Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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I received three e-mails from Julia around 10:30, another couple from Lisa twenty minutes later. I looked at every second of the video footage and every photo. It was hard, but I forced myself, even stroking my own cock as I watched, cumming twice, streams of cum shooting up my chest and belly as I caressed my cock to their moaning orgasms on the cocks of their temporary Masters.    


The video of my squirming slave speared by both Jerry and Marcus was particularly difficult to watch, though it also caused my most violent orgasm. Julia was in her element, cumming constantly on the two massive dicks penetrating her, the look of extreme ecstasy on her face making it worthwhile for me. I'd been making purchases and plans for the bonding ceremony earlier in the evening, trying not to imagine what was going on, but this was as good a way to end the day as any other. I wasn't lying to Julia when I said my imagination was worse than whatever material I watched later.    


Not only could I see she wasn't hurt, but enjoying herself in the arms of her lovers, my little slave slut. I had to admit to myself, sometimes the kisses she rewarded them with hurt more than the fucking did. I admitted to myself she was a loving woman who freely shared her kisses with those who gave her pleasure, man or woman. Jerry or Marcus would be no different in that regard than Lisa or Rhonda. It was no more a show of love any more than a handshake to me, though it was one of affection. How could you not feel affection for the person who gave you so much pleasure.    


Before I went to sleep, I considered the surprise I'd cooked up for them tomorrow and had to masturbate once more to the fanciful visions I imagined.    




Jerry fucked me again in the morning, using my hungry cunt again, Rhonda cleaning me off and his slave taking care of him. He was gone by 7:30 and Lisa joined me soon after, almost as if they were on a schedule. Sandy called and said she was making chili and to ice down three six packs of beer, which seemed an awful lot for five people, one of whom wouldn't drink too much due to working tonight. Perhaps she was leaving some with us and wanted us to have cold spares for leftovers. There was a pause like she wanted to say more, but hung up after a few seconds without saying another word. We did as we were asked, then took a shower. Both of us needing one and Master warned us to cleanse our asses this morning.    


I was feeding Lucas when I got a call from Shasta. "Hello, Shasta what's up?"    


"You were right."    


"Right about what."    


"Right about ass fucking. Sean fucked my ass last night and again this morning. It was wonderful. I was so surprised how much I enjoyed it."    


"I'm so happy for you, Shasta. You have the second largest number of nerve endings in your ass, second only to your clitoris. It's only getting used to the idea of doing it and preparing for it beforehand."    


"Well, I'm glad you talked me into it. I'm thinking of letting Sean cum in my mouth during our training session on Monday evening."    


"I'm sure Sean will enjoy his Mistress taking care of him in such a way. Have you told him yet?"    


"No. Still not sure if I can. I want it to be a surprise if I do."    


I had a sudden idea. "Would you like to thank Mr. Thornhill for his generosity by fucking him?"    


"He don't want me fucking him in return for his gifts."    


"That's true, and if you were doing it for him, I'm sure he'd object, but I'd be willing to bet he'd gladly do it if it were for you instead of him."    


"What do you mean?" Shasta asked, intrigued.    


"Well, now that you know you can enjoy anal sex, you could undergo a double penetration, but you only have one slave. If instead of offering yourself to him, you asked for his help in giving you something you'd like to try. He's more likely accept if it's for you instead of him."    


"You mean tell him I want to try two dicks and I'd like for one to be his?"    


"Yes, you need his help; you're not prostituting yourself for his gifts."    


"Okay, I see what you mean. He's helping me get something I want. He's being generous to me again."    


"Exactly. Provided his arrangement with his wife/slave allows it, I'm sure he'd accept. I suspect they allow some interplay with others. Sam and Bill have shared their slaves."    


"Now I'm having sex again and enjoying it, that sounds like a lot of fun."    


"You could let him fuck your cunt and Sean fuck your ass because he's already done it a couple times and knows how you like it."    


"And you think I'll like it?"    


"Oh, yes, the only barrier to enjoying two cocks at one time is whether or not you like anal sex. I had one last night from the two longest, thickest cocks I know. You wouldn't believe how many times I orgasmed. There's no other reason not to try it. It's kind of like fucking with a plug in your ass, except they both move. It's great. You can offer your slave to Mrs. Thornhill in thanks for his help."    


"Thanks. It sounds like a good idea. I might try it."    


"I want to tell you there will be other people with us on Monday and Tuesday night. They won't bother you or interfere with your training at all, and you don't have to do anything in front of them. The one on Tuesday night is another female Dominant with a male slave. She's coming from Portland, Oregon for our bonding ceremony and her slave wanted to see his ex-wife. So we're inviting them to spend the night and his wife for supper so they can spend some time together. I just want you to know."    


"Okay. Who's coming Monday?"    


"A waitress friend who I owe an oral orgasm to. Her husband wants to watch."    


"Her husband wants to watch her cum on another woman's tongue? Isn't he afraid his wife turn out to be lesbian and she leave him for a woman?"    


"I guess not," I laughed. "Most women know if they're attracted to other women by now. I think she's only doing it for her husband. I've offered to repay her before and she's not taken me up on it. She had to tell her husband how she met us and why they were invited to our bonding ceremony."    


"How did you meet her," Shasta asked, "and how come you owe her a climax?"    


"It was just after my slavery started and Master gave me a task to perform. I had a seduce a sales clerk in a clothing store, licking her pussy and getting her to lick mine. If I couldn't seduce her to lick me, I had to wear a Slave Trainer all during our dinner out without any orgasms. If I seduced one into allowing me to lick her, I could have two orgasms, but only if I sucked Master off under the table to earn it. If she also licked me, I could have unlimited orgasms. I only earned the two orgasms so I was suffering quite a lot. Our waitress noted my suffering and asked for the reason. I told her I couldn't get a sales clerk to lick me. She offered to lick me herself if Master removed my orgasm restrictions. Master agreed and she met me in the ladies room and took care of me. You know me. It doesn't take any time for me to cum. Because she was working, she didn't want to let me do the same for her, plus she's strictly heterosexual. If she was lesbian or bi, she might have taken the chance anyway."    


"What's a Slave Trainer?" Shasta asked.    


"It's a vibrator device a female slave wears, which has a phallic protuberance which goes in our cunt and also has a piece with stimulates the clit. It brings you right to the edge of an orgasm, then turns itself off. Turns itself back on when it recognizes your arousal level drops, keeps doing it over and over without ever letting you cum. The battery lasts about two and a half hours before it has to be recharged. Master keeps a second one charged so he can immediately replace it. It's the worst punishment he gives us. Worse than the worst spanking I've ever had. You can try one out if you want to see how it works."    


"Sounds like hell."    


"I've damned the inventor who made it to hell often," I laughed. "At least if you try it, you don't have to leave it on."    


"Well, I'll see you tomorrow."    


"Of course. Thanks for calling and sharing your good news."    


I told Lisa about the call as I changed diapers, then Lisa took him to his nursery.    


At eleven precisely, our doorbell rang. Outside was not only Sandy and Dan, but my parents and Lisa's. I suddenly realized what was likely to happen today, and it was far more than fucking Dan and Sandy. Sandra looked at me apologetically.    


"I wanted to warn you, but Master prohibited me to say anything," Sandy said.    


Dan was carrying a huge pot of chili. The reason for three six packs of beer and her pause in conversation apparent. It would only be two bottles of beer per person. Lisa looked as scared as I felt.    


Everyone crowded in, my parents giving me kisses on the cheek as did Lisa's. They asked about the baby and were told she was down at the moment, but they still snuck into her bedroom to watch her sleep. They spent ten minutes watching her sleep. Mary and Marge came back out and helped us move our stuff from the kitchen table to the dining room and put out four additional place settings.    


Rhonda, Lisa and I served the food to everyone. We put out some oyster crackers and saltines to go with the chili and poured beers. We were naked. We were always naked at home and our parents had become used to it. Mere nudity didn't scare me, but I didn't think their invitation to be present was a coincidence. I believed Master wanted us to fuck.    


We sat down after everyone had their food and Master Dan stood up, clinking on his glass. Oh, no, here it came.    


"May I have everyone's attention please." He waited until everyone quieted down.    


"Before we get started on this great chili my slave wife has prepared, I would like to propose a toast to our son's slaves and to our mutual grandchild and all the ones to come. I also have a piece of news which most or none of you might know about."    


He had everyone's attention. They were perfectly willing to toast us and their grandchild.    


"Under California Law, Penal Code 285, the statute which governs incest in our state; incest can only occur from the penetration of a prohibited person's penis of a prohibited female vagina. Now Harold, that means you can't fuck your daughter's cunt, which I'm sure you already knew. What it also means is you can fuck her mouth or her ass. And Mary, your daughter can lick your cunt and vice versa without being in contravention of the law."    


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