Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life



Kang Ying didn't say anything and just buried her head in to do some work for her. Seeing the situation, Wu Qin didn't try to stop her.    


The three of them started working together, and after a while, they cleaned up all the broken bricks on the ground.    


Kang Ying said, "Aunt, this wall of yours has collapsed. I think the other three sides are also on the verge of collapse, making it very dangerous. Why don't you take them down and rebuild them all?"    


"I do want to, but in this kind of weather, there is definitely no one willing to take the risk and come to work. Also, there are also a lot of people suffering outside, it's not easy to hire someone to do the work." Wu Qin said.    


Kang Ying immediately said, "It doesn't matter. I have some friends who are building. I told them to come and help you as soon as possible!"    


With that, Kang Ying picked up her phone and called Tang Jiahui.    


Although it was like shooting cannons and mosquitoes for the Division Chief for Tang Jiahui, Kang Ying didn't want Tang Jiahui to personally come and do it.    


Kang Ying had her own real estate company, but she didn't have any business here, and she didn't have any skilled mason. Tang Jiahui, on the other hand, knew all the teams here, as long as he called some people over.    


As expected, Tang Jiahui received a call from Kang Ying, saying that Kang Ying's relative needed help, so he didn't dare to delay and immediately contacted a small engineering team from Lu County, asking them to come over and help Kang Ying.    


With Tang Jiahui's phone call, the small engineering team didn't dare to delay any longer. Tang Jiahui had so much work to do every year. As long as they got a little bit of Tang Jiahui's phone call, they would be able to live. Usually, Tang Jiahui would owe them a favor and they wouldn't even be able to get it, not to mention sending it to them on their own accord.    


In less than 40 minutes, Wu Qin saw a Liberty truck drive into the village from a distance.    


There were seven or eight strong young men in the truck. The truck was filled with bags of cement, bricks, and sand.    


The truck stopped. It was probably at the village entrance, so the driver got off. He was also a capable young man. He asked:    


"Is this Wu's home?"    


"Yes." Wu Qin was still in shock when she saw the young man say:    


"We're here to help build your family's wall."    


Wu Qin now understood that it was Kang Ying's call. Since they were already here, they couldn't rush back. Thus, she decided to let them build a wall.    


These were all professional masters, and building a wall was like playing with them, except for the bricks they brought with them, they used the original bricks of the Wu family, first knocking down the other crumbling walls, then reconstructing them. By the end of the evening, a solid brick wall would be fine.    


Wu Qin was very happy. She took the money and gave it to them, but they wouldn't take it. They didn't even drink water. She packed up her tools and drove off in her truck.    


Wu Qin stood in a daze in front of her brand-new courtyard wall, knowing that this was all due to Kang Ying's face.    


In the evening, the world started to get stormy. Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan had just finished dinner and heard from the nanny that her aunt was here.    


Kang Ying hurriedly went out to receive her. She saw Wu Qin carrying a basket of eggs. When she saw Kang Ying, she handed her the eggs and said:    


"The walls of the house have been built for me all afternoon. They are sturdy and beautiful. You can go and take a look when you have time.    


"This is the egg laid by the hen at home. I know that you love eating eggs made from soil. Recently, the weather has been so hot that chickens don't like to lay eggs. I'll bring them back later."    


Kang Ying knew this was Wu Qin's way of expressing her thanks, so she didn't show any more politeness. She took it and said:    


"Thank you, aunt. Have you eaten yet? "Hurry up and come in to eat together."    


"No need, I've already cooked at home, I still need to pack up. I'll go back first, I'll come back when I'm free."    


Kang Ying knew Wu Qin's personality, so she nodded and let her be.    


Watching Wu Qin disappearing into the village with her umbrella, Kang Ying felt something called kinship in her heart.    


As expected, kinship would also develop through mutual concern and support.    


Kang Ying took a basket of eggs and went into the kitchen to give Wu Jiayang a cake to eat. She told him that he would have soy milk for breakfast the next morning.    


Wu Jiayang humphed a few times and said that it was too simple. He really wasted my skills.    


Even though he said that, Wu Jiayang still happily took the egg and started preparing to beat the egg to ferment the flour.    


Kang Ying went into the living room and told Shi Jiangyuan that Wu Qin's house had been built and Shi Jiangyuan was relieved.    


At this moment, Village Head Guo rushed over with a body of water vapor. Shi Jiangyuan quickly took a towel and asked him to wipe the rain off his hair.    


Village Head Guo didn't hold an umbrella. It only started to rain when he walked halfway. He ran all the way over and wiped his hair. He felt a bit embarrassed because he wasn't clean and didn't dare to sit on the living room sofa.    


Shi Jiangyuan saw his nervousness and smiled, "It's fine. Take a seat. Why are you being so polite? It's not like the chair is bad."    


Village Head Guo chuckled, and sat back down, and said: "When I sold the house, I really didn't expect you to be so beautiful after redressing. Now, it seems that my house is next to the mountain and the water, and my eyes aren't good, otherwise I wouldn't have sold the house."    


Shi Jiangyuan also chuckled.    


Village Head Guo felt that what he said was not quite right, so he added: "But come to think of it, I don't have the ability. If I have that house, it will look the same in another hundred years.    


But now that I see more and more things happening in the village, it's not convenient for me to live in the city and help the villagers.    


"That kid from my family started his third year of high school after summer vacation this year. I'm going to wait for him to get into university, then return to the village to live."    


"What about your house? "You sold all of them. Could it be that you have been staying at your brother's house all this time?" Kang Ying asked.    


"So I'm going to rebuild the house!" Village Head Guo said embarrassedly.    


At that time, his family wasn't really short of money and money, but his son was admitted into a high school, and his wife thought his family was living in the countryside. Not only was life not convenient, the rural environment was also not that good.    


The chickens and ducks were scattered everywhere, and the village path was full of holes. It was dirty and smelly. According to the Village Head's wife, if her son went to university in the future and found a girlfriend, he wouldn't dare bring it home. Bringing him back to the countryside, he would soon be done for.    


Being talked about like that by his wife, Village Head Guo decided to sell this 70% new farmhouse to the county town to buy a flat.    


Don't mention it, Village Head Guo wanted to sell it, but there was actually someone who bought it. Kang Ying bought it.    


At that time, Village Head Guo was secretly happy. He felt that Kang Ying was really simple and honest, acting as his successor. If it weren't for Kang Ying, no one in the village would have been able to afford so much cash.    


Village Head Guo took the money to sell the house and went to rent a room in the county. At the same time, he looked around and was ready to buy a flat.    


However, the real estate hasn't developed into a small county town yet, so it's not easy to buy an apartment. The current apartment building is a unit's capital collection and construction, only people with an organization have the right to buy a house.    


In the city, Village Head Guo's wife felt that she had to live in a new house, so things dragged on like this. They could only continue renting a house, and even now, they still hadn't bought a house in the city.    


However, in the past two years, all the changes in the village were visible to the public. At one moment, they were building cement roads, at the next, they were greening up; soon, all the chickens and ducks in the village were being concentrated and reared …    


Returning to the village was no longer the dirty and smelly scene in the past. Village Head Guo's wife went back to the village half a year ago, but she still couldn't recognize him.    


Furthermore, Village Head Guo found that as long as he devoted his heart to village affairs, the benefits were great. Whether it was helping Kang Ying solve the contract fields or running away from the disaster in the village, he could always get a timely subsidy from the couple.    


Village Head Guo saw that there was no development prospects for him in the city, so there was a place for him in the village when he worked steadily. Therefore, he had the idea of moving back to the village.    




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