Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



This was not the first time Chu Mo had entered a different space, nor was it his first time going through a random teleportation. Thus, he quickly accepted the reality and only felt a little worried for Tang Ruoxi.    


The reason was only because Tang Ruoxi's strength was slightly weaker!    


Although Tang Ruoxi had already cultivated to the Peak of Air Control, her battle experience was the least among them. Furthermore, her realm was still unstable, so it wasn't hard to worry about her.    


However, right now, even if Chu Mo was worried, it would be useless, because he wouldn't be able to find the other party.    


"Forget it, let's explore this world first. Ruoxi has always been more quick-witted, so there shouldn't be too many problems!"    


Chu Mo could only shake off his worry for Tang Ruoxi and begin to think of his next course of action. After pondering for a bit, he casually picked a direction and slowly walked forward.    


In an unfamiliar environment, the first thing one had to do was to understand the environment, and the most direct method was to move ? only by moving could one see more environments and find what they were looking for.    




Not long after Chu Mo began to move, the sounds of thunder suddenly came from the front of the forest.    


These thunderous roars did not come from nine heavens in the sky, but rather from the forest floor. It was as if thousands of horses and soldiers were galloping towards them, causing the entire forest to tremble. It was a terrifying sight to behold.    


"What's going on!?"    


Chu Mo frowned, he could not help but stop.    


To be able to create such a vast and mighty army, the only thing Chu Mo could think of was a beast tide.    


Only a horde of ten thousand beasts had the ability to cause such a terrifying aura to fluctuate.    


"It can't be! I just entered and I've encountered a beast tide! No one is lucky!"    


Although his mouth was complaining, Chu Mo's movements were not slow at all. With a tap of his feet on the ground, he leaped up onto the top of a tall tree.    


When Chu Mo stood on top of the tree, he was immediately stunned by what he saw.    


That was because he saw a giant!    


That's right, a giant!    


That giant was very tall, even taller than a tall tree. He rushed into the forest at a speed of ten meters per step, madly rushing in Chu Mo's direction.    


Seeing this giant, Chu Mo also understood one thing!    


The earthquake in the forest did not come from the beast tide, but from that giant.    


With every step the giant took, the trees in the forest would be broken into pieces, creating a cloud of dust.    


If one were to look at the giant only from its facial features and body, it would appear no different from an ordinary human. It had a nose, eyes, mouth, arms and legs, but it was much bigger than an ordinary human.    


However, the giant's body was not made of flesh and blood, but rather, it was made of some strange mountain rocks. His skin was like pieces of ash-gray rocks, and from afar, it looked like a mountain ridge.    


"What kind of monster is that!?"    


Seeing the giant who was sprinting towards him, Chu Mo was inexplicably terrified. He carefully hid himself at the top of the tree, not daring to let out even the slightest bit of his aura.    


"Roar!" "Roar!"    


As the giant ran, it let out wild howls. It was like the roar of a ferocious beast as it traveled into the distance.    


Although the giant's movement speed wasn't too fast, its footsteps were extremely large. With a single step, it moved ten meters, so it quickly arrived near Chu Mo.    


Chu Mo held his breath, restraining all the energy fluctuations in his body, not wanting to disturb the giant.    


It was a pity that the heavens did not fulfil his wish, and the giant stopped right in front of Chu Mo's tree.    


The giant's head was as tall as a giant tree, so, its line of sight just happened to be on the same level as the treetops, staring at Chu Mo with its big eyes, filled with killing intent.    


Chu Mo knew that he could no longer hide anymore, so he released all of his Qi and released a strong pressure that whistled towards the giant.    


The giant seemed to have felt the pressure, his eyes turned serious, the killing intent in them slowly disappeared, but he did not retreat, but continued to stare at Chu Mo.    


Thus, the two of them stood in silence, facing each other. No one dared to act rashly.    


Chu Mo did not know why Giant did not take the initiative to attack, but he could clearly sense how strong Giant was. Even if he used all of his trump cards, there was not much confidence that he could win against him.    


However, Chu Mo was confident that his speed would not be any slower than the giant. This was also the reason why Chu Mo dared to confront the giant.    


"Outsider, you are very strong!"    


At this moment, the giant suddenly spoke. His voice was muffled and his words were slurred. It seemed that he was not good at human speech, making him seem very unfamiliar with it.    




Hearing this word, Chu Mo was slightly startled, and couldn't help but recall that Shangguan Lingtian had previously said that there were some strange dimensional beings in the Middle Continent, perhaps he was referring to this giant!    


Chu Mo waved his hands and greeted Giant. Using a gentle tone to say slowly: "Tall guy, I mean no harm, I just accidentally entered this place."    


The giant obviously understood what was going on, his expression slightly relaxed, and asked: "Outsider, what's your name?"    


Chu Mo replied: My name is Chu Mo, what about you?    


"My name is Da Te!" The giant replied, and then said, "You can leave. You can't go any further, or else you will definitely be killed!"    




At this moment, a heaven-shaking roar suddenly came from the west. It carried a mournful feeling.    


"Roar, I will kill all of you Outsider!"    


Suddenly, Giant Dart acted as if he had gone mad, he rushed towards Chu Mo without any warning and threw a punch, his aura was astonishing, and his punch was terrifying.    


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