My Reborn Wife Is Delicately Pretty

C361 Her Hands Would Soften When Eating Human Food

C361 Her Hands Would Soften When Eating Human Food

Big Brother and Ye Junhao were sworn enemies. He had never given anything to Ye Junhao.    


Very quickly, Li Dongqing lowered her voice and asked, "Big brother, do you like her?"    


"How is that possible? Is your big brother the kind of person who is blind? How can I possibly like her? You think too much. Big brother just said that... It was Big Brother who ate a few pieces of her snack and didn't want to owe her a favor. I'll return her favor a hundred times more. "    


Li Dongqing clearly did not believe it but Zhou Mengzhu came out with the soup and she did not want to continue.    


Zhou Mengzhu and this pair of siblings did not have anything to say to each other. She felt guilty and was willing to let Li Dongyang come over to freeload on food.    


Li Dongqing had a dirty face the entire time and Zhou Mengzhu originally wanted to care about this little girl who lacked love but when she saw that her face was stiff, she was too lazy to use her hot face to stick to her cold butt.    


Li Dongqing was used to being held by others and thought that Zhou Mengzhu would coax her when she put on a dirty face. Who knew that Zhou Mengzhu only cared about eating and did not have any intention of coaxing her at all.    


She looked at her big brother again. Just now, he was disgusted that Zhou Mengzhu's braised pork was too greasy, but in the end, he ate the most.    


Having been brother and sister for 16 years, Li Dongqing only found out today that her brother actually liked to eat braised pork.    


Seeing that both of them were busy eating, no one coaxed her. The food was getting lesser and lesser, and Li Dongqing was really hungry again. She had no choice but to put down the rack and eat her meal, resigned to her fate.    


After tasting the dishes that Zhou Mengzhu cooked, although they were all very common home cooking dishes, the most expensive ones were the plate of braised pork and a steamed bass. The other dishes were either vegetable dishes. Or vegetables, but they were especially delicious.    


Li Dongqing's mood changed as she ate. Her actions of picking vegetables also became faster and faster because she realized that when her big brother fought over vegetables with her, he was very impolite and did not even show any courtesy to her little sister.    


Zhou Mengzhu thought that the Li Family siblings could not eat the food she prepared, but in the end, they ate all the dishes and the soup.    


"Zhou Mengzhu, if you don't want to be a secretary, I can provide you with a job. Go to my house and cook for me. It is to be a chef."    


Li Dongyang put down the chopsticks in satisfaction.    


Li Dongqing also nodded.    


Zhou Mengzhu said as she cleaned up the bowl and chopsticks, "Director Li is really a person with too many people who forget things. I have been unemployed for so many years and almost wanted to wander the streets. It was all thanks to Director Li."    


He even provided her with a job. Now she wanted to stay far away from him, hoping that he would forget the matter of her tearing off his pants.    


Li Dongqing pricked up her ears. Big brother caused Zhou Mengzhu to almost wander the streets?    


What happened between the two of them?    


Li Dongqing was very curious but did not dare to ask big brother.    


"Don't you have a job now?"    


Li Dongyang stood up and helped to clean up. Zhou Mengzhu looked at him in surprise. She did not expect the dignified young master of Li Family to help her clean up the bowls and chopsticks.    


Realizing what he was doing, Li Dongyang found an excuse to help. "Eating human food will make your hands go soft. Help me clean up the bowls and chopsticks. I don't feel like I owe money."    


Li Dongqing reminded her big brother, "Big brother, you have already given her a lot of food and drinks. The debt of kindness you owe is even paid back with interest. How can you owe her money?"    


Li Dongyang glared at his sister.    


Li Dongqing, who was glared at, was very innocent.    


What she said was the truth.    


Zhou Mengzhu put the bowls and chopsticks into the kitchen. She turned her head and saw Li Dongyang following her in. She simply handed the apron to Li Dongyang. Li Dongyang raised his eyebrows and said, "If you don't want to feel like you owe money, then wash the bowls and chopsticks."    


Li Dongyang:... "    


He looked at the tattered apron in front of him and was in a dilemma. Should he take it or not?    


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