Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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I watched my three slaves from behind them, watching Adele turn their asses red. It was a hard spanking, both Lisa and Julia crying during it, even used to me doing it regularly. Their buttocks moved with the fluid shock as the paddle walloped their delectable bottoms. I was naked, and could have fucked them immediately, I was that excited, but I gave it another ten or fifteen minutes of staring at the three asses, allowing a little of my ardor to die.    


I didn't say anything to Julia before slamming into her cunt. She climaxed immediately, ripe and ready to cum. Rhonda and Lisa were the same way. Neither of them made five strokes in their cunts before they climaxed. Starting over with Julia, it took longer to cum the second time. Still less than a minute, I wager, but contracting deliciously on my prick as they spasmed. God, I wanted to fuck them bad. I'd gone without relief except masturbation for over a week, watching video and photos of them getting fucked six ways to Sunday. They were such delicious and precious creatures. I used their asses next, fucking long deep strokes into their soft, reddened buttocks. I was so aroused, I could barely last until Lisa orgasmed, cumming before she did, as hard as I tried resisting the urge. Thankfully, I managed to keep fucking her until she orgasmed.    


I would have loved fucking them again, taking them to my bedroom and using them until my cock fell off, but I hardened myself for what came next. I left them there, wondering what had just happened, telling Adele not to release them until supper, then put them under the table to serve everyone, man or woman. When Julia was sucking Sam's cock, I tried to keep up a conversation with Zoe and Cindy, but I kept getting distracted by the sight of his cock buried in her mouth. Even Cindy couldn't keep my full attention.    


"Are you sure you know what you're doing, Master Scott?" Zoe asked quietly.    


"As sure as anything I've ever done in my life," I replied. "Do you have the new paperwork prepared?"    


"Yes, sir. It's ready for the ceremony. What if you're wrong?"    


"Then I never owned her in the first place and this has all been a beautiful dream."    


I could tell Sam was cumming down Julia's throat. He glanced at me and I waved his questions off. Knowing in my heart Julia would look at me when she finished cleaning his cock, I grabbed Zoe and planted a big kiss on her, surprising her, but immediately responding as a slave should. I watched out of the corner of my eye and Julia did look at me, wondering what I was thinking. I was thinking she was the most beautiful slave in the world. Julia moved on to Cindy who scooted forward on her chair and spread her legs.    


"What was that for?" Zoe said, pantingly when I released her lips.    


"Trying to act nonchalant," I said, whispering. "I hope I was successful."    


It didn't take long for Cindy to cum. She was a slave now, another beautiful slave who somehow managed to love me, as wrong as that was. Julia moved to me next, Lisa having taken Zoe before Cindy climaxed.    


"I would hope you haven't forgotten how to suck cock," I said. "You've had enough practice while I was gone."    


God knows I'd watched every moment I could.    


"No, Master. I haven't forgotten."    


Somewhat guiltily, I believed as she thought of who she'd been fucking for eleven days. By my count, it was twelve different men, including her father and mine, plus a lot of women as well. She'd only done as she was told, and enjoyed every second of it like a sex slave should.    


She was giving me the most exquisite cock sucking I could remember. Making use of every skill she'd learned and practiced; her intimate knowledge of me and my reactions. When I finally orgasmed, it felt the top of my prick had cum off, opening flood gates of cum. I rested my hand on her head, as much to steady me as to hold her. I was grunting, unable to control myself, on fire as I sent pulse after pulse into her mouth, lovingly situated where she would taste every drop of my seed. I shivered as she milked me after, savoring every drop.    


"Very good, slave," I said, patting her face. I wanted to pull her out from under the table, throw her down on it and fuck hell out of her again. I resisted the impulse, not because it would have shocked a single soul, but I needed to keep my slave guessing.    


"Thank you, Master."    


She moved on to Brianna, giving her two orgasms, Brianna telling my slave she belonged to her tonight, feeding her. It seemed Julia took no delight in her food, a delicious beef Bourgouinon, chewing and swallowing almost without interest. I tried to focus my attention on my dinner companions again, hard as it was not to look at Julia, appearing forlorn and despondent. Lisa and Rhonda were fed by Monique and Adele. I'd given up control of my slaves for the night. They would be used by someone else tonight.    


The meal finally finished, I said, "My slaves still have a substantial number of punishments to undergo. William, would you like to spank each of my three slaves thirty swats each. You spank yours every single day. I'm quite sure you're good at it. And if you need to fuck one afterward, feel free, except for Rhonda. She's off limits for cocks."    


"Don't mind if I do," William said. "You have exquisite slaves."    


"Let's adjourn to the living room," I said. "Will you be using your hand or the paddle?"    


"I prefer my hand," Bill said.    


"I love a hand spanking myself," I said. "To feel their soft, firm butts move under it, turn red, feel the warmth rising up from their bottom as you bring the heat."    


Bill smiled at me. He kissed his slave. "Yes, I enjoy the same thing. To feel the heat off her ass as I fuck her afterward, so nice and warm against my groin."    


"Completely agree. Why don't you start with the one you can't fuck, and end with either of the ones you can. Their ass will still be nice and warm."    


"Thank you, Scott. I appreciate it."    


I see Bill had decided I knew what I was doing. Everyone still in the dining room adjourned to the living room except those assigned to clean up. Soon, others started drifting in, the underground messaging system which seemed to work so well. Slaves were being punished, other slaves came to watch. I wonder if they wished it were them, or glad it wasn't.    


William sat in the throne-like chair and called Rhonda over.    


"Over the knee, slave, hands and feet on the floor, and may I say you have a spectacular ass."    


"Thank you, Master."    


"Keep count for me."    


"Yes, sir."    


Bill gave Rhonda a brisk spanking, measured and deliberate. Rhonda tolerated it well. She got teary eyed, as she had with the paddle when Adele was wielding it, but not sobbing. Julia and Lisa were whispering, waiting for their turn. I wonder what they were whispering about. Bill's cock was hard by the time he was finished. He said next and Julia went to him going over his knee. So it would be Lisa getting fucked. I'm not sure it was a great improvement, but at least she wasn't my wife. He directed Rhonda to remain kneeling nearby until he was finished.    


Julia bent over Bill's lap, his erection rubbing against her hip. William smacked Julia just as measured and deliberate as he'd done Rhonda. She too got tears in her eyes, but managed to avoid sobbing.    


"Thank you, sir," she said, when he was finished.    


"Remain kneeling as I finish with your friend."    


"Yes, sir." She moved close to Rhonda, her slave, and laid her head on her shoulder.    


Lisa went over Bill's lap. A drop of pre-cum was on the tip of his prick. She bent over his lap, hands and feet on the floor, which due to her lower height, really made her bottom thrust upward. There was dew on her pussy from the stimulation she had already.    


"Mmm, this is the sweet pussy I'm going to be fucking," Bill said, running his hands over her bottom.    


"Yes, Master, it is."    


"You're so wet for me, aren't you slave?"    


"No offense, Master, but I'm wet for everyone."    


Bill laughed. "An honest answer, I suspect."    


William spanked Lisa as hard as he spanked the others, his hand coming down slow and methodical. Her butt bounced under his hand, coming down with each stroke, then popping back up to take the next stroke. He finished the spanking and pulled her to the chair, bracing her hands on the arm, getting behind her and sliding into her wet sheath slick as silk. Within three strokes, Lisa was requesting permission to cum. It was granted, Bill stopping his motion while her tensing continued, then pumping away when it stopped. He fucked her five more minutes and she moaned into another orgasm, requesting permission. William stopped thrusting, enjoying her convulsing over his cock. Waited until it stopped, then kept right on fucking her. My littlest slave climaxed four times on Bill's prick before he froze except for the flexing of his shaft as his balls pumped her full of his cum.    


When he pulled out of Lisa, I said, "Julia clean his cock. Don't leave it for his own slave to clean up after your sister slave. Rhonda, you can clean Lisa."    


Julia looked at me for maybe three seconds, then started sucking his cock clean.    


When it looked like it was done, I ordered her to keep going. "You offered him a blow job at Christmas, slave. He's waited a long time for it. Don't disappoint me. I want you to give him one as good as what I got at dinner."    


She glanced my way again, still confused by my choices. I could almost feel her eyes piercing me. She pulled off his cock and for a moment, I thought she was going to refuse.    


She looked up at Bill. "Master William, if I must obey my Master, it would be better for you to sit. I wouldn't want you to stand too long and become tired. Miss Evelyn, when your husband cums in my mouth, I would be happy to share it with you should you wish."    


Evelyn looked at her Master and he nodded.    


"I would like that very much."    


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