Eternal Pill Emperor

C1083 Quiet Waiting for Daylight

C1083 Quiet Waiting for Daylight

Ouyang Huadie left without a sound.    


Even the few Ying Tian Sect disciples guarding the door had no idea when she left.    


Gu Xuan's face became even gloomier.    


Can't you go in the open?    


At least the disciples guarding the gate saw you leave!    


Is there any difference between your way of leaving and not leaving?    


Gu Xuan walked out of the door.    


The disciples all stood straight, but their eyes couldn't help but look around.    


"Even the grand master came out, but that fairy stayed inside?"    


"A person with Hidden Sects was left in such a safe place by the sect master in a forbidden area like Tongtian Tower. Could it be that they really …"    


One by one, the disciples began to imagine.    


Gu Xuan's mouth trembled a few times.    


Even if he didn't know Mind Reading, he could tell what these disciples were thinking.    


"What are you all rolling your eyes for? I told you all to train properly, but you all just wouldn't listen!    


How come none of you have noticed such a huge living being walk out in front of you?    


As Tongtian Tower guards, you are not qualified!    


It should all go down to the Outer Door and be rebuilt, hmph! "    


When Gu Xuan finished speaking, he let out a heavy snort to express his "dissatisfaction" towards the disciples!    


This move could be said to have two birds with one stone.    


He had told the disciples that Ouyang Huadie had already left, and also warned them not to think too much, and believed that they would not dare to speak nonsense.    


The group of disciples that were guarding the gate were stunned.    


That fairy-like person's speed was actually fast to the point that even they didn't notice it?    


Several disciples with thin faces were already blushing.    


Fortunately, they were not enemies. If they were, their corpses would have probably turned cold.    


"I'll return it to you. In the future, you can speak nonsense again. I'll punish you by going to the Outer Door to guard the latrine!"    


Gu Xuan threw a Heaven Rank Spiritual Treasure into the hands of a Master Level disciple.    


This Heaven Rank Spiritual Treasure was something that Ouyang Huadie had gifted to this disciple just now, and yet it was taken away by Gu Xuan.    


The Master Level disciples were overjoyed, and hurriedly caught the Heaven Rank Spiritual Treasure like treasures, hugging it tightly in their embrace, afraid that it would be confiscated again by Gu Xuan.    


"Thank you, Sect Master!"    


The Master Level disciple looked at Gu Xuan respectfully, but Gu Xuan's shadow was nowhere to be seen.    


Pill Domain gate.    


Semi-Saint Withered Grass and his three junior brothers were excitedly guarding this place.    


The snow-white unicorns flew to the trees on both sides of the road and chewed on the colorful flowers.    


The mouths of these unicorns were very sharp. They only ate flowers, and the leaves didn't even touch them.    


If this scene were to fall into the eyes of some alchemist, just by watching from the side, it was likely that their hearts would be pained to death.    


However, the Semi-Saint Withered Grass acted as if he did not see the actions of these unicorns.    


Not to mention that these unicorns only ate a few flowers, even if they overturned the entire soaring tree, they would not complain about it at all.    


What a joke. Hitting a dog depended on the owner.    


This was the Ouyang Family Holy Maiden, Ouyang Huadie's mount!    


Of course, this was not the most important thing.    


Most importantly, when Gu Xuan and Ouyang Huadie met, Ouyang Huadie actually took the initiative to hold Gu Xuan's hand.    


Although Gu Xuan quietly avoided them, but who were Semi-Saint Withered Grass and the rest?    


Smart man!    


And he's a smart person at the Semi-Saint Realm!    


Sect Master Gu Xuan obviously did not want to expose their relationship in front of so many people.    


Thus, the gazes of the four men had been cast in every direction at that time, indicating that they had not seen that scene at all.    


Since he didn't see it, there was no possibility of him being exposed.    


Looking at a One-horned Heavenly Horse which had completed its calamity and then flew to another tree, the Semi-Saint Withered Grass's lips curled up into a smile.    


In his heart, he silently gave himself a Like.    


His three juniors, under his tutelage, became more quick-witted and gave him another Like!    


Sou sou!    


Dressed in white clothes like snow, Ouyang Huadie descended from the sky.    


The eight Single Horned Heavenly Horses obediently descended from the sky, took the initiative to put on their own reins and pulled the carriage over to Ouyang Huadie.    


Look, even the single-horned Heavenly Horses of the Ouyang Family are so different from the others. As expected of a noble family with a hidden clan that is comparable to Middle Elemental Domain!    


Ouyang Huadie looked at the four people of Semi-Saint Withered Grass indifferently, smiled slightly, and sat in the carriage.    


The carriage faced the moonlight and soared into the sky. It was as if it wanted to fly towards the full moon and head towards the Moon Palace. It was extremely beautiful.    


"This girl should only be found in the heavens, how could we ever meet her in the mortal world!"    


The Semi-Saint Withered Grass tugged on the paper.    


"Your taste has changed a lot, Semi-Saint Withered Grass."    


Gu Xuan's figure quietly appeared behind Semi-Saint Withered Grass, startling him.    


"Furthermore, as soon as the sun shines, you will be able to see this fairy's face again."    


Gu Xuan was expressionless.    


Semi-Saint Withered Grass's heart skipped a beat. Not good!    


She herself was staring at Gu Xuan's future Dao-Companion in front of him, and she was even lecturing him lecherously;    


"Master, what? Why are you here?    


When I looked at the moon just now, I couldn't help but think of the Moon Palace and Chang'e.    


Right, those two lines of mine were meant to praise Chang'e! "    


The Semi-Saint Withered Grass forcefully explained.    


"Hur hur."    


Gu Xuan was expressionless.    


The corners of Semi-Saint Withered Grass's mouth twitched. Did the word "haha" mean that he had passed the test?    


Or was the sect head still dissatisfied with him?    


Or what else?    


Semi-Saint Withered Grass fell into deep thought.    


"Stop acting deep. Tomorrow is a big day. All of you, cheer up!"    


Other than that, Semi-Saint Withered Grass, do you have any close friends from other sects that you are familiar with?    


Gu Xuan suddenly asked.    


Semi-Saint Withered Grass was stunned, "Sect Master's thoughts, I can't keep up with them at all! What are you trying to do? "    


"What an idiot!" I have to show you the Pill Dao tomorrow. How big of a sacrifice is that? Since there was a sacrifice, couldn't there be a reward?    


Furthermore, my Ying Tian Sect has been prepared and consumed a lot of manpower and resources. Could it be that it is to serve the guests from all eight directions? "    


Gu Xuan asked.    


Semi-Saint Withered Grass was stunned. The sect master's words were so profound that he could not comprehend it at all.    


Gu Xuan slapped his forehead.    


"Since you came to my Pill Domain to watch the show, shouldn't you give me a present? "Listen, do this for me..."    


Gu Xuan transmitted to Semi-Saint Withered Grass and talked for a long time.    


Semi-Saint Withered Grass's eyes lit up.    


A light of admiration!    


Sect Master, Peerless Genius is doing the same!    


Under Semi-Saint Withered Grass's gaze of admiration, Gu Xuan left.    


He came to the Pill-Refining Master Guild.    


When the crowd of pill refiners saw Gu Xuan, they were so excited that they were at a loss of what to do.    


Of course, even if they did not meet Gu Xuan, they would still be very excited.    


When daybreak arrives and noon arrives, it would be the time both Pill Domain and the establishment of the Pill-Refining Master Guild.    


At that time, Gu Xuan would reveal his Pill Dao for all the alchemists to see.    


Moreover, he would be able to answer all the Pill Dao's questions for the alchemists here.    


In the end, there would be a pill refining competition, with Gu Xuan as the judge.    


This was without a doubt a gathering of Pill Dao!    


As for them, how could they not be excited when they were fortunate enough to be able to participate in such a large Pill Dao gathering?    


After finding out about Gu Xuan's arrival, the first thing Gongsun Shanyang and the Great Grandmaster Wan Hua did was come out to welcome him.    


"Is everything ready?" Gu Xuan asked.    


"Rest assured Guild Leader, everything is ready. Nothing will go wrong."    


Great Grandmaster Wan Hua patted his chest as he promised.    


"That's good. Tomorrow might not be a peaceful day. Once the notice is given, everyone must be extremely alert. "    


Gu Xuan turned into a great hall.    


Gongsun Shanyang frowned, since Gu Xuan had said so, then it would not be "I'm afraid it will not be peaceful", rather it would definitely not be "peaceful".    


In other words, there would be someone causing trouble tomorrow?    


He didn't ask too much. If Gu Xuan wanted to say it, then he didn't need to ask.    


If he didn't want to say it, then there was no use in asking.    


Great Grandmaster Wan Hua did not understand the hidden meaning in Gu Xuan's words, and continued to talk about it. He talked about the Alchemist performance segment and Pill Monarch's Pill Ancestor performance segment, and Gongsun Shanyang really wanted to beat him up.    


After looking around the Pill-Refining Master Guild for a while, Gu Xuan quietly strengthened his Protection Barrier and left.    


He had done what he needed to do. Everything he needed to do, he could only wait for daybreak.    


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