Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



"It's here!"    


Yuezheng Hanrui said in a low voice.    


The reason he had lowered his voice was naturally so that he would not disturb the people within the pavilion.    


When the two of them landed, they could feel that there were eight people inside the pavilion.    


However, the pavilion was very quiet, not even a sound could be heard. It was extremely quiet.    


Chu Mo shushed her with a finger and used her eyes to indicate for Yuezheng Hanrui to go into Stealth. The two slowly approached the Fire and Fire Pavilion and opened the door a crack.    


Through the thin slit, the two discovered that there was another world within the pavilion. What entered their eyes was actually a path that slanted upwards.    


After entering the passageway, the two of them slowly walked forward, carefully controlling themselves without making any sound. They slowly arrived at the end and an incomparably wide hall appeared in front of them.    


The hall was extremely wide, with rows and rows of weapons racks on all four sides. There were also a few mannequins used for cultivation, making them look like Martial Arts Practice Field, giving people a majestic feeling.    


In the middle of the hall, there was a circular shaped High Platform, on which numerous human figures were standing in different directions.    


"It really is them!"    


Chu Mo squinted his eyes and looked out, he saw clearly that the people here were Rong Aolin and his sister, Qianqian, Ling Er, Tong Junming and Xu Zhilei.    


No more, no less, a total of eight people.    


According to both sides, the eight of them stood opposite each other.    


On one side, there were Rong Aolin and his sister, while on the other side, there were Qianqian and his group of six.    


However, at this moment, there were no movements from either side. Everyone was standing still, looking at each other without saying a word.    


"What are they doing?"    


Yuezheng Hanrui was a little confused, and asked casually.    


Chu Mo shook his head, and said: "I don't know, but it seems like they are confronting each other, probably waiting for something to appear!"    


The reason they guessed this was because the eight of them were looking at the center of High Platform. Incomparable profound runes were carved there, and some of them had unusual colors flowing within them, like a stream, continuously circulating.    


Yuezheng Hanrui asked: "What do we do now?"    


Chu Mo thought for a while, then said: "Let's wait, we'll talk after we look at the situation. How about it?"    


Yuezheng Hanrui nodded, and said: "That's exactly what I mean!"    


The two of them held their breaths and hid themselves carefully. Sticking close to the wall of the passage, they squinted their eyes and looked at the people on the High Platform.    




Suddenly, a noise came from the High Platform, breaking the silence.    


Immediately, everyone was shocked to see the rune in the middle of the High Platform suddenly erupting with a pillar of light that shot up into the sky. Like a shockwave, it flew up and rushed towards the high dome.    


Even though the light pillar was directly above them, it was still able to emit powerful energy waves, causing the eight people on top of the High Platform to uncontrollably move a few steps back, staying alert.    


Gradually, a wave of pyretic sensation rippled outwards in the arena, making people feel as if they were standing at the edge of sea of fire. Their bodies were extremely hot, and even the air had a faint burning smell.    




Suddenly, a thunderous sound exploded.    


Suddenly, the pillar of light shattered, as if it had been struck from the inside. It exploded, turning into fragments of light that shot out in all directions like blades.    


The fragments were as dense as raindrops and as sharp as blades of light. They carried a wave of whistling sounds as they pierced through the air, shooting towards the crowd.    


The eight of them reacted extremely quickly, attacking without hesitation. As the Spiritual Energy surged, it attacked the incoming pillar of light.    


"Boom!" "Boom!"    


In that moment, the Spiritual Energy surged, the Spirit Qi dancing wildly, in between the blade and sword beams, it released a burst of brilliant light ripples, and then exploded out one after another.    


At this moment, the eight of them did not dare to hold back as they used all their strength to block the attacks of the light blades.    


Fortunately, there was only a single wave of fragmented light blades, and they disappeared quickly as well. The eight people on top of the High Platform finally blocked the sudden and intense attack, but they were in a rather sorry state.    


However, they did not care about this. Their minds were instantly attracted by the strange phenomenon at the center of the symbol. They were all stunned.    


One could see an extremely gorgeous flame slowly rising from the symbol. It hovered at a height of half a meter and silently burned.    


This flame was different from any normal flame. It revealed an indescribable pyretic sensation, and was even stronger than the legendary Samadhi True Fire and Core Raging Flames.    


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