Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life



Shi Jiangyuan caressed the hair of his wife in his arms. He was very pleased. Kang Ying was kind, beautiful, intelligent, and generous. How fortunate was he to be able to marry a wife who cultivated both the internal and external forces.    


Kang Ying's suggestion, Jiang naturally nodded his head in agreement.    


As the couple was talking, there was a sudden "crack" and the room was suddenly shrouded in darkness.    


"There's no more electricity!" Kang Ying said.    


Without the sound of the television, the wind outside the house became even more mournful.    


Kang Ying couldn't help shrinking into Shi Jiangyuan's arms. Shi Jiangyuan said, "It shouldn't be a skipping, it might be a broken wire from the outside."    


"Then wouldn't there be no electricity tonight?" Kang Ying muttered.    


"That's right. With such a strong wind, there's no way that an electrician would come to repair it right away. It's too dangerous. We'll have to wait until after the typhoon passes." Shi Jiangyuan said, "The TV just said that the typhoon will log in at around 3 or 4 o'clock tonight. After it lands, the wind force will be reduced. The wind won't be as strong tomorrow, so they will come to cultivate. "    


Kang Ying felt a little better after hearing that. However, when she thought about the lack of electricity for an entire night, she felt bored.    


Shi Jiangyuan fumbled around until he found a radio and turned it on, then there were some sounds of the news being broadcast in the room.    


At this time, Liu Jun walked into the living room. With a flashlight in his hand, he said to Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan,    


"I checked outside just now. A telephone pole on the nearby village road was blown over by the wind. Our wires were also attached to that pole. We can only wait for the electrician to come tomorrow to repair them."    


Shi Jiangyuan already expected this, so he nodded and didn't say anything more.    


Kang Ying asked, "You didn't push anyone down, did you?"    


Liu Jun said: "No, the wind is so strong at night, we all hide at home and don't dare to go out. However, the entire village is out of electricity now. "    


"Oh, it's good as long as it didn't crush anyone." Kang Ying said.    


Liu Jun used the flashlight to feel a spot in the living room. He opened a drawer and found a row of candles. Then, he lit three candles with his lighter.    


With the candles in the room, it suddenly became brighter, and the fear brought about by the darkness lessened.    


Kang Ying said, "Do you have any more candles? If there are, you can give each of them two rooms. Be careful of the candle flame. Remember to blow it out before you go to sleep. "    


"Alright." Liu Jun took the remaining candles and went to distribute them to everyone.    


Under the flickering candlelight, the couple got along with each other, giving off a romantic vibe.    


The radio was tuned to the county radio station by Shi Jiangyuan. Sure enough, the announcer said in his report that the typhoon was about to hit the ground, so please hide indoors as much as possible.    


It was also reported that power lines had been blown off in many parts of the city, causing a massive power outage. Please do not panic, as soon as the typhoon landed and the wind weakened, the power plant would send people to repair it.    


Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan listened for a while and felt that they had nothing to do. Since they were tired, the two of them went to bed early.    


As soon as the typhoon arrived, bringing with it the rain, the temperature suddenly dropped. Shi Jiangyuan pulled a thin cashmere blanket from the cabinet and covered the two of them, then unknowingly fell asleep.    


Despite the raging typhoon outside, Kang Ying felt more at ease with a warm and gentle embrace by her side.    


In the middle of the night, she was woken up by the sharp sound of the wind. She leaned against Shi Jiangyuan's chest in confusion. Shi Jiangyuan also unconsciously hugged her tightly. This made her feel very safe, so she quickly fell asleep.    


When Kang Ying woke up at daybreak, she found that the wind and rain had stopped and the clouds had dispersed. It was as if yesterday's typhoon was just a nightmare.    


Shi Jiangyuan had already woken up. Kang Ying also quickly put on her clothes and got out of bed. When she opened the door, she couldn't help but be startled. There were a lot of fallen leaves falling from the leaves in the empty courtyard outside the house.    


When Shi Jiangyuan saw Kang Ying get out of bed, he said to her, "Breakfast is ready, you can go eat first. We're almost busy, so you don't have to come over to help."    


Shi Jiangyuan could tell from Kang Ying's expression that she wanted to help, so he quickly stopped her.    


For Shi Jiangyuan, it was normal for him to love Kang Ying this much. However, for the people around Shi Jiangyuan, they just got eaten by their master's dog food for no reason.    


Seeing that they had really cleaned up enough, Kang Ying did not try to help anymore. After washing up and eating breakfast, Shi Jiangyuan and Liu Qun had already cleaned up the entire yard.    


Shi Jiangyuan saw that he had finished cleaning up, so he changed into wet pants, washed his hands, and came to have breakfast.    


Kang Ying said, "Since our house is so sturdy, and we're all in this state, wouldn't it be even worse in the village?"    


Shi Jiangyuan nodded and said: "More or less, and it will continue to rain later. I heard from the radio that this morning at 5: 00 a.m., a typhoon landed at the shore of the Crooked River. The wind will become weaker, but the rain will definitely not be less.    


Don't look at tomorrow now, it's only temporary. "The typhoon is actually not that scary. The most frightening thing is the heavy rain that comes after the typhoon has crossed over. The mountain torrents and mudslides are often washed away by the heavy rain."    


Kang Ying had experienced a lot in her life. This was the first time she had experienced a typhoon.    


Shi Jiangyuan also didn't notice anything wrong with Kang Ying. Logically speaking, if Kang Ying had grown up within the Lu County, she shouldn't have such a strange feeling towards typhoons.    


However, Shi Jiangyuan didn't seem to notice this detail. Kang Ying thought about it later and felt that her performance was completely clueless about typhoons, which seemed to reveal a lot of flaws.    


But thinking about it, Shi Jiangyuan had gotten used to trusting her. Perhaps he just treated her actions as a form of coquettish behavior.    


As long as he didn't doubt it.    


Sure enough, after breakfast, the rain began to fall again.    


Shi Jiangyuan called it a storm, saying that the rain came and went without stopping for a while, so he had to bring an umbrella with him when he went out. Otherwise, it would not rain when he went out, and he might get soaked by the rain while he was walking.    


Kang Ying listened to him, holding up her umbrella as she walked out of her house with Shi Jiangyuan.    


He didn't know when to look, but he was shocked when he saw the village. The ditches were filled with water, and some areas were even overflowing, submerging the entire road.    


If someone who wasn't familiar with the roads in the village and was able to see the vast expanse of water, they wouldn't even know where the original river was and where the road was.    


Seeing this, Shi Jiangyuan did not allow Kang Ying to head towards those places. He said that the current was too fast and if she were to step on empty air and fall into the river, there would be nowhere for her to go.    


The two of them walked out of the mansion. After walking for a short distance, they saw that a telephone pole had fallen to the ground. It seemed that this was the main culprit behind their power outages.    


There was already a power plant maintenance vehicle parked next to the telephone pole. Workers wearing safety helmets were busy setting up the poles and rewiring the lines.    


From the looks of it, they should be able to use the electricity today.    


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