Peerless War God Returns

C207 Devil Soulcatcher Statue

C207 Devil Soulcatcher Statue

Chu Xihee quickly reacted. Using an extremely tricky angle, he dodged the blade that had been waiting in the Spirit Spring Hall for a long time, and then used a fist with spiritual energy flames to punch towards the Spirit Spring Hall's underworld.    


In a flash, he was flung out and smashed into the pillar behind him. In the blink of an eye, he fell to the ground, with a huge hole in his back, a large lump of purplish black Spirit Absorbing Evil Qi flew out from his body.    


Just like that, he had lost the source of his life force and instantly collapsed onto the ground without a trace of blood, but the water in his body was rapidly draining. In the blink of an eye, his fearsome face had turned into a black mummy.    


From head to toe, there was only one piece of evidence that could prove the existence of Reverend Spirit Spring Water. The only thing that could be seen was the cassock, which had a large black hole etched into it.    


"NO!" That is the carrier of energy and energy that I have stored for a long time! How dare you! How dare you destroy him! I will definitely let you die a horrible death today! "    


Master Ling Quan howled out in pain. Master Ling Quan was very emotional and heartbroken about the death of the abbot of the Spirit Spring Temple.    


Master Ling Quan slowly stood up, his eyes started to emit a purplish blue glow on the Buddha statue. He opened his hands and put them together, as if he was gathering something.    


When Master Ling Quan opened his hands, the few remaining weird monks and puppets exploded in a flash, spraying a disgusting, foul-smelling liquid that was accompanied by plumes of soul-devouring Evil Qi.    


"Forbidden Technique, Soul Sucking Demon Statue!" As of now! You have to remember that you forced me to do all of this! "Howl!"    


Master Ling Quan roared as he jumped onto the Buddha statue that was over thirty meters tall. The skin on Master Ling Quan's body cracked open inch by inch, blood flowed from his eyes, and his pupils gradually became lifeless. His body was shattered into pieces, and his four limbs became a thick evil aura that slowly poured into the Buddha statue behind him.    


As Master Ling Quan released his Soul Eating Evil Qi, the Buddha statue's eyes began to emit a purplish-blue evil light, as if it had a life of its own. The Buddha statue began to absorb Master Ling Quan, including other weird monks and puppets, as well as the soul stealing evil aura around the temple.    


The Evil Soul Absorbing Qi gradually filled the entire temple, it circled around Chu Xihee and the Fiendgod Soul Absorbing Qi, and what surrounded Chu Xihee was an incalculable amount of Evil Soul Absorbing Qi. In an instant, the Spirit Spring Hall's main temple was completely surrounded by the evil energy, without even the slightest bit of sunlight seeping in.    


"Yes." In the vast darkness, Chu Xihee's hands were the only source of light, as if he was fighting against the darkness.    


In the boundless darkness, the light in Chu Xihee's hands looked so small, yet it was so dazzling and firm. He was not affected by the surrounding darkness because he was emitting a bright light.    




"At the beginning, I was still thinking about what you relied on to store so much Soul Absorbing Evil Qi. So you were using the forbidden evil technique to fuse the Soul Absorbing Evil Qi with your own body, extracting it into a container that can contain the Soul Absorbing Evil Qi."    


"I have to say, you have a lot of determination, so you must have suffered from some unbearable pain."    


Also, this move of yours that completely fills the Buddhist temple with the Evil Soul Absorbing Qi — 'Forbidden Technique: Soul Sucking Demon Statue', it can only be used once right? Your physical body can't return to its original state, and this should be your final trump card, hmm hmph, this is a little interesting.    


Even in the face of the 30-meter-tall Soul Sucking Demon Statue, Chu Xihee's expression did not change as he spoke to the golem. Unfortunately, Master Ling Quan could no longer respond.    


As the Soul Devouring Demonic Statue raised its palm, instantly, a large amount of Evil Soul Absorbing Qi surged into its palm, the palm was very quickly filled with Evil Soul Absorbing Qi.    


The Soul Sucking Demon Statue slammed its palm down, the force of the palm was so strong that it broke two of the surrounding pillars. Chu Xihee did not dare to be careless, and also jumped up using the momentum to raise his hands to resist. The palm of the Soul Sucking Demon Statue was also broken, and the Evil Soul Absorbing Qi was also burnt away by the flames in Chu Xihee's hands, turning into foul and reeking black water that dripped onto the ground.    


After Chu Xihee landed on the ground, he couldn't help but be shocked in his heart. This "Forbidden Technique: Soul Search Devil Statue" had increased the strength of the cultivator ranked 102nd on the Earth Board by more than ten times!    


He knew that Master Ling Quan's strength was definitely unable to quickly absorb a person's energy and energy, so Chu Xihee felt that the reason why this palm was so powerful was also because of Master Ling Quan's recent accumulation of energy and his own ability.    


Therefore, this palm attack that completely exceeded Master Ling Quan's strength consumed Master Ling Quan's nearly ten years of cultivation, but was still blocked by Chu Xihee.    


However, Master Ling Quan had already lost his consciousness. Master Ling Quan only had one goal left when he used this trump card — — Forbidden Technique — Soul Sucking Demon Statue — and that was to kill Chu Xihee. He had lost his sense of pain and awareness.    


Chu Xihee did not want to relax and wanted to quickly deal with this demonic statue, so he quickly met up with Chu Dieh'er. Chu Xihee did not want to relax and quickly deal with this demonic statue, so he quickly met up with Chu Dieh'er, afraid that he would be staying here for a long time.    


Even though he still didn't know that Chu Dieh'er had gone through a deathmatch, she had used too much strength and fainted on the ground in front of the village gate.    


Therefore, Chu Xihee decided to take the initiative this time and didn't want to be delayed by this Soul Sucking Demon Statue anymore. Chu Xihee stomped hard and jumped out, leaving two deep footprints on the ground.    


Chu Xihee's fist was directed at the head of the Soul Sucking Demon Statue, but it was blocked by the other hand of the golem. Chu Xihee's fist was aimed at the head of the Soul Sucking Demon Statue, but it was blocked by the other hand of the golem.    


He saw that after Chu Xihee broke the two hands of the statue, the Soul Search around the statue became less and less and less. The light also slowly seeped in, shining on Chu Xihee who was standing on the ground of the Spirit Spring Hall. He looked very solemn.    


After that, without the protection of the two palms, the Soul Sucking Demon Statue's body appeared extremely weak. Chu Xihee took the opportunity to charge forward, broke through the outer film of the Soul Sucking Demon Statue, and entered the inner film of the statue.    


After entering, Chu Xihee found that the Soul-Sucking Demon Statue wasn't completely filled up, and there were still a lot of air inside.    


"Looks like this Master Ling Quan's cultivation is still not enough. If this Soul Sucking Devil Statue can be perfectly completed and fill up his entire body, he should be able to match up to a vanguard army."    


Chu Xihee said regretfully.    


Then, he casually threw in a few wisps of spirit fire and burned up all the Evil Soul-Sucking Qi within the Fiendgod Golem, and then cleaned up all the Evil Soul-Sucking Qi on the outside.    


At this point, Master Ling Quan's evil scheme had been completely destroyed. He himself had become the victim of this failed plan and had become the puddle of stinky water on the ground.    


Chu Xihee turned away from the Spirit Spring Temple, wanting to hurry back to the village to meet Chu Dieh'er. Little Dieh'er must be worried, Chu Xihee thought.    


The Spirit Spring Hall behind him instantly became deathly silent, without a single trace of life …    


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