Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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I suppose I wasn't surprised when Master invited the two bus drivers to join us. I assumed it meant they'd be fucking us too, so I looked them over. The smaller of the two, Rodrigo, was just over my height and wiry, though he looked strong enough to manhandle bags of luggage from the bus. The other fellow, Lester, looked to be in his late forties. He had a bald patch and some white and gray hairs mixed in with the black. He didn't appear to have a waist, as wide in the stomach as his hips, but it widened to a solid looking chest. He looked a little overweight, but not overly so.    


We went to our room and put on the clothes we'd purchased with Sandy's help. My dress was a translucent green with a scooped neckline which actually went under my breasts, covering nothing. The skirt portion went to my ankles, but was slit to the waist over both of my legs, with a six inch wide piece of fabric over my sex. If I stood still, I was adequately covered down below, but as soon as I started walking, it was clear I was naked beneath it. My legs moving through the slits exposing my bare cunt as the center panel swirled with my stride. Only the underwear which weren't, went on below the dresses. The faux pearls running through our slits, teasing our clits, and no impediment to anything which would go into our cunts. Between it and my hood piercing, my pussy was sloshing.    


Lisa's dress was red, with transparent panels interspersed with opaque running on a diagonal cut throughout the dress, but where most dresses use the opaque panels to cover you strategically, the transparent panels instead exposed every asset you possessed. It was the opaque which covered nothing worthwhile. The back was scooped and open half way down her bottom, leaving it bare. Rhonda had a white beaded Demi cup brassiere which was open in front exposing her big, long sensitive nipples. Her bottom was a sheer, white, micro miniskirt barely extending to the bottom of her slit and crack, leaving her less than covered even if it wasn't sheer. Essentially, she was naked, with a bit of fabric covering nothing. We looked sexy as hell though, which was the effect we sought.    


We had on our best slave jewelry including metal collars and cuffs. It was quite an entrance we made when Zoe escorted us to the pool. We stood next to Cindy and Sandy, both of whom were going through their own bonding ceremonies today. I looked around and most of the people had chosen to go naked. Sharon and Phil still had clothes on, as did Gwen and Sherman, Wendy, and the two bus drivers. Everyone else was naked, including Shasta and Sarah. Brianna's slaves with the exception of Lucia were intermingled with the guests, carrying trays of drinks and hors d'oeuvres for everyone. They had red ribbons wrapped around their collars so everyone knew they could be approached for help. The naked men were all showing signs of arousal, though I didn't yet see an erect cock among them. Lucia was sitting near her Mistress. The nature of her pregnancy and the difficulty she'd had getting pregnant leading her to be prescribed lots of rest.    


There was a raised platform which had been set up, about two feet above the ground, so everyone would have a good view of the proceedings. It had an arm extended over the top which reminded me of a gallows. Chains dangled down from it instead of ropes. A good place to display slaves. I shivered.    


At ten, Brianna went to the platform and called for everyone's attention again. The chatter died down quickly and she called Cindy to the stage.    


"This is Cindy Rivers, who last January, agreed to submit to me as my sex slave, her slave cunt, ass and mouth owned by me, subject to my whims and desires. It was a loose slavery, a test of her desire to be a slave and mine to be her Mistress. I find her to be a lovely slave who I wish to make a permanent part of my harem. This is the last time I will ask it of you. Do you still wish to remain my slave?"    


"Yes, Mistress. I wish to remain your slave."    


"Mr. and Mrs. Rivers," she said addressing Master's parents, "we don't often have parents here for our ceremonies. Do you agree your daughter is of an age and of sound mind where she may willingly submit to me in servitude."    


"Her parents agree Cindy can submit to you as she desires," Dan said, speaking for both. "She is obviously a slave, who requires a strong Dominant to control her. She chooses a Mistress as her Dominant."    


Brianna smiled at them. "Cindy, your old paperwork is now null and void." She took Cindy's old slave agreement and handed it to Zoe who put it in a shredder. "This is your new agreement. As we've previously discussed, in order to break your submission in the future, you must give me written notice and it requires either my permission, or a waiting period of three months if I don't wish to grant you permission. For that three months, you can expect to be used as my slave. You've also agreed to have your clitoral hood pierced. We'll be doing the piercing here in front of everyone. Have you any questions?"    


"No, Mistress."    


"Please sign the paperwork and kneel."    


Cindy signed her new slave agreement and Brianna signed it and Zoe notarized it. Brianna gave her a new collar, with a locking mechanism. Everyone could hear the click as it locked. Cindy was happily crying, knowing she was a slave.    


"Kiss my feet, then lick my cunt, slave."    


"Yes, Mistress." Cindy bent low over her Mistress's feet and kissed them, then knelt up to lick Brianna's cunt. Brianna had her keep licking until she orgasmed, drenching Cindy's face in her fluids. Most of the men had erections now. Without wiping her face clean, Monique and Adele fastened Cindy in an X and they tightened everything until she had no slack and couldn't move.    


Monique had a tray containing everything she needed to do Cindy's piercing. My own clit began throbbing in concert with the Cindy's preparations. I was always aroused now, the piercing bad enough, but the balls Master had attached to it kept me continuously stimulated. The only time I wasn't conscious of it was when I was sleeping. Zoe gave Cindy two orgasms by licking her needy slave cunt before Monique sanitized her pussy and used the padded forceps to grip her clit. She held it out of the hood with one hand while Adele pinched the hood and ran the curved needle through it. There was quick gasp from Cindy as the needle pierced her. Then Adele dropped the needle in the tray and a curved ring was inserted in the hole. Monique released her clit and it slowly receded, rubbing against the metal ring.    


"This slave is off limits for three days to allow her piercing to heal," Monique announced. "No one is to have sex with her until Tuesday at noon. Of course, she's still available to pleasure others at my direction."    


Monique held a mirror to Cindy's crotch so she could inspect her new slave jewelry, finally releasing her. Brianna took a seat in front of the stage and called her new slave to pleasure her again.    


The next one to get on the platform was Master Dan. He called Sandra up on the platform with him and she knelt at his feet as a slave should, open and exposed.    


"This slave has been my wife for over thirty-five years. The best thing I ever did in my life was making her my wife. The second best thing was making her my slave. She did so part-time for a number of years as it was something I attempted to keep from my children. Fat lot of good it did, keeping it from them, as I have a Dominant son with three slaves of his own and a submissive daughter. But they reached this point on their own without any encouragement from me, so that's good. Since I no longer had to hide it from anyone, she recently agreed to be my full time slave, and I have to say the last five months are as good as any five months of our marriage. We're like newlywed's again, fucking constantly.    


"I wasn't always the best husband I could have been, but she forgave me for any pain I caused her, more pain than she deserved and more forgiveness than I deserved. I hope I've made it up to her a hundredfold. I always tried to be the best Master I could be, and hopefully, that's been good enough for her to agree to bond here with me today.    


"Sandra, do you agree to be my sex slave from this day forth, to submit your will to mine, to obey me in all things, to be the sexy slut I love and cherish, to be my most treasured possession, until death takes one or both of us."    


"I do, Master, with all my heart, body and soul."    


"For no earthly reason why I can think of, I believe you. You make a man mighty damn happy, slave. Give me your right hand."    


She held out her right hand and Master Dan slipped a ring over her right ring finger. I was too far away to see what it was, but it didn't glitter, so I couldn't tell if it had a stone.    


"You may suck my cock now, slave," Dan said, and smiling widely, Sandy did as he asked in front of everyone present.    


Sucked every inch of his manly cock, his balls, bobbing back and forth on his root until her Master grunted and flooded her mouth with his cum.    


"Because I love this slave so much and know how much she craves sex, I'm offering her slave services to anyone who wishes to partake of her holes from now until three this afternoon. She'll be wandering around among the our gathered company and if you wish to use her, be my guest."    


"Do you mind if I go first, Dan?" Brianna asked. "Since I've enjoyed the daughter, I'd like to see how the mother stacks up."    


"Not at all," Dan laughed. "You should get some kind or reward for throwing this little shindig."    


Sandy went over to Brianna and took her daughter's place in pleasing Brianna's pussy. It wasn't long before Edward found her unoccupied cunt and pushed into it, taking care not to disturb Sandra's concentration on Brianna. Sandy was moaning in no time.    


It was my turn next. I got up on the platform and called my slave to join me. She knelt at my feet.    


"Rhonda, it was unfortunate circumstances which brought you into my life, but as bad as those circumstances were, I found the reward of finding you to be worth every bit of it. I never thought I might end up with my own slave as a result of it. I can't begin to tell you and everyone else here how glad I am you responded to our call. Wendy, would you do me a great favor and join us on the platform?"    


Wendy pointed to herself with wide eyes, suddenly afraid she was going to be in the spotlight. She shook her head no and stepped back a couple paces, suddenly conscious everyone was looking at her.    


"Please, Wendy," I said. "You were the only one of your family who chose to come today and I know it meant a good deal to your sister for you to be here. I know you're uncomfortable being here and I promise not to embarrass you too much."    


She was still shaking her head when Shasta spoke a few words to her. She looked at her sister as Shasta spoke and eventually moved in our direction, though looking like she could jack rabbit at any moment.    


She came up the steps and stopped about three feet away.    


"I met Rhonda when she responded to my rapist shooting up my house. She was calm, collected; a rock in the middle of chaos. She was initially attracted to our friend, Lucia, not yet aware of her submissive qualities. When she learned she might be submissive, she chose me from all of the people she might have chosen, despite my being both wife and slave to my own Master and knowing she would have to submit to him as she did to me.    


"Rhonda comes from a fairly large family," I said, "and they disapprove of Rhonda's lifestyle, both that she's a lesbian and a submissive. I won't fault them for their beliefs. We're all raised to believe in some things, however right or wrong those things might seem to others. For a long time, many people believed in racial slavery, in the inequality of the races, or the sexes, or whatever else it's possible to believe in. Rhonda became a police officer, something not always appreciated by others, even of her own race given the Black Lives Matter movement in the past few years. Being black and a police officer is difficult. Being a woman in a male dominated organization is difficult. Being a lesbian in our politically divided society is difficult. Admitting to being a submissive and being subservient to a woman, and a white woman on top of it is difficult. Being all those things despite the opposition of your family is extremely difficult.    


"Going into dangerous situations every day she works as all of those things, willing to give her life to others despite all the hatred and prejudice she faces, makes Rhonda a heroine and I am so lucky, so grateful, to know her and love her and accept her submission. I consider her my friend, my lover, and as important to me as anyone else in my life.    


"Wendy, what your sister is doing here today is what we call a bonding ceremony. It has as much weight to us as marriage does. If I could marry her, I would, but I'm already married and bigamy is a crime. This is the only way I have to show her how much she means to me and everyone else in my family. As such, it's of great ceremonial importance to us. I want Rhonda to know how much I care for her and as your family's only representative to these proceedings, I'd like you to give her away, almost like the father of the bride. Would you be willing to do so for us. I know it would mean a great deal to Rhonda."    


She looked at her sister, kneeling on the platform at my feet. Rhonda was crying, in joy, I hoped.    


She nodded and said, "I'll give her away."    


"Thank you," I said. "Thank you for coming and thank you for participating. Rhonda, please stand and display."    


She leaped to her feet and displayed for me, her Domina. I removed what few clothes she had, baring her body to the audience. I handed the clothes to Wendy, as well as a ring box which I told her to give to me when I asked for it. I hooked a leash to her collar and handed the end to Wendy. She looked a little startled to be holding a leash with her naked sister at the end of it.    


"Please kneel, slave," I said and Rhonda got on her knees once more.    


Then I knelt down facing her. "Rhonda, we'll both be kneeling to my Master shortly and while I'm your Domina, I'm also your sister slave. I want to make my vow to you while I'm kneeling. As much as you kneel to me in submission, I kneel to you for your courage, your love and your perseverance in the face of all you confront every day. Could I please have the ring."    


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