Young Madam Has Multiple Identities

C551 He Can Plant It Himself

C551 He Can Plant It Himself

Su Wan didn't have any classes this afternoon. She felt bored when she went home, so she went to the flower market to buy some seeds to plant. As soon as she went out, she met Di Zongxu, who was wrapped up tightly.    


Di Zongxu had obviously been waiting at the door for a long time. When he saw Su Wan come out, he quickly went to greet her.    


"Why are you here?"    


Su Wan knew that Di Zongxu did not have any ill intentions towards her. After these few days of contact, she had already figured out that this legendary high and cold movie king was a sis-con demon in private!    


These days, Di Zongxu had basically been filming or making announcements. Whenever he was free, he would send a message to her. Although Su Wan would reply to him half-heartedly every time, Di Zongxu still replied seriously as if he was reading and understanding. He had truly done everything with a response and every single one of them had a plan.    


"My scenes for today have already been filmed, because it ended early. My manager gave me half a day off so that I can walk around. Anyway, my sister doesn't have any classes in the afternoon. Why don't we go and have some fun together? We can also get to know each other. "    


Every time Di Zongxu saw Su Wan, he felt that she was cuter than the last time he saw her. Her voice was light and cheerful. Su Wan seemed to be able to see his sparkling eyes through her sunglasses.    


Reasonably speaking, if it wasn't for his handsome face, she would feel that the man in front of her was an idiot.    


"I can do it, but where did you get my class schedule?"    


Su Wan did not think it was a big deal. Anyway, she was playing by herself. Bringing Di Zongxu along was also playing. Furthermore, there were people paying to carry their bags today. Why not?    


But how did Di Zongxu know that he did not have lessons? This was a problem!    


"It was given to me by Fourth Brother. He has very detailed information over there." Facing his sister's inquiry, Di Zongxu sold Di Yechen without thinking.    


With his sister, what was a little brother?    


He couldn't eat and couldn't use.    


When Di Yechen first came to the capital, he had already sent people to find out Su Wan's identity. After finding out her name, he easily got all kinds of information about Su Wan, in order to know when Su Wan had the time to gamble with him. He directly sent people to find Su Wan's class schedule.    




Su Wan's mouth twitched. She secretly calculated how she would extort a sum from Di Yechen next time to let her vent her anger.    


"Then where are we going to play?"    


Di Zongxu felt that Su Wan did not reject him, and the smile on his face became even wider.    


His sister did not reject him. It seemed to be a good sign. His brother and Liu were all expressionless, and his fourth brother obviously only wanted to bet on his sister. This way, he would be the one who had the easiest relationship with his sister!    


Su Wan did not know what Di Zongxu was planning in his heart. She just looked at her phone and felt that it was still early, so she could still hang out with Di Zongxu for a while.    


"I'm going to buy some flowers. It's almost the final exam, so I need to make some preparations."    


Although Nine Pastry's vest was said to have been found out by Shi Beisheng, the fewer people who knew, the better. Di Zongxu was a crazy fan of his younger sister. If he knew Nine Pastry's fake identity, it would be terrible if he suddenly helped her spread the news one day.    


Di Zongxu had a high reputation, but she didn't dare to take advantage of this popularity. It was not easy for him to set up a strong female character.    




Di Zongxu did not have any objections. To be able to be with his sister, not to mention shopping to buy flowers and seeds, even if he rolled up his pants and planted them himself, it would not be a problem!    


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