great!" Bai Chichi cheered. She was so happy that she almost cried.    


If she had thought of the past, When their parents met a good doctor like Director Ye, their eyes would not have been like this.    


When she met him, as long as she focused on her studies, she would be able to help countless people see the light again in the future. How could she not be happy?    


Thank God! Thank God! She had allowed Director Ye to come to this small and poor county town, giving her this opportunity.    


"Don't be happy too early. Your time will not be yours from now on. I have a patient that needs to be treated at night and on weekends. You have to go with me. "    


" Okay, okay, okay! I can go with the patient every day! " She really didn't want to have this opportunity.    


Bai Chichi happily studied with Director Ye for the whole day. Every word he said was memorized in his heart. The most important thing was to write it down in his notebook and study when he had nothing to do at night.    


Director Ye also greeted the hospital leaders. At five o'clock in the afternoon, he took Bai Chichi out of Puluo County People's Hospital in his special car and drove back to the city.    


The more they walked, the more Bai Chichi felt that this road was familiar. It was only when they stopped in front of a European building that she confirmed that the final stop of her trip was actually. . . The Fei Mansion! Fei Shifan's home!    


. . .    


Bai Chichi looked at Director Ye in disbelief. She had a feeling that she had been set up.    


"Teacher Ye, why did you come here?"    


Old Ye did not want to bring her here either. When she asked this question, his face sank and he said in a deep voice, Teacher Ye, why did you come here? "I've said it before. If you want to learn from me, then don't have too many questions. If you don't want to learn from me now, you can also leave. "    


After saying that, he instructed the driver, "Little Zheng, pull over to the side and stop the car. After parking the car, quickly go in. Master Fei is still waiting for me to treat his eyes. "    


The driver agreed and parked the car at the entrance of the Fei Mansion.    


It turned out that he was treating Master Fei's eyes. Bai Chichi was very conflicted in her heart. She did not believe that it was a coincidence. She was still wondering why Director Ye would go to the backward Puluo County People's Hospital. It seemed that it was arranged by the Fei family. Could it be like this? He had gone through so much trouble for her?    


Then why did Director Ye appear unwilling when she wanted to acknowledge him as her master?    


Should she go to the Fei Residence, or should she leave and miss the opportunity to learn from Director Ye?    


"Go on!" Director Ye pulled his face and did not have the slightest intention of keeping her.    


This was an opportunity that she had obtained through countless begging and begging. No matter what, he still brought her to learn during the day. She could not leave just because he brought her to treat Master Fei's eyes. Besides, Master Fei was also a patient. Could she ignore that he was a patient just because he was Master Fei?    


After hesitating for a while, Bai Chichi still decided to take things as they came.    


"I'm sorry, Teacher Ye. I shouldn't have asked so many questions. I still want to continue learning from Teacher Ye. "    


"If you really want to learn from me, then don't ask me anything in the future. I'll arrange for you to go wherever you go. In any case, it's related to your profession. You can learn what you want to learn. "    


Bai Chichi nodded heavily and promised to listen to Director Ye's arrangements.    


After entering the Fei Mansion, Master Fei and Fei Shifan saw the master and disciple in the reception room.    


"Director Ye, thank you for your hard work!" Master Fei said politely.    


Bai Chichi went forward to greet Master Fei. Like Director Ye, she called him Master Fei.    


After a period of time, Fei Shifan met Bai Chichi again. Although he had taken a big turn, he had finally achieved his goal. He did not know if Bai Chichi was too tired or because she had lost her love. She was not as full as she used to be and became thinner. Her eyes were no longer as bright and beautiful as before. She looked even more melancholic.    


He was not in a hurry to talk to Bai Chichi. Instead, he asked Director Ye, "Teacher Ye, it has been half a year since you showed me grandpa's eyes last time. His eye disease has gotten a little worse in this half a year. He said that looking at things is blurry, and looking at a certain place for a long time will cause swelling and pain. Could you help him check?"    


Director Ye nodded and stood up to let Master Fei raise his head. He carefully observed his eyes and gestured for Bai Chichi to follow by his side.    


"Come and take a look. Elder Fei's eye disease is very typical. It is a disease that old people at his age often suffer from. What he is different from others is that when he was young, he once did a very eye hurting job. This caused his symptoms to be more severe than ordinary people. Look at his pupils. . . "Director Ye told Bai Chichi in detail about Master Fei's condition. Bai Chichi quickly took out a small notebook from her bag to record.    


Fei Shifan also listened to grandpa's condition very carefully. It was not because of Bai Chichi that he recently planned to invite Director Ye over. Master Fei's eye disease was definitely going to worsen.    


Director Ye told her a lot about the old man's condition. Bai Chichi felt that she was not a petty person anymore.    


Boss Fei would not deliberately give birth to an eye disease just to let her come, would he? He would also be able to give birth to it.    


"Most people at his age do not think about surgeries in terms of clinics. The risk was too high. The best way to use conservative treatment is to use traditional medicine. In addition, I will also use acupuncture to treat them. Your task is to come after work every day. Record his daily situation in detail after he uses medicine and make notes. I can guarantee that you will record the entire treatment process of Elder Fei. It is very important for you to practice medicine for the rest of your life. "    


"Also, I have treated Elder Fei's eye disease for more than 20 years. I have detailed records from the beginning of my treatment until now. Tomorrow, I will lend these records to you. You can make a copy and study it. "    


This is too rare! Bai Chichi was grateful to Director Ye in her heart, and at the same time, she was also grateful for Fei Shifan's arrangement.    


"Thank you, Teacher Ye! Thank you, Teacher Ye! I will definitely study hard and not disappoint you. "    


Director Ye waved his hand and took out a small notebook from his pocket. He gave a prescription for the medicine he was going to use this time.    


Elder Fei had to take the medicine to recuperate for a long period of time. He had a specialized physician at home. Furthermore, there was a very large medicine room at home. Once the prescription was prescribed, the physician at home would arrange for servants to prepare the medications and decoct the medicine.    


"You'd better be at the side when brewing the medicine. There are a few medicines that require a lot of time and heat. " Director Ye reminded Bai Chichi again. He pointed to the list and told Bai Chichi, "For example, this medicine. . . " He kept explaining and Bai Chichi kept nodding her head.    


"You will stay here at night. You have to ask about Elder Fei's condition every two hours. I will go back first. My car will pick you up tomorrow morning. We will go to Puluo County People's Hospital together. I still have to take care of him there. If you're afraid of trouble. . . "    


" I am not afraid of trouble, Teacher Ye. I will follow you and study hard. "    


"Un. " Director Ye nodded.    


He thought that a girl with such a big influence would be very arrogant, but he did not expect her to be so reliable and studious. As a teacher, who wouldn't like such obedient and hardworking students?    


After Director Ye left, Bai Chichi completely did everything according to his medical instructions.    


She set up an alarm clock on her phone and fixed the time to let Master Fei see and inquire about his situation.    


Fei Shifan only silently paid attention to her. He saw that she was busy and did not disturb her work.    


After all the work was done, Bai Chichi finally had time to talk to Fei Shifan in private.    


"Afan, you arranged for Director Ye to go to Puluo County People's Hospital. Right? " She looked up at him. Her beautiful face was calm, but she only smiled.    


"If I said yes, would you be angry? Would you feel that I don't respect you?" He asked back.    


Bai Chichi shook her head. She felt like she had fallen into a trap when she was at the gate. But after thinking about it, she also thought that he was doing it for her own good. He did not insist on doing anything to her.    


"I am very grateful to you. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't even have the chance to see Teacher Ye in my entire life. "    


Fei Shifan still smiled faintly and said softly, "It is not as exaggerated as you say. As long as you have the heart, there will always be a chance. If you don't like to study, no matter how many people arrange for you, it will be meaningless. "    


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