Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C848 Hubby Is too Fierce 847

C848 Hubby Is too Fierce 847

Soon, Situ Qing arrived as well. He arranged everyone's work clearly and clearly. When he saw that Bai Chichi was so scared that her legs had gone soft, he told her to wait on the spot.    


In the end, they found Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao, who were two streets away. They hid in a hidden place between the two buildings.    


When they were brought in front of Bai Chichi by the police, they cried so hard that they could not make a sound. They kept hugging her waist and did not let go.    


"Aunt, Aunt, we were chased. We were scared to death. "    


"Sorry, sorry. It was all my fault. I did not watch you guys. " Bai Chichi hugged them tightly. She was even more frightened than them.    


Situ Qing finally saw his two beloved niece. At that moment, his eyes were a little moist and his nose was very sour.    


He walked over and touched the two little girls' heads. He consoled them: "It's fine, don't be afraid. Uncle won't let you be in danger. "    


"Because we alerted the police, we need to take a statement. It's just a record, don't be afraid" Situ Qing reminded the two little girls and Bai Chichi to go to the police station nearby. They each took a personal statement.    


"It's fine. Let's go home. " Situ Qing looked relaxed. He took Bai Chichi and Xiao Ying home with him before he went back to the police station.    


He pulled out all the recordings of the nearby main streets to take a look. He wanted to make sure that the children said that. Was the chase real or fake?    


There was indeed a suspicious man chasing after them while they were running. The strange thing was that he actually saw them hiding there, but did not go up and do anything to them.    


The man was dressed normally, and his expression was also normal. He did not look like a lunatic. Situ Qing frowned. After carefully looking at it for a long time, he duplicated a video and planned to bring it back for his subordinates to investigate.    


When he returned home again, Xiao Ying, Xiao Tao, was shocked. It was the first time that she had menstruation. Bai Chichi ran forward and ran back to take care of them.    


Under Bai Chichi's gentle comforting, they finally calmed down.    


When they saw Situ Qing, they became nervous again.    


"Uncle! Is someone trying to kidnap us?" Xiao Ying recalled her experience of being chased and still had lingering fears.    


"Is that so?" Bai Chichi also asked very nervously.    


"No. That man just happened to have an urgent matter. I saw the video. It was you two girls who thought too much. " Situ Qing patted their heads and reminded them, "In the future, you have to watch less TV dramas to avoid having too much imagination. "    


Only then did they feel relieved. Children were children, and they soon forgot about this matter.    


After lunch, the children were all sleeping soundly. Situ Qing then signaled Bai Chichi to follow him back to his room.    


"Before we left, I specifically told you not to take them out. What happened to you?" Situ Qing endured for a long time. From the moment he received the call, he wanted to give her a fierce scolding.    


"I. . . " Bai Chichi wanted to explain but was interrupted by him again.    


"You do nothing but think. Why are you so stupid? Even if you bring them out, you can't just leave them alone and let them fall into danger!" Situ Qing frowned. He could not suppress his anger as long as he thought about how the children were almost kidnapped.    


Bai Chichi also regretted it. She was still scared, but the situation at that time was so urgent. She could not just watch the car crash into the old man's body.    


"I don't want to either. Qing, I was just going. . . "    


"No need to say anymore! You must have been fascinated by something. It's not important for you to be like this when I'm by your side. You're still like this even though I'm not around. You've truly disappointed me to the core! " Situ Qing was disappointed that she failed to live up to his expectations. This woman was kind and kind, and she was good in every aspect. However, her nerves were too big, and she could not tell which was more important than the other.    


She didn't go back on her word even after encountering such a situation, and she actually tried to explain it to him.    


The more she explained, the more he wanted to get angry at her.    


So in his heart, she was a woman who could see things but did not care about children. Bai Chichi suddenly felt very sad.    


He had never looked up to her. He had always looked down on her from above.    


In front of such a person, she did not even want to explain.    


Even though she understood that he was angry because he cared about his child, she still felt uncomfortable.    


She suddenly smiled softly and spoke in a light tone: "Very disappointed, I am also very disappointed in myself. I am not qualified to be their teacher, being their aunt is even more of a burden to me. Since I'm so disappointed, there's no need for me to be the only one. "    


Her attitude and her words made Situ Qing even angrier. He stared at her angrily and asked her directly," You were wrong in the first place. Why can't I say something? You still feel wronged? "    


"No, I don't feel wronged. Situ Qing, this time when I brought the child out, I almost lost it. It was indeed my fault. It's normal for you to be angry, I understand. " I can understand you, but you can't understand me.    


When I first found out that they were lost, your attitude was so good that you told me not to worry. I thought you wouldn't blame me.    


I didn't think that you were just waiting for the fall to settle the score.    


You're disappointed in me, and I'm even more disappointed in you.    


She didn't say any of this out loud, but kept it in her heart.    


"I feel that I am not good enough for you from the bottom of my heart. Really. Look at your family background, you should find a beautiful, smart, or even a perfect woman. I'm not good enough, and I don't want to climb! "    


Only God knew how painful Bai Chichi's heart was when she said these things.    


She felt very sad and also felt that she really was not smart enough. She was very depressed.    


This kind of uneasiness, he couldn't feel it.    


Situ Qing coldly stared at her. He was already disappointed in her. Her words made him even more disappointed.    


"Bai Chichi, did you deliberately find an opportunity to leave me? I forced you to feel very uncomfortable, right? If you want to leave so badly, then leave! " He pointed at the door and Bai Chichi's heart hurt even more.    


She straightened her back and told herself not to cry. Unsuitable fate would have to stop sooner or later.    


She did not look at him again. She quickly left his room and went to Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao's room to get her things before leaving Situ Feng's home.    


When he heard the sound of Bai Chichi closing the door, Situ Qing's brows were still tightly furrowed.    


"Idiot, idiot. If you want to leave, then leave. Don't regret coming back to beg me. " He actually wanted to pull Bai Chichi back, but he didn't want to lose face. He just sat on the bed and didn't move.    


Bai Chichi walked out of the Situ Family and looked up at the sky. The sky was not bad.    


"Don't think about anything. Bai Chichi, this is a new beginning. Without that bastard, you will be as happy as before. "    


It had only been a few days since she left home, but she really missed her parents.    


She went to the supermarket to buy some food for her parents and carried them home.    


As soon as she entered, her mother asked her, "Why did I only hear your footsteps? Where's Situ Qing?"    


"He's busy. I came back by myself. I bought some food for you guys. Mom, it's green bean cake. "    


Bai Chichi did not know why she did not tell her parents that she had completely separated from Situ Qing. Perhaps she just did not want them to worry too much.    


Her parents did not pursue the matter and gladly accepted the food she bought.    


Bai Chichi called the place where she sent the flyers and told them that she would continue to work tomorrow.    


This job was originally free to go whenever she wanted to and leave whenever she wanted. Hearing that Bai Chichi was coming back, the other party was very happy and even took the initiative to increase her salary.    


The next day, Bai Chichi returned to a simple life.    


What was different from before was that when she stood on the street, she would still think of Situ Qing from time to time.    


Sometimes, when she saw a man's back view like him, she could not help but take a few more glances.    


"You useless fool. I don't like you and look down on you, but you still miss me. " She scolded herself many times in her heart, but she seemed to have gotten used to thinking about him. It was as if she was a passerby. A single sentence could arouse her yearning.    


"Hello! Welcome. . . Afan?" She held a leaflet in her hand and was about to pass it to the man in front of her when she realized that it was Fei Shifan. Her hand froze in midair.    


"It's me. Why did you come here to give out flyers? This job is too hard. " His voice was as warm as usual. It sounded very comfortable.    


"I don't think it's hard. I feel very safe. It just so happens that I'm about to finish sending. There's a small park ahead. Let's go sit for a while and chat. "    


" Okay. "    


The two of them sat down on the wooden chairs in the small park. Bai Chichi asked him, "Did you specially come to find me?"    


If he said that it was a coincidence, she would not believe him. After thinking about it, the first two times he appeared might not be a coincidence.    


There was a saying that Situ Qing was right. Sometimes, she was too naive.    


In order to make him look up to her, no, why did she specially do something to make him look up to her? She wanted to live a better life, so she wanted to become more mature.    


"Yes, I specifically came to find you. Bai Chichi, I came to apologize to you. " Fei Shifan said very calmly.    


" Apologize? You have been helping me. Why would there be an apology? It should be me thanking you. "    


"I lied to you, so I have to apologize. " Fei Shifan looked directly at Bai Chichi. His eyes were sincere and hot, which made Bai Chichi feel a little embarrassed.    


"Actually, this is not the first time I saw you in the bar. I have a good impression of you. You can even say that I have a good impression of you. That's why I got close to you, and I was deliberately trying to trick you "    


His honesty made Bai Chichi feel very surprised. No matter how she thought about it, she could not think of his motive for deliberately lying to her.    


She did not feel anything when Situ Qing said he liked her.    


She only treated him as a friend and did not have any romantic feelings towards him.    


Seeing Bai Chichi not saying a word, Fei Shifan thought that she was still stubborn and angry.    


"Bai Chichi, can you really not forgive me for lying?"    


"No, I am not angry with you at all. I just don't understand why you are doing this. Forget it. It's all in the past. I don't want to know why. " Bai Chichi suddenly felt a little regretful. If he really said that he liked her, she would have to reject him.    


The thing she did not want to do the most was to reject people, not to mention Fei Shifan, who looked so harmless.    


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