Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life

C594 Farm Life

C594 Farm Life

On the other hand, Qiu Shiming and Shi Jiangyuan were chewing on it with great relish.    


They were also reminded not to eat too much and to be careful not to go on fire.    


The more they chewed, the more reluctant they were to stop. It was only when Kang Ying called for them to stop that the two didn't dare to eat anymore.    


Tian Xi asked curiously, "Why does the duck soup look so dark?"    


"This is a special white duck soup unique to Lu County. It uses high quality white duck and other medicinal ingredients such as cooked land. Although it looks dark, it's actually not bitter at all. Its taste is also sweet, nourishing the Yin and lowering the fire. Try it." Kang Ying explained.    


It was autumn and winter, so it was easy to dry. Tian Xi was furious, so she quickly poured a bowl for her son to drink and said:    


"These two days, Brat has been a bit angry and his mouth stinks. This soup is perfect for drinking."    


Upon hearing Kang Ying's words, everyone's expression changed from just watching the scene to one filled with eagerness.    


Kang Ying then picked up a duck leg with a pair of chopsticks and placed it into Xu Liangliang's bowl. "Duck meat is a bit thicker, so it's more suitable for adults and better for children."    


Tian Xi thanked Kang Ying, then patiently crushed the duck leg with chopsticks and fed it to Xu Liang.    


Unexpectedly, he ate with gusto and relish. In a short while, he had finished all the duck legs.    


Tian Xi was sincerely happy and said: "Brat usually doesn't eat as heartily as you do. It must be because of Aunt Kang Ying's craftsmanship, right?"    


Xu Liang nodded his head vigorously and said, "Yes, beautiful auntie has done very well."    


Being flattered by a little kid, Kang Ying Mei laughed until her eyes curved into crescents.    


Shi Jiangyuan watched from the side and suddenly thought that if he had a child, Kang Ying would be very spoiled. He felt sour inside and thought that the child would definitely divert Kang Ying's attention to him.    


Shi Jiangyuan thought that if they were married, they would definitely not have children so soon. He and Kang Ying would live a good life together.    


Thinking about this, Shi Jiangyuan suddenly realized why his father viewed him as a third party.    


His mother was so kind to him. No wonder his father disliked him so much.    


At this time, Shi Jiangyuan also began to understand his father. In the future, he would no longer complain about his father's "hostility" towards him. He finally understood what it felt like to be interrupted by his son.    


Qiu Shiming simply could not stop his chopsticks. He had also eaten most of the big bowls of vegetables, added a big bowl of duck soup and a small bowl of stir-fried little hens.    


These dishes were all to his taste. It was mainly because the meat was so delicious and the taste was so rich that it could not be compared to a fast food dish.    


Putting down their chopsticks, the Qiu family members rubbed their stomachs, thinking that they had eaten too much.    


Kang Ying was very happy. The best praise to a chef was to have a dry cup and a clean bowl.    


Kang Ying then stood up to clean up. Tian Xi let Qiu Shiming look at her son while she helped out.    


Kang Ying knew what she was thinking. She was embarrassed to just eat, so she didn't refuse and let Shi Jiangyuan take everyone to the living room for tea.    


Shi Jiangyuan said he would take a walk in the village.    


Qiu Shiming said, "Then we'll wait for them to finish washing the dishes and go for a walk in the village."    


Shi Jiangyuan thought about taking Qiu Shiming to see that piece of land, so he told him about it. Qiu Shiming happily agreed and said:    


"Not only will we have to look at it this evening, I will also have to go tomorrow morning at noon to observe the changes in the light. I will also have to look at it at all times in order to be able to design a house to your satisfaction."    


When Kang Ying heard this, she immediately felt that Qiu Shiming was quite responsible. With such meticulous care, he must have designed a good house.    


After cleaning up the tableware, the few of them slowly walked towards the village. Qiu Shiming's family's unfamiliar face attracted the villagers' attention. Everyone came over to greet Kang Ying. They even asked, "A guest has arrived?"    


The villagers were straightforward. There weren't so many privacy taboos in the city that they would ask whenever they saw someone they were interested in.    


Kang Ying told them directly who these people were.    


Qiu Shiming's family had a feeling of becoming celebrities as they were flocked around the village.    


This was especially true for the children of the village, who had just finished dinner and had to come out to play. Seeing Qiu Liang being so cute and adorable, even the children ran over to play with him.    


Having received so much attention from so many people, little Meng Wa was overjoyed. She began to play crazily with everyone. The people running around the village were always under Tian Xi's control and did not go outside of their line of sight.    


Slowly, the group arrived at the Village Head's old house. Kang Ying used her key to open the door to the Village Head's house. At this time, it should be said to be her home.    


Qiu Shiming looked around and said: "This terrain is to the north and south. The location is not bad, there is water in front, and there is a mountain at the back. It is especially suitable for the garden style of the courtyard.    


However, Jiangyuan said that you still have some modern requirements for the courtyard. Not only should we pay attention to privacy, but we should also have sufficient sunshine and a certain degree of security. This would require patient planning.    


The front must be for visitors, the back is home bathing, all aspects of the requirements to achieve the most advanced international standards, and also to set aside some pipeline. I'll talk to you about it later. "    


Qiu Shiming started to get straight to the point when he started talking about work.    


The customer was like this. He would always have some specific requirements, and he was already used to it.    


When Kang Ying heard Qiu Shiming fully comprehend her thoughts, she felt a lot more at ease. She felt that Qiu Shiming was indeed worthy of his reputation as a designer.    


Qiu Shiming took out a tape measure and asked Shi Jiangyuan for help. Then, he started to measure …    


Adults played while working, while children played purely for fun.    


In the spring, frogs began to appear in the fields, but they were all small, only the size of a thumb. The children in the village often went to catch frogs, not for fun, but to feed the ducks, which was very cruel to say that it was for the sake of feeding them.    


Little Meng was very happy when she saw the frog. From time to time, she would chase after the frog, making her sweat all over.    


Seeing that it was rare for her to return to the field, Tian Xi didn't try to restrain her son. In any case, she was going to take a bath when she returned home.    


Seeing that his mother didn't hold him back, the child was extremely happy. He ran until his entire body was covered in sweat.    


Tian Xi said to Kang Ying, "It's rare for Mingliang to have so many children playing with him. There aren't so many children playing with him in the city, so he's too happy.    


It was the same with us in New York. After work, we were all family, and he only had classmates at school.    


After all, the language and skin color were different, there was white, there was black, and there was yellow. Although a child didn't have the concept of skin color, their family environment was different after all. No matter what, they still had their differences in culture and couldn't play very well.    


"This makes me worry. Without good friends, a relationship like that between Jiangyuan and Si Ming is impossible."    


Tian Xi sighed gloomily.    


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