Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



Chu Mo slightly smiled, and said with sound transmission: "I still can't appear yet. However, since you call me big bro, then I'll help you win against that perfidy bad guy, what do you think? "    




Ling Er nodded his head heavily, and said with sound transmission.    


As he sent a sound transmission, although Ling Er did not make a sound, he had all kinds of limbs and expressions, causing everyone around to be stupefied.    


"What is Ling Er doing? "Why do you keep winking at me?"    


"It can't be that he is unable to withstand the impact of the Sword Qi, and his expression is convulsing!"    


"Have you ever seen a cramp pull out such a natural expression?"    


"Then what is going on? Laughing and crying, what's the meaning of this! "    


"I don't understand, I really don't understand!"    


Unlike the others, Qianqian understood Ling Er very well. He knew that his junior sister was naive and innocent, and was usually even more dazed and moe.    


When you're talking to someone!    


Just that right now, Ling Er did not even have the energy to talk to others!    


Regarding Ling Er's expression, outsiders would think that it was nothing, but, the person involved, was extremely furious.    


From his point of view, Ling Er actually still had the energy to wink at him, which was simply naked disregard, and to Xu Zhilei, it could already be said to be a humiliation.    


Thinking about that, Xu Zhilei shouted loudly, "Little girl, laugh now, you won't be able to laugh later."    


As he said that, Xu Zhilei increased the flow of his Spiritual Energy and streams of lightning energy shot out from the tip of his sword.    


Seeing that, Ling Er also unconsciously increased the output of the Spiritual Energy, a streak of flame rushed out, dancing on the sword blade, and continuously clashed with the lightning, releasing a crackling sound, at the same time shooting out rays of sharp undulations, like sharp blades, constantly twisting around, causing Ling Er's face to be in deep pain.    


"Ling Er, are you ready?"    


At this time, Chu Mo sent a sound transmission over and asked.    


Ling Er nodded and said: "I'm ready, brother. We can begin."    


"Alright, if you're ready, then withdraw your sword and retreat!"    


Chu Mo sent a light sound transmission, her tone was extremely certain, without a doubt.    


But then, Ling Er still doubted him and asked: "Now?"    


In Ling Er's opinion, now was not the time to pull back his sword.    


At this moment, both sides were facing a torrent of Spiritual Energy s. Once Ling Er retreated, all of the Spiritual Energy would instantly become unbalanced and cause a violent explosion, and they would all rush towards the retreating Ling Er.    


In other words, at a time like this, whoever withdrew would have to endure all of the impact of the Spiritual Energy.    


Under the impact of the Spiritual Energy, Ling Er did not dare guarantee that she would be able to leave the place unscathed. In fact, she did not even dare guarantee that she would be able to leave this place unscathed.    


However, Chu Mo was extremely unyielding, and replied him with a sound transmission: "Right, now!"    




Facing such a resolute Transmitter, Ling Er had no choice but to bite the bullet and pull back his sword, retreating quickly.    


"No, Ling Er!"    


Seeing this scene, Qianqian, who was near the Crape Myrtle Emperor Flame, was suddenly shocked.    


She understood Ling Er extremely well, and knew where the limits of his speed was. However, with Ling Er's speed, it was impossible for him to escape the range of the Spiritual Energy's attack.    


In other words, from Qianqian's perspective, Ling Er's actions were no different from courting death!    


Not only Qianqian, even the surrounding spectators had the same thought, including Xu Zhilei.    


Seeing Ling Er withdraw his sword and leave, Xu Zhilei laughed coldly, and said: "Little girl, you are still too naive and foolish, to actually make such a choice, what a pity!"    


As Xu Zhilei's voice fell, the Long sword in his hands suddenly slashed out and the power of lightning violently exploded. At the same time, it induced Ling Er's uncontrollable Fire Spiritual Energy to produce a violent explosion, and with a power that could overturn mountains and overturn seas, it rushed towards Ling Er, instantly arriving in front of Young Girl, ready to devour him.    


"Ling Er, no ?"    


Seeing Ling'er about to be devoured by the spirit storm, Qianqian couldn't help but scream out in regret.    


However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred in the arena.    


Everyone was shocked to see that Ling Er, who was about to be engulfed by the Spiritual Energy storm, had suddenly accelerated. Both of his feet moved repeatedly on the ground, and his body actually started to float along an extremely mysterious trajectory, as though it was a mirage.    


But what shocked everyone the most was that in the place Ling Er walked towards, illusionary afterimages were faintly discernable, which instantly filled the entire space, making it difficult to differentiate the real from the fake.    


Once the footwork appeared, it shocked everyone!    


Instantly, exclamations of surprise arose from everywhere as they discussed animatedly.    


"What kind of footwork is this? It's really mysterious! "    


"Indeed, to think that the speed of such a footwork would be so fast. This is truly heaven-defying!"    


"Faster is only a part of it, haven't you seen? This footwork is not only about speed, it is also extremely dazzling, truly stunning!"    


"I never thought that Ling Er would actually have such a profound footwork!?"    


"Could it be that there is a secret skill that has never appeared in the Rong's stream?"    


"This footwork is ?"    


Even though others didn't recognize the footwork that Ling Er had used, Yuezheng Hanrui quickly reacted over, looked at Chu Mo in the blink of an eye, and exclaimed in a low voice: "Isn't this precisely ? The Meteor Step! "    


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